King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1047: Attacking the Golden Wings

"Nan Gong Sheng, my forces have recently launched an action, do not know if you are interested?"

In the dense hall, Zhao Feng smiled and said to Nangong Sheng.

"What action?"

Nangong Sheng believes that Zhao Feng said this, then the content inside will definitely make him interested.

"I set up an assassination organization and released a number of assassination missions, all aimed at the scattered sites of the nine secluded palaces across the mainland..."

Zhao Feng will assassinate the action content of the Jiugui Palace and tell it about Nangong Sheng.

"You set up this power, want to destroy the nine secluded palace?"

Nangong Sheng’s eyes flashed with glamour.

Nangong Sheng deeply understands that it is too difficult for a single person to fight against a behemoth like the Nine Palace.

But it is even harder to cultivate a force that can compete with the nine secluded palace. I think that here, Nangong Sheng discovered Zhao Feng's greatness.

Today's dominating power of the temple, do not know more than the true Wu Shengdi ‘Xuanzhen Shengzong, how many times.

In addition, Zhao Feng established this force to destroy the Jiugui Palace.

Once Zhao Feng kills the nine secluded palace, will it become the original Zhao Feng who concentrates on studying the martial arts, and Nangong Sheng is looking forward to such a Zhao Feng.

However, Nangong Sheng did not know that Zhao Feng, as an elder of this power, did not have much to do, and he spent most of his time practicing.

"Destroy the nine secluded palaces, it is when you and I fight."

Nangong Sheng cold and strong voice sounded.

This sentence also shows that Nangong Sheng is very happy to join the plan recently implemented by the lord.


Zhao Feng promised to come down.

According to the information explored by Haiyan Pavilion, Jiugui Palace is a super-large-scaled deputy.

Half-god, that is the strongest person standing on the pinnacle of the mainland, the myth of invincibility.

Zhao Feng is also helpless, only to go to this step, can not kill the nine secluded palace, he can not hold, how long it is impossible to determine, if there is Nangong Sheng help, Zhao Feng's grasp has increased a few points.

"The killer seems to be very good"

Nangong Sheng licked his lips and showed the meaning of cold and bloodthirsty.

"Zhao Feng, Kunyun may also come to the mainland"

Nangong Sheng suddenly said.

As far as he knows, the semi-god Kunyun should be the resurrection of Zhao Feng.

However, in his brief exchange with Kunyun, he felt that Kunyun seemed to hate Zhao Feng.

"He is now the cultivation of Xuanguang Dacheng."

Nangong Sheng reminded me again.

"Little Kunyun"

Zhao Feng’s heart is shocked, Kunyun is a **** rebirth, resurrection, and the advanced speed is extraordinary.

The Kunyun of Xuanguang Dacheng can at least compete with the Holy King. After all, he used to be a demigod, and he was able to use a lot of cards.

Nowadays, the crisis of Jiugui Palace is enough to make Zhao Feng a headache. If Kunyun directly kills, the master hall may be destroyed.

"No, you have to take measures."

Zhao Feng whispered softly.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s glimpse of the light immediately passed through the meditation and immediately sent a message to Bi Qingyue.

"Tell the letter to the sea, the sea smoke pavilion, the forces, let them spread the news in the border sea, and say that I am on the front line battlefield"

After the sound, Zhao Feng could not help but smile.

Nowadays, in the coastal area, it is almost the power of the Haiyan Pavilion. Since Kunyun wants to come to the mainland, he must go through the border sea. When he gets such information, he will definitely go to the frontline battlefield.

"You can only lead him to the front battlefield first."

Zhao Feng was a little relieved.

The news of Kunyun added some pressure to Zhao Feng. Today, Zhao Feng is too weak. Only when he breaks through the black light, can he have the basic ability to negotiate with Kunyun. After all, Zhao Feng and Kun Yun have not reached the point of endless.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng called the Shadow Emperor, let the Shadow Emperor bring the Nangong Sheng into the killer line.

