King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1034: Halfway interception

After the end of the war, Zhao Feng began to retreat.

In the battle with the Vientiane Lord, Zhao Feng was immersed in an unprecedented crisis. He felt that all aspects of his own situation had improved under the pressure of long-lost crisis.

The first is the will of the soul, which has returned to its peak. It may not be long before Zhao Feng’s soul will reach Xuanguang Xiaocheng.

On the other hand, Zhao Feng has a deeper understanding of the various attributes of the "Five Elements of the Thunder".

After consolidating all aspects of his own, Zhao Feng left his residence and went to the pavilion where the Nine Emperors were located.

"His Royal Highness, what is the situation of the aliens?"

Zhao Feng took the initiative to ask.

After defeating the Vientiane Lord and successfully occupying the city, everything will not be as simple as before.

Imagine that even the Vientiane Lord failed, and the aliens could not have no action.

"At present, the alien strongholds in front of Mengcheng only add a few high-level officials, and many masters of the formation, they want to change their strategy and defend their defensive"

The Nine Emperor slowly said that during this time, he also sent spies to inquire about the local situation.

Because of Zhao Feng's sake, the enemy is alien, and he is very afraid of the 9th Emperor's army, so he takes the strategy of full defense.

However, it is only natural that Zhao Feng will repel the strongest Vientiane Lord in the Lanzhou Theater. If the aliens do not choose to defend, unless they dispatch the same strength as the Vientiane Lord.

"This is good"

Zhao Feng is a little relieved.

But this is only temporary. Today, the war is still in its early stages, and it is impossible to have any powerful combat power.

But if the war situation continues to develop, the two dynasties will launch a higher level of combat power. In the Lanzhou theater, the aliens should first target the city where the nine emperors are located.

"In addition, I also applied to the Lanzhou War Hall to add the power of the Holy Lord."

Nine emperors added.

With the recent record of the Nine Emperors, the army led by the Nine Emperors has become the eye of the aliens.

Once the war occurs again, facing the aliens with the strength of the Nine Emperors, it is undoubtedly defeated.

For the application of the Nine Emperors, the Lanzhou War Hall has agreed that it will not take long for the new Holy Lord's combat power to join the Nine Emperors.

Zhao Feng nodded. If he had the power of the Holy Lord to join, he would be relieved.

"Report, South Maple King Letter"

Outside the temple, a voice of a guard was heard.

"Come in"

The Nine Emperor immediately said.

Subsequently, a bodyguard sent a letter to the Nine Emperors.

"Zhao Feng, it's about you."

After reading the nine emperors, he handed a sheet of paper to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng Wei Wei, the spiritual knowledge into the paper, the words of Nan Feng Wang immediately sounded in Zhao Feng's mind.

"The development of the Haiyan Pavilion in the interior, and the conflict between the nine secluded palaces"

Just a few words, let Zhao Feng look like a change.

What he worried about was still happening.

Although Zhao Feng is the power behind the prince, the Jiugui Palace will not be targeted, but the Jiugui Palace can create opportunities and find an excuse to target the Haiyan Pavilion.

"His Royal Highness, it seems that I have to leave."

Zhao Feng immediately resigned.

The sea smoke pavilion, the Wanshengzong and the assassination institution of the night prince are all Zhao Feng spent a lot of resources to cultivate so far, how can they ignore it.

"Go ahead"

The Nine Emperors directly agreed.

Although he did not want Zhao Feng to leave the army, Zhao Feng had his own private affairs. He could not keep Zhao Feng.

"His Royal Highness, this is for you"

Zhao Feng handed a bag of Ling Chong.

The nine emperors were fascinated and looked shocked. In this spiritual pet bag, there were two quarrels of the quasi-sacred masters and two monsters.

Zhao Feng carries these monsters with him, and his use is not great, and he is not at ease with the Nine Emperors.

"The demon herd is given to the tamer of the lord who is trusted by His Royal Highness."

Zhao Feng suggested.

The Zhentian Jinyu, with instructions from Zhao Feng, can be used directly by the Nine Emperors. It is a talisman for the Nine Emperors.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng and some acquaintances in the army bid farewell, but also some of the commanders, look after the three geniuses of the Ji family and the ghost scales.

"Zhao Feng, I will go with you."

Iron red diamonds contain emotions.

"Your grandfather is to let you hone on the battlefield. If you leave the battlefield, you will return to the Iron House."

Zhao Feng directly refused.

On the same day, Zhao Feng left Mengcheng and set off for the Lanzhou War Hall.

"First change the battle points to the right"

Zhao Feng has a clear goal.

According to Zhao Feng’s speculation, his current combat points should be very high in the Lanzhou martial arts list.

It is also very convenient to exchange materials with military merit points. For example, the soil property treasures that Zhao Feng needs are difficult to find in the trading market of the city, but they can be directly exchanged at the battle exchange place of the battle hall.

When Zhao Fenggang left Mengcheng, someone sent information to the stronghold of the 13th Emperor.

"Zhao Feng finally left the battlefield."

The thirteen emperor looks a smile.

"Once he leaves the battlefield, he will never come back."

On the side of the thirteen emperors, Yan Peng of Jiugui Palace revealed a dark smile.

The two looked at each other with a sigh of relief in their hearts.

"His Royal Highness"

Outside the thirteen emperor's palace, suddenly a voice of a guard was heard.

"What is it?"

