King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1075: Enter the corpse

"It turned out to be"

Zhao Feng observed the underground situation through the perspective of Zuo Yu, and soon got some information.

Most of the strong people in the depths of the earth are led by a powerful force.

These forces stationed in the ground, in addition to the members of the forces themselves, will also absorb other strong.

Some ordinary Xuanguang Xiaocheng, Dacheng Shengzhu, alone, do not dare to explore the secrets in depth, so temporarily join the powerful forces in the dynasty, the sects, seek asylum.

In the same way, these powerful forces and sects, absorbing foreign powers, expand their overall strength to ensure that they can obtain more benefits.

In addition, there are also some lone rangers, or the temporary squad organized by the Supreme Master.

Zhao Feng, Nan Gong Sheng and Zhao Yufei are the temporary teams organized.

At the time of the Nangong San, the realm reached Xuanguang Dacheng, and the strength may not be consolidated yet, but there is definitely a battle for the Holy King.

Although Zhao Yufei only has the realm of Xiaoguang Xiaocheng, she is in the blood of the Lingzu, fighting in the corpse of the heavens and the earth, and her fighting power is not weaker than Nangong.

Therefore, the combat power of Zhao Feng's three-person team is still very strong. As long as he does not encounter the semi-god team, there will be no accidents at all. It is also true that Zhao Feng is assured that Zhao Yufei will follow.

Moreover, Zhao Feng also has a hole card, half **** Kunyun

Through the quaint quartet token in his hand, Zhao Feng can roughly perceive the position of Kunyun.

I believe that after such a long time, the strength of Kunyun should be no small growth.

"follow me"

Zhao Feng's operation contains the sacred light of the earth's wind and thunder, and Zhao Yufei and Nangong Sheng wrapped it directly into the cliff on the side of the abyss.

"Zhao Feng, are you going to bandit?"

Nangong Sheng asked with surprise.

I remember that in the magical space, Nangong Sheng and Zhao Feng, facing the thousands of dragons and blue dragons fleeing from the bandits, some were helpless, and finally the little thief shot, and forced the two out.

Zhao Feng did not answer the words of Nangong Sheng, and took the two people to shuttle through the ground.

"The power of the Nine Palace is not near here"

Zhao Feng secretly thanked himself.

If the power of the Jiugui Palace is nearby, then Zhao Feng can only travel far.

In the end, Zhao Feng chose a place to stay.

"Stay here for the time being, wait for the power of God to disappear completely, and then act."

Zhao Feng said directly.

Zhao Feng is very clear about what it is, and what extent the power of the gods is still shrouded.

For Zhao Feng, Zhao Yufei did not have any doubts, immediately integrated into his own small world and began to cultivate.

At this time, Zhao Yufei is very close to the power of the gods, which is more conducive to the cultivation of her spiritual blood.

Although Nangong Sheng questioned, he did not say much.

Zhao Feng directly entered the world of the void.

On the side of the fascinating world, the little thief cat who is sleeping loudly, the whole body is gray hair, sparkling with a strange luster, and its body exudes a **** atmosphere that makes Zhao Feng feel very incomprehensible.

“Does the thief cat contain some kind of blood in the list of Taikoo people?”

Zhao Feng said with amazement.

Zhao Feng is well-informed, especially in contact with the blood of the Taikoo people.

According to his speculation, if the thief cat is pregnant with the blood of the ancient people, then the bloodline ranking is at least the top 30 of the Wan family.

However, with this complicated and chaotic blood, Zhao Feng could not determine what kind of blood is the little thief.

Zhao Feng’s doubts about the little thief cats are very numerous. At this time, there is one more.


In the hands of Zhao Feng, there are two defective crystals.

"From the disappearance of the power of the gods, there is still a period of time, and strive to break through the mysterious light before this."

Zhao Feng's gaze is firm, and the operation of "Five Elements Wind Thunder" absorbs the pure energy in the defective crystal.

Even if Zhao Feng and Nan Gongsheng and Zhao Yufei both teamed up, Zhao Feng still felt that it was too dangerous to explore the gods with the realm of Xuanguang.

At the same time, Zhao Feng will smash a **** arrow, inhale the left space, and start copying.

With Zhao Feng’s current strength, the dark gold color of the defective product can be used to create a huge trauma to the Holy King. Its power is almost equivalent to Zhao Feng’s thunderbolt.

But how could Zhao Feng consume all the thunderbolt marks at once, so Zhao Feng needs to copy some of the defective products.

In the underground, the power of the gods slowly weakened.

In addition to Zhao Feng three people, the other Zongmen forces or individual squads are a little deeper with the weakening of the power of the gods.

Because they don't know, the source of this power of the gods is actually deep in the ground.

The center of the sphere of influence of the Imperial Palace.

The demigod dragon emperor holds the leading golden rod, his body shape is still motionless, and the invisible horror atmosphere is shocking.

On the edge of the power of the Taihuang Temple, Yuling Shengwang’s eyes moved and his mind entered the storage space. At this time, some items in his storage space suddenly flashed.

The spirit of the king of Yuling is moving and getting the information.

"Oh, actually dare to come here."

Yuling Holy King reveals a sneer smile.

"The king of Xihai, the boy came, and when I help me, I will be thankful in the future."

Yuling Sheng Wang said to the blue-haired middle-aged man on the side.

