King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1063: Holy Land

"Little thief cat, I will give it to you next."

The soul level of the little thief cat, Zhao Feng's voice sounded.

Meow meow

The little thief cat waved the shadow of the hand to kill the emperor blade, turned into a dark silver dotted line, and flashed away.


A chilly shadow blade quickly shuttles between members of this squad.

The strong man who did not reach the Lord, in front of the little thief, was almost a blow.


A strange dagger with a chilly shadow piercing the heart of the thirteen princes.

The thirteen emperors were like this, and they died peacefully.

"Destroy the corpse"

Zhao Feng’s voice rang again, and then the golden amber eye in the sky gradually disappeared.

After everything was done, the little thief cat hides his body and disappears.

In the dense hall, Zhao Feng opened his eyes.

"I am finally dead"

Zhao Feng long sighed.

If the Black Iron Lord, the Thirteen Emperor, and others know that Zhao Feng is still in the city base, I wonder if it will be a horror, but they will never know.

"It should not be discovered"

At the time of the action, Zhao Feng passed through the heavens and saw everything.

At that time, there were no other teams in the tens of thousands of miles, and no one in the ranks of the thirteen emperors passed the information.

However, there are people outside the world, maybe the gods are strong, can find any clues, or as the six witches such as Zhan Pei, can be inferred

However, in a short time, no one knows that Zhao Feng killed 13 emperors.

Therefore, Zhao Feng needs to take advantage of this opportunity to improve his strength.

On the other hand, although Kun Yun promised to help Zhao Feng, it was because Kun Yun did not know to kill Zhao Feng at that time.

If Zhao Feng constantly gives resources to Kunyun, his strength has not improved, he believes that, finally, when Kunyun restores its peak strength, it will still start with Zhao Feng.

Therefore, if you want to preserve yourself and survive, Zhao Feng must work harder and improve his strength.

Zhao Feng came directly to the world of the air, some precious resources of Taikoo, appeared in the hands of Zhao Feng.

Among them, there are many mineral ore and medicinal materials, which are the spoils after attacking the mad cows.

The medicinal materials and ore in the dream of Taikoo have a great role in promoting the cultivation of the wind and thunder of Zhao Feng. With the precious materials consumed by Zhao Feng in the near future, he has been able to cultivate the wind and thunder to the realm of Xiaocheng.

However, Zhao Feng has been suppressing it all the time, and constantly strengthens the mysterious light of the earth, which is bred by the wind and thunder. Although he wants to improve his strength, he should not be too impatient.

Not long after, the little thief came back and broke into the fascinating world.

Meow meow

The thief cat reports the task to Zhao Feng and asks for compensation.

"Your strength seems to have made no small progress"

Zhao Feng said.

In recent times, the resources consumed by the little thief cats are also very numerous. At the same time, its transformation, Zhao Feng is also in the eye.

The little thief does not have any bottlenecks, and the strength grows slowly as it continues to devour resources.

Because I have just occupied a stronghold of the enemy, there will be no action for the time being.

Therefore, Zhao Feng and the little thief cat have been in the fascinating world, using the precious and ancient resources of the world's extinct, continue to cultivate and enhance their strength.

The ability of the mysterious golden ball to copy, Zhao Feng can continue to get some resources, but the same precious materials, taking too much efficacy will be reduced.

Ten days later, the death of the thirteen emperors on the battlefield came out.

In the Lanzhou Battle Hall, a large Chengsheng Lord and several members of the royal family personally rushed to the frontline battlefield to conduct an investigation.

According to the members of the 13th Emperor War Zone, the 13th Emperor, after going to the battle zone where the Nine Emperors were located, never returned.

Moreover, before the accident of the 13th Emperor's squad, they also gathered with the Nine Emperor Squad. Therefore, the members of the Nine Emperor's squad became the focus of the investigation.

However, among the teams of the Nine Emperors, there are members of the High Court of the Emperor, and the Emperor of the High Emperor.

Therefore, the event that all the thirteen emperor squads were killed could not have been done by the Nine Emperor Squad.

In addition, the grievance between Zhao Feng and the 13th Emperor, under the investigation, it can be known that if Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng are joined together, it is entirely possible to kill the 13th Emperor Squad.

"On the same day, Nangong Sheng and Zhao Feng did not leave."

Gao Huang Shengzhu said that he did not protect Zhao Feng and Nan Gong Sheng, but told the facts.

"However, on the day of Kunyun's predecessors, I have been here."

In the squad, a top emperor whispered.


Several people in the Lanzhou War Hall whispered softly.

If it was once the half **** Kunyun, it does have this ability, and instantly kill the ordinary strong, killing Xiaoguang Xiaocheng.

However, why did the semi-god Kunyun kill the 13th Emperor Squad?

In this way, the Dacheng Holy Lord and the royal family members of the Lanzhou Battle Hall left the city of the Nine Emperors with doubts and continued to investigate the incident. Similarly, the 13th Emperor's squad was destroyed, and it cannot be ruled out that it was the aliens.

After the people in the Lanzhou War Hall left, Zhao Feng returned directly to his palace and continued to practice retreat.

These people did not find themselves, it is a good thing, as for Kun Yun, Zhao Feng is too lazy to manage, I believe he can not do anything.

"I didn't expect that the thirteen brothers were killed."

The nine emperors were shocked.

This is good news for him. At the same time, he also wants to know who it is, knowing the whereabouts of the thirteen emperors, and letting him not even spread the information, the whole team will be destroyed.

On the battlefield, the news about the annihilation of the 13th Emperor's squad was instantly spread, and the mainland dynasty also turned up a wave.

