King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1056: Forbidden ground

"This is the real power of the mysterious light."

Zhao Feng's whole body shimmers in the radiance, and a layer of dark yellow thunder appears on it. The surrounding world is suddenly solidified, and a suffocating force is exerted.

The wind and thunder of the earth did not give Zhao Feng how powerful the force, but it doubled the defensive power of Zhao Feng. At the same time, it could also be combined with the power of the holy thunder body to make the world a certain extent, shrouded in a layer of horrible power. Under pressure.

It is very difficult to stand in front of Zhao Feng with a weak foundation of strength.

In addition, the ninth floor of "Five Elements Wind Thunder", there are many soil warfare techniques, secret methods, mostly defense type, Zhao Feng also involved and understood.

"At this time, I may be able to compete against the Lord of the Devil"

Zhao Feng smiled confidently.

It is not terrible that a person suddenly gains powerful power. Only when he thoroughly uses this power is the most terrifying.

Just after breaking through the black light, Zhao Feng and the injured Nangong Sheng are not the opponents of the Lord of the Devil, but now Zhao Feng is sure that one person will compete with the Lord of the Magic.

But just compete with the Lord of the Magic, want to take advantage or defeat it, unless you come up with some important cards.

"Master, nine secluded palaces come"

Bi Qingyue passed the voice of the heart to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng smiled and went out immediately.

In the hall, standing three elders of the nine secluded palaces, the first one is the Lord of the Devil.

When Zhao Feng appeared in the hall, the Lord of the Devils opened his mouth directly.

"Zhao Feng, I am here today to apologize to the lord of the lord."

The Lord of the Devil, a sly face, said quickly.

"I am a senior elder of the Nine Palace, but I abused my private rights and encouraged other elders of the Nine Palace to dominate the mainland's Samsung forces. Here, I apologize to many members of the main hall."

The Lord of the Magic is very unwilling to say.

But this matter did indeed alarm the Taihuang Temple. As a result, the Elder Emperor of the Nine Palaces personally came forward to punish the Lord of the Magic, and let him go to the lord to apologize and solve this matter.

Zhao Feng kept a smile and looked at the Lord of the Devil, waiting for the following of the Lord of the Devil.

Only an apology, how can Zhao Feng accept.

"My nine secluded palaces are willing to give all the resources of the Dark Heaven Gate and the Black Yaozong to the lord, and hope that Zhao Feng will put all the members of these forces."

The Lord of the Magic Yuan said the compensation that the Nine Palace is willing to give.

Bi Qingyue was slightly shocked. The dark Tianmen was a big Samsung. Black Yaozong and other forces were also powerful forces of more than two and a half stars. The Jiugui Palace was willing to give these to the master.

Zhao Feng was silent for a moment, and such a gift could not satisfy him.

"Zhao Feng, are you not satisfied with such a gift?"

The Lord of the Magic Yuan saw the thoughts of Zhao Feng, and the words were slightly ridiculous.

The Jiuyi Palace did not oppose the execution of the Lord of the Lord, but the action of the Lord of the Devils failed.

The Lord of the Devil believes that the elders of the elders will never let go of the lord.

In his opinion, Zhao Feng is dying sooner or later, but he still has such a big greed.

"These resources can only let me let go. You can't just forget about your behavior in the main hall."

Zhao Feng said directly, his eyes swept to the Lord of the Devil.

The two elders on the side of the Lord of the Devil, angered.

Jiugui Palace has never suffered such a loss. This time it was forced to take the initiative to give compensation. This Zhao Feng is still not satisfied.

"Zhao Feng, don't deceive too much."

The Lord of the Magic is a cold face.

The nine secluded palaces will only use these resources as compensation. If Zhao Feng is not satisfied, the sacred lord can only give up his own interests.

"This is the master temple."

Zhao Feng roared, and the invisible power of the will contained a rule of ignorance.

At the same time, Zhao Feng's body flashed a layer of golden light, shining in the radiance of lightning, an invisible force, and spread forward.

Here is the master temple, the Lord of the Devils came to apologize, but it is still this look.

"What, this..."

The two saints beside the Lord of the Devil, suddenly felt the air was so thick, like a giant mountain, and they were suppressed by death, and the light of the mysterious light in the body seemed to be solidified and difficult to operate.

"This power..."

The Lord of the Magic is sinking.

At this time, the power of Zhao Feng's will to work is more than the magic of the Holy Lord.

The two ordinary saints beside him were completely unable to resist the pressure and force of Zhao Feng.

Even the Lord of the Devil, I feel that breathing is somewhat difficult, but in the main hall, he can no longer be shot at this moment.

Bi Qingyue, next to Zhao Feng’s face, was shocked and turned into a surprise.

"Zhao Feng, about the ceremony, you can talk slowly"

The Lord of the Devils put down the paragraph and looked helpless.


Zhao Feng’s thoughts were moved, and the power of the power and the will of Wei Li were recovered.

Just now, his willpower mainly affects the nature of the soil. Therefore, it has a super-gravity effect, and in conjunction with the power of the San Lei body, the ordinary Lord is in front of Zhao Feng, almost no resistance.

"The strength of this Zhao Feng..."

The Lord of the Devil is deep.

Only after more than a month has passed, Zhao Feng is completely familiar with the power of Xuan Guangjing, and today's strength is far beyond his imagination.

Subsequently, the two parties worked hard to negotiate, and the Lord of the Devils took out some of his own resources. The other two saints also almost sold out their pockets.

