King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1041: In-depth exploration

"In this mystery, there is still a saint."

The man in red-haired black robe was horrified.

"This saintist strength is extraordinary"

Aside, the glamorous woman of the black palace skirt whispers.

I did not expect the land of Canghai, but also hidden such a powerful strong light.

With her ability to approach Xuanguang Dacheng, under this golden light, I feel a repression.

The golden light of the sky slowly faded, and there was a handsome, short-haired youth in the face. On the tall and straight body, there were many wonderful golden runes.

"Who is you?"

The woman from the Jiugui Palace immediately asked.

This Xuanguang Lord seems so young, but even stronger than Nangong Sheng, who has the power of evil spirits.

"Kunyun seniors, please rescue the crisis of Zhenwu Holy Land"

Xuan Ming Shengzhu said respectfully.

When Kunyun returned to the Zhenwu Holy Land, but could not enter the semi-god relics, it made an agreement with the two major Samsung gates of Zhenwu Holy Land.

The strong men of Zhenwu Holy Land joined forces to open the semi-god relics, and the semi-god Kunyun was not able to make a real martial arts in the future, and still owe two Samsung sects.

Nangong Sheng eyes light shock, I did not expect this time, the semi-God Kunyun will appear, and seems to help the true Wu Sheng.

"Semi-God Kunyun"

The two elders of the Nine Palace were shocked.

The semi-god-level powerhouses are just a few, and they naturally know.

The former "semi-god Kunyun" is not a general power, its prestige, and even transmitted to the mainland's three or four-star sects.

However, to say that this young man is a half-god Kunyun, the top of the two nine palaces, I really do not believe.

First of all, the semi-god Kunyun, rumored to die under the **** of robbery.

Secondly, even if the demigod Kunyun was not killed at the time, after so many years, it should not be a saint of Xuanguang Dacheng.

However, even if they do not believe that this man is a half **** Kunyun.

At this moment, there are already four saints in the Zhenwu Holy Land. The strength of Nangong Sheng may also reach Xiaoguang Xiaocheng.

"How dare you disobey the will of the Nine Palace?"

The man in red-haired black robe immediately shouted.

In front of the situation, if they really fight, they will lose.

After all, this is a true martyrdom, there are some strong quasi-saints, and the two big Samsung sects may also have some cards.

"Hey, let's go back today, and it will send even more powerful strength to the Nine Palaces."

The glamorous woman of the black palace skirt, threatened.

The two of them went out in person, and they came in a thousand miles. If they returned empty-handed, they would not let other high-level jokes in the Jiugui Palace.

Hearing the threat of the two high-level lords of the Jiugui Palace, many of the sects of the martial arts in the true martial arts have shown their fear, and even the sacred sects have retreated.

After all, the half **** Kun Yun just owes them a favor and will not help them for the second time.

"Nine You Palace, has fallen to the Samsung Zongmen, actually still so arrogant"

Kunyun looked cold and the words were a bit ridiculous.

"How dare you insult the Nine Palace?"

The glamorous women of the black palace skirts sank. Although they are not the opponents of these people, they can tolerate each other so insulting.

"Hey, you two, didn't you hear that I just let you roll?"

The skin color of Kunyun's white enamel suddenly flashed golden light, and the mysterious golden runes floated around. At the same time, in his hand, there was an incomparably dazzling golden radiance, which exudes the power of turmoil.

The moment when the golden gods appeared, the heavens and the earth trembled together, and the two great monarchs of the nine secluded palaces were directly washed away.

As if at this moment, this golden light has become the most eye-catching existence between heaven and earth.

"This, this is divine power"

The glamorous woman of the black palace skirt, trembled and pale.

"This power..."

The red-haired man on the side is also extremely shocking.

Divine power, they are not the first to see them, they are in the heart of this power over the world.

"Kunyun predecessors, younger generations have no intention of offending"

"Predecessors, younger generations leave immediately"

Suddenly, the two nine-story palace high-rise, bowed down and bowed, leaving the place dingy.

"Thank you for the predecessors of Kunyun"

Xuan Ming Shengzhu respectfully worshipped.

"Oh, this breath..."

Kun Yun’s gaze suddenly stared at Nan Gong’s body.

"not good"

The Xuan Ming Holy Spirit is sinking.

As a saint, he can also feel that the inscrutable energy of Nangong Sheng is far beyond the level of the Lord.

At this time, the power of Nangong Sheng seems to have attracted the attention of Kunyun.

"Are you coming back from the mainland?"

Kunyun converges on the power, close to Nangong Sheng.

The closer he is, the more shocked Kunyun is, and he can feel that the divine power of Nangong Sheng is stronger than the power of his previous life.

In other words, Nangong Sheng may have gained a complete inheritance of divine power.

However, this divine power and the power of Kunyun are completely incompatible, and Kunyun is only lacking resources, and it is possible to return to the peak strength, so he does not need the power of evil spirits in Nangong.

"Be careful, this person is already able to use weak power."

The voice of the evil spirits sounded in the body of the Nangong.

"You have heard of Zhao Feng in the mainland."

Kun Yun asked directly.

Xuan Ming Sheng Lord breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that Kun Yun is interested in Zhao Feng.

However, Zhao Feng is also a disciple of Xuanzhen Shengzong.

He never thought that Xuan Zhen Shengzong actually had two such amazing geniuses.

"I am in the magical space, I am always with him."

Nangong Sheng said directly.