Today, the Dominion Hall of the Dominion Hall has powerful internal killers such as the Black Lord, the Nightly Saint, the Shadow Emperor, and the Nangong Holy. With the release of the Assassination Mission, Zhao Feng believes that there will be More super killers, will be transferred to the silence hall.

These travellers who travel around the world can also bring all kinds of intelligence to the master hall, and mutual benefit and mutual benefit.

After the death of Nangong, Zhao Feng began to prepare for the battle of the dream of Taikoo.

Three days later, Zhao Feng entered the dream of Taikoo, preparing to attack the Golden Wing Red Tiger.


Next to Zhao Feng, nearly sixty poisonous bees fly through the forest.

Nowadays, these five poisonous bees have more gorgeous colors and exudes a terrifying atmosphere. Among them, five or six king-level five poisonous bees have successfully broken through to the queen.

"Well, there are now thirty-four queens."

Zhao Feng was overjoyed in his heart. He did not expect the progress of the five poisonous bees in the dreams of Taikoo.


With the control of Zhao Feng, these five poisonous bees follow Zhao Feng and slowly approach the center of the forest.

On the left side of Zhao Feng, a layer of pale gold ripples was cast, as if to penetrate everything and see everything.

At this time, deep in the forest, the golden wings of the red tiger are surrounding the pool, some are drinking water, some are flying in the air, and some are resting on the rock behind.

Zhao Feng’s gaze first locked in the two gold-winged red tigers.

According to Zhao Feng’s observation, these two golden wings, the red tiger, should be the head of the Golden Wing Red Tiger.


Zhao Feng controls the five poisonous bees and rushes through the forest.


The two large-sized gold-winged red tigers first noticed the strange, squeaking sounds, and all the golden wings around the red tiger immediately gathered.


In the package of many five poisonous peaks, Zhao Feng launched the red light wing and rushed out quickly. The target was the two huge gold-winged red tigers.


When nearly fifteen gold-winged red tigers saw Zhao Feng's appearance, they immediately angered and the horrible beasts spread.

Obviously, Zhao Feng’s behavior of hunting the Golden Wings and Red Tigers completely angered them.

"Human, no matter what race you are, since you kill my ethnic group, you will die today."

The head of the Golden Wing Red Tiger, there was a burst of spiritual energy fluctuations. When this fluctuation touched the soul of Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng could understand the words of the Golden Wing Red Tiger.


Dozens of red gold shadows flew out, wrapped Zhao Feng, directly launched the impact, the horrible and fierce atmosphere, suddenly oppressed Zhao Feng, especially the two huge golden wings of the tiger, let Zhao Feng feel a crisis .

Fortunately, around Zhao Feng, there are nearly sixty poisonous bees, which share the pressure for Zhao Feng.

"Fantasy City Small World"

Behind the red glittering San Lei body of Zhao Feng, a dark purple mist rushed out, filling the square and forming a maze of fantasy.

Zhao Feng’s small world of fantasy city has already shaped success very early, and now it is the first application in actual combat.

Suddenly, the golden wings of the tigers who launched the charge to Zhao Feng, the speed is slow, their spiritual knowledge and five senses, in the fantasy world, will be limited.

These five poisonous bees were planted by Zhao Feng, and their actions were all controlled by Zhao Feng, which was equivalent to being unaffected by the small world of the fantasy city.


Zhao Feng controlled ten bee kings, and quickly approached the two huge gold-winged red tigers, while the rest of the queen bee and the queen of the bee, temporarily restrained other gold-winged red tigers.

The role of the magic city small world segmentation battlefield is very prominent.

"Human, you are looking for death"

The golden wing of the red tiger head suddenly slammed into the Zhao Feng.

These two golden wings and red tigers can use the spiritual skills to communicate with Zhao Feng. It can be seen that their souls are very strong. Zhao Feng’s fantasy city is very weak.


