King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1054: Priest king

"This is the grudge of me and the Nine Palace, the magic, but also to step in?"

Zhao Feng looks calm and looks at the ghost king.

After listening to Zhao Feng’s words, the ghost of the Holy Ghost was condensed and locked Zhao Feng.

The whole piece of heaven and earth seems to be his will, the power of invisible rules, firmly bound Zhao Feng, so that it can not move.

The original local ghost king did not put Zhao Feng in his eyes, but Zhao Feng’s words made him very unhappy.

Although they are both the elders of the Samsung forces, but the district Xuanguang Chucheng, actually dare to talk to him, the ghost king of this is the first time I met.

However, Zhao Feng’s flustered attitude made him cautious.

"The demon teaching and the nine secluded palaces, this is the relationship of mutual help and mutual help. If you chase the elders of the Nine Palace, it is equivalent to harming the interests of the devil."

The ghost king said slowly, the voice echoed in the whole world, deep into Zhao Feng heart.

The demon lord was gloomy, and he could see that the ghost king was shocked by the calm look of Zhao Feng.

After all, Zhao Feng got the news of the arrow in the magical space. The top leaders in the mainland dynasty knew almost everything.

"What did you abolish with him, kill him?"

The Lord of the Devils said immediately.

He rushed to the demon religion, and there was another reason. He hoped that the demon teaching would force Zhao Feng into a desperate situation. Even if Zhao Feng had a slap in the face, he would be wasted on the devil.

"The demon Lord, the evil to the Lord and the evil Lord, and the members of the Dark Heaven Gate, Black Yaozong, etc., are in the main hall. If the Nine Palace still wants them to live, they will send people to the Lord to apologize."

Zhao Feng did not go to the ghost king, directly to the main road of the magic.

The demon lord has a gloomy face. This thing is that he is arrogant. If he ends up in this way, he will be severely punished.

"The ghost king, kill Zhao Feng, dominate the interests of the temple, you account for 50%"

The Lord of the Devils immediately voiced.

"Junior, you are too crazy"

The ghost of the Holy Ghost is very sharp.

The master temple can develop into such a huge force in just a few years, and ranks among the best in the dynasty in terms of Zongmen power, assassination, and intelligence.

In terms of overall strength, the main hall may not be as good as the demon, but in terms of resource interests, the dominating temple is definitely far beyond the demon teaching.

In particular, recently, the magical medicinal herbs that the lord of the lord has come up with, if the cults have a large number of such medicinal herbs, they can definitely cultivate a group of potential arrogances in Zongmen into high-level combat forces.


One side of the world shook and the invisible Wei Li rule, crushed to Zhao Feng.

The ghost of the Lord is so standing still, with the power of the will, you can control one side of the world and crush everything.

"The devil teaches, I really don't know how to be good."

Zhao Feng looks cold.

Originally, he only intended to reinvent the Lord of the Devil, and then the captives in his hands, and exchanged a lot of resources in the Nine Palace.

As a result, I encountered a ghost in the middle of the road, and this is also helpless.

Just as Zhao Feng was ready to let go of the Lord of the Magic, the ghost king of the earth actually started to him, apparently being tempted by the Lord of the Devil.

"Oh, breaking through the Lord, I don't know how high the earth is."

The ghost king of the land has a cold face, and he has long been dissatisfied with Zhao Feng’s attitude and discourse.

The ghost king of the king waved a hand, only saw a world of heaven and earth, changed into a dark and gloomy hurricane, and shocked Zhao Feng.

The dark and gloomy hurricane seemed to be able to swallow everything, and there was a taboo of scent.

"Lock the bow"

In the hands of Zhao Feng, a dark silver ancient bow suddenly appeared, and the mysterious hollow inscription on it flashed dark silver.

On the other hand of Zhao Feng, a dark gold arrow appeared.

Zhao Feng immediately put the light of the Xuanguang into this dark golden arrow.


A horrible dark gold power of the gods emerged from it, and a shadow of the gods and arrows that grew up to a hundred feet gradually spread out.


The sinister attack released by the ghost king of the earth was suddenly destroyed by the power of the golden brilliance emitted by the dark gold arrow.

"This is, blasphemy arrow?"

Just a slapstick-like ghost king, suddenly looked scared.

"There is still a **** arrow."

The magical lord of the side is also scared and pale.


Two figures, immediately burning the mysterious light of the mysterious light, exerting the secret method of escape, and fleeing in two different directions.

Both of them had some precautions against Zhao Feng. Therefore, when Zhao Feng took out the lock and the arrow, they responded.

This kind of artifact, such as the 戮神箭, the ordinary lord wants to use, is still somewhat reluctant, so there is a period of energy.

"It’s quite fast to run."

Zhao Feng reveals a smile and looks at the ghost king, directly pulling the bowstring.

At the moment of the bowstring, the shadow of the arrow around the dark gold arrow is more solid, and the infinite rules of the mystery emerge.

At the moment, he felt like he was locked in by a certain force and could never escape.

"Zhao Feng, you are going to kill the Lord of the Devil"

The ghost king of the earth is shocked.

On the other side, the Lord of the Magic Yuan sighed with relief and immediately sneered: "Oh, after this sacred arrow is used, you will die."


I saw a huge golden arrow shadow, as if running through the heavens and the earth, dragging the horrible metal energy storm, and leaping tens of thousands of miles in an instant, stabbing the ghost king.


In the far side of the sky, the horror storm that ruined the earth and destroyed the earth, the power of the ghost road and the dark gold gods are intertwined, and when you look far away, it makes people feel shocked.

