King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1040: Coming to Zhenwu

The main peak of Zhenwu Holy Land, a quiet temple.

A wicked man with long blond hair is in a group of silver and purple.

"Nan Gong Sheng, your realm has been completely consolidated, you can continue to absorb the power of evil spirits"

In the Nangong Holy Body, the voice of the spirit of the evil spirits came.

Nowadays, although Nangong Sheng is still a beginner of Xuanguang, as long as he absorbs the power of the evil spirits, his cultivation as a realm can quickly climb up to Xiaoxuan Xiaocheng.

"I don't know the strength of Zhao Feng today, to what extent"

Nangong Shenglu opened his **** eyes and looked into the distance.

"Even if the kid breaks through the Lord, it can't be your opponent."

The voice of the evil spirits is dissatisfied.

With the power of evil spirits, Nangong Sheng used an ordinary human as an opponent, which made the evil spirits very disdainful.


Suddenly, there was a loud bang in the outside world, and a magical force that was overbearing and horrible, infiltrated into one side of the world.

Subsequently, two chilly and dark figures directly fell into the center of the Holy Land.

In the Zhenwu Holy Land, the two main spiritual peaks and all the strongest of the thirty-three side Lingfeng peaks were alarmed, and a strong spiritual knowledge was swept out.

"Who, dare to swear at the center of the Holy Land"

In the Emperor Xuanzhen, an ancient emperor immediately shouted.

Immediately, an old man with a head of hair, carrying a peerless great power, directly rises.

In the Qiansong Emperor, a woman in a black robe flew out in a black brilliance.

"this is"

The ancient emperor of Xuanzhen Shengzong looked at the black shadow of the chilly paint floating in the sky.

He only felt that when faced with the two superficial stalwarts, he was like a small ants, and the other person could bury him with an idea.

Another elder, who was in charge of the Holy Sepulchre, immediately stopped his body shape. He found that he could only stop here and could only lie under the two figures.

"I don't know where the predecessors came from, come to Zhenwu Holy Land, what's the matter?"

The ancient emperor of Xuanzhen Shengzong, asked with respect and respect.

As the top emperor in Zongmen, he can feel the horror of these two people, and it is only possible to be the sacred light of the supernatural world.

But even in the face of the elders in the sect, the pressure did not feel such a terrible will.

"Nine Ghost Palace, catching Nangong St."

The red-haired black robe, like a middle-aged man with bloodthirsty demon, said coldly.

With the ninth secluded palace, the three words spread, the entire Zhenwu holy land, all the kings of the Zongmen power, including the ancient emperor who retired all the year round, were shocked and immediately rushed out, and there was a horror in the eyes.

At that moment, all the strong men of the entire Zhenwu Holy Land came to the air, as if worshipping, bowing their heads to show the color of awe.

The nine secluded palaces, the legendary magic road Zongmen in the mainland, during the peak period, was once the four-star mass of the Weizhen dynasty.

‘The nine secluded palaces, these three words are almost taboos for the two stars in the Bohai Sea and even the Samsung Zongmen.

They never imagined that they saw the Magical Lord of the Nine Palaces.

"Nine Palace"

In the land of a fairyland in the mist of the Emperor Xuanzhen, a quasi-sacred master with a wrinkled dark yellow spot immediately opened his eyes and his eyes trembled.

"Continental Territory"

A thousand secluded sacred sects were dark underground, and a silver-haired old man who burned the whole body of the flames immediately stood up.

"South Palace St."

The mysterious Emperor of the Emperor Xuanzhen was flustered.

The Great Emperor of the Air, the official Xuanzhen Shengzong, the master of Nangong Sheng.

"I didn't expect that your nine palaces would kill me here."

In the sacred sect of Xuanzhen, a shadow of purple blood with horror and evil spirits rushed out.

"Nan Gong Sheng He?"

The Emperor of the Air was shocked and looked at the purple blood evil shadow that went straight into the sky.

"Xuanguang Holy Lord"

Xuanzhen Shengzong, an ancient emperor, blurted out.

It is possible to ignore the pressure of the two princes and the Lord, and only the Lord can do it.

This time, when Nangong Sheng came back, all the elders of Xuanzhen Shengzong could feel his difference, but in addition to the elders who were not retired, there was no one who could see through it, but he felt that Nangong was extremely strong and deep. Untestable.

No one has ever thought that Nangong Sheng has broken through the Lord.

Such a young Xuanguang saint, looking at the history of the sea, is unheard of.

Xuanzhen Shengzong all the kings of the emperor, suddenly a happy.

But when they saw the two figures in the sky that were like gods, they were all cold and sank into the bottom.

"How is it possible, Nangong holy him?"

On the first day of the thousand secluded sacred ancestors, I watched the Nangong Saint, which was completely different from the past. The shock in my heart could not be calmed for a long time.

She did not expect that Nangong Sheng, who returned from the mainland, was actually the land of the Lord.

At this point, the gap between the two of them, even if the nightmare catches up for hundreds of years, even the millennium, it is impossible to catch up.

And listening to the words of Nangong Sheng, he seems to be all the way to be chased by the Nine Palace, back to the true Wusheng.

Being able to face the pursuit of the top secrets of the mainland, and still surviving, the nightmare has not dared to imagine the strength of Nangong Sheng at this time.

It is no wonder that when Nangong Sheng came back, a look made her lose her war.

"South Palace St."

The two main saints of the nine secluded palaces looked at each other with a glimpse of their eyes, and they locked their eyes in Nangong, and their faces were solemn.

In the face of the siege of the Nine Palace, Nangong Sheng has been in danger for many times, and even hit the Holy Lotus of the Nine Palace.

