King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1044: Yuling Holy Doctor

Grab the black corner business and the reward of assassination mission is the key point.

Zhao Feng’s mission rewards must be rewarded by other forces, and countless strong people are eager to win.

After the night prince and the black armor left, Zhao Feng’s figure disappeared.

In the darkness of the dream, Zhao Feng carefully approached the depths of the forest.

The original perspective of Zhao Feng’s left eye was greatly hindered in the dream of Taikoo.

But nowadays, Zhao Feng's left-handedness is mutated to gold, and with the ability to permeate the light, Zhao Feng can penetrate the blockage of these ancient plants and see the deep scenes.

In the center of the forest, there is a pool of water, and the clear and pure water flows from the back of the mountain.

Around the pool, there are dozens of golden wings and red tigers.

At this time, Zhao Feng discovered that the golden wing of the tiger that he killed was the weakest of the Golden Wings.

Two of the most massive gold-winged red tigers, Zhao Fengguang is far from watching, they feel the horrible ancient animal domineering.


One of the gold wings, the red tiger seems to be aware of what it looks like, in the direction of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng immediately removed his gaze and convergence.

"The strength of this golden wing red tiger is at least equivalent to Xuanguang Dacheng."

Zhao Feng whispered in his heart.

But in fact, the realm of this golden wing red tiger is only the beginning of Xuanguang.

Zhao Feng around the habitat of the Golden Wing Red Tigers, observed a circle, and finally began to act.

Zhao Feng will target a golden winged red tiger that leaves the ethnic group.

At some point, Zhao Feng leaked a breath.

Suddenly, the golden wing of the red tiger noticed this strange, flew in the direction of Zhao Feng, and gradually moved away from the ethnic group.

"This time is you."

Zhao Feng directly runs the holy body, activates the perfect blood magic yang, and rushes to the golden wing red tiger.

With the last combat experience, this time Zhao Feng can more easily deal with this Golden Wing Red Tiger, master the fighting rhythm, and attack the weakness of the Golden Wing Red Tiger.

When the Golden Wings and Red Tigers perceive the power of Zhao Feng and prepare to flee, Zhao Feng’s left-hander has a strong volatility.

"Wind and Thunder"

In Zhao Yu’s left-handedness, there is a striking Philip’s flame, and the purple-gold luster flows, and the texture of the dark thunder is flooded.

A group of completely transparent Zijinlei fire, with the atmosphere of destroying thunder, bombarded on the head of the Golden Wing Red Tiger.

At this time, when the Golden Wing Red Tiger was the weakest, Zhao Feng immediately shocked him and gave him a fatal blow.

Dragging the dead gold wing red tiger, Zhao Feng returned to the world of the void.

Meow meow

The little thief cat who was sleeping was immediately leaping, his eyes sparkling, and his mouth was fluent.

"No, this golden wing is red tiger, and it has other uses."

Zhao Feng directly interrupted the whisper of the little thief cat.

In the end, Zhao Feng let the little thief cat cut this golden wing red tiger into a piece of meat, and then rewarded one of the wings of the golden wing red tiger to the little thief cat.

And Zhao Feng, leaving the Haiyan Pavilion branch, began to hurry.

On the way, Zhao Feng used the transmission circle in the lost world and the big city to reach the destination very quickly.

Changhong City Fairy Medicine Court

"Welcome, what medicine do you need or medicine?"

A plain woman wearing a blue silk gown directly greeted.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng went directly to the eighth floor of Xian Medicine Court.

In the eighth floor, several emperors are choosing herbs, medicinal herbs...

"Zhou Suer, I am coming up."

Zhao Feng said it directly, and then set foot on the stairs to the ninth floor.

“Who is this young man? Can he go directly to the ninth floor?”

“The owner of the house here, but the royal staff”

"Golden blonde, is it Zhao Feng"

In the eighth floor, several emperors were shocked.

