King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1074: ready

"Master, now has a half god, deep underground 90,000 miles"

On this day, Bi Qingyue sent a message to Zhao Feng.

"So fast?"

Zhao Feng was shocked.

Only he knew that the corpse was hidden in the ground for 100,000 miles. Now, half of the gods have come to the ground for 90,000 miles.

It seems that the power of the gods emitted by the corpse is getting faster and faster.

"This way, time may be insufficient."

Zhao Feng solemnly said.

These days, he has been using the sub-product Shenjing to cultivate, at this time from Xuanguang Xiaocheng, only one step away.

But on the battlefield, the speed at which the gods disappeared may be faster and faster. If Zhao Feng is delayed, it is equivalent to losing the opportunity.

"No, you have to catch up first."

Zhao Feng had a decision.

Later, Zhao Feng contacted Bi Qingyue to learn about the relevant information on the battlefield.

"About the corpse of God, the top two dynasties seem to have met, and finally drafted an agreement, temporarily suspended the war, and explored the secret..."

Bi Qingyue introduced the situation to Zhao Feng.

The two dynasties only said that for the time being, they explored the secrets under the ground. There is no other constraint between the two sides. That is to say, if the members of the two great dynasties meet in the secret, they will definitely take the shot directly.

Invisibly, the battlefield on the ground is transferred to the secrets of the underground.

In addition, from the scope of the power of the gods on the battlefield, the secrets under the ground are very large.

Therefore, the two dynasties did not impose any restrictions, that is, anyone can go down and look for opportunities.

"Sure enough, it will become like this."

Zhao Feng had already guessed it.

Because the secrets under the ground are not secrets or separate spaces, but a huge body of God.

At that time, the strongest of the two dynasties will almost always flood into it, so there is no way to limit the number of people and places.

Although there are no restrictions on the number of people and places, the general Lord may not dare to enter it.

Because the kings and demigods of the two great dynasties will enter the secrets of the earth, then the general Lord will enter the inside. If they encounter the holy king or the half **** of the hostile dynasty, there will be only one dead road.

The position of the gods is too far away for some of the sacred sages of Xiaoguang or Xiaocheng. Therefore, many of the sacred Lords who have begun to become ignorant may not take this risk.

After learning everything, Zhao Feng came to the residence of Yuling Holy Doctor.

This time, Zhao Feng took out more precious flesh and blood, a few of the ancient treasures that Zhao Feng could identify, and let Yuling Sheng doctor refine the higher medicine.

Seven days later, Zhao Feng took these medicinal herbs and called the sacred monarch.

"The night prince, immediately released a large number of assassinations in the middle and upper levels of the nine secluded palaces"

Zhao Feng immediately ordered.

The number of assassination missions is very large, and the difficulty and level of the mission are very high.

Among them, Zhao Feng also pointed out that one person is the elder of the Ghost Gate.

Nowadays, the power of the gods on the battlefield is gradually disappearing. The high-level combat power and the demigod of the Jiugui Palace cannot leave the battlefield, so this is the best time to dominate the temple to weaken the strength of the nine palaces.

Zhao Feng is very clear, even if he does not take the initiative to target the nine secluded palaces, after the discovery of the secrets in the corpse of the gods, the high level of the nine secluded palaces including the half gods, may directly shot the master.

One day, in the Hall of Silence, a large number of rewarding assassination missions were released, and the assassination targets were all important members of the Jiugui Palace and its affiliated forces.

The killers will also see the timing. At this time, most of the attention of the Jiugui Palace is attracted by the secrets at the bottom of the battlefield. Therefore, many killers will take over the task and take the risk.

After explaining everything, Zhao Feng also left.

Zhao Feng's arm guards, in the original place, his figure in a layer of overlapping empty silver shadow, suddenly faded, disappeared.

Zhao Feng used the lost world to quickly rush to the Lanzhou battlefield.

In the middle of the journey, Zhao Feng suddenly stopped, and concealed the body shape, came to a ghost road Zongmen, the ghost gate.

With Zhao Feng about to break through the realm of Xuanguang Xiaocheng, Zhao Feng does not know how to mix into the ghost gate.

The Ghost Gate is the ancestral gate where Zhao died, the elders of the Ghost Gate, it is the same day and the black armor and other people, who arranged the dead scorpion to kill Zhao Feng, and finally escaped the old man.

"It's time to take your life."

Zhao Feng Yin smiled coldly.

The body of the old man has always been marked by Zhao Feng, so Zhao Feng can accurately perceive his position.

At some point, Zhao Feng and Zhao Chen passed by in the ghost gate, and the two smiled.

According to Zhao Feng’s plan at the time, Zhao died after a period of time and returned to Zongmen, claiming that he had a great opportunity, and then let the realm break through.

Today, he is already the king of the peak, but the soul of Zhao’s will reaches the level of the quasi-saint.

Zhao Xuan has the shackles of death. Although he did not show it, the death shackles made him extremely successful in the practice of ghosts. Now the elders of some of the top emperors are not the opponents of Zhao.

Soon, Zhao Feng came to a valley surrounded by ghosts.

Zhao Feng suddenly runs the holy body, and the whole body flashes Sheng Lei Jinguang, and then a layer of dark yellow thunder, which appears on the surface of the body, and an invisible force is pressed against it, covering one side of the world.


Zhao Feng punched the enchantment of the array before the valley and went straight into it.