"No, this is the power of the gods..."

In the other direction, the Lord of the Magic is not aware of the situation.

Even if it is so far apart, he can still feel the power of the storm of destruction, which is lower than he imagined, and the semantic attributes are different.

call out

I saw that in the ruin of the storm, a ghostly king of the sorrowful sorrow, directly rushed out, a look of killing, staring at Zhao Feng.

"The kid, actually dare to marry me, this is not a **** arrow at all."

The ghost king is angry and carries the ghosts of the heavens, just like the **** and ghosts, coming again.

In the other direction, the Lord of the Magic is also stunned, and then an angry face rushes. It turns out that Zhao Feng has no swearing arrows, but has been pretending to scare them.

When the local ghost king was ready to shoot again, Zhao Feng’s words rang.

"The ghost king, this is just to give you a warning."

Zhao Feng’s voice was cold, with a faint smile, looking at the ghost king.


The ghost king and the magical sacred body shape are stiff.

In fact, just that arrow, although there is no killing of the ghost king, the ghost king does not seem to have much injury.

However, Zhao Feng understands that the soul of the ghost king has been greatly damaged.

On the same day, Zhao Feng created a defective product, which was also thought-provoking and carefully selected. The three arrows were bright gold and two dark gold. The attributes of the two were completely different.

Bright gold arrows, for the material level, dark gold arrows, for the soul level.

However, the defective product, the arrow, wants to kill the holy king, it is unlikely.

"Is this kid, and this kind of arrow, or the real arrow, he didn't use it..."

The ghost king is stiff and somewhat mad.

He was a sacred king, when was this grievance.

But once Zhao Feng has such an arrow or a sacred arrow, this time, it may have really killed him.

On the other side, the Lord of the Magic has some regrets and should not run back.

"Since the relationship between the demon teaching and the nine secluded palace is so good, then together with the nine secluded palace, personally go to the lord to apologize."

Zhao Feng’s words broke the silence.

Faced with such a strong Zhao Feng, the seriously wounded ghost king and the magical lord, the heart is more certain, Zhao Feng has a card.

The two looked at each other and wanted to cry without tears. They said nothing and left.

"I shouldn’t help the magical boy, hey."

The ghost king of the earth sighs inside, but there is no way.

Although it was the Lord of the Magic, he pulled him into the water, but he did not dare to go to the nine palace theory.

Zhao Feng floated in the same place and watched the two leave.

"Predecessors should also show up."

Zhao Feng doubles and looks at the sky in the distance.

Suddenly, the sky in the far side was gray and distorted, and then a figure emerged from it.

Zhao Feng had a detailed understanding of the black curtain corner, and instantly recognized the old man, it was the elders of the black curtain corner, the sacred king.


One side of the world, once again dark, the infinite rules of the righteousness, everywhere in the space.

"It’s not the elders who dominate the temple. You are the most promising younger generation you have seen."

The sacred king of the curtain, smashed the beard and looked at Zhao Feng.

"Predecessors have been following this place, I am afraid not to say this."

Zhao Feng looks unchanged, his eyes are heavy, and he looks at the sacred king.

As early as the Lord's Temple, Zhao Feng's spiritual eyes, insight into the existence of the sacred king.

However, the situation was not very good at that time. Since the sacred king wanted to hide, he would not break.

But Zhao Feng did not expect that he would kill the Lord of the Devils all the way, and the curtain of the Holy King always followed.

Zhao Feng also admire the patience of the sacred king, but also has some defenses.

"Haha, the old man is also bored, and by the way, look at the strength of the elders who dominate the temple."

The curtain of the holy king shouted.

In fact, there was a burst of suspicion in the heart of the sacred king. He did not expect that Zhao Feng had already discovered him when he was in charge of the temple.

A Xuanguang Chucheng, found a strong king of the sacred king who is good at hiding, said no one will believe it.

"Zhao Feng Xiaoyou, in recent times, the name of the Silence Hall, but to surpass the corner of the black screen, the old man came to want to discuss something with the master."

The curtain of the holy king said slowly.

Zhao Feng did not move, looking at the sacred king, waiting for his following.

He just used the imitation of the sacred arrow, but also wanted to shock the sacred king.

After all, the killing of the Hall by the name of the black corner of the rise, and the other side as a holy king, naturally impossible to be more polite to Zhao Feng.

"I heard the master of the temple, there is ‘the blood of the Holy Spirit Dan, this Qidan, just my grandson broke through the black light, not much confidence, so the old man came to discuss this spirit.”

The sacred king finally finished talking.

The reason why the sacred king has been hidden in the dark, and followed Zhao Feng, originally wanted to wait for the final result of the magical lord and Zhao Feng.

If the Lord of the Magic is victorious, then he suddenly appears and can definitely share some benefits.

If it is better to lose both, the sacred king can get a lot of benefits from both sides.

What he did not expect was that Zhao Feng had always dominated and even scared away the Lord of the Devil and the Holy Ghost of the Earth. At the same time, he also shocked him.

"Lonely Killing Hall can develop to this point. To a certain extent, it is also the blessing of the black corner. This is a thin ceremony, and the main hall will be sent to the corner of the black curtain."

Zhao Feng smiled and said.

The sacred king is undoubtedly a more powerful sacred king than the ghost king. Unless you use the sacred arrow, Zhao Feng has no chance of winning.

At this time, the sacred king did not show the meaning of threatening him, nor was he too greedy, Zhao Feng would naturally not lick a few ‘the blood of the Holy Spirit Dan.

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