King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1072: Thunder robbery

In the Dagan dynasty, all the forces and attentions of the large and small forces and the Zongmen were concentrated on the frontline battlefield.

Zhao Feng only left a few intelligence personnel on the battlefield, recalling all other members and developing the main hall.

For Zhao Feng’s decision, there are no doubts about the important high-level Biqingyue, the Nightly Saint, the Xu Laoge, the Black Lord and so on.

In addition, Zhao Feng himself, in order to explore the corpse in the future, immediately retreat and enhance the realm of the realm.

In the dream of Taikoo, Zhao Feng attacked the mad cow family, enslaved the thunder of the sky, and gained a lot of precious resources of Taikoo.

Zhao Feng's left eye, with the ability to copy, can continue to copy the treasures he needs, until the role of this ancient treasure is squeezed.

This retreat, Zhao Feng's main practice is to cultivate the realm, the soul of the sword.

As a realm, he can quickly narrow the gap between him and the Holy King, and let him face the power of the Holy King, without any self-protection.

The soul martial arts is the strongest killer of Zhao Feng in addition to the sacred arrow.

At present, Zhao Feng's soul will reach the level of Xuanguang Dacheng, and the soul martial arts can basically cause certain damage to the sacred king, and the sacred gaze and the decomposing of the gods can cause great damage to the sacred king.

However, these two tricks have a flaw. That is, when Zhao Feng casts these two techniques, he can't be too distracted to display other tricks.

Because the Lord's strongmen basically have avatars, the role of Zhao Feng's two techniques is greatly reduced.

Zhao Feng’s avatar, Zhao Zheng, is currently underpowered and cannot fight alongside Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng runs "Wan Nian Shen" and is multi-purpose.

Part of the idea is to practice "Five Winds and Thunder" and "Jin Kun Sheng Lei".

"Five Elements Wind Thunder" is used to enhance Zhao Feng's cultivation, and "Jin Kun Sheng Lei" can increase Zhao Feng's physical defense and strength, and will not face the Holy King, no resistance.

Another part of the idea, Zhao Feng used to cultivate some soul secrets, strengthen the soul, and delve into the soul.

The last part of the idea, Zhao Feng used to absorb the power of the thunder in the head of God.

At the same time, Zhao Feng put another god's head in the left space and copied it.

If Zhao Feng’s ‘replication and early awakening, the power of the thunder in the head of God’s robbery may be more, so that Zhao Feng’s copying is relatively cost-effective.

Today, every time Zhao Feng replicates a sacred head, he can only gain half the power of thunder.

In this way, Zhao Feng retired in the banned hall, and all the forces of the Dagan dynasty, the eyes of the sects, were concentrated on the front line of the battlefield, only the main hall, taking the opportunity to develop and expand rapidly.

Three months later, Zhao Feng felt that the repair speed was very slow.

This is because Zhao Feng has just broken through the mysterious territory, and the precious resources of the dreams of Taikoo are reduced due to repeated use.

"In this case, you will use it."

In the hands of Zhao Feng, a bright white crystal beads appeared, exuding the breath of all the faint gods, and the vitality of the world around them shook.

The sub-product Shenjing, the luxury of the sacred cultivation of the sacred light, is generally used by the Lord as a breakthrough.

Nowadays, Zhao Fengcai’s Xuanguang was born, and he used the sub-product Shenjing to cultivate and improve the realm.

At the same time, Zhao Feng inhaled a defective product into the left-handed space and copied it. After all, the defective product of Zhao Feng’s hand is also very rare.

Zhao Feng holds the defective product Jingjing, inhaling one of the pure and powerful Tiandi Jingyuan, inhaling the body, and circulating for a week, returning to the Shengli light at Dantian.

"Good and pure energy"

Zhao Feng could not help but rejoicing.

The energy in the sub-product Shenjing can be used directly without the purification of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng used the second-generation Shenjing for the first time. Among them, the high-level Tiandi Jingyuan has a certain promoting effect on Zhao Feng's whole body.

Moreover, the energy in the sub-product Shenjing is extremely powerful, and it can also condense the light of the Holy Force in Zhao Feng's body, and to some extent enhance the intensity of Zhao Feng's sacred light.

In this way, Zhao Feng began to use the defective product Shenjing to help him break through the realm.

If some of the saints in the mainland know that Zhao Feng is so wasting the ecstasy, the sub-product Shenjing is used as a resource for daily cultivation, and he is afraid of vomiting blood.

"If you use the defective product, you should be able to improve it to Xuanguang before you explore the gods."

Zhao Feng’s meditation is the first time that Zhao Feng has been reckless in the realm of refining the foundation.

But for the opportunity in the body of God, the sacrifices he made were worthwhile.

In addition, Zhao Feng's left-hander has the ability to copy, and can consume the defective product while using it. To a certain extent, it is endless. Therefore, Zhao Feng does not have to worry about the lack of defective products.

However, while Zhao Feng is copying, his vitality and willpower are also rapidly consumed. Therefore, during the reproduction period, Zhao Feng will continue to take a variety of precious herbs, or stop for a while.

On the soul level, Zhao Feng's thoughts are running fast, and there are countless soul secrets and theories in his mind, which flashed quickly. At the same time, Zhao Feng is still filtering the soul martial arts and secret skills he has learned in the past.

After a period of thinking, Zhao Feng understands that he wants to develop a powerful new type of martial arts that can threaten to reinvent the sacred magic of the sacred light, and he cannot focus on the will of the soul.

