King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1042: Criminal certificate

The Golden Wings are the Red Tigers, and the Taikoo Wans are listed in more than 9,800 blood races.

But at this time, the true strength of this golden wing red tiger in front of Zhao Feng is a fight with the trepidation of the tyrannical King Kong.

You must know that the blood of the Ba Jinang people is ranked 421.

It is clear that the gap between the two bloodlines is so large, but this golden wing of the red tiger gives Zhao Feng the feeling, more arrogant and overbearing, showing the vicious beast.

"It should be the relationship between body and blood."

Zhao Feng doubles and condenses.

Dreams are too ancient, ordinary creatures flesh and blood, for the strong under the king, have extraordinary benefits.

In terms of blood, people or monsters in the mainland are absorbed or awakened by blood factors, and the blood of the ancient times is very weak.

However, in front of the Golden Wings, the tiger may have a complete golden wing and red tiger blood. This kind of ancient creatures cannot exist in the continental domain.

"I don't know how the meat of this golden wing is red tiger?"

Zhao Feng thought of the original, he killed the first creature in the dream of Taikoo, a piebald snake.

At that time, the ordinary piebald flesh and blood, all provoked the thief cat and Xiao Kunyun to compete.

What about the Taikoo blood race in front of you?

Zhao Feng flashed a hint of excitement.


The golden wing of the red tiger, in the sky, a red gold shadow, quickly plunging toward Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng is fully active in the operation of the holy body, no longer under the mercy.

"Sheng Leizhang"

Zhao Feng took a shot and shot a human-sized red gold palm.


The Golden Wing Red Tiger was once again defeated by Zhao Feng.


The golden wing of the red tiger, his eyes flashed a trace of jealousy, but then turned into a fierce.

The golden wing of the red tiger suddenly flashed a golden brilliance, as if at this moment, all his strengths were sublimated.

"A strong blood force"

Zhao Feng could not help but marvel.

Strong people or monsters with ancient blood in the mainland, and the power to launch blood, can only increase certain combat power.

In front of this golden wing, the red tiger, ranking more than 9,000 Taikoo races, broke out with the power of blood, which increased his combat power by nearly two times.

Even Zhao Feng, urging the perfect blood and blood of the blood, also increased the strength of four to five.

But the more the Golden Wing Red Tiger is surprised by Zhao Feng, the more Zhao Feng is interested in it, want to taste it.


A bright red burning glaze flame, like a **** red glow, lingers around Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng urged the Blood Devil's blood to collide with the Golden Wing Red Tiger.


The body of the Golden Wing Red Tiger was ignited by Zhao Feng’s Yang Yan. Similarly, after the Golden Wing Red Tiger activated the blood, the two claws left a scratch on Zhao Feng’s holy body.

"Soul of the soul"

Zhao Feng left a powerful spirit.

Suddenly, the soul of the Golden Wing Red Tiger began to confuse, and the control of the body was also a mess.

"Fantasy Shock"

Zhao Feng once again displayed a illusion.

In the private possession of the Jijiaxing Devil, he read books such as massive souls, illusions, and eyelids.

Some of the slightly easier souls, Zhao Feng can be said to be handy.

"Wind and Thunder"

In Zhao Yu’s left-handedness, there is a striking scorpion flame, and the amethyst shines, and the texture of the dark thunder is flooded.


A group of completely transparent dark fires, with the atmosphere of destroying thunder, bombarded on the head of the Golden Wing Red Tiger.

At the same time, Zhao Feng immediately rushed up, running the power of the real yuan, a mammoth.

This time, the Golden Wing Red Tiger made a painful mourning and his face was painfully distorted.


Suddenly, in the depths of the forest, there were a few screaming screams of anger, and the horror of horror was like a golden sound wave, which struck Zhao Feng.

"No, the Golden Wing Red Tiger is a Taikoo race, so there should be other Golden Wings here."

Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked.


Zhao Feng immediately exerted his full force to display the sacred palm of the sky, and cooperated with the wind and thunder, and killed the golden wing of the tiger.


Zhao Feng grabbed the Golden Wing Red Tiger and disappeared in place.

At this time, the two golden wings of the red tiger, near the advent, did not find anything. After the two golden wings exchanged for a while, they made an angry roar.

Inside the fascinating world.

Meow meow

When Zhao Feng appeared, the little thief cat immediately rushed in, a pair of black jewel-like eyes flashed thief light, and in his hand, immediately appeared a sharp knife, mouth mouth water DC.


Zhao Feng immediately stopped the little thief cat.

Inside the open world, a transparent glass bottle floated to Zhao Feng's hand.

Zhao Feng looked for a wound in the golden wing of the red tiger and put the blood of the golden wing red tiger with a glass bottle.

After the glass bottle was filled with red gold blood, Zhao Feng stopped.

"It will be handed over to you for cooking, not allowed to steal."

Zhao Feng stared at the little thief cat.

When I was fighting this golden wing red tiger, Zhao Feng’s wind and thunder bonfire did not cause much burning effect on the flesh and blood of the Golden Wing Red Tiger. It can be seen that the flesh and blood of the Golden Wing Red Tiger is difficult to roast. .

Meow meow

The little thief waved the sharp knife in his hand and made a stroke.

The little thief cat suggested cutting the meat of this creature and slowly roasting it.

"Okay, that's it"

Zhao Feng promised to come down.

Immediately, this golden wing red tiger was handed over to the thief cat to personally cook.

Zhao Feng came to another place in the fascinating world, staring at the blood of the red-winged tiger in his hand.

This blood force is very strong, exudes the quaint atmosphere of the roots of the wild.

