King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1068: Shenguang

Above the void, the two great dynasties sent three and a half gods.

The aliens are the demigods of the Magic Heaven Palace, the black dragons of the world, and the half gods of the Youdu.

The Dagan dynasty, the half-god Taiji, the half-deity of the Tianzhuo Palace, the last one is the strongest of the Taihuang Temple, the half-god dragon.

"Haha, today is the time when your humanity is dying."

Desperate the black dragon, face sizzling, arrogant smile.


The black scale man's hand waved a wave, a group of pale black flame waves, suddenly destroying the invisible will attack of the demigod.

At the same time, the flames of the flames were twisted into a burning black dragon blaze, and flew away to the demigod.

"Even if the Yuyue Dynasty, there is a black muddy, it is impossible to be an opponent of Dagan."

The half-god dragon emperor's face changed, waving the faucet gold rod in his hand and gently stroked it.

A golden dragon-shaped wave blade directly slams out, and the horrible power of the horror is instantly destroyed by the black dragon blaze of the black dragon.

This golden dragon-shaped wave blade sends out a dragon whistling of the mighty world, and smashes the black dragon.

"Hey, if this seat is to restore strength, you can destroy your human beings if you destroy it."

The demise of the black dragon is stunned.

In spite of this, you can face the blow of the demigod dragon, and the black dragon is also running the dragon spirit immediately, releasing a layer of red and black.


The annihilation of the black dragons feels the horror of the power of the gods, and the look is dignified.

"This is the strongest demigod of mankind."

In the face of the demigod, the black dragon has to go all out.

If it were not for speeding up the pace of war, the black dragon would never play at this time.

At the beginning, he was surrounded by human beings, and suffered serious injuries. His strength fell sharply, and even the source space was greatly traumatized.

Helpless, the black dragons of the world went to the aliens and reached an agreement with the Youdu.

The Yuyue Dynasty actively provided resources to help the world's black dragons to restore their strength, and the annihilation of the black dragons helped the Yuyue Dynasty and destroyed the Dagan Dynasty.

Today, the realm of the black dragon is not half-god, but it has the power of half-god.

However, he and the most powerful of the Emperor's Temple are half-god and dragons, and there is still a certain gap.


On the other side of the sky, the half-god-level powerhouses of the two dynasties have also begun.

Under the far-off of the semi-god war zone, the quasi-saints and the holy masters of the two sides fought together.


The sky has suddenly changed, the energy of horror has changed, and the heavens and the earth have changed, and the sun and the moon have been reversed.

If it is not a place where the gods are engaged in war, it is very far away from the ground, and there is a trace of aftermath, which can kill the strongest of the quasi-sacred Lord and Xuanguang Chucheng.

The ground war zone, and only the strong king of the Holy King, can occasionally spy on the horrible battle above the distant sky.

At the same time, before and after the Lingzhou Battle Zone, the top-ranking strongmen of the Dagan Dynasty and the Youyue Dynasty all watched this battle that might affect the fate of the two dynasties.

On the human side, in order to cope with the death of the black dragon, the Taihuang Temple dispatched the strongest force, the demigod dragon.

The highest power of the priestly priests, the semi-god fascinating dragon, has not appeared yet.

On the side of the Dagan Dynasty, everyone was worried and had an unknown feeling.

However, if the demigod is able to defeat the black dragon with an overwhelming advantage, then the situation is completely different.

At this time, Zhao Feng, who was flying fast, had left Lanzhou and came to the edge of Lingzhou.

Through the meditation, Zhao Feng will send a willpower to the old man, so Zhao Feng can see through Xu's strange vision.

"Beyond the power of the mysterious light, the power of God"

Zhao Feng’s heart is shaking, and some are eager.

Through Xu's gaze, Zhao Feng can only see the battle of the demigod, but can't use the analysis ability of Zuo Yu, and can't take the scene of the semi-god battle.

With the battlefield, the two great dynasties, the six and a half gods shot.

Zhao Feng was shocked by his body and mind, and his thoughts drifted over the distant battlefield. He seemed to stand in the position of Xu’s strange monster and watched the battle of the demigod in the sky.

"Semi-God Dragon Emperor, the strongest demigod of the Dagan Dynasty"

Zhao Feng ordered Xu Laogui to lock his eyes on the battle between the demon **** and the black dragon.

Anyone can see that this battle is a key point of the two dynasties.

After all, the strongest of the Yuyue dynasty, the semi-divine dragon, has not yet appeared.

Once the demon **** dragon and the annihilating black dragon fight, if you are injured, the strongest of the glory dynasty, the half god, you may immediately shoot

However, the semi-god dragon emperor is worthy of being the strongest demigod of the Dagan dynasty. The annihilation of the black dragon is obviously not the opponent of the demigod, and soon falls into a passive situation.

"The strength of the black dragon has just recovered to the level of demigod"

Zhao Feng suddenly raised a trace of doubt.

Why do you not wait for the death of the black dragon, wait for his strength to return to a higher level and then do it again.

"Maybe the glory of the moon does not trust the black dragon."

Zhao Feng said to himself.

The extermination of the dragon race, the terrorist race born for destruction, went to nothingness.

The belief of the extinction dragons is to destroy the entire space of the Vatican. Therefore, the extermination of the dragons is hated by all the rest of the ancient people.

The Yuyue Dynasty should also understand the dangers of the death of the black dragon, and will not fully trust the black dragon, and let him improve his strength.

Of course, this is just Zhao Feng’s guess.

