King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1073: Retreat

"In addition, we found that there was a weak wind and thunder in the land where the thirteen emperors were killed."

The old man in the green gown showed a sullen smile.

That faint wind and thunder breath, even if it is the sacred light of the Lord, can not be easily detected, only the control of the rules of heaven and earth, to reach the peak of the King of the Light, can not detect this clue.

It is natural to be the holy king of Yuling.

In fact, at the beginning, today's holy post has targeted Zhao Feng.

First, the nine emperors at the time did not have this ability.

Second, although Zhao Yufei did not want to marry the thirteen emperors, but it did not kill the thirteen emperors, so that the entire Duanmu family was in crisis.

Third, Nangong Sheng and the demigod Kunyun, never met with the thirteen emperors, even if they were killed by the two, the behind-the-scenes indicator must also be Zhao Feng.

In addition to these few people, there were no other strongmen nearby, which could pose a life-and-death threat to the 13th Emperor Squad.

“Wind and thunder? What does this mean?”

Zhao Feng looked calm and asked, smiling.

In fact, Zhao Feng’s heart sank. He had just broken through the black light environment, and he was not satisfied with the control of the artistic conception. It was inevitable that the handling was not in place and left a clue.

Now it seems that this spiritual king is not an ordinary sacred king. After such a long time, he can still detect a trace of wind and thunder.

"What does it mean?"

The old man in the Qing robes looked awkward. He didn't expect Zhao Feng to be so calm at this time. He smiled.

"The residual wind and thunder atmosphere at the scene indicates that the assassin uses the wind and the righteousness, and you have the secondary artifacts of the back and forth, such as the fascinating world. It is easy to assassinate the thirteen princes. It is said that you also have the precious materials of the spirit and the snow. It is not impossible for you to use the flesh and blood to shape the prosthesis, and it is not impossible to deceive the emperor. In short, the only person who can carry out this assassination is you."

The old man in Qingpao was furious and shouted loudly.

"Haha, you can really imagine"

Zhao Feng laughed loudly and did not recognize it.

"Zhao Feng, from the real recruit"

At this time, the king of Yu Ling finally opened.

They are here to interrogate Zhao Feng, but Zhao Feng has shown a look that is not convinced, arrogant and ignorant.

Between heaven and earth, an invisible suppression suddenly rushed to Zhao Feng.

"People are not killing me."

Zhao Feng directly denied it.

"This can't get rid of your suspicions."

Yu Ling Sheng Wang brow wrinkled.

In fact, it is not a big deal for a prince to die in the Dagan dynasty. In the past, several emperors such as the Great Emperor and the Second Emperor also died unexpectedly.

At most, there are a few ordinary black spots. If there is no result, you can only give up.

But this time, the Holy Emperor personally asked him to investigate the matter, and the old man in the green robe next to him, he also had some friendship with him. Otherwise, Yuling Shengwang was too lazy to manage these small things.

Since the Yuling Holy King has taken the shot, it is necessary to thoroughly investigate the matter, and he is still concerned about the power of the gods on the frontline battlefield, so the time is urgent, and I don’t want to talk to Zhao Feng slowly.

In addition, the elders of the big Samsung in the district, only the realm of Xuanguang Chucheng, he is still not in the eye.

"The predecessor of the spirit, how do you want to check?"

Zhao Feng looked at the king of Yuling and asked.

In the face of Yuling Shengwang, Zhao Feng had to be cautious, after all, the other side was the top of the Taihuang Temple.

If you change to the holy king of other forces, Zhao Feng does not have to fear.

You must know that Zhao Feng’s ability to copy today can replicate the defective products and face the gods. In the face of a holy king, Zhao Feng can display a variety of cards, but he can still have a battle.

"Searching for the soul, everything will be clear"

The spirit of the king of Yu Ling is indifferent, a pair of high-spirited eyes, overlooking Zhao Feng.

The old man in the green robe is laughing and horrified.

In his view, the real murder must be Zhao Feng.

Once the assassination is proved to be Zhao Feng, then the old robes of the Qing robes and the present sacred future have a way to completely ruin Zhao Feng, and can also involve the matter to the nine emperors.

Although the thirteen emperors are dead, this must be reported to him and the Holy See. They also do not want to see the Nine Emperors on the throne.

"Yu Ling Sheng Wang, don't get the inch"

Zhao Feng looked awkward and his polite tone suddenly disappeared.

When Yu Yingsheng Wang said such a discourse, it proved that the other party did not put Zhao Feng in his eyes.

First of all, not to mention the soul search by others, may cause a certain degree of damage to Zhao Feng's soul and memory.

In addition, Zhao Feng's many secrets, just leaked out, it is estimated that Yu Ling Sheng Wang heart greed.

"This seat is very polite to you."

Yu Ling’s face was heavy, and Zhao Feng’s words made him very unhappy.

If it is not the size of the main hall, Zhao Feng's potential is not ordinary. Yuling Sheng Wang just started using force and directly applied Zhao Feng to search for souls.

"Please come back."

Zhao Feng directly ousted the order.

Nowadays, the power of the battlefield is emerging, and the greatest power that the royal family can call is the Holy King.

Moreover, the strongest demigod of the mainland will not manage the life and death of a prince.

In addition, here is the master temple, Zhao Feng even the nine palaces are afraid to offend, still afraid of a holy king?

As long as Zhao Feng does not injure or kill Yuling Shengwang, the Taihuang Temple is a semi-god strong, and will not come here to see Zhao Feng.

"Hey, toasting, not eating and drinking, I will pack you up today."

Yuling Holy King suddenly became furious.

From the performance of Zhao Feng, the absolute assassination of the thirteen emperors is Zhao Feng.

