King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1067: Black dragon

Zhao Feng directly obtained the latest and most comprehensive situation of the situation through the Xu Laoge on the battlefield in Lingzhou.

Taihang Temple elders ‘half-the **** Taiji, and the elders of the aliens’ celestial palace’s elders’ fascination, the contest between the two major gods, the ultimate defeat of the human side

"I didn't expect that the aliens actually have the descendants of the eight gods of the semi-god class."

Zhao Feng was shocked.

The demigration of the gods is the descendant of the inheritance of the gods.

Destroy the gods, the most powerful eight great gods, control the ultimate destruction of the righteousness, and have the horrible power of destroying the earth.

Regarding the demigod Tai Chi, Zhao Feng also heard about it.

Legend has it that this half-god is the youngest half-god of the Imperial Palace. Through the cultivation of the five elements of the righteousness, comprehending the yin and yang, and finally touching a line of **** power.

"Heavenly Order"

Zhao Feng’s gaze ignited a fighting spirit.

Zhao Feng will ‘Fire Spirit Soul Grass, put it into the left space and start copying.

A few days later, Zhao Feng took out a fire spirit, while another strain stayed in the left-hand space, waiting for Zhao Feng to restore the best state, and then continue to copy.

Zhao Feng took some precious materials to restore and supplement vitality, and then he operated "Wan Nian Shen" and absorbed the efficacy of ‘Fire Spirit.


I saw a glimpse of the spirit of the spirit of energy, slowly pouring into the soul of Zhao Feng.

At the time, Zhao Feng’s soul felt a burning tingling sensation. On the surface of the thunder body, there was a twist and a dark red glow.

"This pain is nothing compared to when you are separated."

Zhao Feng gritted his teeth and continued to absorb the effects of the fire spirit.

When this strain of ‘Fire Spirit Burning Soul, the drug effect is exhausted, in the left-hand space, two fire spirits have been copied, and Zhao Feng directly takes out one strain.

Three months later, Zhao Feng opened his eyes and stunned eyes, and a slightly burning soul, suddenly spread.

"The soul will reach the level of mysterious light"

Zhao Feng is happy with it.

In the past three months, Zhao Feng has taken a total of five fire spirits, and spent every moment in the tearing of the soul, and his efforts and efforts finally have an effect.

The soul will reach the mysterious light, and Zhao Feng’s soul level attack will increase the level once again.

Nowadays, even in the face of the Holy King, Zhao Feng’s blood and blood stasis combined with the robbery brand can cause certain damage to it. No longer, as in the beginning, Zhao Feng launched a wind and thunder on the Xiaotian Shengwang, and Xiao Tiansheng The king is not hurting.

"I don't know if I can copy the defective products now."

Zhao Feng’s heart was agitated.

The ascension of the soul will be accompanied by the growth of the will.

Once Zhao Feng was able to copy the defective products in batches, he would not have to fear the Holy King. In the dynasty war, he had a certain self-protection power.

Zhao Feng carefully smashed the arrow and inhaled the left space.


In the left-handed space, the mysterious golden ball rotates rapidly, emitting a layer of mysterious light gold ripples, and constantly penetrates the defective product.

After a long time, in the mysterious goal, a black mass of material emerged, condensing in the air, exuding the ancient atmosphere of the wild.

"Start copying"

Zhao Feng's steps to copy the mysterious golden ball are very clear.

This time, it will take a long time to try to copy the defective product.

During this period, Zhao Feng’s ideas were mainly concentrated in the left-handed space, and another part of the idea was used to deduce the “divided souls”, delving into and studying some soul martial arts.

“If you cannot copy, you must stop immediately”

Zhao Feng is doing this kind of plan, and he dare not be too distracted to participate in the physical and spiritual sacred power...

During this period of time, Zhao Feng also contacted Xu Laoqi through the meditation, and obtained the situation and war situation of the outside battlefield...

The news of the defeat of the human **** was instantly spread between the dynasties, and the entire Dagan dynasty began to panic.

Originally, the forces in the Dagan dynasty believed that human beings would never fail. The Imperial Palace would certainly block the invasion of aliens, but now they have to worry.

In the dynasty, all the top powers of the forces, or the old monsters who have been retiring all the year round, all began to gather in the war zone.

The nine secluded palaces ‘half gods and seas, leaving the nine secluded palaces, heading to the front line battlefield, the sky hanging palace too elders ‘half gods withered, with a group of high-level, leaving the sect...

In the three months, on the battlefield of Lingzhou, several wars were launched. Humans and aliens were divided equally.

"It seems that the war has reached the final moment."

Even Zhao Feng, who has always been calm, is not worried about the Dagan Dynasty.

From the current situation, he can't judge, what will happen in the end, who wins and who wins.

I believe that even the famous occupants of the dynasty are difficult to deduct. After all, the entire battlefield contains many factors, and there are countless places full of variables.

"I should also go to Lingzhou to see it."

Zhao Feng has a resolution in his heart.

The battle of the demigods is a rare event. Zhao Feng believes that if he can observe the war of the gods, he will certainly learn a lot.

After eight days, most of Zhao Feng’s consciousness is still concentrated in the left-handed space.

At this time, Zhao Feng, Philip's will is extremely weak, and the consumption of vitality in the body, he can also be supplemented by huge and precious resources.

"I don't know if I can succeed"

Zhao Feng’s heart is awkward.

In the left-handed space, above the mysterious golden ball, a dark gold arrow floats, and on the other side, it is a black twisted material, in which the faintly visible outline of an arrow can be seen.