"This is the small world projection of the demigod"

The shock of Zhao Feng’s heart was followed by a wave.

Through Xu's vision, Zhao Feng found that the small world of the demigod contains almost all five elements.

This proves that Zhao Feng’s guess was correct, and he wanted to transform the small world into a real space. The small world must contain the power of the Five Elements.

"What is going on, is this?"

Zhao Feng, who is flying, directly stops the pace, his eyes are sluggish, and his thoughts drift to the other side.

"Half God Dragon King?"

"That is the arrow of God"

"Semi-God Dragon Emperor, sacrificed the arrow of God"

The Dagan Dynasty watched the battle zone and it was boiling.

In the giant palace pavilion, another half-deity of the Taihuang Temple, with deep eyes, looks at the sky.

"The Dragon King has long planned to use this sacred arrow to create a smashing black dragon."

This half-god, smiled slightly.

The strongest demigod of the Yuyue Dynasty has not yet appeared, and the Half-Dragon Dragon Emperor will not know how to behave and play at will.

In fact, the demigod dragon has long been planning.

Above the sky.

In the hands of the Emperor of the Half God, there is a vain arch that is constructed by divine power. Above the imaginary arch, it carries a red gold arrow shrouded in a golden reed.

The second artifact is the **** of the gods, and the power of the gods can exert its ultimate power.

At this time, the one-time artifacts smashed the gods and arrows, in the hands of the demon gods and dragons, bursting out to stun the world's peerless glory, destroying the golden meaning of the earth, surrounding one world.

A golden sacred god, who is unbreakable and piercing through all things, directly breaks through all the rules of the sky, as if the next day in the darkness, dispels everything.

"This is, 戮神箭"

The annihilation of the black dragon is a slap in the face, and the eyes are horrified.


The **** of the semi-god dragon is indifferent, and the gods are firmly locked in the black dragon.

This sacred arrow is the prince of the Dagan royal family. It is hard to come in the magical space.

With the strength of the semi-god dragon king, the use of this sacred arrow is enough to ruin the black dragon. If there is a chance, this time, he will completely kill the dragon.

"You old guy, second artifact, you should keep dealing with the demigod dragon."

The annihilation of the black dragon suddenly screamed.

As for the Dagan dynasty, he had already learned about it, but he knew that the Dagan dynasty would leave this arrow to the strongest of the secluded dynasty.

If it was the black dragon in the heyday, it would not be awkward to face the eyes of the gods, but now, he can't resist the power of the arrow.

The black dragon's body suddenly surrounded the red and black, and then turned into a black dragon with a length of hundreds of feet.


The extinction of the black dragon and the dragon floated a small world projection surrounded by a black and black dragon. His giant tail smashed and dragged the horror of the dying dragon, and instantly disappeared between the heavens and the earth.


At this time, the demigod dragon unleashed the bowstring, a golden arrow with a hundred miles long, shining with endless Jinrui Shenguang, scratching the sky and tearing everything.

At the same time, the semi-god dragon emperor broke away and chased the black dragon.

On the edge of Lingzhou, Zhao Feng was stagnant in the same place, and in his mind, the moment when the demigod was shot.

"This is the real power of the sacred arrow, enough to hit the half-god strong"

Zhao Feng shocked for a long time, slowly speaking.

Compared with the demigod dragon, the power of Zhao Feng used by Zhao Feng was negligible.

And it is at this time.

Zhao Feng’s gaze, tens of thousands of miles away, saw a familiar figure.

"Simp no trace? How is he here?"

Zhao Feng is a bit surprised.

Nowadays, the two dynasty and half-god-level powers are fighting, and Xin is not in the viewing area, but actually runs to the edge of Lingzhou.

The white crystal light flashed in the eyes of Xin, and he reached out and his palms face down.

Even Zhao Feng did not find it, and there was a complicated white crystal grain on top of the heartless palm.

"Is it here? Who is calling me?"

There is some confusion in the look of Xin.


Xin has no trace and slams into the ground.

Zhao Feng, who is tens of thousands of miles away, is somewhat suspicious of watching the movements without any traces. I don't know what he is doing.


Zhao Feng’s eyes of the gods suddenly jumped up, an unprecedented harbinger of the crisis, and Zhao Feng’s heart emerged.

On the left side of Zhao Feng, there was a layer of pale gold ripples, looking down to the ground.

"not good"

Zhao Feng’s heart suddenly jumped, showing the color of fear.


Zhao Feng directly displayed the thunder and lightning, turned into a red light, flew to the rear, and disappeared in the sky between the eyes.

Zhao Feng’s thundering flashes, after crossing a few miles away, still did not stop, but continued to flee, as if there was a death crisis behind him.


At this time, in the depths of the ground, there was a deafening horror tremor, as if the countless wild beasts were angry and roaring.

The earth cracked a huge gully like a galaxy, and a white crystal emptiness and light, with the atmosphere of annihilating everything, rose to the sky.

At that moment, all the creatures that are tens of thousands of miles away are directly annihilated.

With the shining of the white crystal, the heavens and the earth are distorted, the voids are broken, and from the hollow cracks of the black and cold, there is a chilling death suction.

At this time, Zhao Feng finally stopped and felt the back, which was enough to destroy the destructive energy of the demigod.


Zhao Feng's face is white, his heart is still beating vigorously.

At that time, if you have a late half-time, even if you have the gods eye, the gods arrow, the fandom, these cards, Zhao Feng will be doomed, the soul flies.

"How is this going?"

Zhao Feng looked at the wonders in front of him and slugged.

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