King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1048: Breakthrough opportunity

On the edge of the small world of the Magic City, Zhao Feng and a red-winged red tiger leader are facing each other.

"Human, what is this?"

The golden wing of the red tiger feels its own soul, and it seems that it is uncontrollable to leave, and the eyes are terrified.


The five poisonous bees next to Zhao Feng immediately flew out and stabbed a few times on the body of the Golden Wing Red Tiger.

The Golden Wing Red Tiger struggled and still could not resist the fate of its soul being drawn.

I saw a tiger-shaped red gold soul, slowly coming out of its body.

"Human, rest"

The soul of the Golden Wing Red Tiger struggled and snarled.


Zhao Feng snorted and there was a greater force in the left and the power of the soul. The power of the gods gaze again.

"You are the descendants of the Eight Great Gods? No, this eye..."

The Golden Wing Red Tiger was unable to resist the desperate abyss, and looked at Zhao Feng’s eyes with horror.

In its memory, the Eight Great Gods compare the horror of the top ten of the Taikoo people, and the blood of their descendants is not much worse.

In the consciousness of the Golden Wing Red Tiger, the blood of the eight great gods and their descendants is extremely scary, and its own blood, but at the bottom of the Wan people list.

The Golden Wing Red Tiger never thought about it, and he would meet a strong person with such a noble blood.

But the eyes of this human being are not like any of the eight great gods.

In the instinctive fear and panic, the Golden Wing Red Tiger weakened its resistance and was inhaled into the space of the gods by Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng immediately directed the five poisonous bees next to him to support the fighting in other places.

Zhao Feng’s consciousness came to the space of the gods.

In the left-handed space, the soul of the Golden Wings, which was originally in a state of panic, is even more unrestrained, and is allowed to be at the mercy of Zhao Feng.

"Minding Heart"

Zhao Feng's blood in the left shackles, outlines a false and indefinite purple purple printing, accompanied by a trace of thunder and robbery, a little bit imprinted in the soul of the Golden Wing Red Tiger.

The Golden Wing Red Tiger does not seem to be struggling too much, so it is as good as Zhao Feng’s soul will, and it has been branded.

"It seems that this golden wing red tiger thinks that I have a very high blood, I am willing to surrender to me, otherwise there will be some effort."

Zhao Feng is thoughtful.

From this, it can be speculated that the race in the dream of Taikoo attaches great importance to the blood, but in fact, Zhao Feng does not have the blood of the Taikoo, only the blood of the emperor ‘perfect blood magic Yang.

Zhao Feng’s thoughts moved the soul of the Golden Wing Red Tiger into its body.

At the same time, Zhao Feng took out some Baiyuan honey juice and applied it to the wound of the Golden Wing Red Tiger. Baiyuan honey juice has a certain therapeutic effect on the toxins of the five poisonous bees.

"Human, what have you done with it?"

Another huge golden wing, the red tiger, rushed to Zhao Feng, and there was a wave of spiritual fluctuations.


Several queens of bees immediately stopped in front of it and continually attacked with poisonous needles.

Suddenly, the golden wing of the tiger enslaved by Zhao Feng screamed.

"I surrender to my master. If you still want to follow me, you will serve my master."

This golden wing, red tiger, enslaved by Zhao Feng, conveys such a discourse.

"Golden Wings and Red Tigers, with me, killing this human being and saving my strong family"

Another huge Golden Wing Red Tiger can naturally think of what Zhao Feng has done and struggle.

Zhao Feng smiled and attacked the Golden Wing Red Tigers. He knew that even if he enslaved his leader, he could not directly control the entire ethnic group.

After all, this is a Taikoo race, unlike the common monsters in the mainland.

However, now that Zhao Feng has enslaved such a powerful Golden Wing Red Tiger, there is no need to fear the remaining Golden Wings.

"let's go"

Zhao Feng and this huge gold wing red tiger directly rushed out and pinched the golden wing of the tiger.

"Human, you are shameless"

This golden wing is angry and roaring.

However, in the face of the attack between Zhao Feng and the Golden Wing Red Tiger, it did not resist how long it took, and it was scarred and lost its fighting ability.

Zhao Feng inhales his soul's will into the left-handed space. At the same time, a purple gold thunderbolt electronically prints and slowly imprints its soul.

This golden wing red tiger struggled for a while, but under the torment of Zhao Feng, its soul consciousness was even weaker and was finally enslaved by Zhao Feng.

"go with"

Zhao Feng issued an order, with the two strongest gold wings and red tigers, the other golden wings of the fantasy city in the small world, one by one.

After some tossing, Zhao Feng enslaved all the Golden Wings, and only one of them was a relatively weak Golden Wing Red Tiger, because the poisoning was too deep to die.

Zhao Feng’s five poison bee colonies died more than forty in this offensive battle, and none of the queen bee survived.

This is also completely expected by Zhao Feng.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng finally harvested a Taikoo race, the potential of the Taikoo ethnic Golden Wing Red Tiger, which is many times higher than the five poisonous bees.

"This will be my first team to develop a dream too old."

Zhao Feng’s eyes are firm and full of ambition.

With this golden wing of the Red Tigers, Zhao Feng believes that he can dig out more benefits in the dream of the Pacific.

After the battle with the Golden Wing Red Tiger, Zhao Feng’s gaze looked at the pool in the center of the open space.

The water in the pool is pure and transparent, crystal clear, as if it is spiritual, exuding a cold and calm meaning.

When Zhao Feng just fought with the Golden Wing Red Tiger, the pool was quiet and flowing, and it was not affected much.