Suddenly, the mysterious golden ball in the center position speeded up the rotation speed. At the same time, the consumption of Zhao Feng’s will and the vitality of the body suddenly doubled.

"Copying has reached the final stage"

Zhao Feng looks complex, calm and coexist with surprise.


Zhao Feng’s willpower, the rapid passing, and the mysterious golden ball above, the distorted black matter gradually shrinks and condenses into a dark golden arrow.


The mysterious golden ball is running slowly, and Zhao Feng’s willpower is completely exhausted.

At this moment, Zhao Feng’s left shackles seem to become ordinary eyes, and they can’t afford the power of the slightest gods.

"so close"

Zhao Feng secretly squeezed his sweat.

At the last critical moment, Zhao Feng couldn't bear to stop. Fortunately, the power of the gods was willing to lose money, and it did not cause much damage. It was only in the near future that it needed to be well nursed and restored.

Zhao Feng put the two defective pieces in the space of the gods into the world of the lost space.

Today, Zhao Feng has added a defective product, which is equivalent to adding a hole card. He is not in a hurry to continue to copy, Zhao Feng intends to wait for the will to improve, then copy the defective products and reduce the risk.

After successfully copying the defective products, Zhao Feng began to nurse the body and soul.

Until half a month later, the information from Xu Laoqi interrupted Zhao Feng’s retreat.

"Master, this time the two major dynasties broke out in a large war, and the aliens appeared, and the black dragon appeared."

At this point, Zhao Feng has completely recovered, and he looks surprised and immediately ends the retreat.

"I didn't expect to kill the black dragon, hidden in the aliens. Is this the reason why the aliens started the war?"

Zhao Feng whispered softly.

Although at the beginning, the extinction black dragon was joined by the Taiwang Temple and the Tianzhugong High-rise, and the black dragons dared to show up again. Their strength should also be restored.

We must know that in the heyday of the black-and-white dragon, the strength is equivalent to that of the ancient gods. The true **** is nine steps, and the ancient **** is equivalent to the powerful true **** of the sixth or more.

Zhao Feng estimates that the strength of the annihilation of the black dragon is almost restored to the level of demigod.

In other words, the aliens are equivalent to adding a powerful semi-god.

A half-god, enough to smash the strength of the original and the dying dynasty, into an unprecedented weakness, enough to dump the victory and defeat of the Scorpio

"Going to the battlefield of Lingzhou"

Zhao Feng began to prepare.

When Zhao Feng left the temple, a golden armor stood near his temple.

"Zhao predecessors, Your Highness wants me to bring you a letter, he has returned to the Dagan royal family, in addition, this is what my Highness wants me to hand you over."

The guard saw Zhao Feng coming out and immediately spoke, and he handed a spiritual pet bag very respectfully.

Zhao Feng slightly stunned, this Ling Chong bag was the last Zhao Feng left, given a card to the Nine Emperors, which is the two monsters and three quasi-sacred masters of the earthquake.

"Nine emperors left the battlefield?"

Zhao Feng is thoughtful.

At this time, the nine emperors left, it is estimated that there is only one thing, that is, the emperor changed position.

It is almost five years since the end of the trial of the Prince, and one year is when the Nine Emperor is in the throne. At this time, he naturally cannot stay on the battlefield.

Zhao Feng put away the Ling Chong bag and put all the monsters inside into the open world.

Zhao Feng's eyes were slightly moved, and his knowledge was swept away. He found that Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei were in retreat.

Therefore, Zhao Feng left the stronghold and set off for the battlefield in Lingzhou.

During the flight, Zhao Feng and Xu Laoqi have been in constant contact.

"The two great dynasties have been completely fought, and the Dagan dynasty has dispatched three and a half gods..."

Xu Laowei stated some wars to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Fengguang listened, and he felt that the body was boiling.

"What is the scene of the battle of the demigods?"

Zhao Feng regretted that there was no space near the Lingzhou battlefield.

Behind Zhao Feng, a pair of red gold sacred wings were deployed, and Thunderwing was applied to the battlefield.

"Xu blame, you can be closer to the battlefield"

Zhao Feng gave Xu old blame.

At this time, Zhao Feng is a little stranger from Xu, only a few big cities.

On the battlefield of Lingzhou.

Xu Laowei, who was watching in the back, was amazed, but he was still close to the battlefield.

Suddenly, in the depths of his soul, there is an amazing willpower, his eyes, flashing a layer of golden light.

At that moment, Xu Laogui felt his vision increased by more than tens of times.

His gaze, looking at the distant horizon, through the horrible destruction of the storm, saw the half-god figure in the battle.

"This is the battle of the demigod level."

Xu Lao Ge is shocked and his eyes are sluggish.

Just because of his gaze, Xu Lao Ge feels that the horrible power of destroying the earth has completely surpassed the level of the Lord, and the aftermath of the demigod can kill him completely.

"Human, this seat is back, your death is not far away."

A man covered in black scales, covered with sinister and hot, shrouded in a layer of red black flames, surrounded by a black tornado, sweeping dozens of miles

In front of him, he was an old man in a golden coat. He held a golden dragon stick in his hand and a layer of golden dragons appeared in his body, shrouded in a layer of lifelike, mighty smashing fascinating shadows.

This person is the highest-ranking person in the Imperial Palace, which is the ruler of the entire power dynasty.

"Black Dragon, let you die here today"

The **** of the half god, the eyes suddenly flashed golden light, that moment, the heavens and the earth changed, the righteousness surged, the power of an invisible rule, and the black dragon attacked.

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