King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1062: Zhao Feng’s assassination

"Zhao Feng, since you are so sincere, then everything is good to say"

The semi-god Kunyun converges and the face is slightly mild.

Indeed, he and Zhao Feng have no deep hatred, but Zhao Feng at this time seems to be able to help him solve the problem of breaking through the ranks of God.

How can Kunyun die his brains, not killing Zhao Feng?

Beyond the predecessor and prove the position of God, it is Kunyun’s greatest wish today.

The position of God is the realm of all the top powers in the mainland. For the sake of God, they can be desperate.

Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many strong blacks are trapped under the gods. Even the threshold of the gods can’t be touched. How many deities have stayed in place for tens of thousands of years, and they have never been able to break through.

It is said that one of the most powerful gods in the mainland is 100,000 years ago.

Once you break through the throne, life expectancy will increase by several times. The most important thing is to be able to enter the Vatican, the center of the world, the wild domain.

It is rumored that there can be seen everything in the myths and legends. There are giant gods with a height of tens of thousands of people, providing the light and hot Taigu Jinwu for the entire Sanctuary space, or the extinct races of the Tianji and the ancient witches. There are also eight unique gods in the world...


In the city below, countless powerful people have a loud bang.

The decent **** Kunyun, facing the enemy Zhao Feng, actually turned into a very friendly look.

In the storage ring, what items are stored, can actually attract the former demigod

Even the nine emperors, Nangong Sheng, Gao Huang Sheng, and so on, are very curious and can’t wait to ask Zhao Feng.

"How could this be?"

The thirteen emperor looked shocked.

Kunyun actually succumbed to it?

Even if the items in the storage ring are very attractive, Kun Yun can completely swallow it, then kill Zhao Feng and get all the benefits of Zhao Feng.

Why does Kunyun not do this? What is stored in the storage ring?

Seeing Zhao Feng and Kun Yun, it seems that they are united, and the heart of the thirteen emperors suddenly sinks.

"Yu Fei, we should leave here."

The thirteen emperors immediately said.

"I want to stay here"

Zhao Yufei did not look at the thirteen emperors and said directly.


The thirteen emperors were desperately ruined, and they wanted to say something, but they stopped.

Today, Zhao Yufei and Duan Muqing are obviously standing on the side of the Nine Emperors, and Kun Yun and Zhao Feng are well joined together.

If he is angry here, he will not ask for trouble.

"let's go"

The thirteen emperor’s sister took a look at Zhao Feng and left with a small team member.

Subsequently, Kunyun landed and entered the city.

Many members, watching Zhao Feng and Kun Yun, entered a hall, and was shocked.

"The monster you just gave me, is the Taikoo race collapsed?"

Kunyun asked with doubts.

The collapsed mad cow in the storage ring contains a very rich atmosphere of ancient and refined blood, and the concentration of blood is even higher, just like the mad cows of the ancient times.

But how is this possible? Nowadays, even in the mainland, even the legacy of the ancient space, it is impossible to survive the creatures of the ancient times.

Unless it is, wild gods

Zhao Feng did not speak, but quietly looked at Kunyun.

"How many flies of this kind of monster are there in your hands?"

When Kun Yun saw Zhao Feng, he knew that it would not say. Kun Yun was not very concerned about the problem, so he went on to ask the next question.

"This kind of flesh and blood is very rare, I believe you can see it too."

Zhao Feng began to sell off.

Originally, Zhao Feng thought, at the very least, he had to come up with a lot of resources to be able to talk with Kun Yun.

But he seems to underestimate the value of the mad cows and blood. If so, then it must be carefully calculated.

"Say, what are your requirements?"

Kunyun looked heavy and he knew that Zhao Feng deliberately said this.

However, he observed the flesh and blood of the mad cows. It can be inferred that the strength of this mad cow is not so easy to deal with.

"Nine Palace"

Zhao Feng said directly.

"This is impossible, even if it was my heyday, I would not be able to fight against the Nine Palaces."

Kun Yun immediately refused.

On the battlefield, he also heard the contradiction between Zhao Feng and Jiugui Palace.

As far as he knows, Jiugui Palace used to be a four-star mass, and now it has fallen to Samsung, but Zong Nei really has a demigod.

Kun Yun has a chance to be reborn. If he is right now with the Jiugui Palace, he is not pushing himself into the fire pit.

Kun Yun is also admire, Zhao Feng will be in trouble, when he was provoked to death, the Emperor is still good, and now he is offended by the nine palaces with half gods sitting.

"It is not for you to go to the Jiuyi Palace. You only need to help me at the crucial moment. According to your contribution, I will give you the corresponding resources."

Zhao Feng said his thoughts.

In this way, it is not afraid that Kunyun hides his mind. Kunyun will try his best to help Zhao Feng in order to get more flesh and blood.

Before the two had cooperated, they had a certain understanding of each other.

"A word is fixed"

Kun Yun thought for a moment and promised to come down.

Helping Zhao Feng and gaining resources without angering the nine secluded palaces, there is no problem at all.

Once the nine secluded palaces are half-god, Kun Yun does not help Zhao Feng.

"This is holding, if you are in trouble, you will enter the mysterious light into it."

Kunyun lost Zhao Feng a quaint four-party token.

After all, Kun Yun can't always follow Zhao Feng and become a big bodyguard.