You must know that the members of the 13th Emperor's squad are all high-level or genius elites in the major forces, and the Black Iron Lord is the elder of the Nine Palace.

The forces behind the thirteen emperors are among the many princes, the most huge.

Today, after the Holy Emperor and the Holy Ghost, after learning the news, they were even more furious and sent many royal powerhouses to the front line to investigate the matter...

As a result, strong combat power continues to appear on the battlefield.

The aliens found that on the battlefield of the human side, they suddenly increased their strength, and they also convened more powerful people and invested in the battlefield. The war became more and more fierce.

In addition, the top of the Lanzhou War Hall also found Kunyun, but did not get results.

And Kun Yun, because of the flesh and blood of the mad cows given by Zhao Feng, the strength has improved, entering the theater to kill a large number of aliens, attracting the alien side, very angry

Finally, the sacred king’s combat power once again appeared on the battlefield.

The place where the Nine Emperors are located.

Today, the rear human squad is almost here.

"Continue to move forward"

The Nine Emperors directly issued orders.

Then, everyone began to invest in the war zone, Zhao Feng and Zhao Yufei team, did not lead any members, Duanmu Qing joined the team of the nine emperors to protect the safety of the Nine Emperors, and Nangong Sheng alone acted alone.

The aliens in front of the strongholds have long been guarded, and a holy master of Xuanguang Dacheng was sent.

And the lord of the fascinating Dacheng, just met Nangong Sheng, under the battle of two people, the mysterious light of the aliens became the Lord, and fled

As a result, everyone pushed forward in a straight line, and it was said that it was invincible. In a few months, it once again occupied a stronghold.

Continuously vying for two strongholds, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng's battles, the instant rise, Nangong Sheng's combat points leap into the 'Lanzhou martial arts list, less than a thousand, and Zhao Feng once again ranked third.

In the fascinating world, Zhao Feng runs "Wan Nian Shen" and is multi-purpose.

After several months of tempering, under the accumulation of a large number of Taikoo resources, the ninth layer of the "Five Elements of the Thunder", the wind and thunder, cultivated into the realm of Xiaocheng.

The sixth floor of the San Lei body has also made great progress. It is only one step away from Xiaocheng, but it has been suppressed by Zhao Feng.

In terms of the will of the soul, the progress is relatively slow. After all, the dreams are too ancient, and the treasures of the soul level are very rare.

Zhao Feng has also been using the mysterious golden ball to copy the ‘Gathering Spirits, this ancient treasure, but the precious herbs, repeated use, the drug effect will be greatly reduced

"If my soul will reach the mysterious light, maybe I can try to copy the defective product."

Zhao Feng speculated.

Of course, Zhao Feng is not sure, even if it can be copied, its consumption can make Zhao Feng instantly weak.

In short, Zhao Feng has a short-term goal, which is to enhance the strength until he can copy the defective products.

The sub-products of the gods and arrows can cause terrible fatal wounds to the holy master of Xuanguang, and have a certain deterrent effect on the holy king.

Nowadays, Zhao Feng’s inferiority is only the last one, and he can’t use it.

If you use this defective product, then how will Zhao Feng copy it later?

Suddenly, Zhao Feng was disturbed by the outside world and left the world of the void.

In an instant, the power of a horrible rule of ambiguity came to the whole body.

"This power is the holy king?"

Zhao Feng was shocked and immediately rushed out.

I saw, above the sky, a fisherman's holy king of the aliens, fighting with Zhongnan Gongsheng, Zhao Yufei and the High Emperor.

Here is the stronghold of the Nine Emperor's occupation. The other teams in this theater are also gathering here. In addition to the several saints of the Nine Emperor squad, there are also three saints here.

But the ordinary Lord can't participate in the battlefield with the Holy King.

"I didn't expect that the sacred king of the aliens was brought so quickly."

Zhao Feng feels a heavy weight. This holy king is the singer of the Heavenly War.

It may be because before, the Vientiane Lord and the Heavenly Lord were defeated by the people, and later an alien sacred Lord was defeated by Nangong Sheng alone. The aliens began to attach importance to the war zone where the nine emperors were located.


Along with a horrible power rule attack, the High Emperor, Nan Gongsheng and Zhao Yufei were defeated.

"Retreat, retreat directly."

Gao Huang Shengzhu immediately said.

Between the Lord and the Holy King is a huge embarrassment, different from Xuanguang Xiaocheng and Dacheng.

Nangong Sheng was able to defeat Dacheng Shengzhu alone, but at this time, the three people joined forces, but it was far from the opponent of Xiaotian Shengwang.

"All evacuation"

The Nine Emperors immediately issued an order, and an idea of ​​the King of Xiaotian could kill the strongmen below the Lord. They stayed here and were completely useless, that is, they died.


Zhao Feng runs the holy body, and uses the thunderstorm to fly, and immediately flies out.

"You retreat first, we will temporarily stop him."

Zhao Feng said directly.

Gao Huang Shengzhu and Zhao Yufei also nodded immediately. The speed of the people is naturally better than the Xiaotian Holy King. If the collective evacuation, everyone will face the pursuit of the Holy King.

Therefore, someone must stay and contain the King of Xiaotian.

"It's also blaming you for being too arrogant, only to send me to the top, to clear the battle of the Holy Land in this theater."

Xiao Tian Sheng Wang could not help but laugh.

In fact, the rear class of the Terran Wars treats the battle zone where the Nine Emperors are located in the same way as Kun Yun.

The reason is not only the battle zone of the Nine Emperors, but also a large number of powerful and powerful saints. The most important thing is that these powerful human saints have the spiritual blood and the inheritors of the power of evil spirits.

Killing Zhao Yufei and Nangong Sheng is the secret mission to the King of Xiaotian

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