King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1027: The whole city is dispatched

"There is a soul in it."

The first to come to the hiding place of Zhao Feng is the patrol team outside the city.

The sheer number of soldiers is surrounded by Maolin.

The leader of these teams, at most, is the realm of the ordinary emperor, so it is impossible to detect Zhao Feng under the spirit of sweeping.


Zhao Feng directly from the Maolin, the whole body of the red gold flashing, the body shape suddenly increased, like a hot metal mine, the terrorist power, thunder and lightning, suppression of all directions.


Among the thousands of soldiers, most of them are not Dan Yuan, how can they resist the lightning pressure of Zhao Feng at this time.

The black-pressed alien soldiers instantly fell to the ground.

The rest of the aliens felt trapped in the mire, and the breathing movements were greatly suppressed.

However, Zhao Feng did not deliberately target these small shrimps. His goal is to be the leader of these patrol teams.

"No, the emperor is invincible, not right, the quasi-sacred Lord..."

The leading alien, the leading emperor, looked horrified.

It is possible to suppress one thousand Danyuan and the king of the sacred king by one person. This kind of strength can not be achieved by the general lord.

All the aliens immediately operated various means to resist the great will and power of Zhao Feng.

"Rewinding, the emperor directly retreats below"

"There is a quasi-saint power to approach the city of Meng"

Suddenly, all the members resisted Zhao Feng’s willpower and strength and directly retreated.

The aliens of the Dan Yuan who were directly killed by Zhao Feng, or the king who stunned the past, were also directly thrown there.

At such a critical moment, they can't even ensure their own lives, and there is time to manage others.

Meow meow

At this time, the little thief came out of the fascinating world and came to the alien bodies below that were directly killed by Zhao Feng, and all the storage space was picked up.


Zhao Feng looks cold.

Behind the patrol squad, there are five thousand elite soldiers and eight commanders, and two quasi-sacred geniuses are coming. He must hurry.


Shi Lei Lei Fei Fei, Zhao Feng shuttle between the heavens and the earth, no shadows to go without a trace, all the aliens in the field, even a trace of Zhao Feng can not capture.

An ordinary emperor, the body directly burst, the head and storage space was taken away by Zhao Feng.

call out

On the other side, a blade of wind and thunder, directly cut off the head of a king of the peak.

In addition, other small and weak aliens close to Zhao Feng were directly crushed and killed by Zhao Feng’s force, and Zhao Feng was not required to be shot.

The little thief cat has been wandering below, picking up the spoils that Zhao Feng missed.


When Zhao Feng killed the sixth leader, he screamed.

"The human thief is really daring, and dare to come here alone."

A two-star leader came first.

Among the alien teams behind him, all Dan Yuanjing and the ordinary king have already retired, leaving at least the king of the peak.


Zhao Feng snorted, a two-star leader, he did not look at it.


Zhao Feng’s figure disappeared again, and the next moment he went directly to the patrol team, in front of the top leader.

The alien emperor looked scared and suddenly released a small world and many defenses.

Zhao Feng directly smashes his small world and destroys everything. The body of this alien emperor is torn apart.

"No, the Lord's power"

The two-star leader who was just about to rush out stopped his footsteps.

It is so easy to kill the top emperor, even the small world is directly destroyed, even the quasi-sacred Lord can not do it.

At this time, seven other leaders and hundreds of peaks and above were coming in succession.

"Put him down"

A two-star leader immediately shouted.


Eight leading figures and hundreds of peaks and above are directly attacked.

Only the kings of the peaks can guarantee that they will not be killed by the human beings in front of them, and the rest of the aliens will convey the information to the top of the city, and believe that the sacred lord of the city will surely take the shot.


Eight commanding figures, moving positions, played a few strange handprints, and then a blue defense formation.

All the aliens, consciously hiding behind the big array, launched an attack on Zhao Feng.

"Come on"

Zhao Feng looks the same.


Behind Zhao Feng, a pair of red thunder wings opened, and the huge Yan Feng Lei Zhenyuan surging out.


Zhao Feng turned into a red light arc and directly rushed to the alien army.

If there is no such practice as practicing Jin Kun Sheng Lei Body, Zhao Feng naturally cannot take such an adventure.

And now, Zhao Feng’s holy body reaches the sixth floor, and the material attack below the Lord is almost directly immunized.


Numerous water and fire wind power, all kinds of attack and combat secrets, like a tsunami, pounce on Zhao Feng.

But this colorful attack did not fall on Zhao Feng, but it was shattered by the horrible Sheng Lei Li. A few powerful attacks fell on Zhao Feng, and even a trace of scars could not be left.

"It's not good, this person has cultivated a deep practice of refining, and our attack can't hurt him at all."

A two-star leader hiding behind the blue defense array suddenly exclaimed.


Zhao Feng directly rushed to this blue defense defensive array, the horrible fire of the thunder, the smashing of the holy Lei Li, a punch.


The defensive arrays of the eight top emperors were directly ruptured, and all the physical strengths suddenly rushed to the alien army.

All the strong players behind the big array, vomiting blood to the ground, all over the face of people, full of horror.

"Human, your opponent is me"

In the sky, a black feather appears, and the comers are the genius of the eagle.

call out

The eagle-aged woman shot directly, with a black feather, and shocked down.

I saw a pair of huge black claw shadows, exuding the sharpness of all the holes, like a peerless sword.