The thirteen emperor's brow wrinkled and was disturbed at this time, which made him very unhappy.

"Duanmu parents still have Zhao Yufei, seek out outside."

The guards outside the temple directly said.

"What? Is the rain Philip?"

The thirteen emperors were surprised and some were at a loss.

Subsequently, the thirteen emperors met with members of the Duanmu family in a hall.

"Yu Fei, are you here to help me?"

The eyes of the thirteen emperors fell on the purple woman who thought about it.

I haven't seen it for many years, and Zhao Yufei's beauty has made the 13th Emperor more heart-felt and his eyes can't be removed.

"His Royal Highness, we are here to talk to you."

Zhao Yufei is on the side, and the end of a green robe is open.

The thirteen emperor’s heart was so heavy that he knew that Duanmu Qing was the brother of Zhao Yufei, and that he followed the meaning of Zhao Yufei, and he was against the end of his family’s marriage with Yu Fei.

"Please speak"

The thirteen emperors looked gloomy.

He expected that Zhao Feng could not be removed from the trial of the Prince. This will happen next.

In the hall, there is a dead silence, and Duanmu Qing will recite the meaning of Zhao Yufei.

"Yu Fei, I really like you"

The thirteen emperor's body trembled slightly, and his face was somewhat dysfunctional.

He didn't understand why Zhao Yufei was so desperate for Zhao Feng. As a prince, he might even be a great emperor. Can you compare Zhao Feng?

"I am going to find the peak brother."

Zhao Yufei looked indifferent, and did not look at the thirteen emperors.

Zhao Yufei also knows everything after the customs clearance. If it is not because of Duanmuqing and the Purple Night Lord, she has already broken with Duanmu.

Later, under her strong opposition, Duanmujia’s elders agreed to Zhao Yufei and Duanmuqing to talk with the thirteen emperors.

"Yu Fei, Zhao Feng just left the battlefield"

The thirteen emperors could not help but smile.

"Where did he go?"

Zhao Yufei immediately asked.

"I am not sure as well"

Thirteen emperors sneered in the heart.

"Let's go, brother"

Zhao Yufei immediately got up.

"Yu Fei, are you going to the Nine Emperor?"

The thirteen emperor immediately asked.

He did not say the whereabouts of Zhao Feng, just to prevent Zhao Yufei from meeting Zhao Feng.

"Yu Fei, let's stay on the battlefield first."

Duanmu Qing immediately persuaded.

Duanmu’s family was behind the thirteen emperors, but he went to the camp of the Nine Emperors. It was inevitable that it was not good.

"Yu Fei, Zhao Feng will definitely return to the battlefield. During this time, you will also temper it."

The voice of the Purple Remnant came.

After all, the Dagan Dynasty is so vast, it is not easy to find a person.

Finally, under the persuasion of Duan Muqing and Zisheng Remnant, Zhao Yufei stayed in the city of Jiuhuangzi.

After Zhao Yufei and Duanmu Qing left, the thirteen emperors changed their minds.

"Zhao Feng"

The thirteen emperors glared at their teeth, and their hearts raged.

He really hated himself in the magical space, did not kill Zhao Feng personally.

The 13th Emperor did not expect that Zhao Feng would become the biggest stumbling block on his life.

"His Royal Highness, Zhao Feng is impossible to return to the battlefield."

The cold voice of Kun Peng sounded.

"Oh, yes, missed this time, they will never have a chance to meet again."

The thirteen emperors slowly calmed down.

On the other side, Zhao Feng took the wind and speed and rushed to the Lanzhou Battle Hall.

On the way, a variety of strong and power squad, between the battlefield and the battle hall.

In the war of the dynasty, any foreign strong or individual forces, as long as they register in the battle hall, can go to some cities to fight and gain military exploits.

The amazing momentum and speed of Zhao Feng's flame-flying car still keeps people coming and going.

Suddenly, a huge dragon-winged monster, intercepted in front of Zhao Feng, on the strange bird, has nearly ten people who look fierce.

The three great emperors, Wei Li, suddenly enveloped around Zhao Feng.

Seeing this situation, some other people in the vicinity, etc., immediately went away. Apparently they were very scared of the squad of the strange bird.

"Kid, your flying props, this Emperor is watching"

A leading green hair is middle-aged and looks awkward.

Zhao Feng stared at the front and looked unchanged.

"What is your kid doing, and our boss is talking to you?"

A peak king sees Zhao Feng's gaze, and he doesn't say a word. He immediately encourages a hot real yuan, and he will shoot.

"The Lord?"

Zhao Feng’s gaze penetrated these people and saw the two figures flying behind.

On the way to the battle hall, Zhao Feng also met a saint, but at this time he met two saints at once, making him feel a little strange.

Suddenly, the two figures in front speed up and fly to Zhao Feng.

At this time, behind Zhao Feng, there are also two figures rushing up.

"Three Holy Lords"

Zhao Feng realized that it was not good.

Suddenly, in the hands of these people, each appeared a black flag.

The black flags on the four sides stood in the void, and each of them burned the power of the black ghosts. The ghosts and clutters that screamed in the sky were so horrible.


In an instant, the four flags, black light, skyrocketing to a thousand feet high, like four giant pillars.

Nearly a hundred miles away, it was penetrated by a black blood, and a black flaming hood was visible in the periphery.

Dozens of people on Zhao Feng and the strange birds immediately fell into a dark and horrible hell.

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