King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1029: Heaven and Earth Vientiane (monthly ticket)

The whole body of Vientiane, the moment of the emergence of this colorful light, the eternal power of heaven and earth, all attracted by it, there is nothing left.

Behind the main body of Vientiane, two interracial goddess of the heavenly family, feel the irresistible strength of the heavens and the earth, the blood and the real yuan are extremely incompressible, and the whole world becomes unfamiliar.

"It is said that although the Vientiane Lord is a sacred light, some of the sacred lords of the sacred light have no way to take him."

The eagle-woman woman speaks.

"I feel his breath, and some are not like Xuanguang."

The snake-woman has a gaze.

"This time, the people know that the human race is so powerful, that the human arrogance will definitely die."

The eagle-aged woman’s eyes are stern, and what he calls human arrogance naturally refers to Zhao Feng.


The dark Lord's face is covered with a smile and looks forward.

Suddenly, the Yaozu side stopped the pace.

At this time, outside the city, the strength of the nine emperors has been assembled.

The Vientiane Lord raised his head slightly, and the color spiraled the scorpion, looking to the front.


Suddenly, above the sky above the city, the storm surged, the thunder and lightning raged, the invisible horror of the natural forces, suppressing all human beings in the city.

"he is"

On the city of Meng, a Samsung commander looked heavily and looked at the Vientiane Lord.

"A gaze affects the universe, and it is the owner of the Vientiane in the aliens."

Another leader is shocked.

The aliens led by Vientiane are the most powerful alien army on the battlefield in Lanzhou. Facing such a saint who has the inheritance of the descendants of the gods, Lanzhou and the royal family, they sent two powerful saints and many arrays. Masters, tamer beasts, only hold the city.

Unexpectedly, the owner of Vientiane has actually arrived here.

"The Battle of Vientiane"

The old face of the eagle is gloomy.

"I didn't expect it to be supported by the Vientiane Lord."

The nine emperors were slightly stunned and some regretted.

The Vientiane Lord, even the ancient saints who lived for tens of thousands of years in the dynasty, were not his opponents.

Moreover, I heard that the mysterious light in the aliens was lost in the hands of the Vientiane Lord.

A heavy mountain-like pressure is on the crowd.

Even if it is iron red, it is also a calm face, honestly did not say a word.

At this time, in the ancient dreams

Zhao Feng is kneeling in the middle of an endless purple labyrinth, surrounded by purple mist, and the sky is covered with clouds and wind and thunder.

"If the fantasy world is shaped successfully, it may be comparable in power to the small world of wind and thunder."

Zhao Feng whispered.

Although the wind and thunder is a small world, Linyi has already had the power of the thunderstorm storm in Taigeo.

However, the root of the fantasy world is the Shenjing, and there is an unknown high-grade black ink stone, and the root of the wind and thunder world is the nucleation space of Zhao Feng, the gap is self-evident.

"It’s almost finished."

Zhao Feng has a slight regret, because he has already perceived the strangeness of the outside world, and the aliens may have already attacked.


Zhao Feng’s figure appeared in the world of the void.

"Hey, there are two earthquakes that break through to the quasi-sacred Lord."

What Zhao Feng noticed, his look was slightly happy.

Although Zhao Feng still doesn't know what's going on outside, he has a bad feeling. This quasi-level master's tremor is just enough to come in handy.


Zhao Feng left the lost world and appeared directly outside the room.

"Zhao Feng leads"

Outside Zhao Feng’s room, the spy was surprised and just ready to say something.

call out

The wind and thunder really surging, Zhao Feng has already flown outside the city wall.

"Zhao Feng, you are here."

The face of the Nine Emperors finally stretched.

Even if the aliens came to the Vientiane Lord, he still had a glimmer of hope, and the source of hope was naturally Zhao Feng.

Suddenly, the rest of the command, including the eagle old, the iron red diamond, the ghost scales emperor, invariably look at Zhao Feng.

First of all, Zhao Feng is among them, the strongest of them. If he can't stop the paradox of Vientiane, then they have no hope.

Moreover, in addition to the shackles of Vientiane, there is also a powerful sacred lord of the sacred, the scorpion's five scorpions are not to be underestimated, and there are two other interracial arrogance.

This will be a hard fight

However, the Nine Emperors have already sent out the distress message, as long as everyone can hold the city, there is still hope.

"he is……"

Zhao Feng palered to the left, carefully looked at the Lord of the Vientiane, when he touched the eyes of his colorful spiral texture, Zhao Feng understood.

Gods inheritance descendants

"Zhao Feng, he is the Vientiane Lord of the aliens. The inheritor of Vientiane, although only the early days of Xuanguang, has a strong power not weaker than Xiaoguang Xiaocheng.

Eagle old voiced Zhao Feng.

"Xuanguang Chucheng?"

Zhao Feng shook his head slightly, and the Vientiane Lord was not as simple as it was.

However, he did not expect that this time the opponent will be one of the descendants of the eight great gods.

Zhao Feng is currently fighting with it, and only the death of the enemy, the fate of the fate and the reincarnation, are only indirect contact.

"The Vientiane of Vientiane, the absolute control of the natural meaning of heaven and earth"

In Zhao Feng’s memory, some information about the plague of Vientiane is emerging.

On the other side of the tribe, the sacred lord of the Holy Spirit squinted and stared at Zhao Feng.

