King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1033: Great victory

On the edge of a golden storm, a whole body of metalized aliens, leaving only a small half.


The metallic power slowly dissipated and revealed the face of the Vientiane Lord.

"It seems that it is not a real arrow, or I have already lost my mind."

The Vientiane Lord's eyes are dim and the atmosphere is weak.

"This hatred, I must report"

Vientiane Lord's eyes are cut.

He has never suffered such a serious injury since he practiced, and he was still hurt by a human being.

In addition, the Vientiane Lord has just broken through Xuanguang Xiaocheng not long ago, and the realm of strength has not been consolidated.

And he believes that this heavy treasure, Zhao Feng will not have it again.


A gust of wind and the righteousness around him, the Vientiane Lord quickly flew up and disappeared into the sky.

Zhao Feng’s left-handedness naturally captures the escape of the Vientiane Lord.

However, at this time, he was also extremely hurt, the real yuan was too expensive, and he did not necessarily catch up with the Vientiane Lord.

"The power of the defective product is very good"

Zhao Feng nodded.

Although there is no Vientiane Lord who kills Xuanguang Xiaocheng, if you change to the ordinary Xuanguang Dacheng Lord, facing this arrow, the possibility of surviving is also nothing.

It is mainly the shackles of Vientiane, and it controls the strength of the material level at both ends.

The vast sea of ​​fire and the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of the sky have indeed reduced the many powers of the sacred sacred arrows, and the last yin and yang is the most advanced ambition of Vientiane. It is estimated that the Vientiane Lord has just been able to use it. .

Zhao Feng immediately took some Baiyuan honey juice and other healing materials.

At the same time, Zhao Feng also runs "Wan Nian Shen" and "Resurrection of the Soul" to repair the soul injury.

Although the martyrdom of Vientiane is aimed at the material level, the attack of the Lord will penetrate the material and affect the soul level.

In other words, Zhao Feng bears every attack of the Vientiane Lord, and he also suffers some damage on the soul level.

On the battlefield outside the city of Mengcheng, the aliens and humans who fought in battle were all in the same place. Looking at the earth-shattering storm of destruction in the distance, the heart was shocked and difficult to calm down.

At that moment, the energy of horror was so arrogant that the battlefields in this place were faint and dark, and many of the lower realms were directly vomiting blood and fainting.

"What happened there?"

The old face of the eagle is sluggish and looks into the distance.

"Zhao brothers, you must not have an accident."

The nine emperors prayed in their hearts.

Although the explosion in the distance is extremely terrifying, he still holds a glimmer of hope.

"Zhao Feng, you can't die"

Iron Red Ling worried.

At this time, she has stopped the power of the blood, and the combat power has dropped sharply.

However, under the joint force of her and the two treacherous golden dragons, the sacred lord was also hit hard.

"Zhao seniors"

The eyes of the three disciples of Ji Jia are not helpless.

On the way to the battlefield, Zhao Feng often gave them some guidance. After coming to the battlefield, they also took care of them from time to time. They are very grateful for this.

"The Vientiane Lord has erupted such a powerful force, and the kid will die."

After a scar of the darkness of the Lord, the face was rejoicing, and as long as the Vientiane Lord came, everything was over.

"Hey, your strongest strength has already died, you lost."

The scorpion's five scorpions look cold.

A terrible explosion occurred in the distance, and then it was calm, which proves that the battle is over and the Vientiane Lord is coming.

In the hearts of the five scorpions, the Vientiane Lord can never fail.

On the human side, there is also a lot of silence. In their hearts, Zhao Feng is able to contain the Vientiane Lord. It is the best situation. How can he defeat the Vientiane Lord?

"Haha, are you talking about me?"

At this time, a smile came from afar and asked the words of the five sons.

The entire battlefield, suddenly shocked a sensation, and looked at the distance.

The interracial side, the look is terrified, pale and white.

"How is it? Vientiane Lord?"

The five scorpions were shocked all the way, looking at Zhao Feng, not convinced.

How could it be that Zhao Feng returned to the battlefield, which is impossible

"Even the Vientiane Lord..."

The dark Lord spit out a black blood on the spot.

The Vientiane Lord broke through Xiaoguang Xiaocheng, and even he lost.

Many aliens, looking into the distance, looking forward to the appearance of the Vientiane Lord...

All the monsters of Zhao Feng saw Zhao Feng coming back and suddenly roared.


On the human side, there was also a shocking applause.

"Zhao Feng is actually alive and back."

"No, Zhao Feng actually defeated the Vientiane Lord."

"Zhao Feng leads"

All human soldiers, even if they saw Zhao Feng coming back, they could not believe that this was true.

"Zhao seniors"

Ji Jia Ji Tianming and others, suddenly shouted, the heart is excited to say.

"Oh, unfathomable"

Eagle always gave this evaluation, and he never looked through Zhao Feng from beginning to end.

"Repelling aliens"

Zhao Feng looked at the aliens on the battlefield and looked indifferent.

Although Zhao Feng at this time seems to be very weak, but those who can defeat the Vientiane Lord, even if they are weak, they dare not fight with it.

The aliens are too dependent on the Vientiane Lord, so that when they lose this pillar, their hearts will collapse.

"The human beings who can defeat the Vientiane Lord must have at least the strength of the mysterious light."

The dark Lord whispered softly.

