King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1031: Vientiane space

The righteousness of the earth, the ability in terms of restraint, is also higher than the meaning of wood.

The earthly righteousness controlled by the Vientiane Lord is close to the source, pure and powerful, coupled with the realm of his mysterious light, the increase of the fire, and Zhao Feng, who is in it, is very difficult to move the body.

However, if you change to the general quasi-sacred Lord, I am afraid that it has been completely buried by the mystery of the earth contained in this dark yellow dust.

Zhao Feng still relies on the sixth layer of the holy body, in order to withstand the pressure of the earth's righteousness.

"The earth is righteous, the next layer of "Five Elements Wind Thunder" is involved."

Zhao Feng is not good at the ups and downs of the earth, and is instantly suppressed by the omnipotence of the earthly meaning of the earth.

"Hey, how did you escape this time?"

The Vientiane Lord is still a high-profile gesture, overlooking Zhao Feng.

"The sword of sharp gold"

Vientiane Lord's big hand waved, a color of Xuanguang Shengli suddenly turned into a bright gold color, and then changed into thousands of dazzling Jin Ruili sword, directly stabbed Zhao Feng.

"Not good, if it is stabbed, it will be finished."

Zhao Feng felt an unprecedented crisis.

His holy body is cultivated to the sixth floor, and at most it is immune to the attack of ordinary Xuanguang.

The Vientiane Lord reached the mysterious light, and the gold that he released was close to the source, pure and powerful, and it was able to achieve the power of Xuanguang Dacheng.

The attack intensity of Xuanguang Dacheng can make Zhao Feng fly away in an instant.

Meow meow

At this time, the little thief came out of the fascinating world with a shovel, but it was also subjected to the gravity and restraint of the earth.

"Hey, cat?"

The Vientiane Lord snorted.

He didn't know that Zhao Feng had a cat released at this time, but the cat couldn't break away from his own soil and what he could do.

Meow meow

The little thief cat is stunned and looks at the Lord of Vientiane.


The little thief cat moved the shovel hard.

Suddenly, the dark yellow dust of Zhao Feng’s body was slightly trembled, and the power of the earth’s righteousness was loosened.

Zhao Feng and the little thief cat pressure reduced.


The little thief cat was able to make a slight move this time, so it waved the shovel and dug a few times, then broke into the world of the void.


The dark yellow dust floating in the space suddenly trembled.

"What? The shovel"

Vientiane Lord was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the ordinary shovel in the hand of the cat can actually dispel the dark yellow dust, thus affecting the power of the earth.

Zhao Feng fully operated the San Lei body, cooperated with the Yan Lei, and suddenly broke away, and scattered the dark yellow dust around him.


At this time, the thousands of golden sharp swords that shimmered in gold light had already spurred.

"Guard body Thunder"

Zhao Feng said nothing about the protection of the San Lei body, and at the same time cooperated with the defense of the ice emperor to resist.


Jin Ruili sword hit the body of the thunder and instantly cut in.

"Good penetration"

Zhao Feng sighs with sighs. It is an attack of gold. It is pure and powerful, and it will maximize the nature of metal.


Zhao Feng’s bodyguard thunder broke, and a powerful anti-shock thunder suddenly came out.

But in the next moment, the golden sword was flashing in the thunder, and there was a thunder and lightning, which would ignore the majority of the anti-shock power of the body.

"Oh, under the control of Vientiane, my attack can change attributes at will."

The Lord of Vientiane snorted.

The countless golden swords, after penetrating the bodyguards of the thunder, were once again obstructed by the water curtain made by the ice gun.

Unsurprisingly, the golden sword instantly penetrated the Ice King's armor, and it was necessary to stab Zhao Feng's holy body.

"Hydraulic condensation"

The water curtain armor of Zhao Feng’s body instantly transforms into the form of ice, emitting a cold force and preparing to slow down the golden sword.

But Zhao Feng did not expect that, in the golden sword, there was an ice-water esoteric ignorance, ignoring the obstacles of the Ice King's armor and stabbing Zhao Feng.

"Wind and Thunder Small World"

At the moment of crisis, the power of a flood of quaint lightning storms began from behind Zhao Feng, completely enveloping Zhao Feng to form a black ball.


Numerous golden swords hit the small world of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng fully controlled the small world of wind and thunder, and finally escaped this robbery.


Zhao Feng has a lingering fear. If it is not the bodyguard Thunder and the Ice Emperor's armor, the power of the golden sword will be weakened. Even if it is his small world of wind and thunder, it may not be able to stop it.

The power of the attack of gold is not as good as the fire, but the penetration is extremely strong, and the cutting ability is higher than the wind.

"A good little world"

The Vientiane Lord has a glimpse of it.

With the control of the Vientiane Lord and the Vientiane of Nature, I can see the extraordinaryness of Zhao Feng's small world.

If it is a normal small world, it is impossible to stop the attack of his gold.

"Then let me turn your little world into a honeycomb."

The Vientiane Lord screamed coldly, and the big hand waved again, and a Vientiane Holy Power surged in one side of the world.

"Golden Sword Storm"


The golden light shines in the heavens and the earth, and numerous golden swords shadows surround the heavens and the earth, as if it were a world of golden light swords.

These golden swords are extremely sharp, ignoring all obstacles and rotating between heaven and earth.


All the swords of Jinrui, the direction of the sword pointed directly to Zhao Feng, and instantly stabbed.


Zhao Feng’s big eyes are looking around the world.