Faced with two top gold wings, the red tiger, Zhao Feng did not dare to care, immediately released the force of the minefield.


Zhao Feng Fang Yuan dozens of feet, suddenly a layer of strong Sheng Lei oppression, accompanied by the power of numerous lightning.

In the ‘power of the minefield, Zhao Feng’s strength will increase, and the Golden Wing Red Tiger will be hampered by power and lightning.


Zhao Feng commanded ten bee emperors, rushing to the two golden wings of the Red Tiger, and Zhao Feng himself directly met one of the Golden Wings.


The head of the Golden Wing Red Tiger flashes gold-red, sharp and shiny claws, which are like lightning.

Zhao Feng relied on the ability of Zuo Yu, pre-judgment in advance, and Thunder hit a palm, attacking the legs of the Golden Wing Red Tiger.


Two of the poisonous needles of the five poisonous bees attacked the body of the Golden Wing Red Tiger.

"Sure enough, it is of little use"

Zhao Feng passed the left squat and looked into the situation of the golden wing red tiger wound. The toxin of the queen was difficult to cause much damage to the Golden Wing Red Tiger.

After all, the five poisonous bees are only ancient worms, which are greatly suppressed in the face of the real Taikoo.


Zhao Feng immediately controlled the attack of the five poisonous bees, even if the toxins are difficult to cause much damage, but the small injuries can also become fatal.

"spiritual stab"

Zhao Feng’s left-handed scorpion shot a tiny purple gold crystal thunder and rushed into the soul of the Golden Wing Red Tiger.


This golden wing of the red tiger screamed and screamed, and his body shape was in the air.

call out

Zhao Feng and the five poisonous bees triumphantly pursued and attacked Qi Qi.

"Breaking the Sun"

Zhao Feng runs the power, and will force the minefield, shrink, and integrate into the palm of his hand, playing the strongest sacred palm of the day.


I saw a huge red gold palm shadow, carrying countless lightning, and propelled to the golden wing of the red tiger head.


The gold wing red tiger head is not aware of it, suddenly activates the blood, the whole body blooms a burst of red gold, and the body strength is doubled.

The power of the Golden Wings and the head of the Red Tigers collided with Zhao Feng’s smashing thunder, and the horrific impact of the power broke out. Zhao Feng’s Sheng Leizhang could not advance half a step.

"Ghost Shock"

Zhao Feng sees the golden wing of the red tiger head so fierce, releasing a simple soul attacking secret.


The golden wing of the tiger, attacked by the soul of Zhao Feng, suddenly fell into a weak position, was hit by Zhao Feng's palm, and broke into the rock wall behind.


The five poisonous bees immediately followed, and the machine used a poison needle to stab the vital parts of the golden wing red tiger.

"Minding Heart"

Zhao Feng suddenly condensed a purple gold Lei Guangyin, branding the soul of this golden wing red tiger.


This seriously wounded Golden Wing Red Tiger suddenly burst into a horrible and fierce battle. Zhao Feng’s ‘Minded Heart, the brand failed.

"Must be quick and quick"

Zhao Feng looks firm.

This golden wing is the Red Tigers. There are two unusually powerful Golden Wings.

Now, another powerful golden wing, the red tiger, is about to kill all five queens.

"God gaze"

Zhao Feng’s left-handedness suddenly stunned the violent volatility, forming a bottomless purple vortex, reaching a misty, infinitely extending purple abyss.

At the time of the shackles, a taboo force that was imprisoned and withdrawn from the soul was shrouded in the golden wing of the Red Tiger.

That taboo force, like the power of dominance, cannot be violated and cannot be stopped.

"Human, what is this?"

The golden wing of the red tiger head, feeling that his soul seems to be uncontrollable drifting away from the body, the eyes for the first time a trace of panic.

It seems that no matter how resistant it is, it is impossible to curb the fate of its own soul being imprisoned.

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