A seriously injured Xuanguang Dacheng, at least has the strength of Xuanguang Chucheng, and this Zhao Feng, so that the Dark Lord does not dare to make a final conclusion.

"Full force retreat"

The sacred Lord immediately issued an order.

The aliens who were stunned and shocked, suddenly lost their helmets and abandoned their armies, desperate to escape.

"Go ahead, Your Highness"

The dark Lord is looking at the five scorpions.


Suddenly, all aliens, fully retreat.

"Zhao Feng leads, how do you defeat the Vientiane Lord?"

"Zhao Feng leads, quickly down to treat the injury"

Many humans led the emperor and immediately looked at Zhao Feng. They were very enthusiastic and revered.

"Zhao brother, you are fine."

The Nine Emperor immediately came to Zhao Feng's side and did not manage the aliens who fled.

Zhao Feng was able to defeat the Vientiane Lord, and he must have suffered a very serious injury.

In the eyes of the human side, the victory of this war has been an unexpected surprise, so they have not taken care of the aliens who escaped.

Zhao Feng was calm and his eyes flashed in the left.

Suddenly, he laid a **** mark on a dozen or so emperors on the alien side.

The next moment, a dark silver arch appeared in his hand.


Zhao Feng swayed the bowstring, and a red light arrow penetrated one side of the world and directly penetrated the chest of a foreign emperor.

"It was delayed by the Vientiane Lord, and it has not been killed yet. You have to earn some points of merit."

Zhao Feng whispered.

Those who greeted Zhao Feng suddenly fell to the ground.

They all thought that Zhao Feng was seriously injured. Even if he could fight, he would play at least 20% to 30%.

But now, Zhao Feng took a shot and took the life of an alien emperor.

"Zhao Feng leads, really brave and unparalleled"

A leader has been speaking for a long time.

"Haha, killing the aliens"

The nine emperors laughed loudly.

Suddenly, under the stimulation of Zhao Feng, the human side immediately dispatched, fierce, and chasing the aliens.

"The kid has the ability to fight?"

The darkness of the Holy Spirit is fearful.

After defeating the Vientiane Lord, Zhao Feng actually took the initiative to attack, showing a good fighting power, which cast a heavy shadow on the hearts of the aliens.


Zhao Feng once again pulled the bowstring and killed a great emperor.

In the battle with the Vientiane Lord, Zhao Feng was seriously injured, but not as serious as he thought.

Moreover, with the resilience of the six layers of Zhao Feng Sheng Lei body, plus the indestructive physique of Xiao Cheng, the wind and thunder of wood, etc., as long as it is not hurt, it is very quick to recover.

In terms of the soul, Zhao Feng also cultivated the "Resurrection of the Soul".

"Zhao brothers, Vientiane Lord, he..."

Nine emperors came to Zhao Feng and asked in a voice.


Zhao Feng simply answered.

After listening to Zhao Feng's words, the Nine Emperor nodded. If the Vientiane Lord was killed by Zhao Feng, it would be incredible. Even if he reported these to the Lanzhou War Hall, no one believed it.

"Zhao Feng, this time you have a lot of merit points."

The nine emperors said with a smile.

The Nine Emperors naturally heard it. Just now Zhao Feng said that he would earn the words of the military.

"First of all, your monsters, in the bottom, high-level battles, have a very good performance."

The martial arts of the taming beasts and monsters naturally accumulate to the owner of Zhao Feng. Zhao Feng just ignored this point.

"Secondly, although you did not kill the Vientiane Lord, but forced it away, resulting in the victory of the entire war, this meritorious deeds, no less than killing a saint's combat power"

The nine emperors continued.

After all, the Vientiane Lord broke through the mysterious light, and the combat power is even more powerful.

After listening to the words of the Nine Emperors, Zhao Feng gave a slight glimpse. If this is the case, it is almost the same.

It seems that there are many ways to gain military exploits on the battlefield. Zhao Feng’s performance without killing the Vientiane Lord can gain the points of victory in killing the Lord.

On the human side, if they did not pursue it for a long time, they would return to the city.

After all, on this battlefield, the strength of the Nine Emperors is in a weak position, and everyone's state is not so good.

After returning to Mengcheng, the Nine Emperors immediately took over the city of Mengcheng and all the contents of this battle and reported it to the Lanzhou Battle Hall.

Three days later, the support requested by the Nine Emperors on the same day came to Mengcheng.

"His Royal Highness, have you defeated the aliens?"

The comer is the Holy Lord of the thirteenth prince's city.

At that time, the situation was in jeopardy. If I had to send a letter to the Lanzhou War Hall, I don’t know how long it would take to come, so the Nine Emperors could only ask for help from the human base around the city.

"Oh, luckily"

The Nine Emperor smiled a little and showed that he was busy now and had no time to communicate with the Lord.

Nine emperors did not pass the distress message to the thirteen emperors, but no other people came to the city. Obviously, this distress message was intercepted by the forces of the thirteen emperors.

And the thirteen emperors, naturally, will not send people so fast to support the Nine Emperors.

"It’s not your Royal Highness, you will be lucky."

The Holy One complimented, but his heart was amazed.

According to the information of the Nine Emperors at that time, the aliens should be attacked by the Vientiane Lord. How could the Nine Emperors hold the city?

But the Holy Lord did not ask much, and with the people who came, he immediately rushed back to the stronghold of the 13th Emperor.

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