In addition, Yu Ling Sheng Wang is also very interested in the treasures of Zhao Feng, such as the fascinating world, the treasures of many fantasy spaces, and rumors, there is a sacred arrow in the hands of Zhao Feng.

The old man in Qingpai was overjoyed. He didn't know the courage of Zhao Feng. He dared to do it right with the King of Yuling. This time, Zhao Feng was dead.

"you dare"

Zhao Feng leftly flashed countless white crystal thunder, a soul destroys the righteousness, accompanied by strong soul fluctuations, surged.

Zhao Feng’s spiritual eyes perceive that Yuling’s Holy King is ready to shoot, so he preemptively.

"Thunder and blame"

Zhao Feng did not think about it, and displayed the new 瞳 ‘ 雷 雷 瞳 瞳 瞳 ,.

I saw, a twisted thunder robbery brand, like a flame twisted and burned, carrying the soul of a terrible horror, slamming on the soul of the Feather of the Feather

Yuling Sheng Wang, who was ready to shoot, was suddenly interrupted by Zhao Feng.


Yuling Shengwang feels his soul, as if he is caught in a thunder and hell, suffering from the destruction of everything, his soul, constantly suffering from indelible damage, a painful bone marrow pain, from the feathers of the Holy King The mind blew open.

A young man in the Qing robes is not in the scope of Zhao Feng’s attack, but his soul still feels the power of horror.

The old man in the Qing robes squatted and looked at Zhao Feng, like watching a monster.

"Please come back."

At this time, Zhao Feng said this sentence again.

"Zhao Feng, you..."

The King of Yuling slowly recovered and was terrified.

Zhao Feng’s slamming of the soul sorcerer made him invincible, causing great trauma to his soul, the will of the soul, and the weakness to the limit.

If Zhao Feng comes back to this kind of martial arts, it may cause irreparable horrible trauma to his soul, which cannot be repaired for at least tens of thousands of years.

When you explore the treasures under the battlefield, you may be seriously affected. Therefore, the King of Yuling must now rush back and completely repair the soul.

However, what he can't figure out is that Zhao Feng is the first light of Xuanguang. How can he release such a powerful attack?

At this point, Yuling Shengwang finally looked at Zhao Feng with a little more caution.

"Zhao Feng, hello ability"

Yu Ling Sheng Wang face sinking.


The king of Yuling and the old man of Qingpao left the master hall.

"Yu Ling predecessors, so let Zhao Feng like this?"

After leaving the main hall, the old man of Qingpao immediately asked.

Although unbelievable, the sacred king of Yuling, who guarded the Dagan Palace, did suffer in the hands of Zhao Feng.

"Hey, I didn't expect Zhao Feng, I have grown to such a point."

The old man of Qingpao secretly sighed.

I really didn't expect that Zhao Feng would actually force the holy king to be forced away. In this way, this hatred is hard to report.

"Hey, at this time, the other high-level eyes of the Taihuang Temple are placed on the frontline battlefield. It is not too late to explore the treasures of the underground. It is better to see him if he dares to explore the treasures of the underground. "

Yuling Sheng Wang smiled and quickly left.

Being seriously injured by Zhao Feng’s memory of the soul, this kind of thing, Yu Ling Sheng Wang naturally will not say.

If it is time, Zhao Feng will also explore the treasures of the underground. The King of Yuling can draw some of the very good Lords and report the enemies of this arrow.

Master the temple.

"Master, have you forced the King of Yuling?"

Bi Qingyue was surprised.

Yuling Holy King is the upper level of the Taihuang Temple. The Taihuang Temple is the ruler behind the entire Dagan Dynasty. The Dagan Dynasty is the strongest four-star sect.


Zhao Feng said simply.

It is impossible for the king of Yuling to represent the meaning of the entire Taihuang Temple.

A holy king, Zhao Feng is still not afraid, this world is always speaking by strength, strength is everything.

"The power of the thunderbolt is really good."

Zhao Feng is happy and smiles.

Just now, Zhao Feng released all the signs of thunder and robbery, and the result was a heavy blow to the soul of Yuling Shengwang, so that he did not dare to work with Zhao Feng.

"It is too expensive to burn the brand"

Zhao Feng once again commented.

Just now, the ‘Thunder robbery and flames, almost consumed all the thunderbolt marks of Zhao Feng. Zhao Feng wants to display the second thunder and robbery. You need to wait for a while, and the power of the thunderbolt will slowly recover.

On the contrary, the thunder and robbers do not consume the power of the soul. Even if Zhao Feng’s soul will be very weak, he can still display ‘Thunder and blasphemy.

After a few days of rest, Zhao Feng began to copy the head of the gods.

When the power of the thunderstorm contained in the body of Zhao Feng’s thunder is increasing, the power of the thunderbolt will continue to increase.

In the meantime, Zhao Feng still uses the defective product Shenjing to practice, and hopes to break through Xiaoguang Xiaocheng as soon as possible.

Zhao Feng has a hunch that it will not take long for the power of the gods to disappear.

At that time, it is the time when the gods appear in the mainland.

Therefore, at the time of cultivation, Zhao Feng often contacted Bi Qingyue through the meditation to understand the situation of the power of the gods on the battlefield.

Four months later, the Emperor of the Dagan Dynasty changed position and the Nine Emperor officially took the throne.

Even if such a big event happened, all the forces in the entire dynasty did not pay much attention to the new emperor, and still set their sights on the power of the gods in the battlefield.

In fact, all the high-level forces of the dynasty in the dynasty know that the current royal family is just the manager on the bright side of the Dagan dynasty. The real master of the Dagan dynasty is the Taihuang Temple.

On this day, Bi Qingyue sent a message to Zhao Feng.

"Master, now has a half god, deep underground 90,000 miles"

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