Nowadays, in the two wars, all the forces and powerhouses in the dynasty will almost always pay attention to the frontline battlefield, and most of them have personally participated in the battle.

Therefore, Zhao Feng’s reputation for defeating the Vientiane Lord is even higher than his performance in the trial of the Prince.

Zhao Feng just boarded the ninth floor, and Zhou Suer’s voice came.

"I thought that you will not come to me in the future."

In Zhou Suer’s discourse, there seems to be a complaint.

"This time, there is something to ask for help."

Zhao Feng said bluntly.

Zhou Suer’s brow immediately wrinkled, and his eyes stared at Zhao Feng, and Zhao Feng’s words obviously hit her.

"what's up?"

Zhou Suer sighed slightly.

He also knows that Zhao Feng is a very powerful elder and very busy. Some time ago, I was still on the battlefield.

Moreover, Zhao Feng and Qiugui Palace have enemies, and Zhao Feng’s free time is indeed not much.

"I have the flesh and blood of a monster, I want to make it into a drug."

Zhao Feng said.

"a piece of cake"

Zhou Suer easily agreed.

The most precious thing on most monsters is some materials and crystal nucleus.

But there are also some monsters with very special flesh and blood, containing a strong essence of blood, but it is undoubtedly refined into a drug, more suitable for practitioners to use.

"The quality of the drug, I also have requirements."

Zhao Feng intends to use the gold medicinal red tiger refining medicinal herbs as a reward for the assassination mission.

These assassination missions target a wide range of people, including the king to the Lord, so the highest quality of the drug is best.

"It’s really troublesome, give me the body of the monster."

Zhou Suer is very curious, what kind of rare monsters Zhao Feng got.

After all, Zhao Feng is a strong body of refining, and the level of life has already entered the threshold of the black light. The flesh and blood of the general beast has little effect on him.

Zhao Feng handed out a storage ring.

The flesh and blood of the Golden Wing Red Tiger, if it is taken out directly, the ancient atmosphere radiating on it, is likely to be felt by other strong people.

Zhou Suer looked at the mysterious Zhao Feng and explored the storage ring.

"this is……"

Zhou Suer suddenly stopped.

As a physician, she can naturally feel the powerful blood of the Golden Wings.

But this monster has been cut in advance, she can not judge the identity of this monster.

"A good, rich, ancient atmosphere..."

Zhou Suer immediately said.

This rich and powerful Taikoo atmosphere is several times stronger than the atmosphere in the royal tomb.

"There is also the breath of the ancient blood, you killed the original race of the ancient blood?"

Zhou Suer asked with amazement, feeling the body's blood trembled.

The primitive race of the ancient blood, such as the silkworm sinensis, its precious value is beyond doubt, and some people will kill these gems and treasures for alchemy.

"It’s just a ranking of more than 9,000 Taikoo races."

Zhao Feng explained one sentence.

Zhou Suer's mood is calm, and the Taikoo archaeological race ranks so far behind. The use is not great, but this rich ancient blood and powerful qi and blood still make her wonder.

"You lived here for a while, I have never refining the archetype race of the Taikoo people, and it also contains the ancient blood, I have to ask about the master."

Zhou Suer explained it to Zhao Feng and then left the Xianpian Pavilion.

Zhao Feng nodded, the blood of this golden wing red tiger, Zhao Feng only took a small part, most of the gold wing red tiger blood remains in its body, this is also to improve the quality of the drug.

After Zhou Suer left, Zhao Feng temporarily lived on the ninth floor of Xian Medicine Court.

"A golden wing is not enough."

A gold-winged red tiger refining the medicinal herbs may temporarily attract the attention of the killers, but they cannot keep them.

Therefore, Zhao Feng enters the dream from time to time, looking for opportunities, or trying to lure one or two golden wings.

Half a month passed.

Zhao Feng succeeded in killing two golden wings and red tigers.