The power of the Taihuang Temple is led by the demigod and the holy king, leading other members to explore the secret.

The king of Yuling and the king of Xihai are in the same squad, and the king of Yuling is the team.

In the team, in addition to their two holy kings, there is also a Xuanguang Dacheng, two Xuanguang Xiaocheng

Such a horrible squad, placed outside, can almost destroy a Samsung super-bulk.

But at this moment, the team led by Yuling Shengwang, in all the teams, is estimated that even the top 20 will not be able to enter.

"With your friendship, I don't have to thank you."

Xihai Sheng Wang said with a smile.

His body is full of invisible water rules, turning the surrounding soil into a stream of water, and the whole body seems to be a choppy sea world.

The other side of the ground, a magical fog.

"Hey, too elder, has confirmed that Zhao Feng came to the ground"

A sacred master of Xuanguang Xiaocheng said half-heartedly and respectfully.

In the mist of magic, a group of illusory light and shadow suddenly appeared.

"Zhao Feng, he is coming to die."

The nine secluded palaces are too old and half-god to the sea, and the eyes are shining with the purple magic flame.

For Zhao Feng, all the tops of the Jiugui Palace have hated him.

From the time when Jiugui Palace and Zhao Feng were opposite each other, Zhao Feng killed the nine secluded palaces and did not know how many powerful people, annexed the numerous forces and resources of the Jiugui Palace, and quickly rose up with the fame of Jiugui Palace.

These shame, the nine secluded palace will not always endure.

Originally, the demigod was intended to solve the problem personally after exploring the secret burial of the underground.

I did not expect Zhao Feng to take the initiative to send the door.

"Meet Zhao Feng, kill directly"

The sound of the semi-divine sea is ringing in this magical fog.


In the fog of magic, some powerful team captains answered directly.

Somewhere in the ground.

A man with a black dragon scale is standing with a plain white woman.

"It’s not the fate of fate, it’s hidden here, and the other powerful forces are not aware of my existence."

The black cockroach dragon screamed.

The land where the black dragons were destroyed at this time was just away from all the powerful forces of the two great dynasties.

Bai Lin's pale eyes, suddenly a force of mysterious soul, eventually formed a beautiful and colorful picture.

"Unable to predict everything about Zhao Feng"

Bai Lin lamented, and the pale eyes continued to work.

At a certain moment, there was a slight change in the picture, which eventually formed a purple-blooded figure, and some blurred scenes began to appear around.

"Goal, the head of the corpse, where you will meet Zhao Feng"

Bai Lin said faintly.

Unable to predict the actions of Zhao Feng, then predict from the people associated with Zhao Feng.

"God corpse skull?"

The demise of the black dragon is a flash of light.

Even if Bai Lin did not say this, his ultimate goal is also the head of the corpse.

"Ready to enter"

Bai Lin suddenly said.

The extinction black dragon has a whole body.

next moment.

In the depths of the earth, the power of the gods that destroyed everything was completely dissipated.


The annihilation of the black dragon will bring Bai Lin into his own small world and suddenly rushed down.

Presented in front of the dead black dragon eye is a piece of white crystal material.

"The combination of the **** and the power"

The dying black dragon immediately understood the state of this corpse.

The realm of true gods has a **** body, and it does not die, but the combination of the **** body and divine power is even more terrifying.

Nowadays, this corpse is combined with divine power and crystallized all over the body. It is invincible.

Even if the demigods in the mainland are united, it is impossible to destroy them.


The eternal black scorpion longan smashed, and the heart was even more admired for the fate of fate.

The corpse is huge, and it is difficult to find a gap. But before the black dragon, there is a small gap. All of this is in the control of fate.


Destroy the black dragon, drilled into it from a gap in the surface of the corpse.

Deep underground.

When the power of the gods was completely dissipated, this corpse was completely exposed to everyone's eyes.

"It is actually a **** body"

The **** of the half **** is a glimpse.

"With such a huge body of God, what kind of strength does this person have in front of him, and why does his body appear here?"

Song Taihuang’s gods swept away and realized that this huge and incomparable body of God was very shocking.


Suddenly, the two great dynasties, all the forces, rushed to the body and rushed to the huge body of the body.


A sacred king shot a devastating red thunder, but did not leave any traces on the surface of the corpse.

"There is no loss in the silk"

This holy king is very shocking and helpless. He only leads the team and looks for other entrances.

The other end of the ground.

"Zhao Feng"

The South Palace was exposed to bloodthirsty anger and suddenly drunk.

Zhao Feng’s figure immediately appeared next to him, and there was a hint of light smile on his face.

"Feng brother, have you broken through?"

Zhao Yufei noticed the change of Zhao Feng's breath and congratulated him.


Zhao Feng reluctantly smiled.

At the last minute, Zhao Feng broke through to Xiaoguang Xiaocheng, but no one knows how many treasures and defective products Zhao Feng consumed during this period.

Zhao Feng's operation contains the sacred light of the earth's wind and thunder, rolling two people and rushing straight down.

"This is a **** body."

Zhao Feng did not continue to conceal, directly said.

call out

Zhao Feng three people, directly from the bottom, the gap in the surface of the corpse, into the body of God.

"How could it be so smart, there is an entrance just below"

Nangong Sheng’s eyes sank.

He once again felt the mystery of Zhao Feng, and the insurmountable illusion suddenly came.

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