King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1043: Master hall

The Lord of the Devil is in the same place, looking at the picture presented in the light curtain.

Your content in this image is the small force behind the 13th Emperor's power to discuss how to deal with Zhao Feng.

The characters appearing in the picture are representatives of the forces behind the thirteen emperors, even the black armor of the nine secluded palaces.

How can Zhao Feng have this image? The demon of the Lord of the Devil is amazed.

"That breath..."

Immediately after the shock of the Lord of the Devil, I noticed something.

The chilly light that just shot from Zhao Feng's arm guards contains a strong magical atmosphere.

With this breath, the Lord of the Magic can conclude that the master of this breath, the cultivation of the secrets of the nine secluded palace.

Is there a traitor placed by Zhao Feng in the Jiuyi Palace?

The magical sacred face is gloomy, and it is no wonder that the last murder will fail.

It stands to reason that Zhao Feng is absolutely impossible to escape when he dispatched three sages and a dead scorpion.

"Zhao Feng, hand over that person"

The demon of the demon lord is cold and violent, and the powerful sacred light of the body runs up and seems to break out.

In this image, those forces only discussed how to deal with Zhao Feng and did not mention the Prince.

But if the traitor has mastered the evidence that the nine secluded palace intends to deal with the prince, it would be bad.

Zhao Feng’s calm look is the first time that the Lord of the Devil is uneasy.

"The Lord of the Devil, the participants in this assassination, seems to be the forces behind the thirteen emperors."

Zhao Feng’s words to the Lord of the Magic are not asked, with a hint of threat, suggesting.

"Oh, this is my personal grievances with your nine secluded palaces, and those forces are also my nine secluded palaces."

The Lord of the Devils said immediately.

As long as there is no relationship with the royal family, the Jiugui Palace is really not afraid in the mainland.

"Since you admit that all this is the planning of the Nine Palace, then you can't just forget it."

Zhao Feng smiled.

"Haha, you are not qualified to negotiate with me."

The magical lord screamed.

Zhao Feng’s words are like negotiating with the Lord of the Magic, and the implication of the words is to ask the Nine Palace to compensate for the assassination.

"In addition, I will say it again, hand over that person."

The magical sacred face is cold and cold, and a killing effect permeates.

From the phenomenon just now, he can see that the traitor who was placed in the Jiugui Palace was in the fascinating world of Zhao Feng.

If Zhao Feng is unwilling to hand over the lost world, then he can only grab the lost world or kill Zhao Feng.

Inside the temple, the extreme is depressed, as dark as the night.

"Devil Lord, do you think that the nine secluded palaces, I used the last scorpion arrow?"

Zhao Feng looked cold and looked straight at the Lord of the Devil, and asked coldly.

The Lord of the Magic is a little glimpse.

According to many intelligences and analysis, many high-level forces have speculated that Zhao Feng will use the arrow.

However, no one has seen it before, so this conclusion is not absolutely true.

"With your strength, it is impossible to defeat the Vientiane Lord."

The Lord of the Magic has not answered the words of Zhao Feng.

The Vientiane Lord, the alien sage of the Vientiane, has its true strength and can even compete with the sacred Lord of the Dark Light.

"Then try it out."

Zhao Feng Yin smiled.


The temple is quiet.

If there is no reminder of Zhao Feng, the Lord of the Magic has already shot.

However, Zhao Feng only mentioned the sacred arrow. Although he did not admit that he really has a sacred arrow, the sacred lord has been in a panic at this time. I don’t know how

It’s hard to cultivate to Xuanguang Dacheng, and maybe even touch the gods. The Lord of the Magic does not want to make fun of his own life.

"Zhao Feng, right with the Nine Palace, you can't live for a long time..."

The next moment, the figure of the Lord of the Devils disappeared, leaving only a voice, echoing in the Haiyan Pavilion.

In the open world, the black armor has pinched the sweat for Zhao Feng.

"Master, do you really have a **** arrow?"

The black armor asked, this is also his curiosity.


Zhao Feng did not hide.

The black armor of the Holy Spirit has a glimpse of the heart, and the heart is slightly relieved.

"In this time, the Jiugui Palace will not come to the trouble of the owner. If the master can break through the Lord early, he will be able to grasp the nine palaces."

The black armor suggested.

He believes that after returning to the Lord of the Magic, as long as he thoroughly investigates this matter, he will know that he is a traitor.

After all, there were not many members of the Jiuyi Palace who participated in the meeting. Since he failed to kill Zhao Feng last time, he did not return to the Jiugui Palace.

"Hey, I am now, I am looking for the trouble of the Nine Palace."

Zhao Feng glanced at it.

Today's Haiyan Pavilion is not the weak two-star power.

At this time, the forces of the Haiyan Pavilion include the assassination of the Holy Trinity, the Night of the Holy King, and the Ghost Gate. In addition, the forces of the Bianhai, to a certain extent, are controlled by the Haiyan Pavilion.

Coupled with the resources constantly provided by Zhao Feng, the guardianship of the royal family's luck, in just a few years, Haiyan Pavilion has developed to a very terrifying level, and its power extends from the border sea to the inland center.

Moreover, the total power of Haiyan Pavilion has been transferred from the border sea to the inland, established in Jijiatun.

Haiyan Pavilion and the side of the sea where Wanshengzong is located have completely become a large rear.

At this time, the Haiyan Pavilion has already counted as one of the best forces in the mainland.

