King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1032: Arrow

Before the city of Mengcheng, humans and aliens fought hard.

The departure of the Vientiane Lord has made the ice and cold power of this place slowly recede.

The use of the defensive array method to defend the city's nine emperor side, gradually regained the disadvantage, although not superior, at least at this stage can stabilize the situation.

"This iron woman, strong strength"

Darkly stunned in the heart of the Holy Spirit.

He was entangled in two trespassers, and he was caught in a weak position.

The trespassers are able to withstand the sacred attack of the sacred lord, and the iron red eagle waits for the opportunity to make a surprise attack, which can be a good target for the dark Lord.

"But the blood and blood of the blood is not enough, and this iron woman can't last long."

The dark Lord sneered with a sneer, no iron red diamonds, these two shocking gold, he can still clean up.

Moreover, he did not have to fight with all his strength. As long as the Vientiane Lord returned, everything would end directly.

At the same time, however, the sacred Lord is also amazed at how the Vientiane Lord has not solved the human arrogance.

"The power of the blood is declining"

Iron Red Ling also knows how long he can't persist.

The darkness of the Lord is strong in all aspects, and the offense and defense are integrated. Once her blood is exhausted, she loses.

"Red jade glaze"

Iron red diamonds, large earthquakes, glass smoldering, suddenly burst out of a ruby ​​luster, as in the resurrection of the fire, a blazing body strength, smashing, the blizzard between the heavens and the earth, instantly melted, one The heat of the stock is hot, scattering all directions.

The red succulent glaze body, and the perfect sculpt of the blood and the blood of the blood, can make the characteristics of the blood and blood vessels to the extreme.

Iron red diamonds are like a red jade fire phoenix, pounced on the dark Lord, the next two earthquakes are also the power of the ancient blood.

"Hey, Grand Prince, but that's it."

The five-handed man held a clear water scimitar and collided with the Nine Emperors.

This extremely cold weather has a certain increase in the strength of his blood and his combat power.


Five scorpions vacated a layer of blue water mist, and turned into a huge cyan dragon, the whole body surrounded by an ice cold water, pounced on the Nine Emperors.

"Hey, Longyun blessing"

The Nine Emperors immediately mobilized the spirit of Longyun, transformed into the power of Longyun, blessed in the body, holding the Qinglei ancient sword, greet the five scorpions.

The other two interracial Tianjiao women are entangled with some of Zhao Feng’s monsters.

The Wind Wolf King in the Wind Wolf Group, under the cultivation of Zhao Feng's resources, has rapidly improved its strength and led several powerful wind wolves to fight against the Eagles.

Zhao Feng's black-stained poisonous scorpion group and red-headed ice snake group are completely unaffected by the cold of the heavens and the earth, and can even exert a stronger fighting power, so they can stabilize the situation at the bottom of the battlefield.

Suddenly, the surrounding ice and snow, there is a disorder, a horrible Vientiane force, igniting all directions.

The clouds in the sky rolled, sometimes spewing out a fire snake or thunder, a big earthquake, the soil cracked, the water flowed, and in some places, there were countless towering trees.

"This is? The Vientiane Lord has started the Vientiane space."

The dark sacred Lord who was being repulsed by Iron Hongling and Zhentianjin was amazed.

As a humanoid, he has heard about this phenomenon.

When the Vientiane space appeared, the power of the original source that was leaked out of it had the horrible power of changing the earth.

"Zhao Feng, you must hold on."

The eagle’s heart is silent.

The aftermath of the Vientiane Lord's battle can cause such a dramatic change in the heavens and the earth. It is hard to imagine that Zhao Feng, who is fighting with the Vientiane Lord, faces the horrible power.

At this time, the colored light flows in the Vientiane space.

"In the Vientiane space, the strength of the Vientiane Lord is probably stronger."

Zhao Feng’s heart is dignified, and he feels that everything around him and the earth is rejecting him. Even ordinary heaven and earth, Zhao Feng can’t control it.

"Wind and Thunder Small World"

A flood of ridiculous lightning storms, from the back of Zhao Feng, collided with the colored barriers around, trying to compete with the Vientiane space and break the space.

"Hey, how can the small world of the sacred Lord be compared with the original space in the sacred place?"

Vientiane Lord is ridiculous about Zhao Feng’s behavior.

However, I have to admit that Zhao Feng’s small world is indeed very strong.

"Breaking the sky, the palm of the thunder, the big broken palm"

Zhao Feng runs the Yan Lei and Sheng Lei Li, condensing the right palm.

He naturally does not expect the small world of wind and thunder to break through the Vientiane space.

But at this time, Zhao Feng in the interior of the Vientiane space, the display of the sacred sacred palm, the power should be greater, but he still has some doubts, whether he can affect the Vientiane space.


Zhao Feng directly pressed down, while the power of the small world of wind and thunder also concentrated on attacking below.


Zhao Feng's huge red gold Leiguang palm shadow, infiltrated into the Vientiane space, bursting out the most powerful power.

However, there is still not much change in the Vientiane space. Zhao Feng’s palm is like a sinking sea, disappearing without a trace.

Suddenly, the Vientiane Lord screamed

"Hey, you kid..."

The eyes of the Lord of Vientiane left a trace of blood.

"It turns out that I am destroying the Vientiane space, which is equivalent to causing damage to Vientiane."

Zhao Feng has a clear understanding.

"Give me death"

The Vientiane Lord is furious.

He originally thought that in the Vientiane space, Zhao Feng did not do anything to help, but just now, Zhao Feng's mastery of the law, actually caused a certain injury to his Vientiane.


