King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1055: Decomposition and replication

The blood of the Holy Spirit Dan, but the blood of the Golden Wing Red Tiger and the pool of water refining, these resources for Zhao Feng, very abundant.

Moreover, after Zhao Feng broke through the black light, the effect of these two resources on Zhao Feng may be greatly reduced.

"In this case, the old man will wait for the black corner to wait."

The eyes of the sacred king looked deeply at Zhao Feng, and then disappeared into the void.

The black corner will not rush to a large force, in addition, the performance of the master, but also the shadow of the holy king some expectations.

If the lord of the lord can survive under the pressure of the nine secluded palaces, it will become another top force in the mainland.

For such a force, it is now possible to get a good deal with the future.


After the curtain of the Holy King, Zhao Feng took a deep breath.

Even if Zhao Feng breaks through the Lord, he will not be confident to compete with the Holy King.

Zhao Feng's arm guards, in the original place, his figure in a layer of overlapping empty silver shadow, suddenly faded, disappeared.

After breaking through the Lord, Zhao Feng believes that he can use the distance sent by the lost world to be farther away.

This time, Zhao Feng directly transmitted the distance between the four big cities.


A layer of empty silver shadow, overlapping in the void, Zhao Feng's figure slowly emerged from it.

At the time of the horror, the horrible power of the Holy Lord ignited a vision of heaven and earth.

"The Lord"

A peak of the peak who is next to Zhao Feng, suddenly fell to the ground, the real blood is suppressed and can not run.

"The power is not yet fully familiar and in control"

Zhao Feng whispered softly.

"You can also increase the transmission distance"

Zhao Feng did not care for this person, his arm waved again, and his figure disappeared with a burst of space.

The next moment, Zhao Feng returned to dominate the temple door.

This time, Zhao Feng directly transmitted the distance of a state, and his Xuanguang Shengli instantly bottomed out.

"It seems that in the future, each time you can directly transfer the distance of a state."

Zhao Feng had some surprises and broke through the black light environment, which actually brought him so convenient.

The secondary artifact is different. Zhao Feng is equivalent to carrying a large array of inter-state transmissions.

At this time, in the dominating temple, those who were invited by Bi Qingyue to come and help to dominate the temple are still here.

"Taiwanese elders"

"Zhao Feng"

Everyone stood up and looked at Zhao Feng, and there was some vibration inside.

Zhao Feng chased the Lord of the Devil, and it took nearly ten days. There were still some concerns in the hearts of the people.

Zhao Feng looked indifferent, went to the top and sat down safely.

Through the meditation, Zhao Feng has learned some things from Bi Qingyue. Nanfeng Wang has already gone to the palace to report this matter to the Imperial Palace.

This point is the implementation of Bi Qingyue's own actions, and Zhao Feng is very satisfied.

The reason why he dared to chase down the Lord of the Devil, and also intended to be seriously wounded, was to report the matter to the Imperial Palace afterwards.

I believe that the Imperial Palace does not hope that there will be internal struggles within the dynasty during the two wars.

The nine secluded palaces are the three peaks of the Samsung Peak. The lord of the lord is also considered to be Samsung and half. Once the two battles are started, the number of sects involved is countless, which will cause huge losses to the Dagan dynasty.

"This time everyone helped to dominate the temple, and Zhao remembered it..."

Zhao Feng now breaks through the black light and is more deterrent.

"After this incident was reported to the Imperial Palace, it is impossible for the Jiugui Palace to temporarily dominate the temple. This is the time to dominate the development of the temple..."

At this time, Bi Qingyue stood up and said slowly, and explained the blueprint for future development.

Most of the people here are the masters of the lord's power or the relationship with the lord.

After Bi Qingyue finished, Zhao Feng and the Star Demon Lord left alone.

"Zhao Feng, you are awesome this time."

The Star Devil is joking.

Zhao Feng chased the nine secluded palaces of the Lord of the Devils in the past ten days, cross-domain a big state, this pursuit has long spread throughout the mainland.

As a result, Zhao Feng’s reputation has risen again, and the reputation of the lord of the temple has risen to an unprecedented peak.

Nowadays, it is a good time to dominate the development of the temple.

"The Lord of the Devil, but one of the high-rises of the Nine Palace"

Zhao Feng shook his head.

The dominating temple wants to compete with the nine secluded palaces that have a million years of end-end. It is still far from enough. You must know that during the peak period of the nine secluded palaces, even the four-star mass.

Zhao Feng did not swell to that level because of the pursuit of the Lord of the Devil.

"Star Devils, this time I want to talk to you about the second layer of "The Soul"

Zhao Feng took the initiative to explain the intention.

On the second floor of "Division of the Soul", Zhao Feng has already performed it, but he did not have much confidence, so he wanted the Star Devil to help him review it.

After handing over the second layer of "Division of the Soul" to the Lord of the Stars, Zhao Feng will return to the back of the main hall to ban the land. The Lord of the Stars also needs time to review the practicality of the second layer of "The Soul of the Soul".

After returning to the Pavilion, Zhao Feng immediately entered the left-hand space.

When breaking through the mysterious light, the mysterious golden ball in the left-handed space has undergone a small change, and it is just like this. It was only at the crucial moment that Zhao Feng was killed.

"this is……"

Zhao Feng stopped thinking for a time, and he was obsessed with the object above the mysterious golden ball.

Originally, in the left-handed space, there was nothing but a mysterious golden ball and a half-headed skull.