After dozens of days, Bi Qingyue and the night of the Holy King came, Xu Laogui stayed in Zhangzhou.

"I didn't expect the owner to come early and solve everything."

Biqing moon face dew.

The original intention of Zhao Feng to establish this power is to serve himself.

So far, Zhao Feng has spent a lot of resources to cultivate this power, but like Zhao Feng's cumbersome, Zhao Feng is everywhere to save.

"Master, the assassination organization I am in is gradually becoming famous, and it is called 'Lone Kill Hall,..."

The night prince gave Zhao Feng a report on the assassination of the organization.

The assassination organization is very easy to develop on the basis of the information of the Haiyan Pavilion.

Coupled with the professional killer in the corner of the black screen, and the resources given by Zhao Feng, quickly emerged from the numerous assassination forces.

Then, Bi Qingyue also explained to Zhao Feng some of the recent developments of Haiyan Pavilion and future goals.


Zhao Feng said after listening carefully.

Due to the trial of the Prince, the Haiyan Pavilion began to be famous, and the two wars of the two dynasties allowed most of the forces to gather on the battlefield. The Haiyan Pavilion took the opportunity to develop rapidly.

Bi Qingyue said, more accurate than the elders of the green robes at the Haiyan Pavilion.

"In the future, this power is called the master temple."

Zhao Feng thought for a moment and said.

His initial goal was to build a superpower that was all over the world, dominated the world, and prevailed.

"Yes, master"

Bi Qingyue and the night prince, when I heard the name, I felt the strong ambition of Zhao Feng.

In addition, the forces they are in charge of today are too messy and do need a general term or a top management.

"Biqing Yue, the Lord is still you"

Zhao Feng is more satisfied with the performance of Bi Qingyue.


Bi Qingyue was shocked.

She did not expect Zhao Feng to trust her so much, and she almost pinned her ultimate goal on her.

In this regard, Bi Qingyue is very excited and willing to serve Zhao Feng wholeheartedly.

"Black Lord, you will be a killer in the future, and develop 'Lone Kill Hall,'"

Zhao Feng waved his left hand.

A strong man with a black scale, appeared here.

"The Lord"

Bi Qingyue and the night of the Holy Spirit.

And the Holy Lord knows that it is the black armor of the Nine Palace, and its fighting power may be stronger than the night prince.

Unexpectedly, their masters, even the Lord of the Nine Palace can control, for their own use.

‘Mastering the temple, the strength will be stronger and stronger

"Thank you for your master"

The night sage said.

Although the assassination organization is developing rapidly, but wants to rise further, it is indeed very lacking such a top-ranking powerhouse.

"The next task is even more difficult"

Zhao Feng looked into the distance.

The forces he wants are almost shaped, and the ultimate goal of Zhao Feng is not to be boring.

The rise of a powerful force must be accompanied by the decline of another power.

"Please ask the owner"

In the hall, the other three were in unison.

They can all feel that Zhao Feng is playing a big game in the next game.

And they also faintly realized that Zhao Feng's next direction.

"This is your award for many years of hard work"

Zhao Feng threw two storage rings.

The night prince and Biqingyue are very promising, so Zhao Feng will cultivate them while using them.

The black armor has just joined the Zhao Feng camp and contributed a small amount, so there is no reward.

"Thank you for your master"

Bi Qingyue and the night of the Holy King once again deeply worship.

There is only one thing in Bi Qingyue’s storage ring, but she has already excited her.

That is exactly a hundred-source holy pulp, which can increase the gems of breaking through the mysterious light.

And Zhao Feng gave the secluded sacred monarch, but also some of the top secrets and cultivation resources.

Bi Qingyue and the expression of the secluded sacred priests made the black armor of the Holy Spirit curious, and Zhao Feng gave them two things, so that they were so excited and happy.

"Bi Qingyue, then, the intelligence organization is mainly concentrated in the Jiugui Palace..."

If you want to deal with the nine secluded palaces, you must pay attention to them and learn more hidden information.

Subsequently, Bi Qingyue left this place and rushed back to Zhangzhou.

"Night of the Holy King, your mission is even more important than Bi Qingyue"

Zhao Feng showed a smile.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng communicated separately with the night priest.

The assassination organization ‘The Killing Hall, wants to grow stronger, one is that it needs a powerful killer, and the other is a reputation.

To ‘the rule of the temple, the scale is enough to be the backing of ‘the murder hall, then the next step is to start with fame.

"I want you to grab business with the black corner."

Zhao Feng said his thoughts.

The black curtain corner is one of the three major organizations in the underground world, and it is also the most powerful assassination force in the mainland.

The night prince was shocked by the idea of ​​Zhao Feng, but it was just to grab the business, not to provoke the black corner, so it was okay.

As a member of the black corner, he is well aware of the horror of the black corner.

"So the goal..."

The night prince guessed Zhao Feng’s thoughts and assassinated the organization to grab the business, which was naturally an assassination.

Then the target of the assassination of the murder hall is naturally the nine secluded palace and related forces.

Zhao Feng and Jiugui Palace are enemies, they must develop themselves, and they must continue to weaken the Jiugui Palace.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng and the night of the Holy King discussed the implementation of the plan.

"I will anonymously post many high-priced assassination missions at the Killing Hall. At the same time, I will also go to the blackout corner to release the same mission, attracting the attention of the killers...

Since it is to grab business, the rewards for these assassination missions must be rich enough to attract the vast majority of the strong.

In this regard, Zhao Feng has already thought of a great idea.

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