With the wrath of the Vientiane Lord, the Vientiane space is working immediately, and the ultimate ambiguity that cannot be rebellious is pervasive.

In the Vientiane space, all kinds of natural meanings are transformed into different forms and attacked Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng feels that as if the whole world is enemies with him, every inch of the void in the sky has a pure and incomparable strength.

"Just let my Vientiane space devour the power of the attributes in your body."

The Vientiane Lord’s eyes flashed a trace of greed.

The power of the property that Zhao Feng controls is very much, and the level of comprehension is not low.

After the Vientiane space swallowed up Zhao Feng, his vision of Vientiane should be refined.

"It's so strong, within the Vientiane space, even if it is a mysterious light, it is not necessarily the opponent of the Vientiane Lord."

Zhao Feng was shocked.

Sure enough, every descendant of the gods has extraordinary power.

The Vientiane Lord of Xuanguang Xiaocheng has the strength of Xuanguang Dacheng.

It’s hard to imagine, the real god, what kind of horrible power

And Zhao Feng is still the realm of the sacred lord, relying on the left-handed power that has not yet awakened, can thunder and kill the sacred light, and counter the mysterious Xiaocheng.

In general, Zhao Feng’s spiritual eyes seem to be a layer stronger than the Vientiane.

Does the fully awakened **** eye have the ability to shoulder the eight gods? Zhao Feng could not help but look forward to it.

But to witness this, he can't die.

In the face of the strength of the Vientiane Lord who achieved the glory of the glory, relying on the strength of Zhao Feng to fight against it, after all, some reluctantly.

"If that's the case, try its power."

Zhao Feng looked indifferent, showing a smile.

"Hey, you only have it now, you can laugh for a while."

The Vientiane Lord's face was iron-green, and with a big hand, the Vientiane space suddenly released a more powerful force of Vientiane, condensing all kinds of pure and sinister attacks.

Zhao Feng’s sudden smile made him feel weird. Therefore, the Vientiane Lord did not show mercy, urging the Vientiane space and releasing a terrorist attack that could threaten the great light.

In the hands of Zhao Feng, a dark silver ancient bow suddenly appeared, and there was a bright golden arrow.

Seeing the mysterious attack in the Vientiane space, Zhao Feng will be engulfed, and Zhao Feng will immediately put the true element into this bright golden arrow.


A horrible force of Jinrui Shenhui emerged from it, and a shadow of the gods and arrows that grew up to a hundred feet gradually spread out.

The sinister attack around Zhao Feng was suddenly penetrated and destroyed, and the Vientiane space was affected to some extent.

"The horrible metallic power is not right, but it also contains a trace of divine power beyond the mysterious light."

The eyes of the Lord of Vientiane once again felt a pain.

If it is an ordinary metallic force, he is not afraid at all, but the metallic force emitted by Zhao Feng’s arrow is too horrible, and his Vientiane is not enough to control.

Zhao Feng immediately placed the arrow on the lock of the sky bow and dialed the bowstring.

This bright golden arrow is exactly the arrow that Zhao Feng created in the Tianji City, based on the sacred arrow.

With Zhao Feng's current strength, although it is a little hard to motivate, it will never be like the sacred arrow.

At the moment of the bowstring, the shadow of the arrow around the bright golden arrow is more solid, and the infinite rules of the mystery emerge.

At that moment, the metal soldiers in the hands of thousands of soldiers in Mengcheng trembled together.

"Is it a **** arrow..."

The heart of the Vientiane Lord suddenly jumped, and the strong crisis was uneasy.

"This kid actually has such a terrible treasure."

The Vientiane Lord and the Lord both condensed, and the Vientiane space between heaven and earth disappeared immediately.


Around the Lord of Vientiane, there was a force of arrogance that pushed his speed to a limit.

"This feeling is locked"

The feeling of the Lord of Vientiane is a terrorist force that always hangs over his mind.

At this time, he remembered that the ancient bow in the hands of Zhao Feng seemed to be the inheritance of the sacred lock.


I saw a golden arrow shadow, as if wearing a heaven and earth, dragging a horrible metal energy storm, and rushing to the Vientiane Lord.


Vientiane Lord escaped and his eyes suddenly sprung.

At that moment, the natural forces of the whole world and the earth, all flocked to the golden arrow, turned into a raging fire, trying to reduce its power.

Although Huo Kejin, in the face of absolute power, the effect of this raging fire can be very weak.

The golden arrow instantly penetrated the sea of ​​fire and came to the Lord of Vientiane.

"Vientiane Space"

The Vientiane Lord felt a tingling sensation in his body. He was so stunned that he gnashed his teeth and released the Vientiane space.

Suddenly, the colorful Vientiane space turned into a reddish color, which then turned into a hot fireball.

The pure fire system of Vientiane Space has attacked the mystery, and its horrible heat energy is far more than that of Zhao Feng's perfect blood magic Yang and Yan Zhifeng.

"Yin and Yang"

The eyes of the Vientiane Lord once again flowed two blood streams.

His omnipotence, urging to the limit, from the spiral texture center of Vientiane, each of them a black and white group of light and shadow, blocking behind the Vientiane Lord.


A terrible storm of destruction broke out between heaven and earth, engulfing the heavens and the earth, and ravaging everything.

The blast that ruined everything was far away, and Zhao Feng’s look was a little embarrassing.

"I didn't expect the Vientiane Lord to have a card."

Zhao Feng’s **** eye naturally captures the black and white yin and yang.

(At the beginning of the month, summon the next month's ticket)

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