"Do you know what state he is today?"

Kun Yun immediately asked.

Although his own strength recovered very quickly, Kun Yun still feared the owner who had enslaved him.

"At the time, the king was not there"

Nangong Sheng said.

"Nonsense, how is it possible"

Kunyun looked angry and thought that Nangong Sheng was playing with him.

Later, Nangong Sheng Zhao Feng won the reborn, said it again, after all, this thing, almost no one knows in the sea.

"That said, he is now also the realm of the great emperor."

Kunyun’s eyes are bright and the joy is hard to say.

I did not expect that Zhao Feng was finally ruined by the death emperor.

Only Zhao Feng, the realm of the Great Emperor, is not allowed to screw up.

Kun Yun is now rehabilitated as a physique, and he has reached the glory of the glory. Moreover, he awakened the memory of his predecessor, and he can use more means to make more cards. His real strength is unfathomable.

call out

Kunyun looked excited and immediately rushed into the semi-deserved remains, seemingly preparing for it.

"Before the elders, I have to leave this place..."

Nangong Sheng said to the Xuan Ming Lord.

Xuan Ming Shengzhu sighed slightly, and he had expected this.

With the talent of Nangong Sheng and the opportunity of the magical space, I am afraid that within a thousand years, I can prove the position of God. The true Wusheng site naturally cannot keep him.

"I want to go beyond him"

Nangong Sheng’s eyes are condensed, and the intangible and horrible terrorist forces spread out.

Lianzhou Haiyange Branch.

Zhao Feng used to be a member of Xuanzhen Shengzong. Because Xuanzhen Shengzong, avoiding the death of the Emperor for the time being, he also saved his life in the semi-god's remains.

Therefore, he is very worried about the situation of Xuanzhen Shengzong.

However, even if he rushed over at this time, it will take half a year, and the end of the end is over.

Therefore, Zhao Feng is still taking the time to improve his strength.

Its own strength is the guarantee for survival in this world.

Zhao Feng doubles and condenses, takes out a variety of precious materials, absorbs the power of its attributes, and cultivates the five elements of the wind and thunder.

From the king to the great emperor, Zhao Feng’s strength has not increased greatly. From the emperor to the quasi-saint, there is only a physical improvement.

However, if it breaks through the Lord, Zhao Feng’s strength will have a qualitative leap.

Only by reaching the Lord and facing the forces of the Nine Palaces, can there be the possibility of fighting with them.

"I don't know how half **** Kunyun, now how..."

There is a worry in Zhao Feng’s heart.

The advanced speed of the semi-god Kunyun, his master, is naturally very clear.

And half **** Kunyun, will definitely come to Zhao Feng's troubles.

In short, Zhao Feng has to break through the Lord as soon as possible to ensure his own safety, as well as Zhao Yufei’s marriage contract, and the whereabouts of Liu Qinyi...

However, the opportunity to break through the Lord is hard to find, and the foundation of Zhao Feng is completely out of demand.

“It’s time to explore the dreams too deeply...”

Zhao Feng gently whispered.

After winning the rebuilding, Zhao Feng has been busy regaining his former strength and improving his realm. He has not explored in the dream of Taikoo for a long time.

With Zhao Feng’s current strength, he should be able to go further inside, or find an opportunity to break through the Lord.

Thinking this way, the next moment, Zhao Feng came to the dream of Taikoo.

In the woods, the demon birds, giant clams and black eagle, enslaved by Zhao Feng.

Under the command of Zhao Feng, two flying demon spirits explored the road in the sky, while Zhao Feng and the green spotted giant clam walked in the woods.

On the way, some demon spirits and ordinary animals were solved by Zhao Feng, and several trees with fruit were encountered.

Zhao Feng puts all of this into the world of fascination. Although he does not need it, if these items are placed on the outside world, Dan Yuan’s lord and king have fatal temptations. Zhao Feng can also use these resources to create a group of strong people. Or develop forces.

"It has already reached the depths of the forest"

Zhao Feng whispered.


Zhao Feng suddenly heard a stream of streams, Zhao Feng could not help but speed up the pace.

Beside Zhao Feng, the green spotted giant scorpion trembled and seemed to feel something, not willing to move forward.

In the sky, the black eagle and the demon bird did not move forward, as if they could only stop here, in front of their restricted area.


Suddenly, a deafening roar sounded.

A golden figure passed over a residual image, carrying a horrible arrogance and pressure, and oppressed Zhao Feng.

"this is……"

Zhao Feng immediately operated the holy body, and a fist slammed out, colliding with the golden figure in front of him.

I saw a flame tiger with a golden wing, with a sly face, appeared in front of Zhao Feng.

Behind Zhao Feng, the green spotted giants huddled together.


Zhao Feng punched the monster back, but the latter's vitality was extremely strong, and immediately stabilized his body and flew into the sky.

"This monster seems to be familiar..."

Zhao Feng’s thoughts sank into his mind.

This is the first time Zhao Feng has met a strange monster in the dream of Taikoo. The monsters, giant pythons and black hawks that have been encountered in the past are almost all ordinary animals.

"Is this the Golden Wing Red Tiger in the Taikoo Wanzui list..."

Zhao Feng looked shocked and found a kind of monster from the ranks of the fragmented Taikoo.

In Zhao Feng’s mind, there was an incredible thought.

Is it here, apart from ordinary creatures, all of them are legendary species on the list of the Taikoo people?

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