King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1045: Assassination

The consciousness of the Yuling Holy Doctor all entered the storage space and observed what was stored inside.

It is a prototype monster of the Taikoo family. Although it has died, it still exudes a strong and fierce atmosphere.

"The strength of such a strong body, as well as the rich blood of the Taikoo and the ancestors, the quaint nature of the heavens and the earth..."

Yuling Sheng doctor can't wait to study this golden wing red tiger now, but her consciousness is still returning to the body immediately.

In the Medicine Pharmacy, Yuling Shengyi’s eyes restored the luster, and immediately said: “That’s the way it’s set”

Zhou Suer is waiting to see Zhao Feng's appearance, but she did not expect her master, actually said this sentence.

"Master, how do you agree?"

Zhou Suer immediately asked.

At the same time, Zhou Suer was very curious. What Zhao Feng had come up with could make the Yuling Holy Doctor who even the royal family refused, and promised Zhao Feng's request.

"What? You don't want the teacher to help him?"

Yuling Sheng doctor asked, then smiled and looked at Zhou Suer.

Zhou Suer is slightly red and no longer speaks.

"Then there are seniors."

Zhao Feng smiled.

He did not expect that this trip could actually meet the Yuling Holy Doctor. The lord of the lord was just established. The addition of Yuling Holy Doctor can also add a lot of fame.

And in the future, Zhao Feng wants to refine the medicinal herbs, they can directly find the holy doctor.

“What do seniors need to prepare?”

Zhao Feng took the initiative to ask.

Since Yuling Shengyi promised to serve the main hall for ten years, it must be moved to the main hall.

"lets go"

Yuling Holy Doctor directly.

For ten years, for a saint, it is just between the fingers.

When I arrived at the main hall, the materials of alchemy in the future must be taken care of by the main hall.

"Zhou Suer, then let's go."

Zhao Feng smiled.

Although there is only a ten-year period, Zhao Feng is sure that he will be able to stay with the Yuling Holy Doctor after ten years.

"I am going too"

Zhou Suer looked at Shi Zun and Zhao Feng and was about to leave, suddenly said.

Zhao Feng suddenly paused and wondered what Zhou Suer was thinking.

"I want to be with the Master"

Zhou Suer immediately stuck to the side of Yuling Holy Doctor.

"Don't care about the medicine cabinet?"

Zhao Feng asked.

"Xian Yao Ge, also joined the master temple"

Zhou Suer did not think about it.

"That's good, let's go together."

Zhao Feng did not understand what Zhou Suer was doing.

However, Xian Medicine Pavilion is also one of the best medicinal materials trading sites in Yunzhou. It is a good thing to join the master temple.

In this way, in the category of medicinal materials, such as alchemy, the master hall also has professional personnel, and the areas involved in the lord are once again expanded.

Zhao Feng came to the side of the two, and the left hand guard arm waved in place.

The three layers of overlapping silver shadows suddenly faded and disappeared.

The next moment, they appeared outside a temple.

“Is this the ability to shuttle through space?”

Yuling Sheng doctor was slightly surprised.

Obviously, she did not pay much attention to what happened outside the world. I don’t know that Zhao Feng got the world of the lost world.

"Great consumption"

Zhao Feng whispered.

This time, Zhao Feng took the two people to use the transmission ability of the lost world, and the burden was greatly increased, not to mention the Yuling Holy Doctor or the Holy Master.

Subsequently, the three entered the hall of the temple and used the transmission array.

When everyone came to the Haiyan Pavilion, Zhao Feng also confessed: "Incorporate the medicine cabinet into the scope of management."

After that, the three continued on their way to Zhangzhou.

Along the way, after Zhao Feng used the ability to shuttle twice, he would stop and rest for a while to restore the consumption of real yuan.

After dozens of days, the three came to the main hall of Zhangzhou.

Zhao Feng was also the first to see the newly built master.

The main hall is standing on a continuous peak, the mountains are dangerous, the clouds are lingering, the palace is simple and majestic, and it is located on the peak or in the mountain wall.

As early as before, Zhao Feng contacted Bi Qingyue through the Mind Seal. At this time, Bi Qingyue was waiting outside the mountain gate.

"Tai Shang elders, Yu Ling Sheng doctors, please"

Bi Qingyue's eyes looked at Zhao Feng. I didn't expect that in a short period of one or two months, Zhao Feng invited a saint, and he was also famous for his medical history and spread to the mainland.

"Bi Qingyue, sort out a medicine cabinet, let Yuling Sheng doctor settle in"

Zhao Feng directly told him.

Subsequently, everyone went directly to the main hall.

After the Yuling Holy Doctor and Zhou Suer were settled, Zhao Feng, Bi Qingyue and the Nightly Saint were gathered in a secret temple.

"Master, this is the information of the Nine Palace, and some information about the black corner."

Bi Qingyue sorted out the mountain of information, but with Zhao Feng's blood, he quickly remembered all of them.

"Master, I suggest that the following characters be the first assassination target..."

Bi Qingyue reports to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng nodded, and Bi Qingyue analyzed it in this respect. Assassination of the members of the Nine Palaces was relatively easy at first, and later it became more and more difficult.

Therefore, the first assassination of objects, can not be wasted on the useless characters.