At this time, above the mysterious golden ball, there are actually two half-headed skulls floating in the head. The structure and shape of the two skulls are exactly the same, even the force of the thunderbolt above is the same.

"How can there be a demigod head with a snarl of thunder?"

Zhao Feng’s heart is shocking.

Although it is more than a **** to rob the head, it is also a good thing.

But all this is too strange.

Zhao Feng began to recall the situation of left-handed changes.

The first is the mysterious goal, which sends out countless layers of golden ripples, going back and forth to penetrate the half-headed head through countless times.

Of course, the particle structure of the demigod head, including the **** robbery, was also analyzed and recorded in the mysterious golden ball.

Then, in the mysterious golden ball, there is a source of wild source, slowly forming a group of distorted black objects, until finally, it becomes another half-headed skull.

"Could it be that……"

Zhao Feng suddenly thought of something, his look was amazed, and consciousness returned to the body.


Zhao Feng took out an ordinary level of the gods from the hollow world.

Zhao Feng’s left-hander was fixed on this ground-level squadron and inhaled it into the left-handed space.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng’s consciousness once again entered the left-handed space.

Zhao Feng moved the two robbing heads to the edge position and placed the top-level soldiers on the mysterious golden ball.

Zhao Feng runs his mind and carefully touches the mysterious golden ball.


The mysterious golden ball suddenly spun up, scattering countless golden ripples from it, and constantly penetrated this order.

Not long after, in the mysterious goal, slowly spurt a breath of the source of the wild, condensed in the air.


This group of black matter, constantly deformed and distorted, after a few hours, a complete level of the gods, floating above the mysterious golden ball

“Really able to 'copy, matter?'

Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked.

This phenomenon fully proves his conjecture.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng’s idea returned to the body.

"The will and the vitality of the power, there is some loss"

Zhao Feng got this conclusion.

It seems that when the original copy, half-headed, because Zhao Feng is hitting the black light, so did not notice.

This also explains why the energy of the decomposed Devil's Lord's avatar will be inhaled into the left-handed space, because at that time, the gods are being copied, and they need to be able to

"This small change has actually brought me this ability."

Zhao Feng is ecstatic.

Even the devil's head, God's robbery can be copied, showing this ‘replication, ability, how perverted.

"It seems that this is the complete golden ability."

Zhao Feng is the color road.

Only the analytical gold carp is not too strong as an auxiliary ability, but if it is added with the current ‘replication, ability, it is perfect.

However, Zhao Feng, who discovered Jin’s new ability, also began to analyze the flaws of this ability.

First, it took time to copy the demigod's head for nearly ten days. Although the top-level soldiers had completed the reproduction for several hours, the lowest level of Zhao Feng was the inheritance of the sacristy or the heavenly gods.

Second, when consumption is large, when copying the demigod head, Zhao Feng is breaking through, constantly adding the energy of the heavens and the earth, may not be aware, but when copying this low-order **** soldier, Zhao Feng will reach this conclusion.

At present, Zhao Feng found that copying objects requires the consumption of soul power, followed by the vitality of the body.

These two are more important for Zhao Feng. If they are not replenished in time, they may cause very serious consequences.

"However, with this ‘replication, ability, I seem to be able to produce my own cultivation resources.”

Zhao Feng was shocked and felt a little unbelievable.

However, Zhao Feng consumes the power and strength of the soul and replicates the resources he needs. On the other hand, Zhao Feng also has to spend time to restore strength and vitality, or to take other precious resources.

There seems to be a balance between the two.

"Put this ability first"

Now thinking about so much, it is not very useful, it is not as slow as it is in the future.

The most important thing at the moment is to consolidate the realm of the Holy Spirit.

Zhao Feng has just broken through the black light, and the control of power is not very good, and even the breath can not be hidden.

In addition, the "Five Elements of the Thunder" also broke through to the ninth floor, the earth wind and thunder.

Once you start to cultivate the earth's wind and thunder, then Zhao Feng's strength will be raised to another level.

There are two dark yellow spar in the hands of Zhao Feng. This is the soil attribute cultivation resource that Zhao Feng exchanged in the Lanzhou Battle Hall.

Zhao Feng immediately ran the "French Wind Thunder" in the law of the earth's wind and thunder, and began to absorb the soil attribute power in the dark yellow stone.

In addition, Zhao Feng's "Wan Nian Shen Yu" is multi-purpose, familiar with the light of the mysterious light after the breakthrough, as well as the Holy Light in the body.

After breaking through the Lord, the nucleus of the body is broken, and the rules of the heavens and the earth are merged into the Holy Light.

At this time, Zhao Sheng's body of light in the body has four colors, from blue to green to red, and then runs into a dark yellow.

Breaking through the mysterious light, all the powers that we have mastered will change.

Therefore, this process of slowly becoming familiar with the control is very long, but Zuo Yu gave Zhao Feng extraordinary insight and power. Therefore, Zhao Feng only spent a month and was thoroughly familiar with the power at this time.

On one day, Zhao Feng opened his eyes.

At that moment, Zhao Feng realized that his will can be quickly integrated into the heavens and the earth, and that he controlled his righteous forces and arbitrarily moved to ignite the natural forces of heaven and earth.

"This is the real power of the mysterious light."

Zhao Feng's body, shimmering and shining, Shenghua, surrounded by a layer of dark yellow thunder, the heavens and earth suddenly solidified, a suffocating horrible pressure.

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