But at this time, the Red Wings of the Golden Wings have already discovered the behavior of Zhao Feng. All the Golden Wings and Red Tigers are gathered around the pool, and there are only a few out together. Zhao Feng’s hunting difficulty is greatly increased.

"I don't know what the magic of the pool is?"

Zhao Feng in the forest, through the perspective ability, looks at the clear and clear pool of sparkling green light.

With dozens of gold-winged red tigers perched there, the pool must have something extraordinary.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng seemed to be aware of it. He left the dream too old and returned to the medicine cabinet.

Soon, two people walked down the stairs to the ninth floor of Xian Medicine Court.

One of them is Zhou Suer, and next to him is a man with a white hair and a kindly eye.

"Zhao Feng, Dan medicine is refining"

In the hands of Zhou Suer, two white jade medicine bottles appeared.

After Zhao Feng took over, he opened the medicine bottle and swept left.

Two bottles of medicinal herbs do have high and low scores, but the quality of these medicinal herbs is beyond the expectations of Zhao Feng.

"One of the bottles is ‘Lingxue Jingdan, which is made with flesh and blood, and the other bottle is Jingxue Dan. It is mainly blood, mixed with a small amount of flesh and blood.”

The white-haired old man explained to Zhao Feng.

"This is my master, Yuling Holy Doctor"

Zhou Suer introduced.

"I don't know what the seniors came here, what's the matter?"

Zhao Feng smiled slightly and looked at the white-haired old man.

Yuling Shengyi, one of the top medical sages in the mainland, who used the medical practice to repair the Lord and cultivated the realm but still reached the Lord. This shows how talented these two aspects are.

If there is nothing, how can a generation of medical sages come here personally?

At the same time, Zhao Feng also guessed that these medicinal herbs may be rejuvenated by Yuling Sheng doctor, otherwise the quality will not be so high.

"I don't know Zhao Feng's little brother, there is no such blood, the old body is willing to exchange at a high price."

Yuling Sheng doctor directly opened.

We must know how precious the human condition of the medical practitioners in the mainland is.

Behind a medical sage, it also involves countless forces and strong people.

Next week, she was pouting, and she knew that the blood and flesh that Zhao Feng had taken was not as simple as it was.

"The prototype race of the Taikoo people is too rare"

Zhao Feng answered directly, but did not refuse.

"Is there any other demand for Zhao Xiaoyou?"

Yuling Sheng doctor continued to ask.

Her hand-made medicinal herbs can naturally detect that some blood in the flesh and blood is taken away by Zhao Feng.

Although she has also refined some blood, but it is very rare. After all, as a well-known medical sage in the mainland, she will not do anything to cut corners.

However, from the refining of a little blood, Yu Lingsheng doctor shocked for a long time.

The concentration of the ancient blood is really high and outrageous. Even if this monster is a prototype of the Taikoo family that survived in ancient times, it is impossible to have such a pure ancient blood.

"Yes, I want to ask Yuling Shengyi as the 'master's temple, alchemy ten years'"

Zhao Feng smiled and opened.

The value of the medical sage for ten years is much higher than the value of a sacred master for a hundred years.

After Zhou Suer’s surprise, she shook her head slightly. Her master Yu Ling’s doctor still did not lose any power. Even the invitation of the royal family, she directly refused.

"Oh, I don't know what chip Zhao Xiaoyou can produce?"

Yuling Sheng doctor smiled slightly.

She has not heard of the main hall, but it doesn't matter much.

Zhou Suer’s look is a glimpse. If it is said that the average person says this, Yuling Sheng doctor naturally refuses directly, and will not even make alchemy for him in the future.

This time, her master did not refuse, and there is a certain interest.

Zhao Feng handed out a storage ring and then asked: "Predecessors should know, what kind of monsters are the flesh and blood?"

Yuling Shengsheng took over the storage ring, and the spirit of the exploration, suddenly squatting in the same place, both eyes lost, apparently, all her consciousness has entered the storage space.

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