King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1030: Vientiane force

"This is, Xuanguang Xiaocheng"

On the human side, many commanders are horrified.

"It is actually the realm of Xiaoguang Xiaocheng"

The eagle was shocked.

Many of the commanding powerhouses, the heart seems to have been bombarded by the shackles, and the figure pauses slightly.

"Zhao Feng"

Iron Hongling looks at Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng himself said that he went to deal with the Vientiane Lord, but Xuan Guangxiao’s descendants of the gods, Zhao Feng can cope with it?

However, Tiehong Ling found that Zhao Fengbo was not shocked, and there was no surprise. It seemed that he had already known the true strength of the Vientiane Lord.

"Sure enough,"

Zhao Feng meditation in his heart.

When he saw the Vientiane Lord, Zhao Feng felt that his powerful Xuanguang Shengli and soul will are far beyond the scope of Xuanguang.

Therefore, apart from Zhao Feng, there is no possibility for other people to play against the Vientiane Lord.

The shackles of Vientiane are the material forces. Zhao Feng’s Sheng Lei body breaks through the sixth layer and should have certain resistance. Therefore, Zhao Feng dared to fight with Vientiane.

On the other side of the inhabitation, there are many lords, five scorpions and many other great emperors. It is also shocking.

Apparently, the Vientiane Lord broke through to Xuanguang Xiaocheng, and even their ethnic groups did not know.

"Where did the Vientiane Lord break through to Xuanguang Xiaocheng?"

The darkness of the Holy Spirit is shocked and excited.

When the Vientiane Lord was born in the beginning, he was already invincible in the beginning of the Lord, and he was able to compete with Xuanguang Xiaocheng. Now, the Vientiane Lord has broken through to Xuanguang Xiaocheng, then how powerful is his combat power at this time.

"It is a descendant of God"

The eagle's Tianjiao's female face is admired.

"Look, that human arrogance actually rushed to the Vientiane Lord, I really don't know how to live and die."

The snake-woman woman sneered at her face and looked at Zhao Feng, showing her disdain.

When Zhao Feng flew out, he directly operated the holy thunder body. The body surface illuminated a complex and simple red gold thunder. His body also suddenly rose a few points, and the infinite body thunder and lightning, all the surrounding world blizzards, all scattered.

"I just want to stop me?"

The Vientiane Lord’s eyes are light and look down on Zhao Feng.

The invisible power of nature surrounds Zhao Feng.

Above the body of Zhao Feng, a layer of ice condensed, and everything around it was frozen and frozen.

"I want to beat you more."

Zhao Feng’s intentions are boiling.


All the extreme ice around Zhao Feng was broken, and a thunder power surged.

"Haha, ignorant humans"

The Vientiane Lord smiled loudly.

When Zhao Feng suddenly exuded the thunder power, when it spread to the Vientiane Lord, in front of him, countless blizzards immediately gathered and instantly turned into an ice wall.


At the moment when the ice wall appeared, Zhao Feng’s figure rushed directly, and the power of Sheng Lei’s body and the flaming wind thunder ran, and it slammed down.


The ice wall in front of the Vientiane Lord is broken, but at the rear, the surface of the body of the Vientiane Lord appears a layer of gorgeous wind and lightning, like the wind and thunder armor, and Zhao Feng's attack aftermath and force are all blocked.

"You can't hurt me, and I can bury you now."

The Vientiane Lord, who covered the ice-patterned armor, stared at Zhao Feng.

"Iron Gun"

In front of the Vientiane Lord, there is a colorful vortex that instantly captures the power of the heavens and the earth and exudes a solid ice.


Suddenly, countless bright white snow guns carried an amazing cold force and burst out of the whirlpool.

Where the ice gun passed, all the blizzards and the air were frozen, but this extremely ice gun was able to travel through the ice without being affected.

"A strong ice cold power"

At that moment, the blood and real elements in Zhao Feng’s body were running very slowly, and the actions were all hindered.

"Water Thunder, Ice King Gun"

Zhao Feng suddenly runs the hidden ice water veins in the body, while running the water in the nucleus space, Lei Zhenyuan.

A layer of ice blue liquid, covering Zhao Feng's full body surface, presents a blue ice water armor.

This ice water armor, 涟漪 涟漪 纹 漾 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"This kid, there is still blood and blood."

Vientiane Lord's brow is slightly wrinkled.

When he played against Zhao Feng, he found that Zhao Feng was good at wind, thunder, and fire.

In other words, Zhao Feng has a certain resistance to the natural forces of these three attributes, so the Vientiane Lord chose to use the power of ice.

I did not expect that Zhao Feng actually took out a **** vein, and there is also the true element of the water.

"Saint Ray's Boxing"

Zhao Feng raised the resistance of Sheng Lei body to the force of ice and cold to the limit, and operated the holy body of the thunder. A punch burst into abruptly and greeted the numerous ice guns that flew.


An extremely cold force exploded.

"this is?"

Zhao Feng hurried back.

Although the gun of the ice was destroyed by him, the power of the ice that erupted from it was still terrifying.

The blue ice water armor of Zhao Feng’s body was suddenly solidified, and an extremely cold force invaded his holy body.

"Ice water"

Zhao Feng runs the water thunder and ice water blood, the surface of the frozen blue armor, slowly absorbs the extreme cold force, into a layer of water curtain armor.

"The human quasi-sacred Lord, can pick me up, it is already very good, then you can go to death with peace of mind"

The vision of the Lord of Vientiane reveals a trace of embarrassment.

In the quasi-sacred patriotism of the human race, no one can resolve his trick.