In the end, the Lord of the Devils was depressed, with many members, and left the master hall in anger.

"Bi Qingyue, make full use of these resources, in addition, send three ‘the blood of the Holy Spirit Dan, give the black curtain corner to the elders...”

When Zhao Feng told the story, he left.

The resources that I got from the Jiugui Palace are very abundant. They are completely worthy of all the details of a million-year-old Samsung. The proper use and the speed of the development of the main hall will once again be upgraded.

Similarly, Zhao Feng also understands that his own strength must be improved rapidly.

The strength of a force is only related to two points, first: human resources; second: sitting strong.

When he returned to the Forbidden City Pavilion, Zhao Feng glanced at the location of the Nangong Holy Land.

The temple of Nangong is in the pavilion, and the power of evil and horror is surrounded by people. It is daunting. It is not a forbidden area, but it is like a forbidden place.

It may be because Zhao Feng broke through the black light and showed a strong fighting power. Nangong Sheng was stimulated, and after recovering the injury, he immediately began to absorb the power of evil spirits.

According to Zhao Feng, evil yang is the ancient god, the top of the heavenly gods.

As long as Nangong Sheng does not have an accident, inheriting and mastering this power, breaking through the heavenly throne, there is no difficulty, and perhaps even a higher god.

"Heavenly Order"

Zhao Feng is also very yearning for him, but he is still far away from the gods.

After returning to the ban, the Zhao Feng entered the state of cultivation.

Breaking through the black light, Zhao Feng's material level has achieved a qualitative leap, but the soul has not improved much.

Zhao Feng’s biggest reliance is still the eyes of the gods, so Zhao Feng pays more attention to the soul. The reason why the body is refining is to deal with the future ‘true **** thunder.

In addition, Zuo's new ability - copy, very consuming power will, without a strong soul, Zhao Feng's ability will also be greatly discounted.

Running "Wan Nian Shen", Zhao Feng has a multi-purpose and began to practice.

First of all, Zhao Feng drunk some pool water, these pool water now has less effect on Zhao Feng's body, so most of the energy will be transferred to the soul level.

Then, part of Zhao Feng’s ideas began to participate in some of the techniques and secrets of the Earth’s wind and thunder.

The last part of the idea, stay in the space of the gods.

Today, Zhao Feng has two gods and robbing heads. That is to say, the remaining gods have doubled the number of scams, although they are still few, but better than nothing.

After all, God robs Lei Li, something that cannot be met.

However, Zhao Feng did not rush to absorb the gods and robbed Lei, but began to try to use the mysterious golden ball to carry out ‘replication.

Zhao Feng first copied the cultivation resources he needed, and then slowly improved the quality. He wanted to know that this ‘replication, the limit of ability.

In this way, Zhao Feng began a long-term retreat to enhance his strength in all aspects.

At the same time, Zhao Feng communicates with Bi Qingyue at any time through the Mind Printing and understands the external situation.

During this period, the elders of the demon religion also personally apologized and gave a large amount of compensation.

In addition, the battle between the Dominion Hall and the Jiugui Palace has made its reputation soaring. Now it has gained a lot of resources, and the main hall has been rapidly developed and expanded to extend inland.

The mission of the assassination of the middle and upper levels of the Nine Palace in the Lonely Killing Hall is still going on. After all, there is no evidence in the Jiugui Palace that this is the dominion of the temple.

For this situation, the Jiugui Palace is only taking protection and deterrence measures. Not long ago, the 19th killer of the Silence Hall was arrested by the Jiugui Palace and executed directly.

On the other hand, the black corner of the curtain is silent for the flourishing and dying hall.

In a blink of an eye, half a year passed.

The ninth floor of Zhao Feng's "Five Elements Wind Thunder" and the sixth floor of "Jin Kun Sheng Lei Body" are consolidated in the peak of the beginning, the soul will increase, and the overall strength is greatly improved.

"Master, half **** Kunyun arrived on the battlefield, did not leave"

On this day, Bi Qingyue conveyed this message to Zhao Feng.

Nowadays, the battlefield situation is developing very rapidly. After the semi-god Kunyun came to the battlefield, he found himself being deceived and did not rush back. Instead, he chose to stay on the battlefield.

Zhao Feng thinks that Kunyun may want to accumulate combat power, exchange resources, and enhance strength.

Originally, there was no strong person in the battlefield. As a result, Kunyun was so troubled, and the progress of the war was accelerated. The level of combat power on the battlefield was once again improved.

"No, I have to go to the battlefield."

Zhao Feng’s eyes are heavy.

Originally, Zhao Feng led Kun Yun to the battlefield. He thought that Kun Yun discovered that Zhao Feng was not on the battlefield and would immediately turn back.

In this way, Kunyun spends most of his time on the way, and the strength will stop increasing.

The result is beyond the expectations of Zhao Feng. In this case, Zhao Feng can only blame the strength of Kunyun. Before there is a substantial increase, he will actively find him and dispose of their grievances.

After all, the strength of Zhao Feng has been consolidated to the peak, and there is still a talk with Kun Yun.

Otherwise, the strength of Kunyun will return to the level of demigod, and Zhao Feng will be finished.

"Nan Gong Sheng, go to the battlefield?"

Zhao Feng took the initiative to pass to Nangong Sheng.

In the past six months, in addition to absorbing the power of evil spirits, Nangong Sheng often picks up some assassination missions. At this time, he is already the realm of Xuanguang Xiaocheng, the number one terrorist killer.

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