This time, the two of them rushed here and never allowed to fail.

Nangong still has a faint color, and he has little confidence in the face of the two great sacred lords.

"I don't know what Zongnan Palace is doing wrong, let the elders of the Nine Palaces personally visit the Zhenwu Holy Land?"

At this time, Xuanzhen Sanzong Houshan forbidden land, an old man with wrinkles and spots, slowly drifting out, respectfully asked.

As a saint, he can feel the terror strength of the two top levels of the nine palaces.

"Taiwanese elders"

All the high-level disciples of Xuanzhen Shengzong are bowing down.

In another main spiritual peak, an old man with silver hair and black clothes appeared outside the main hall, quietly watching everything outside.

"In the magical space, Nangong Sheng slaughtered my nine secluded genius elite squad, and these evil spirits must be sanctioned by the Jiugui Palace."

In the sky, the middle-aged man in red-haired black robe said directly.

Regarding the fact that Nangong Sheng killed the nine secluded emperors and ruined the Lord, he naturally would not say.

"Nan Gong Sheng, let us go with us, otherwise, the true Wu Sheng land will face the infinite anger of the Nine Palace."

Another glamorous woman in the black palace skirt said indifferently.


In the real place of the true Wu, the thirty-three big two-star Zongmen suddenly trembled and panicked.

In their eyes, Samsung Zongmen is a behemoth that cannot be violated, let alone the big magic of the Samsung peak in the mainland.

However, the choice of everything is not with them.

Thousands of sacred sages of the Holy Sepulchre, a look of confusion.

In his view, the two holy saints in the sky can directly destroy the entire true martyrdom.

Moreover, Nangong Sheng is not a disciple of the Holy Sepulchre, and he does not want Xuanzhen Shengzong to appear such a young Lord.

"Two predecessors, what is wrong with this, my disciple, how could I kill the nine secluded geniuses?"

Xuanzhen Shengzong's Xuan Ming Lord, euphemistically said.

Xuan Zhen Shengzong appeared such a young saint, even if Nangong Sheng had signs of falling into the magic, he should try to keep it.

Nan Gong Sheng looked at the Xuan Ming Lord, a rare glance.

After all, here is the place where Nangong Sheng practiced from a small age. The Zhenwu group is his hometown, and there are his parents here.

"Hey, you are questioning my nine palaces."

The glamorous woman of the black palace dress, suddenly drank.

The horror of Tianwei’s will, so that the countless creatures underneath are suppressed and suffocated, squatting on the ground and shaking.

"Don't dare, old hope only hopes that Jiuyi Palace will give you a chance, and Xuanzhen Shengzong is willing to make any compensation."

Xuan Ming, the Lord, looked a little deep and continued.

At the same time, he also voiced to the elders of the Qiansong Shengzong, asking him to help each other...

"Nan Gong Sheng offended Jiugui Palace, Zhenwu Holy Land is willing to make any compensation"

Under the rich promise of the elders of the Emperor Xuanzhen, the Holy Sepulchre immediately spoke.

"Haha, the ants in the land of the sea, dare to ignore the majesty of the nine secluded palaces"

Above the void, the red-haired black robe of the Lord of the Magic, looked angry and smiled.

"Nan Gong Sheng, today, this seat will destroy the true Wu Holy Land, and then you will return to the Jiugui Palace"

The cool girl of the black palace skirt is condensed.

The whole world, suddenly surged in the magical atmosphere, as if the sky collapsed, and slammed down.

"not good"

Xuanzhen Shengzong and Qianyou Shengzong two elders, and Nangong Sheng, Qi Qi running the Holy Power, resisting this horrible magic road pressure.

"It's so strong, this strength almost reaches the mysterious light."

The thousand secluded lord said shocked.

The same Lord, the Holy Lord born in the land of Canghai, and the Holy One in the mainland are not a level.

In midair, all the strongest of the thirty-three Lingfengs were returned to the Zongmen.

"Xiao Xuan, you still don't want to move him, or I can quit."

The thousand sacred Lord immediately voiced.

In the face of the two sacred light Xiaocheng's magical lord, one of them is after all, Xuanguang Dacheng, just resisting this will, it feels very difficult.

And behind these two saints, it is still the Jiugui Palace.

"Taiwan elders, I am leaving..."

At this time, the voice of Nangong Sheng also sounded in the mind of Xuan Ming.

Nangong Sheng did not want to let the whole piece of Zhenwu Holy Land suffer from innocent disasters because of himself. After all, this is his place of cultivation since childhood. There are many elders who have taken care of him.

Even if his heart begins to distort, he will not forget these.

In the face of two Xuanguang Xiaocheng, if it is reckless, Nangong Sheng is still sure to escape.

"Slow, Nangong Sheng"

The old man with wrinkled spots showed a trace of decisiveness.

An old white token appeared in his hand, and a thought came in.

The center of the three main spiritual peaks, the peak of the ancient times.

Infinitely powerful, the space interface is swayed, and the outline of the colorful garden landscape gradually emerges.

In the garden, a rusty bronze door suddenly descends, and the unicorns and beasts in ancient mythology stand on each side.

“Hey? Is this a secret?”

"I didn't expect these places, there are such high-level secrets."

The two nine-story palace high-level, looked suspicious.

They did not understand that at this time, the Holy Lord of the Emperor Xuanzhen, to open this secret, is what to do.

"Get me out of here"

Suddenly, a treacherous thunder of the Megatron was heard from the bronze gate.

call out

A huge stalwart, glittering golden figure of golden light, appeared in the heavens and the earth.

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