Zhao Feng did not retreat, and a fist directly greeted, Sheng Lei body slammed out.


The black feather was suddenly repelled a few miles, and Zhao Feng did not move in place, as steady as Mount Tai.

"This human being, a strong fighting power"

The eagle-aged woman was so frightened that her legs were still numb.

The hawks are good at one blow, and the attack is extremely explosive, but with her explosive power, it does not cause any harm to this human.

In the same stage, she has never suffered such a loss.

"Let's go together"

At this time, another enchanting voice came, a snake-woman who appeared in the sky.

The snake-human woman looked at Zhao Feng, and her look was dignified. From the confrontation between the Eagle Man and Zhao Feng, she could see the horror of Zhao Feng.

"Oh, isn't the aliens more bully?"


Zhao Feng’s wings fluttered and pushed his speed to another level.

Zhao Feng rushed straight ahead to prepare for the escape of the leading figures, leaving the two sacred geniuses of the quasi-saints aside.

A one-star leader was directly obliterated by Zhao Feng.

"Human thief, your opponent is us"

The two sacred geniuses immediately angered.

They did not expect that Zhao Feng would kill those leaders directly regardless of them.

As the top genius of the Yuyue Dynasty, they could not tolerate Zhao Feng’s behavior.


The two immediately shot and chased Zhao Feng.

"Oh, what is the purpose of this human being?"

The eagle-woman's look is hateful, but there is nothing to help.

Although the two of them are good at speed, they can't catch up with Zhao Feng's pace. They can only watch Zhao Feng kill the rest of the aliens.

"In humans, there is such a arrogance."

The snake-woman is deeply weak.

Before coming to the battlefield, she was full of confidence, ready to show her skills and hone her strength.

Unexpectedly, the first enemy she met made her so wrong.


In the city of Meng, an amazing willpower broke out.

Heaven and earth are dark, a black light and shadow, crazy hit.

Below, nearly 30 leading figures and tens of thousands of troops were dispatched.

For a time, the weather changed and the world shook.

The horrible fierceness of the horror, earth-shattering, and rapid pressure from a distance.

"The dark Lord is coming, and all the leaders"

The snake-woman woman was stunned for a while.

A human being, came to the vicinity of the alien city pool, smothered it at random, and provoked the whole city to force the troops, tens of thousands of strong, the great emperor, the quasi-sacred Lord, and the Shoucheng Holy Lord personally

Is this human being crazy?

"Hey, stop here today."

Zhao Feng pinched the neck of an alien emperor and took away his head and storage space.

This time, it’s almost playing.

One person came to the vicinity of the alien city pool, killing two quasi-sacred masters of the arrogance, several interracial commanders, and countless miscellaneous soldiers, Zhao Feng are too lazy to count.

Nowadays, all the forces in Mengcheng are dispatched, and Zhao Feng naturally cannot stay there.

Meow meow

The little thief suddenly got into the middle of the world.


Zhao Feng's left arm waved, and his figure disappeared directly in a flash of dark silver.

next moment

The sacred lord and the scorpion scorpion came.

"This is... the treasure of space shuttle"

The dark Lord's eyes are deep.

"No wonder this person is so bold, come alone, it has such a different treasure."

Said the five people of the Yi people.

"Reporting General, we have six commanders, thirteen emperors, thirty-four kings of the peaks... death"


A layer of empty silver shadow, overlapping in the void, and then Zhao Feng's figure appeared outside the Moon Dragon City.

"Zhao Feng is back."

A patrol guard, respectfully said.

Zhao Feng did not care for him and flew directly to the temple where the nine emperors were.

"Zhao Feng, are you back?"

The Nine Emperor immediately asked.

He is not worried that Zhao Feng will not come back, but he is curious. Zhao Feng’s return is so fast. Is it discovered by aliens?

However, this is no wonder Zhao Feng, after all, Zhao Feng is not a professional listener.

"The overall strength of Mengcheng, I have already checked out, there is only one person at the level of the Holy Lord, but the strength is strong, and the other is the Lord..."

Zhao Feng will describe the overall strength of Mengcheng.

The nine emperors were surprised. I didn't expect Zhao Feng to have such detailed information. It was like going to Mengcheng for a walk around.

"In this case, we need to call the leaders to discuss and formulate strategies."

Eagle old said immediately.

The overall strength of Mengcheng is far more than that of Yuelongcheng, and Zhao Feng’s strength is exposed, and it is impossible to win the same as the previous battle.

"No, directly summon all the forces and go all out."

Zhao Feng looked calm and said directly.

"What is this?"

Nine emperors and eagle old, while looking at Zhao Feng, this is not a big win, rushing to send troops, it is meaningless.

Zhao Feng waved his left hand and dozens of alien heads appeared in the air.

"This is all the head of the emperor, and there are two quasi-sacred masters."

Zhao Feng said lightly.

Because he was killed alone, there is not a large number of people, so Zhao Feng took their heads away, plus their own memory images, can be proved the combat power.


The nine emperors were stunned and shocked.

Has anyone seen a spy out to snoop on intelligence and kill a large number of enemy members?

Everyone else is cautious, not even too close, waiting patiently for the opportunity to slowly steal intelligence.

In just a few days, Zhao Feng stole the most perfect intelligence, killing a large number of local members, and two quasi-sacred masters.

Nine emperors can't imagine what Zhao Feng went to.

"His Royal Highness, sending troops to attack the city"

The eagle’s old eyes stunned and immediately opened.

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