King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1064: Four-star forces participate in the war

"It's also blaming you for being too arrogant, only to send me to the top, to clear the battle of the Holy Land in this theater."

Xiao Tian Sheng Wang could not help but smile, looking to the front of the two Xuanguang Xiaocheng, two Xuanguang Chucheng Chengzhu.

Even among the four saints, there are Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei, but their realm is too low to use the potential terrorist power, not the opponent of Xiaotian Shengwang.

This time, the owner of the spiritual blood, the inheritor of the power of the evil spirits, will be killed in his hand.

Zhao Feng, Nan Gongsheng, etc., looked dull.

Some people in the place are fighting for the first time with the King of the Holy King. An invisible pressure gradually increases and envelopes the whole body.

Gao Huang Shengzhu looked to Zhao Feng, Nan Gong Sheng and Zhao Yufei. If there were not three of them, the High Emperor would never stay and do such a dangerous thing.

"Four people, while fleeing, while holding down"

Zhao Feng gave the other three direct voices.

The four of them stayed, not fighting with the singer of the singer, but only holding it.

And when the King of Xiaotian arrived, the Nine Emperors had sent the help message and sent it out.


Zhao Feng suddenly shouted, and the four men retreated at the same time.

"Hey, today, you all leave me"

Xiao Tian Sheng Wang looked proud, and the whole body was filled with endless light blue sacred light, and a surging temperament, suddenly shocked everyone.

Xiao Tian Sheng Wang is full of fish scales, a random wave, a light blue mysterious light, surging with the horrible rapids of water waves, rushing to the front, like a shocking sky.


Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei suddenly stood up, and each of them had a strong and powerful atmosphere, a sinister arrogance, a luxurious and transcendental, two strong will, and the power of the King of Xiaotian , to block out.

At the same time, Zhao Feng runs the mysterious light of the mysterious light, and suddenly shoots a huge red gold Leiguang palm, attacking the front, and the high emperor also waved his hand and made a big blow.

The attack between the two men collided with the Holy Power attack of the King of the Storm.


The attack of the High Emperor's Lord was instantly broken by absolute power and rules, and Zhao Feng's broken heavenly thunderous palm, mighty and overbearing, and strong and strong, will weaken the attack of the King of the Kings.

The four men joined forces and each had a division of labor, blocking an offensive by the King of Xiaotian.

"Hey? This human"

Xiao Tian Sheng Wang’s eyes suddenly condensed on Zhao Feng’s body.

When he handed over his hand, he found Zhao Feng’s extraordinary strength, and his strength was not weaker than Zhao Yu’s Philippine Palace and others.

"Oh, that's right, today, let Dagan's peerless arrogance, all killed this"

Xiaotian Shengwang seems to be a little excited and begins to take seriously the four people in front of him.


Zhao Feng, Zhao Yufei and others, after blocking a blow, fled back to the rear again.

"Shocking the waves"

Xiao Tian Sheng Wang’s fighting power, open arms, a layer of light blue Xuanguang Shengli surged.

At that moment, the entire sky seemed to be turned into a pale blue water wave, emitting the rules of terror.

The singer of the singer of the heavens and the glory of his hands, suddenly, the sacred attack of the rear horror, like the tsunami that has been turned up, the waves rolling, and rolling away from the crowd.


The high emperor swallowed a spit.

In the face of such a violent attack, everyone feels small and small, as if they can be annihilated at any time.

"Block with a small world projection"

Zhao Feng immediately said that Zhao Feng knows more about people at the venue and knows how to use their strengths to resolve the immediate crisis.

First of all, from the back of Zhao Feng, there is an amazing lightning power storm, turned into a group of dark and violent rules of the righteous power, rushing forward.

Nangong San is heavy, and there is a sinister purple blood **** behind him. Zhao Yufei Yu pushes a group of burning purple flame meteors, igniting one of the heavens and the earth, blocking the front.

The Emperor of the High Emperor also released the power of the small world projection of gold and light.

At this moment, four super-powerful small world forces united to block the attack before the King of the Storm.


The attack of the King of Xiaotian is intertwined with the projection of the small world of the four people, the power of the infinite rules of the righteousness, the collision of the battle...

After releasing the power of the small world projection, the people retreated to the rear again.

"If I am stronger, I can use the three worlds to leave with the other three."

Zhao Feng has a slight regret.

At the same time, with the three saints to carry out the space shuttle, to Zhao Feng's current realm, it is very difficult, unless the target of the shuttle is very close, but Zhao Feng is not in a very close place, leaving a space mark.

"These little guys"

Xiao Tian Sheng Wang was slightly surprised.

If the four of them released the small world projection and the screaming king, the screaming king did not fear, but the four men just released the small world projection to block his attack, and then quickly fled.


Xiao Tian Sheng Wang stepped on the raging waves and caught up.

"First kill one"

Xiao Tian Sheng Wang eyes exposed to killing.

As long as one person is killed first, and the overall strength of the four people is weakened, it is not a problem to kill the four human saints one by one.

In the hands of the King of Xiaotian, there is a dark green long scorpion, which flashes a light blue water and shines as if it can mobilize all the power of water.

Xiao Tian Sheng Wang holds a long scorpion and makes a direct wave.

call out

I saw a light of clear water, and came out, urging the power of the heavens and the earth, mingling through it, and directly shooting at the High Emperor.

The King of Xiaotian naturally can see that the High Emperor is the weakest of these four.

"South Palace St."

Zhao Feng immediately called.

Although the strength of the High Emperor is not strong, but it also has a certain role, must not let him die like this.