Zhao Feng took a few drops and wiped it on his body, then he ran the holy body.


Zhao Feng found out that his body absorbed the blood of the blood very quickly, nourishing Zhao Feng's body, blood, and even the internal organs, but the effect was not weak.

Zhao Feng directly took out 10% of the golden wing of the red tiger blood, and wiped it on the body.

This time, Zhao Feng did not run the holy body, but activated the blood of the blood.


The blood of the golden wing of the red tiger slowly infiltrated into the blood of the blood and the blood of Zhao Feng.


Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s red blood and yang, which burned all over the body, suddenly increased the heat.

"It seems to promote and condense blood!"

Zhao Feng is very happy.

After a few hours.

The little thief cat came to Zhao Feng with a piece of meat that was fragrant and fragrant.

Zhao Feng immediately took off a piece and slowly felt it when he ate it.

“The effect is more than four times the fruit of the dream, and it contains a very strong flesh and blood.”

Zhao Feng looks awkward, stimulating the real element and absorbing the energy.

Zhao Feng has absorbed too much of the antiquity atmosphere, and the countless blood materials are countless. Therefore, the effect of this tiger meat is greatly discounted.

In addition, Zhao Feng estimated that the majority of the effect of this piece of tiger meat is still the power of the blood of the Red Wings.

"Although the effect is discounted, it is many times better than the treasures I exchanged with the Lanzhou War Hall."

Zhao Feng knows the foot.

Hunting this golden wing red tiger, he has already taken a certain risk, the next time you go hunting, the difficulty may be even greater.

In addition, the powerful strength of the Golden Wing Red Tiger allowed Zhao Feng to have the idea of ​​enslaving him, but it was immediately dispelled.

If it is the enslaved Golden Wing Red Tiger, because of the unexpected situation, the meditation disappears, such as the case of the semi-God Kunyun.

Once this golden wing red tiger was obtained by other taming beasts, the secret of Zhao Feng’s dreams was exposed.

Therefore, Zhao Feng once enslaved the demon birds, black eagle and giant clams, Zhao Feng never let them out to fight.

On the other hand, the little thief cat glared at Zhao Feng, and swallowed the rest of the meat, then hid it and snorted.

A month later.

Zhao Feng's "Five Elements Wind Thunder" is piled up under the accumulation of a large number of precious herbs, and the eighth layer of Yan Lei has been cultivated to the peak.

The flesh and blood of the Golden Wing Red Tiger was eaten by Zhao Feng and the little thief cat. The strength of both is not small.

On this day, Zhao Feng noticed the strangeness of the outside world and left the world of the void.

"The nine secluded palace is finally here."

Zhao Feng feels the magical atmosphere of the heavens and the earth.

"The nine secluded palaces of the Holy Lord are coming, but here is the Haiyan Pavilion, and please converge."

Zhao Feng’s words rang in the silence of the temple.

Suddenly, a figure appeared directly in the temple of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng felt a horrible magical sigh of repression. In his body, he suddenly provoked powerful blood and strength, and his body shape did not move.

These days, the essence of the Golden Wing Red Tiger was absorbed, and Zhao Feng’s body and mind were greatly enhanced.

"Zhao Feng, you are so bold, I dare to threaten my ancestral ancestral hall of the nine secluded palaces"

The low voice of the Lord of the Devils came out.

"The dark sky door is too long for the elders to admit their mistakes and compensate the Haiyan Pavilion. This is a matter of course."

Zhao Feng’s eyes are condensed. He listened to Nan Fengwang and Bi Qingyue.

The Lord of the Magic is the top of the Jiugui Palace that blocked the members of the Haiyan Pavilion on that day.

At that time, if it was not the White Beard Juggernaut of the Heavenly Palace, the power behind Zhao Feng was already destroyed by the Jiugui Palace.

"Zhao Feng, Hugh is so arguing, if you don't threaten the ghost of the Holy Lord, he will recognize this unwarranted crime."

The magical sacred eyes of the Lord and the eyes of Zhao Feng, the invisible spiritual pressure spread out.

But Zhao Feng in front of him, there is no change in his look.

"This junior"

In the heart of the Holy Spirit, the horror of the Lord was slightly shocked. In just a few years, Zhao Feng’s strength has increased a lot.

Whether it is material or spiritual, Zhao Feng can ignore his invisible oppression and calm himself.

"Oh, this is not an unwarranted crime. I have the absolute evidence that he has framed my Haiyan Pavilion."

Zhao Feng’s mouth smeared a smile and a pair of chests.

"criminal evidence"

The demon lord looks awkward.

The incident of the dark sky door smudging the sea smoke pavilion, the relevant personnel, have all been removed.

And Zhao Feng is coming back from the battlefield. How can he have a crime?

"One nonsense, Zhao Feng, you want to distort the facts"

The sacred Lord of the Devils suddenly angered, and the invisible magical temper suddenly spread, and the heavens and the earth were dim.

Rao is the powerful body of Zhao Feng, and some of them can't bear the temperament of this kind of like Tianwei.

call out

In the fascinating world, the black armor of the sacred lord played a chilly glory, which was projected from Zhao Feng's arm guard and formed a light curtain in the air.

On the light curtain, there are many pictures of quasi-saints and holy masters.

"I will hand over this matter to me. I will grab a few members of the Haiyan Pavilion and kill them and then smudge them."

In the picture, the voice of the Dark Lord's Dark Lord is coming out.

Zhao Feng smiled and looked at the wonderful expression of the Lord of the Devil.

The scene in this light curtain is the memory image of the black armor.

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