The strength of Zhao Feng makes the Vientiane Lord more powerful.

"A bunch of nonsense"

Zhao Feng's eyes are deep, and there is an amazing willpower in the left.

In the body of the thunder, a large amount of soul power poured into the left.

"Wind and Thunder"

In Zhao Yu’s left-handedness, there is a striking scorpion flame, and the amethyst shines, and the texture of the dark thunder is flooded.


A group of completely transparent dark fires, with the scent of thunder and annihilation, burst open in the head of the Vientiane Lord.

Zhao Feng’s "Wind and Thunder" is a pure soul attack, mainly based on God’s robbery, because he knows that it is difficult for the material level to harm the Vientiane Lord.


The Vientiane Lord screamed.

He did not expect Zhao Feng to suddenly exert his soul, and the power of thunderbolt contained in it caused certain damage to his soul.

"You kid"

Vientiane Lord's face is a glimpse.

Under the hood, he was actually injured by Zhao Feng, which he could not tolerate.

"The effect is not big"

Zhao Feng is very deep in his heart.

The Vientiane Lord breaks through the mysterious Xiaocheng. With his god's heritage and his own talent, the soul will not be weak. If it is not Zhao Feng's soul attack, it contains the power of thunder, but he will not hurt him.

"not good"

Zhao Feng noticed a dangerous atmosphere.

call out

Shi Lei Lei Fei Fei, Zhao Feng suddenly flew into the distance.

"Where to escape, human thief"

The Vientiane Lord shouted, and the natural power of the whole world was rushing.

"Good, a mind, affecting the world"

The speed of Zhao Feng, under the hindrance of the power of the heavens and the earth, was suddenly blocked, and the speed was only 70% of the usual time.

At the rear, the Vientiane Lord, with the help of the power of nature, rushed to Zhao Feng.

After the Vientiane Lord left, the soldiers in the battlefield below, the feeling of heaven and earth rose a sigh of relief.

Even the aliens who have been prepared for a long time can't resist the extreme cold power.

"This human kid can actually hurt the Vientiane Lord."

The darkness of the Lord's face was slightly shocked.


A golden giant shadow, attacking the dark Lord, the horrible flood of blood, let the dark Lord's face look dignified, and slap a dark gray holy force.

"Blood flame burst"


On the other side, the iron red diamond burst out with a **** bursting crescent and rushed to the dark Lord.

"Is that kid still not dead?"

The Eagle Man’s Tianjiao’s face is surprised.

The strength of the Vientiane Lord has made him scared and even dare not confront it.

The arrogant arrogant of the human beings can actually play against the Vientiane Lord and lead them away.

"Zhao Feng leads the Vientiane Lord."

Eagle always understands the intention of Zhao Feng.

Fighting with the Vientiane Lord in the battlefield is undoubtedly more detrimental to the strength of the Nine Emperor.

However, can Zhao Feng block the Vientiane Lord?

call out

Zhao Feng is struggling to shuttle through the extreme cold.

"The power of Vientiane is too strong."

Zhao Feng is full of strength and sighs.

Vientiane's sacred singer can evoke the power of heaven and earth.

If Zhao Feng does not take it away, fearing that it will not take long, the extremely cold nature of the force can indirectly kill the soldier-level combat power of the human side.

"Oh, the whole world is my strength, you can't run away."

The Vientiane Lord snorted and took a shot.

call out

A colorful light of the Holy Power, suddenly attacked Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng relied on the power of the gods to predict in advance and avoid the attack.

However, the color of Xuanguang, which was wiped from Zhao Feng, suddenly turned into a green color, and then a few vines were grown from it. On the huge vines, many small vines were immediately differentiated, and Zhao Feng was wrapped around it.

"This is the power of Vientiane?"

Zhao Feng was surprised.

Hearing, the power of Vientiane in Vientiane can be instantly transformed into any natural force between heaven and earth.

"Not good, still taking my life."

Zhao Feng runs the San Lei body, but finds that he can't break away from the **** of this powerful wood, and this vine can absorb his life essence and continuously weaken the power of Zhao Feng.

"Wooden Wind Ray"

Zhao Feng once again ignited the power of a wind and thunder in the nucleus space.

Suddenly, a layer of pale green wood-corrugated ripples appeared outside Zhao Feng’s body to treat Zhao Feng’s injury.

Zhao Feng will infiltrate the power of the wooden wind thunder into the vines, and the thunder attribute power in the wooden wind thunder can paralyze these vines.


Zhao Feng broke free from the vines whose strength was weakened.

"The Wood of the Righteousness"

The rush of the Vientiane Lord's brow was twisted into a ball.

He is the descendant of the descendants of the Vientiane God, and the power of heaven and earth is controlled by him.

Can this kid, in fact, control the power of so many attributes, is this to compete with him for the natural control of the heavens and the earth?

The eyes of the Vientiane Lord were slightly congested, and the power of the wooden attributes destroyed by Zhao Feng suddenly turned into a raging fire, surrounded by Zhao Feng.


The Vientiane Lord once again waved a Vientiane Holy Power, and the color of the sacred light was transformed into a dark yellow color, forming a layer of dark yellow dust that permeated the air.

Zhao Feng, surrounded by the sea of ​​fire, suddenly felt the weight of a mountain.

But in addition to gravity, there is a super-obstructive force. Zhao Feng is like being buried in the underground rock formation. It takes a lot of effort to break away the gravity and restraint of the earth.

In addition, the fire and earth, the hot fire, can also increase the power of this dark yellow dust, so that the power of gravity and restraint is once again enhanced.

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