Nangong Sheng directly rushed to the front of the high emperor, and a bronze animal shield appeared in his hand.

This shield is exactly the second artifact that Nangong Sheng got in the ancient mysterious palace, Jin Chidun.

At the time of the encounter, the original barbaric snarls and roars came from the ancient bronze shields. I saw a huge animal head tangled out, wrapping Nangong Sheng and the Emperor of the High Emperor.


The attack of the King of Xiaotian, bombarded the shadow of the beast, and quickly penetrated it.

But when the light of the clear water collides with the bronze shield, its remaining power is no longer enough to continue to penetrate.

In the end, the attack of the King of Xiaotian was resisted by the secondary artifact of the Nangong Holy Hand.

"This is the secondary artifact"

The whispering of the King of Xiaotian was shocked and the greed was revealed.

The second artifact, he has no one.

"Go fast"

Zhao Feng suddenly drank. At the same time, in his hand, there was a little emerald green light. This is the cloud silkworm butterfly after the breakthrough of the black light.

Cloud silk sinensis, after Zhao Feng broke through the black light, he has already completed the breakthrough, but he has not used it.

At this time, the silkworm fairy butterfly is more crystal-clear, and the whole body is shining with a light green glow. The moment it comes out, the invisible horrible blood, instantly attracts everyone's attention.

The silkworm sinensis has a mouthful of mouthfuls, and the colorful silks of various colors are in the blink of an eye, blocking the square.

After the silkworm silky butterfly spits out the silkworm silkworm, it directly flutters its wings, releases the colorful dream pollen, penetrates the space, and permeates the body of the singer.

Perhaps the silkworm silk can not cause obstacles to Xiaotian Shengwang, but the color dream pollen certainly has a certain effect on him.

"Wind and Thunder"

Zhao Feng left the gaze of the King of Xiaotian, extracting the power of a powerful soul, and releasing the most powerful wind and bonfire.

Zhao Feng can only see that the shape of a stiff Xiaotian Shengwang, the head suddenly burst into a purple bonfire.

"A good and powerful soul will"

Zhao Feng can feel that the soul of Xiaotian Shengwang is very solid and indestructible like steel. Even if Zhao Feng releases a lot of thunderbolt power, it is still difficult to cause damage.


After releasing this trick, Zhao Feng agitated the wing of the wind and thunder, and immediately caught up with Nangong Sheng, Zhao Yufei and the High Emperor.

The speed of Zhao Feng is the fastest among the three. If the thunder is flashed, it is more faint than the Lord of the Light.

At this time, Zhao Feng released a huge wind and thunder light, with the rest of the three, quickly go.

"Awful, this bunch of chop"

Xiao Tian Sheng Wang is angry.

The defensive and harassing methods of the four human saints are endless, with clouds and silkworms, as well as defensive artifacts.

"Shocking blasting"

Xiao Tian Sheng Wang eyes condensed, looking at the tens of thousands of miles fleeing several people, directly in the hands of the dark green long scorpion, projected out.


This dark green long cymbal surrounds the esoteric waters. When it passes, the heavens and the earth become oceans.

At that moment, as if the power of the whole world was oppressed by the people, the world was blue and blue, and everyone seemed to be in the whirlpool of infinite waves.

"No, Xiaotian Shengwang is too strong."

Gao Huang Shengzhu shook his head and lamented.


Zhao Yufei is also unable to resist, extending his hand and grabbing Zhao Feng.


At this time, Nangong Shengyi stood up, facing the trick of Xiaotian Shengwang, he could only rely on his defensive artifact.

"No, Nangong Sheng"

Zhao Feng said indifferently.

Nangong Shengyi, is there any strategy for Zhao Feng?

Can suddenly.

A horrible dragon transport pressure, landing on the earth, I saw a golden dragon light sword, drawn from behind the crowd, and collided with the dark green dragonfly projected by the King of Xiaotian.


The sinister rule of the Holy Force collided, making the heavens and the earth a sway, the dull explosion, invisible passing over the Quartet.

"You retire"

A figure of a golden dragon stalwart, I do not know when, appeared in the sky.

"Thank you for the predecessors of Xiaolong"

The Emperor of the High Emperor was respected and immediately bowed to the golden figure.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng and others immediately retreated.

In the distance, the King of Xiaotian, seeing his own attack was blocked, his eyes were calm, and he stared at the Dragon King.

"The high-rise of the Imperial Palace came to the battlefield?"

Asked the King of Xiaotian.

"You are not on the way to the battlefield?"

Xiaolong Shengwang smiled lightly.

Zhao Feng, Nan Gongsheng and others retired a few times, and they were shocked.

Zhao Feng is also wondering how the rescue of the King of the Emperor, how can it be so fast.

Unexpectedly, the peak forces of the two great dynasties, the Taihuang Temple and the Youdu, have been dispatched.

Originally, it was impossible for the war to develop to such an extent in a short period of time.

However, in the recent period, the semi-god Kunyun came to the battlefield, and then the powerful performances of Zhao Yufei, Nangongsheng and Zhaofeng caused the attention of the aliens.

In addition, on the battlefields of Lingzhou and Frost State, such as Yu Tianyi, Xuanyuan Wen, and Tie Lingyun, the strength has improved rapidly, and it is also the leader in the battle power list.

The last point is the death of the thirteen emperors, and the royal family sent a large number of members to the front line of the war.

These reasons are invisible, driving the situation of war.

In the end, the strongest four-star forces in the two dynasties began to go to the battlefield.

(I wish you all a Happy New Year)

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