All along, the fatal damage of Zhao Feng’s soul martial arts is mostly from the robbery brand.

"If it is based on the brand of thunder and robbery, what is the power of the soul?"

Zhao Feng produced an idea.

In the past, Zhao Feng’s soul martial arts were mainly based on the power of the soul and the will of the force. The robbery brand was supplemented by the traditional soul martial arts.

In this way, Zhao Feng transferred his ideas, changed direction, and started from the robbery brand to study new techniques.

A month later, Zhao Feng found that starting from this aspect, it is still very difficult to develop a new type of powerful art.

Therefore, Zhao Feng chose a shortcut, and improved on the original martial arts.

In the end, Zhao Feng selected [Thunderfire, this technique.

The wind and thunder bonfire is very practical. With the growth of Zhao Feng's "Five Elements Wind Thunder", its power is also growing, so it can be used by Zhao Feng until now.

When improving the wind and thunder bonfire, Zhao Feng felt very smooth. After all, Zhao Feng was very familiar with the wind and thunder.

Three months later, Zhao Feng in the retreat, Zuo Yu suddenly opened, a horrible soul, accompanied by the destruction of the righteousness, fluctuating.

In Zhao Yu’s left-handedness, there is a group of thunder and robbery. Each of the thunderbolt marks is filled with a soulful flame, which eventually forms a cluster of crystal purple thundering soul flames.

"Complete, ‘Thunder robbery,”

There was a smile on Zhao Feng’s mouth.

‘The completion of the thunder and blaze, the use of Zhao Feng’s power of thunderbolt, once again promotes one level.

During this period, Zhao Feng copied three robbing heads and burned all the power of the thunderbolt in the body of the thunder.

At this time, Zhao Feng's thunder soul body has nearly 4,000 traces of thunder and robbery. If it is to collect all the thunder and robbery marks, and display ‘Thunder and robbery, the specific power is strong, Zhao Feng can't predict.

And ‘Thunder and blame, unlike the Thunderfire, the Thunderbolt is completely applied to the soul level, pursuing the ultimate soul damage.

In addition, the power of the thunderbolt is mainly related to the number of thunderbolt marks. Therefore, as long as Zhao Feng constantly replicates the head of the gods and absorbs the brand of thunder, it can enhance the power of the thunder.

After completing the thunder and robbery, Zhao Feng ended the retreat and temporarily stopped practicing.

Seven months of retreat, Zhao Feng is multi-purpose, the new soul 瞳 算 is completed, but repaired into a realm, even with the help of a large number of defective Shen Jing, did not break through to Xiaoguang Xiaocheng.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng’s left-hander can replicate the defective product, otherwise, Zhao Feng’s defective product at this time may have been consumed.

In addition, for seven months of retreat, Zhao Feng is using the left-handed copying ability all the time. Zhao Feng's current state is not very good. Therefore, Zhao Feng needs some time to recuperate.

After the customs clearance, Zhao Feng took the initiative to contact Bi Qingyue through the heart.

"Master, the power of the gods on the front line has completely disappeared. At this time, the strong in the mainland has been able to go deep into the 50,000 miles..."

Bi Qingyue reported some situations to Zhao Feng.

"I have been able to go deep into the bottom of 50,000 miles."

Zhao Feng was slightly shocked, and the speed at which the power of the gods disappeared far exceeded the imagination of Zhao Feng.

Time does not wait for people, Zhao Feng must break through to Xuanguang Xiaocheng as soon as possible, otherwise, it is really impossible to enter the corpse to search for opportunities.

"Master, the royal family comes"

At this moment, the voice of Bi Qingyue sounded in Zhao Feng’s mind.


Zhao Feng’s eyes pierced everything and saw two royal members outside the main hall. One of them was actually the king of Yuling.

And following the king of Yuling, there is also a saint of the royal family Xuanguang.

"At this time, the king of Yuling arrived..."

Zhao Feng has a bad feeling.

Nowadays, the taboos on the battlefield attract the attention of all the forces and sects in the mainland, and the holy kings are almost always in the vicinity of the battlefield and do not want to leave.

But this time, Yuling Holy King actually came to the main hall.

Moreover, Zhao Feng and Yu Ling Sheng Wang did not have any communication, so the reason for the arrival of Yu Ling Sheng Wang, Zhao Feng quickly thought of it.

"Come in, Yuling predecessors"

Zhao Feng took the initiative to pass the voice and invited Yuling King to come to his palace.


For a moment, Yuling Shengwang took another holy Lord and came to the temple where Zhao Feng was.

In an instant, the nearby heavens and the earth, the invisible regular forces, are invisibly affected by the every move of the Feather of the Feather.

"Zhao Feng, I came here this time for the killing of the 13th Emperor on the same day."

Yu Ling Sheng Wang looks cold, a pair of just positive.

"There is a high emperor's testimony, I did not leave the city base on that day."

Zhao Feng was not busy, smiled.

"Zhao Feng, Hugh to deny, you have the sub-artifacts of the fascinating world, as long as you mark the route returned by the thirteen princes in advance, you can go back and forth directly"

On the side of the high emperor's lord, the bright-skinned robes, who were wearing the blue robes, became the Lord, and they looked cold and immediately said.

The old man who was born in Xuanguang is the grandfather of the present.

At the request of the Holy Emperor and the old man of the Qingpao, the King of Yuling personally took the shot and thoroughly investigated the matter.

"In addition, we found a thunder in the land where the thirteen emperors were killed."

The old man in the green gown showed a sullen smile.

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