In the face of such a terrible gold-based attack, the small world of wind and thunder can never be blocked, and it will also cause devastating damage to the small world of wind and thunder.

However, Zhao Feng’s wind and morality, water, wood, fire and other attributes have no effect on the attack of the Vientiane Lord.

This is the same as the Vientiane Lord did not use the wind, thunder, water, fire and other attributes to attack Zhao Feng, because Zhao Feng has certain resistance to these forces.

"Maybe, it can be like this..."

Zhao Feng felt the golden world of Jin Jian, which made him think of the ninth layer of the Purple Star Tower. Zhao Feng used the light of the light to break down the purple fog.

Zhao Feng immediately recovered the small world of wind and thunder.

In the left corner of Zhao Feng, a golden ripple is flowing. This golden ripple comes from the mysterious golden ball and does not have the power of attributes.

This golden ripple was controlled by Zhao Feng and circulated in the air to form a light gold mask that wrapped Zhao Feng.

"The meaning of light?"

The Vientiane Lord looked a glimpse and his eyes were slightly condensed.

However, his Vientiane does not respond to it.

That is to say, the pale gold ripple released by Zhao Feng in the left shackles does not have the meaning of light, but there is another possibility, that is, his omnipotence, unable to control this ‘light.

"With this, can you block my ‘Jinjian storm?”

The Vientiane Lord is not smirking.

The golden ripples released by Zhao Feng do not have the power of attributes, nor do they have strong real-world fluctuations. What can be used?

"This is not enough."

Zhao Feng’s eyes are firm.

His ability to decompose, to break things down, still takes some time to analyze.

I am afraid that this layer of light will not be able to decompose the sharp gold sword, Zhao Feng will be stabbed nothing left.

Zhao Feng immediately burned the real yuan and qi and blood, and pushed the holy body to the limit, and a force that overbearing the flood of power, and suddenly spread.

St. Raytheon, the power of life, is not controlled by the shackles of Vientiane.

Moreover, since Zhao Feng rebuilt, he has absorbed a lot of dreams from the ancient times and swallowed the fruits of countless dreams. Therefore, this force of the full-fledged San Lei body is very powerful.


Heaven and earth, the infinite number of gold sharp swords, when they are about to penetrate Zhao Feng's body, they are hindered by the arrogant and primitive power of this tyrannical, and the speed is slowed down.


It is this moment, the analysis of the light of light, the beginning of the analysis.

"Oh, the true meaning of pure gold"

Zhao Feng couldn't help but smile. The particle structure of these golden swords is very close, but due to the single attribute, the purity to the extreme, the combination structure of all the particles is completely consistent.

Zhao Feng discovered that the more pure and pure the substance, the less difficult it is to decompose.

Zhao Feng’s mask of light gold ripples outside the body suddenly spread outward.


Golden ripples, where they passed, the sword of the sharp gold, all disappeared.

The whole world, in a moment, restored to its original state.


The singer of Vientiane screamed out.

He originally thought that Zhao Feng would die under his trick.

Moreover, the whole world is controlled by him, and it is even more impossible for Zhao Feng to use the treasures of space shuttle.

However, at that moment, the huge metallic sexual attack that he released, just disappeared out of nowhere.

This made him unable to understand.

"No, the power of metal is still in the world."

Vientiane Lord's eyes are condensed.

He can perceive that there is still a metallic force between heaven and earth, but it is extremely difficult for Vientiane to control it.

The Vientiane Lord is gloomy.

The five elements of the righteousness, including the wind and thunder ice and other attribute forces, Zhao Feng actually have a way to resolve

"Finally found a way to restrain his strength."

Zhao Feng was a little relieved.

As long as it is a simple attribute, Zhao Feng can easily break it down.

However, Zhao Feng uses the ability to decompose, which consumes both the light and the mind.

The consumption of the Vientiane Lord's Vientiane is very small. Even if the power of Vientiane is exhausted, the Vientiane Lord can easily control the power of nature by virtue of his own understanding of the universe.

"Human, this is what you are looking for"

The spiral texture on the eyes of the Vientiane Lord has suddenly turned.

At that moment, the whole world seemed to be shaking, countless attributes, and the emptiness of the sky, the whole world seems to be about to collapse and destroy.

"Vientiane Space"


Around Zhao Feng and the Vientiane Lord, there was a layer of colored light curtains, and the two were trapped inside.

"Not good, the space contained in Vientiane, the original strength of Vientiane"

Zhao Feng was shocked.

Zhao Feng’s understanding of the Eight Great Gods is extremely profound. Any kind of god, or the eyes of his descendants, contains a source space.

For example, the death space of Death, the reincarnation of the reincarnation, and the unknown dreams of Zhao Feng’s gods.

Each of these spaces has different abilities, but the cycle of death, the space of death, and the dreams are too old, all of which are auxiliary.

However, the Vientiane space of Vientiane is actively released, which proves that Vientiane space is an aggressive space.

"Vientiane space is equivalent to my small world, but it can be easily integrated into any world."

The Vientiane Lord is floating in the Vientiane space, like watching the dead, looking at Zhao Feng.

“This is the Vientiane space?”

Zhao Feng was shocked and looked around this color space.

In other words, the Vientiane Lord does not need to shape the small world at all. As long as he awakens the original strength of Vientiane, he can use this small world.

In addition, the small world of the Lord, because the power of the rules is too strong, can not be integrated into the space of the mainland.

But the Vientiane space is an exception. It can be integrated into almost any space in the world by virtue of the natural forces of heaven and earth.

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