After the decision was made, Zhao Feng handed over the release of the assassination mission to the night prince.

"Master, are you going to the black corner in person?"

The night emperor asked.

As early as before, Zhao Feng and the night princes discussed the plan for this action.

It is not enough to release the assassination mission in the Silence Hall. It is also necessary to release such a task in the corner of the black screen, causing many killers and hiding the attention of the high-ranking people.

Zhao Feng believes that his mission rewards will definitely attract the interest of the killers.

Waiting for the sweetness they tasted, Zhao Feng only released such an assassination mission in the Silence Hall.

"No, I let other people go for me."

Originally, Zhao Feng intended to go to the corner of the black screen, but the black corner was far from Zhangzhou and not within the transmission range of the lost world. Therefore, Zhao Feng gave this confidential task to others.

However, due to the lack of reassurance, it can only be handed over to one of the members who have been enslaved by Zhao Feng.

After Bi Qingyue and the night prince left for a while, a thin figure came.

"Master, what are you telling?"

The comer is the Shadow Emperor.

The Shadow Emperor was the first to kill the old killer of Xu, and was later enslaved by Zhao Feng and became the top of the assassination organization.

"The Shadow of the Emperor, you will go to the corner of the black screen to release the assassination mission."

After telling everything, Zhao Feng and the Shadow Emperor disappeared into this secret temple.

The day.

There are many new assassination missions in the many missions of Zhangzhou Silence Hall. Basically, it is related to the Jiugui Palace.

In a hidden mountain wood house, there are many strong and murderous strongmen, most of them dressed in black.

"This should be the hostile force of the Nine Palace, the assassination mission released."

"Oh, I only recognize rewards, regardless of the target of assassination."

A cold-faced, bloodless cold killer licked his tongue.

"Lingxue Jing Dan? Contains a strong essence of blood, but also increase the strength of its own blood, to a certain extent may provoke blood awakening ... This is a lie."

One of the killers saw the rewards, some of them did not believe.

This award shows that the effect of Lingxue Jing Dan is too outrageous, especially the increase of blood power, but also can stimulate the blood awakening, so that everyone can not believe.

Such elixir can be invaluable

"However, it is impossible for the murder hall to issue the task of false rewards, and this ‘spiritual blood, Dan, seems to be refining the medical sage.”

Another old man with a weak breath said.

The medicinal herbs refining the medicinal sages have invisibly improved a quality.

The same medicinal herbs are rectified by ordinary medical masters and medical sages. Even if the price of the latter is more expensive, people will basically purchase the medicinal products of the medical sage.

"Hey, I picked up this task."

The cold and bloodless cold killer took a assassination mission and hurried away.

An area behind the main hall is designated as a restricted area. This is Zhao’s temporary residence.

Dreams are too ancient, Zhao Feng is in the forest.

"After hunting a few Golden Wings, they have taken measures and will not leave there alone now."

Zhao Feng is a little depressed.

And the dream is too old, can become his combat power, it is only the demon bird, the black eagle and the giant python, but with their combat power, it is not enough to fight the golden wing

"It seems that I still have to cultivate one, in the dream of too old, to plunder the power of resources for me."

At this time, Zhao Feng realized this.

But now, where should Zhao Feng go, the golden wing of the Red Tigers in front of them is already difficult to start.

"Then just use the monsters from the open world to start."

Zhao Feng’s eyes are heavy.

Two monsters were given to the Nine Emperors. Today, Zhao Feng has only two demon herds and five poisonous bees.

The two monsters, under the cultivation of Zhao Feng's resources, the combat power soared, but still not enough to confront the Golden Wing Red Tiger.

As a result, there are only five poisonous bees left.

In the end, Zhao Feng selected dozens of queen bees and ten bee queens to bring them into the dream of Taikoo.

This is the first time Zhao Feng has brought other creatures into the dream of Taikoo. Of course, these five poisonous bees that have entered the dreams of Taikoo can only exist here in the future.

At the beginning, these five poisonous bees were still somewhat unsuitable.

But after all, they are also ancient worms, and Zhao Feng chose the queen bee and the queen, so their adaptability is very fast.

After a period of time in the dream of Taikoo, the breath of these five poisonous bees has obviously increased.

“First let them adapt to the environment and then prepare to take the pool in the center of the forest”

Zhao Feng has a resolution.

At this time, the sea side ‘haiyange,.

A purple blood ghost across the sky.

"It seems to be an intelligence force here."

Nangong Sheng eyes condensed and looked at the Haiyan Pavilion below.

"This is the power of the lord, what is the predecessor?"

An elderly man in the Haiyan Pavilion immediately flew out.

"Mastering the temple?"

Nangong Sheng whispered, no impression.

Nangong Sheng directly descended into the Haiyan Pavilion.


The defensive array near the Haiyan Pavilion was directly broken, and Nangong Sheng came to the old man in an instant.

"Tell me, where is Zhao Feng?"

Nangong Sheng’s face is cold and sinister, and the horrible atmosphere makes the old man in front of him solidify and can’t move.

"What are you looking for when we are too elders?"

The old man was sweating coldly.

At this time, he only knew the horror of this young man, and he was not weaker than the old smoker and the night prince.

"Mastering the temple, the eldest elder Zhao Feng?"

Nangong Shengguang shimmers dark purple luster.

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