Kun Yun now really hopes that Zhao Feng will have trouble when he goes there.

Subsequently, Kunyun hurriedly left here.

"These flesh and blood, the power of the blood, can make my blood in the body, further awaken, and this Taikoo original breath..."

After Kun Yun left, Zhao Yufei, Nan Gongsheng, Duan Muqing and others all came to Zhao Feng and asked about some things.

For Zhao Feng to give Kunyun what, all people will not try the same temptation, Zhao Feng just said that the blood and the blood of the Holy Spirit Dan.

Of course, a collapsed mad cow can refine how many such medicinal herbs are produced. Zhao Feng is not clear.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng entered a state of retreat and did not see others.

"Feng brother, come on"

Zhao Yufei said before leaving.

She also understands what kind of enemy Zhao Feng is facing now.

In addition, Zhao Yufei himself is, if she is strong enough, there will be no things that can bind her, and the royal family will not do it. Therefore, she also needs to practice hard and improve her strength.

In the dense hall, Zhao Feng’s left sputum swept away, and when he did not notice the abnormality, he closed his eyes.


Soon, Zhao Feng perceives the position of the thirteen emperors.

Before the arrival of Kunyun, Zhao Feng was on the body of the thirteen emperors, marking the gods.

On a rolling peak, the thirteen emperors looked gloomy, and with the team members, rushed back to his stronghold.

"Now Yu Fei is not here, I want to respond to the Lanzhou War Hall, and ask for additional combat power."

The atmosphere of the thirteen emperor said.

"The black iron lord, the nine secluded palace should not be afraid, the realm is only the Kunming cloud of the mysterious light."

The thirteen emperor said the voice.

"This thing, I have to respond to the top."

The black iron lord was not provoked by the thirteen princes.

After all, Kun Yun used to be a demigod. Although it is only a mysterious light, the real strength is unfathomable.

Today, Kunyun seems to be lured by Zhao Feng with the interests of Yuzhong, and the two are temporarily united.

Can seduce the interests of Kunyun, the nine secluded palace will certainly not ignore this.

"who is it?"

The Black Iron Lord felt a hidden spiritual wave and immediately looked up.

The pace of the black iron lord, suddenly a stiff, look a glimpse.

I saw that the thirteen emperor squad over the sky, I do not know when, there is a pale gold scorpion, surrounded by a lot of colorful wind and thunder, indifferent, as if juxtaposed with the heavens and the earth, overlooking the bottom.

Many members of the 13th Emperor's squad, horrified and fascinated, the name is shocked, the birds are silent, staring upwards.

"This eye, this is the golden dragon of Zhao Feng"

The thirteen emperors immediately called out.

"Hey, Zhao Feng, what do you want?"

The thirteen emperors stood up and shouted loudly.

The thirteen emperors thought that Zhao Feng had been secretly following, and now maybe he is hiding somewhere, using this unknown scorpion to scare them.

"Fantasy Zone"

The mysterious, cold voice sounded at the spiritual level.


Seeing the huge amber gold urn, it evolved into an endless world of purple gold maze, exuding a deadly attraction.

"Be careful, thirteen emperors"

Black Iron Lord immediately reminded.

The thirteen emperor was so frightened that he did not expect that Zhao Feng was so bold and dared to shoot him.

In the hands of the thirteen emperors, a golden dragon jade appeared immediately.

But before he could activate the power of this jade, his eyes were attracted by the golden sky of the sky, and the soul was imprisoned in another illusory space, completely isolated from the body.

Using the shackles of the heavens, the blood and blood stasis can increase the power of the scorpion, and at the current level of Zhao Feng, using the magical fascination to control the thirteen emperors is easy.

Of course, Zhao Feng’s illusionary fascination is a group of martial arts. Everyone in this place is affected by this technique, and the thirteen princes are the main target of Zhao Feng.

"Zhao Feng, hurt the royal family, you are dead this time."

The black iron saint is a member of the Jiugui Palace, and there is no way to find Zhao Feng’s trouble.

Today, Zhao Feng took the initiative to the royal family, the royal family could never let Zhao Feng, the Taihuang Temple will not stop the Jiugui Palace, and even personally sanction Zhao Feng.

The black iron lord tried to resist Zhao Feng's blood and sputum, and at the same time, he had a message in his hand.

At the same time, Zhao Feng applied blood and blood to the thirty or forty strong people. Therefore, the black iron lord still has some resistance.

The next moment, a cold and chilly mantra, passed through his chest.

"how come……"

The light of the Holy Light in the main body of the Black Iron St. was severely damaged, and there was a great pain in the whole body. The Xuanguang Shengli could not be motivated, let alone use the letter.

Meow meow

The little thief cat appeared in the void, and then disappeared.

"Wind and Thunder"

The pale gold in the sky is aimed at the black iron lord and releases a powerful attacking technique.


In an instant, the entire body of the Black Iron Lord, burning a purple soul bonfire, which thunderbolt brand, raging and rushing, killing everything.


At this time, the little thief cat was attacked from the body of the black iron lord, and counted numerous fatal scars.

In the end, the Black Iron Lord was completely killed under the joint of Zhao Feng and the little thief, and the soul flew away.

The rest of the squad, in the control of Zhao Feng's illusion, the two eyes are sluggish and stand still.

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