"Master, the water in the pool, is beneficial to life and soul, more able to remove impurities in the blood, increase blood flow back to the ancestors, and it is easy to absorb

Next to Zhao Feng, the leader of the Golden Wing Red Tiger explained to Zhao Feng.

“Is it good for the soul?”

Zhao Feng's eyes flashed slightly, and his heart was slightly shocked.

The general treasures of the heavens and the earth are all directed to a single direction. For example, ‘no old springs can increase life expectancy and promote a leap of life, while illusion wine is aimed at the soul.

Zhao Feng could not help but step forward and take a sip.

At the time of the encounter, a cold and clear water flowed through Zhao Feng's body, and it was integrated into the limbs and the internal organs.

First of all, Zhao Feng's life is as if he has been washed away by a layer of clear ice, and his strength has been temporarily enhanced, more condensed, and closer to the source.

Secondly, the power of this pool of water, applied to the depths of Zhao Feng's soul, Zhao Feng seems to come to a world of ice and water, the state of mind is very quiet, surrounded by invisible heaven and earth, began to emerge.

"Amazing effect"

After this feeling disappeared, Zhao Feng opened his eyes and could not help but be surprised.

The Golden Wing Red Tiger is a monster that dreams too old. Drinking this pool water for a long time may have a weaker effect and it doesn't feel much.

However, Zhao Feng is not a creature that dreams too old. It is the first time to take this pool of water. It can clearly feel the effect of this pool of water. The effect is equivalent to the combination of not old spring and magical wine, and the level of the target is higher.

"This pool will be an opportunity for me to break through the black light."

Zhao Feng’s heart is a joy, and the treasures of the soul’s artistic conception are rare. The role of the Lord and the Lord is rare in the world.

"But the effect of this pool of water will first act on the body of life and then immerse into the soul."

Zhao Feng analyzed.

Zhao Feng’s life nowadays has already entered the level of the Lord, but there is a slight lack of artistic conception. If it can make this pool directly affect Zhao’s soul conception, then it would be better.

Zhao Feng took out the faint scorpion and took some pool water.

"You keep it here"

Zhao Feng gave orders to the fourteen Golden Wings, and then disappeared into this space.

"What is this supernatural power? Where is the master?"

The golden wing of the Red Tiger Head is a stagnation of light, and it is a thousand miles away. It does not feel the breath of Zhao Feng.

In the palace of the forbidden court, Zhao Feng opened his eyes.

"I found the opportunity to break through the mysterious environment, and then I need to prepare for it."

Zhao Feng whispered softly.

Once the breakthrough of the black light environment fails, the probability of breaking through in the future will be smaller and smaller. Even if you have a hundred source holy pulp, Zhao Feng still has not tried it easily.

If it weren't for the two boulders of Kunyun and Jiuyigong, Zhao Feng might still practice for ten years and firmly secure the foundation.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s thoughts moved, and the voice of Bi Qingyue sounded in his mind.

"Master, Jiugui Palace has taken action to closely monitor the characters on the assassination list, and also released many assassination missions against the main hall in the corner of the dark..."

Bi Qingyue reported many things through the heart of the heart.

Under the strict protection and supervision of the Jiugui Palace, Zhao Feng’s assassination difficulty has undoubtedly increased one level.

Later, Jiuyue Palace also issued a number of assassinations to dominate the high-ranking temple. Relatively, the assassination of the main characters in the main hall must be simpler, but the rewards given by Jiuyigong did not have 'smart blood, and Jing Xue Dan, precious.

However, the actions taken by Jiuyougong still have a certain impact on the master temple.

"The friction with the Jiugui Palace has been unable to stop..."

The last time the Lord of the Devil was repulsed by Zhao Feng. Although there is no big movement in the Jiugui Palace, the contradiction between the two sides has become more and more fierce. After reaching a certain level, the Jiugui Palace will definitely send a more powerful team, pointing to Zhao Feng. .

In addition, the black corner seems to be very interested in the two kinds of medicinal herbs, sending too many spies to investigate the situation of the master.

However, the material of this medicinal herb is provided by Zhao Feng, Yuling Sheng medical refining system, Yuling holy doctor is also in the forbidden place, ordinary people can not get close, they want to obtain intelligence, it is almost impossible.

Zhao Feng’s body shape came out and came to the refining medicine pavilion of Yuling’s doctor.

"Yu Ling Holy Doctor, this time, I want you to refine the spirit of the Holy Lord."

Zhao Feng said directly.

The Jiugui Palace has taken action. If Zhao Feng does not take countermeasures, let it develop, and finally it will be the master of the temple.

"Only the flesh and blood of the Golden Wings and Red Tigers may not work unless you can take out the higher flesh and blood of the realm."

Yuling Sheng doctor looked forward to seeing Zhao Feng.

So far, she has got the flesh and blood of three golden wings from the peak of Zhao Feng, and also includes one of her.

Yuling Sheng doctor can't imagine why Zhao Feng has so many golden wings and red tigers with blood concentration.

And she also regrets that Zhao Feng should not be so easy to answer, and perhaps get more benefits from Zhao Feng here.

"Try it with this"

Zhao Feng took out a pot and dreamed of the clear stream in the Taikoo pool.

"Curious water flow"

Yu Lingsheng's eyes flashed slightly, this kind of water, she saw it for the first time.

The purity of the water is as transparent as it is, revealing a calm and chilling chill. The Lord's breath will act on it, and it will only make the water flow start.

"Try to take it"

Zhao Feng said.

Want to take advantage of this pool of water, alchemy, Yuling Holy Doctor must first understand the pool water, thoroughly understand.

After taking a sip of Yuling Shengyi, he closed his eyes and made a cold meaning in his body, as if he had entered a wonderful mood.

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