King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1028: Vientiane

"His Royal Highness, sending troops to attack the city"

The eagle’s old eyes stunned and immediately opened.

First of all, Zhao Feng has killed so many high-level combat forces in Mengcheng, and has great advantages with the strength of Yuelongcheng.

Secondly, Zhao Feng killed in Mengcheng and then left, which will definitely affect the morale of Mengcheng.

In the end, now Mengcheng is very badly hurt. If you don't shoot it at this time, give them enough time to mobilize the troops, and it will be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future.

The eagle veteran thought what he wanted and immediately told the Nine Emperors.

"it is good"

The Nine Emperors quickly understood the truth.

It is indeed the best time to send a siege to the city at this time.

"Outside the city, go straight to the city"

The nine emperors suddenly drank.

The patrol guards outside the hall heard this and immediately issued the order of the nine emperors to the whole city.

Not a moment, all the forces, gathered outside the Moon Dragon City.

"set off"

The nine princes Qing Lei Gu Jian until the front.


Tens of thousands of troops, suddenly flew up, and swayed forward.

Among the Moon Dragon City, all the troops were dispatched except for some of the true spirits and Dan Yuanjing who stayed in the station.

After the last battle, the Nine Emperors gained the trust of all the soldiers, coupled with the strength shown by Zhao Feng, at this time, these soldiers are full of confidence and no hesitation.

"Nine emperors, are we somewhat impulsive?"

A Samsung commander, tempted to ask.

Although they have high-end combat powers such as Zhao Feng and Tie Hongling, they are not afraid of the general saints, but they have not yet obtained the strength of the troops in the city, so they rushed to send troops and violated the common sense of the military.

"The specific information in Mengcheng, Zhao Feng has already inquired."

Nine emperors directly said that there is not much explanation.

This Samsung commanded a look and looked at Zhao Feng not far away.

Regarding Zhao Feng's role as a spy, he also heard about it, but listening to the words of the nine emperors, Zhao Feng seems to have found very detailed information.

He restored that Zhao Feng was only a strong fighter. He did not expect to be in the process of collecting intelligence.

With the words of the nine emperors, he was relieved.

"If you can take another city..."

This Samsung commander can't wait.

If you rob a city, all the troops under the general’s command will gain siege warfare according to the level of the realm. For example, the Holy Lord will receive 20,000 siege warfare, and the quasi-saint Lord six thousand...

On the contrary, if the city is lost, these battles will be deducted.

Therefore, if an ordinary soldier is lucky, follow a Ming main battle, even if there is no killing, just playing the miscellaneous, siege warfare is enough for him to exchange a lot of resources.

Next to Zhao Feng, Tie Hongling asked: "What is the specific situation of Zhao Feng and Mengcheng?"

"The overall strength is similar to the original Dragon City."

Zhao Feng made a simple metaphor.

"How can it be?"

Iron Red Ling does not believe.

They broke through the Dragon City, isn't the aliens still reacting, don't know the manpower to strengthen the city?

However, when the people came to Mengcheng in a mighty way, they found that it was already an empty city.

No one is empty

"What about aliens?"

"What is going on here? Why is there no alien?"

“Is there a trap?”

Many leading soldiers are amazed.

In this case, no war has taken place since the two dynasties. All the soldiers are not known.

And Iron Hongling was even more stunned and looked at Zhao Feng. "What is going on?"

She believes that when Zhao Feng came to inquire about intelligence, it should not be like this. Otherwise, Zhao Feng would not say that the strength of Mengcheng was a little worse than that of Yuelongcheng.

However, why Zhao Feng came here to inquire about the news, and the aliens here have all been withdrawn.

Zhao Feng gave a slight glimpse. In this case, he did not expect it.

He originally thought that Mengcheng would choose to defend and wait for the support of the troops.

"It seems that we are moving too fast, and the aliens are directly retreating."

Eagle said.

However, this situation is not necessarily a good thing.

If they fight with Mengcheng and then repel it, then the alien soldiers in Mengcheng will lose at least 60%.

Nowadays, the aliens in Mengcheng are all evacuated, which is equivalent to no loss.

The most important thing is that they will definitely attack again. At that time, the Nine Emperors fell into a passive situation.

It seems that the alien general is a well-thought-out person.

Some leaders have discovered this after being shocked and excited. If they occupy the city at this time, it will take a long time to face a more powerful alien force.

However, whether or not to occupy Mengcheng, the right to choose is not in their hands.


Nine emperors directly announced.

There is no retreat now, and the siege warfare is in front of you, at your fingertips, as long as it is occupied.

However, to discuss the merits, Zhao Feng is the biggest.

After the occupation of the city, the strength of the Nine Emperors quickly took control of it and carried out various aspects of deployment.

All the soldiers are full of excitement and are very happy.

This time, all the forces of the Nine Emperors directly occupy a city, which is equivalent to doing nothing, and everyone can get a certain siege.

The nine emperors are in the hall.

"Zhao Feng, you can make a big difference this time."

Nine emperors said plainly.