"who is it?"

The old-fashioned old man who was retreating in the valley suddenly woke up.

"Thunder and blame"

Zhao Feng does not say anything, it is killing.


I saw, a twisted thunder robbery brand, like a flame twisted and burned, carrying the soul of a terrible horror, slamming on the soul of the old man

"Ah, it's you..."

The old man of Cangfa suddenly screamed.


In less than a moment, the soul of the old man was completely annihilated under the indiscriminate bombardment of the power of thunder.

You must know that Zhao Feng’s soul will now be as high as Xuanguang’s Dacheng. Even the Yuling King is eating under the thunder of Zhao Feng’s thunder, and the lord of the district’s Xuanguang Chucheng can resist the thunder of the Zhao Feng.瞳 。.

As the Evil Gate was too embarrassed by the elders, the entire ghost gate suddenly became turbulent.

"Who, dare to arrogate the area where the ghosts are locked?"

"A big courage, don't know that the Ghost Gate is one of the biggest affiliates of the Nine Palace?"

In the door of the ghost, some great emperors suddenly shouted, and then the spirit swept out.

However, after Zhao Feng killed the Evil Gate and went to the elders, he directly used the lost world to send away.

Outside of the Mind Temple in one part of the mainland, Zhao Feng’s figure slowly emerged.

"The next thing will be handed over to you"

Zhao Feng laughed.

Everything Zhao Feng has done is paving the way for Zhao.

When the elders are too old, the elders of the Nine Palace are concentrated on the battlefield, and they are innocently managed. Therefore, inside the Ghost Gate, an elder elder will definitely be elected, and a group of elders will be replaced.

After handing everything over to Zhao’s death, Zhao Feng used the lost world to quickly rush to the Lanzhou battlefield.

a few days later

Zhao Feng’s figure suddenly appeared near a city in the Lanzhou battlefield.

But at this time, the city is very empty. Most of the strong people who lived here have already gone under the ground on the battlefield.


A group of purple blood demon shadows, rushed out from somewhere in the city, a horrible power of terror, let the many powerful people in the city pool, hearted and shocked.

"I thought you wouldn't come?"

Nangong Holy Land looked at Zhao Feng with interest.

Although he knows that Zhao Feng has a fascinating world, it is very easy to come over. However, the secrets under the battlefield are extremely dangerous. The general Xuanguang Chucheng and Xiaochengsheng are not planning to enter.

Zhao Feng and Qiugui Palace have hatred. If you encounter the nine kings or the gods, it is sure to die.

"Your strength..."

Nangong Sheng brows slightly wrinkled, Zhao Feng's strength realm, it seems that there is not much obvious progress.

"Feng brother, bring me"

At this time, Zhao Yufei’s voice sounded directly.

The strength of the heavens and the earth suddenly shocked, and I saw a bright and shining figure of amethyst. The flashing room came to Zhao Feng, and a **** horrible blood pressure suddenly spread.

At this time, Zhao Yufei is already Xuanguang Xiaocheng. Her whole body is jade and the skin is sparkling with amethyst luster. It is like a noble and imposing ice jade fairy.

As strong as the Nangong Shengdu feels the body of the Holy Power, the blood trembles tremble.

"The strength of Yufei..."

Zhao Feng was a little scared.

Unexpectedly, he gave Zhao Yufei a small amount of resources, and Zhao Yufei’s strength would be so great.

“It’s not the blood of the spiritual family”

Nangong Sheng Nature knows that Zhao Yufei is pregnant with the blood of the Lingzu.

But at this time, Zhao Yufei's spiritual bloodline can bring him such a terrible pressure, it can be seen that Zhao Yufei's spiritual blood concentration seems to be refined.

"If you add two of you, it’s almost the same."

Nangong Sheng has a cold face and says freely.

Zhao Feng’s strength did not break through, which made him somewhat disappointed, but Zhao Yufei’s spiritual bloodline made him attach great importance.

"Let's go"

Zhao Feng did not say much.


The three went straight away.

On the far side of the earth, a huge abyss slowly emerges, and the abyss is thousands of miles wide across the battlefield.

Near the abyss, there are countless powerful onlookers. The king and the emperor are the mainstays, and there are also many saints who have become sacred.

The onlookers across the abyss are all aliens.

"That is Zhao Yufei, Nangong Sheng, and Zhao Feng."

“I used to be a pair of purple and evil again?”

"This Zhao Feng really does not know how to live and die, and the district is bright and light, and actually wants to get the secret of the underground."

Many powerful people near the abyss are shocked or mocked.

Somewhere, a black man, seeing Zhao Feng, immediately sent a message through a special transmission magic: "Yu Ling predecessor, Zhao Feng came"

There was also an old man in a black robe. The whole body was full of magic. A jade symbol suddenly appeared in his hand, and then he broke into the void and disappeared.


Zhao Feng, Zhao Yufei and Nan Gong Sheng directly fell into the abyss and fell into the ground.

Zhao Feng’s left squat is filled with a layer of pale gold ripples.

"The power of the gods has not disappeared, and the strong of the two great dynasties are still waiting in the ground."

Zhao Feng’s eyes pierced everything.

Near the gods, there are many strong men of the two great dynasties.

Most of these strong people are led by a force.

The forces that can stay at the bottom of the earth are almost all powerful and powerful terrorist forces in the mainland.

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