"The Vientiane Lord is the man who just came, has the secret treasure of space shuttle, and also has a good **** eyes."

Concealing the reminder of the Lord.

"Oh? Is this person coming to the city where you are guarding, killing it, and then escaping?"

Vientiane Lord's eyes immediately locked Zhao Feng.

The dark Lord and the five scorpions, etc., looked a little sinking, did not say anything, because it is an indisputable fact.


Zhao Feng and the Vientiane Lord looked at each other.

Zhao Feng felt an invisible pressure on the heavens and the earth, and it suddenly came, as if the whole world was against him.


The eyes of the Lord of Vientiane, a faint beating.

"Hey? This human blood seems to be very good."

The Vientiane Lord’s eyes were slightly surprised.

So far, this is the second time. There are other blood vessels that can shake his Vientiane.

However, even if it is not bad, it does not belong to the ranks of the eight great gods, it is the **** eyes of the broken, how can it be compared with his omnipotence.

"Human, you dare to occupy the city of Meng"

The dark Lord's look is proud, with a mocking smile.

"This is the territory of my great week."

The nine emperors are slightly weaker and still say.

"It won't take long for the Terran to disappear into this world, why come to the Great Zhou Dynasty"

The five ethnic groups of the Yi people are ridiculous.

"Oh, ignorant humans, let you see the terrorist power of heaven and earth."

The Vientiane Lord's eyes flashed a glimmer of energy.


Throughout the world, blizzards suddenly flew, and at the same time, there were countless icy waters flowing on the ground.

However, in a few moments, Mengcheng has a tens of thousands of miles, and it has become a world of ice, and the temperature is still falling sharply. The world is dark and the sight is unclear.

On the other hand, it seems that there is a preparation for it. Every soldier has some secrets or symbols.

Zhao Feng's eyes are moving.

The change of natural weather in the heavens and the earth has no effect on him, but it has a great influence on the soldiers of the ordinary king and the king.

In an instant, the middle and lower ranks of the Nine Emperor's side are in an unprecedented disadvantage. Some of the strong Dan Xiaoyuan's strongmen are struggling to resist the blizzard.

All leaders are ready to operate the willpower to change the world of this Blizzard Glacier.

"No, the power of the will cannot penetrate into space."

A two-star leader is a micro-shock.

The ordinary emperor can do it by changing the natural weather. However, it is difficult for them to penetrate into the heavens and the earth after the change of Vientiane.

In other words, the rules of the heavens and the earth and the power of Weili, which they have mastered, are weakened to the limit, and they are not part of the small world of the water system.

"The universe is in all directions, and it is under the control of Vientiane."

The sound of Vientiane is cold and flies straight out.

The whole world, like his small world, the figure of the Vientiane Lord, flickering in the snow and ice, close to the city.

Suddenly, the alien army, directly in the ice and snow, approaching the city.

"Starting a defensive battle, defending"

The nine emperors screamed.

"Can't let the Vientiane Lord approach the city"

Zhao Feng directly took out.

If the Vientiane Lord is close to the city, I am afraid that for a moment, the defense of the city will be destroyed.

At the same time, Ying Lao and Iron Hong Ling, the other leading figures, are directly rushed out.

"Vientiane Lord, I will deal with it"

Zhao Feng’s eyes shook.

No one here is the opponent of the Vientiane Lord.

Moreover, Zhao Feng is very interested in the descendants of the eight great gods.


Zhao Feng's left hand waved, a huge group of monsters, appeared in the world.

These are the powerful monsters that accompanied Zhao Feng to the trial of the Prince. After this period of training, the overall strength has been improved, and the beasts who are promoted to the Great are not rare.

Nowadays, the strength of the Nine Emperors is affected by the extremely cold world, and its strength is greatly weakened. If there is no Zhaofeng’s monster group, I am afraid that I will not insist on the tea.

"Wolf Herd"

Many commanders and soldiers saw a large number of monsters released by Zhao Feng, with a little peace of mind.

"Yes, there are you."

Zhao Feng’s armored arm guards flashed again.


Two huge golden figures, like the metal Taishan, descended between heaven and earth.

Two treacherous golden dragonflies, the whole body of golden bristles erected directly, like a steel needle, swelled with brilliance, and an ancient animal atmosphere of the ancient ruins, smashed away.

On the side of the city, many commanders and emperors felt the sudden pressure of terror, the blood in the body, and the trepidation.

"Shenzhen Jinyu, arrived at the quasi-sacred realm"

The nine emperors looked slightly happy.

Zhentian Jinyu was strengthened by Zhao Feng's blood of the Taikoo Wanzuo list, and it contained the Taikoo factor, which was extremely powerful.

The two treacherous golden dragons are completely able to contain the two sacred sacred sacred virgins of the aliens, or to tie the sacred lord with the iron red.

"Oh, just because of you, you also want to resist the power of heaven and earth."

The Vientiane Lord suddenly drank, and a colorful light of the Holy Light suddenly broke out.

The moment when the color of the Xuanguang Shengli appeared, the world shook, and the blizzard surged like a tsunami between the heavens and the earth, engulfing everything.

On the side of the city, all the strong, suffered from the endless cold ice, and some of the lower realms, the blood is almost directly solidified.

Under such a terrible natural power of the heavens and the earth, even the Emperor of the Dark God is extremely small.

"This is, Xuanguang Xiaocheng"

On the human side, many commanders are horrified.

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