The information that was first explored was very detailed, and according to the regulations, the superior intelligence was given.

Secondly, Zhao Feng is alone in one person, slaughtering two quasi-sacred masters of the arrogance, dozens of emperors, and the king of the peaks, can also get rich points of merit.

In addition, because of Zhao Feng’s actions, the aliens of Mengcheng directly retreated.

In this way, it is equivalent to Zhao Feng’s own power to occupy Mengcheng.

"I can only report these situations to the Lanzhou General Hall, and they will decide your battle."

For Zhao Feng’s performance, the Nine Emperors did not dare to judge.

"But, the aliens who have been withdrawn from the city may be attacked at any time, so I will delay reporting these situations."

The nine emperors said again.

"Eagle is old, let the team in the ranks of the Master, and quickly build a defensive array."

The nine emperors commanded.

Only they and some leaders know that aliens may attack in a short time.

"Zhao brothers, you may need to use your monsters at the time."

The nine emperors solemnly said.

This is one of the reasons why the Nine Emperors dared to occupy the city and fight against the more powerful alien forces.

In Zhao Feng’s demon herd, the overall combat power is extremely strong. Among them, there are many forces above the Great Emperor, and the silkworms and butterflies are even more capable of targeting the Lord and the Lord.

However, the Nine Emperors did not know that Zhao Feng’s cloud silkworm butterfly had fallen into a deep sleep.

In the mountains of 300,000 miles in front of Mengcheng.

"Don't give up the Lord, do we give the city to the shameless man?"

The black-winged woman of the eagle is unwilling to hate.

"If you give them this way, what are we still here?"

Aside, the five-man scorpion looks cold.

He first went out, but he did not expect to encounter such a thing. The five scorpions were very angry and he must take back Mengcheng.

"It will take a long time for someone to support me, and Mengcheng is still ours. This time, first kill the man who has the space to shuttle treasures."

The dark Lord looked at the distance and looked calm.

When Zhao Feng left the space class shuttle, he had already reflected it and asked for support.

However, the human movements are too fast, and the trade-offs are repeated. The sacred Lord chooses to temporarily retreat, and then kills human beings in the most powerful state.

"Who will support it?"

The genius woman of the snake family is not curious.

Mengcheng lost two quasi-saint geniuses and many great emperors, and the bottom-level forces did not lose much.

Coupled with the long-term road, this time, it may be just a strong high-end combat.

"Next, it may be a big fight."

In the open world, Zhao Feng whispered softly.

Since the sacred Lord has taken the initiative to retreat, then there is no strong support, they will not attack again.

The worst will also add a Holy Lord, or a few quasi-sacred Lords.

"Strive to complete the fantasy world before the war"

After that, Zhao Feng went directly to the dream of Taikoo.

Zhao Feng squatted on the ground and released the small world of the fantasy city.


The square is covered with a layer of purple fog, and there is an endless labyrinth. There are various buildings within the labyrinth, such as palaces, inns, celestial castles, mermaid palaces, etc. Most of these buildings are Zhao Feng’s past. .

The shape of the magic city is different from that of the small world.

The wind and thunder world Zhao Feng has borrowed from the thunderstorm storm of dreams, but the magic city has no way to imitate it. It can only absorb the ancient atmosphere.

Zhao Feng's operation of "Wan Nian Shen" differentiated thousands of ideas, infiltrated into every part of the magic city, and began to build.

Dozens of days have passed.

In the hall of the Nine Emperors, a spy immediately came in.

"Report, aliens come"

The Eagles and the Nine Emperors, as well as some commanders, have a sharp look.

"I didn't expect to come so fast."

The old eagle looks heavy.

"Out of the city"

The Nine Emperor directly announced that he would later say to the spy, "You go to call Zhao Feng."

Mengcheng is 100,000 miles away.

The alien army, like the huge herd of anger, is suffocating and rolling.

In front of the army, three figures take the lead, one of them is five sons, the other is the dark Lord.

In the middle, it is a large-scale elephant-shaped alien, exuding all the horror of the transcendental atmosphere. Wherever it passes, the wind and the wind roar, the snow and lightning, and countless visions appear in the heavens and the earth, which is shocking.

"Vientiane Lord, I did not expect that you will come in person"

The darkness of the Lord is respected.

"Hey, you are too incompetent."

The Vientiane Lord is cold and straightforward.

The dark Lord and the five scorpions looked heavy and did not refute.

"At one time, I didn't expect the human genius to have the secret treasure of space shuttle. In addition, the human celestial arrogance seems to have a good **** eye."

The dark Lord said with a smile.

"All blood and blood vessels are derived from the eight great gods. What is the significance of his blood and blood in front of me?"

Vientiane Lord's plain eyes, suddenly strange brilliance, a round of spiral color lines, extending from the pupil.

A layer of colored sacred light, surrounded by the whole body, the force of the horrible rules and the fluctuations of the atmosphere, so that the darkness of the Holy Spirit is trembled. "This is the power of Vientiane in Vientiane?"

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