King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1077: Fierce confrontation

Among the gods.

Zhao Feng, Nan Gong Sheng, Zhao Yufei three, respectively, greeted a **** demon spirit.

"Demon Claw"

Nangong Sheng stretched out his right arm, and his blood red pattern bloomed. He quickly climbed on his arm and stretched out numerous blood red patterns, forming an invisible troll's claw, carrying the power of terror and tearing forward.

This time, Nangong Sheng put away the heart of Xiaoyan and went all out.


The attack of the humanoid **** demon spirit was suddenly smashed by Nangong Sheng.

"Human, you are looking for death"

The blood crystal demon spirit perceives the powerful evil power of the Nangong Holy Body, and the body center of the blood crystal demon spirit also swells a powerful blood force, making the whole body of the blood crystal demon spirit more vivid and red.

"Nan Gong Sheng, the body of this **** demon spirit, contains the ancient blood, more intense"

The voice of the evil spirits sounded in the body of Nangong.

Nangong Sheng naturally understands the meaning of the evil spirits. The ancient blood of this corpse, even if it is very weak, still has great use for him.

Moreover, even the evil spirits of the mind can not be estimated, in front of the body of God, what kind of realm is reached.

At the beginning, a drop of ordinary blood from the semi-god Kunyun attracted many geniuses of the Zhenwu Holy Land to rob.

On the other side, Zhao Yufei has a lot to do with the **** demon spirit.

The spirituality of the Lingzu is extremely strong. Under such circumstances, the power of Zhao Yufei is endless.

However, what Zhao Yufei lacks is an outbreak and a fatal blow. The blood crystal demon can't hurt Zhao Yufei, and Zhao Yufei can't solve the **** demon in a short time.

"Wind and Thunder"

Zhao Feng's left-handedness emerged with a purple-gold scorpion flame, in which the amethyst luster circulates, and the texture of the dark purple thunder is flooded.

A group of completely transparent Zijinlei fire, with the atmosphere of destroying thunder, bursting on the body of the **** demon spirit.

This time, Zhao Feng alone against a **** demon spirit, he naturally does not dare to slack off, the first is a soul martial arts.


In Zhao Sheng's holy body, a layer of dark yellow lightning is released, which is as strong as a **** demon. In the field of Zhao Feng, it is subject to certain suppression.

Meow meow

The little thief cat holds the shadow to kill the emperor blade, and the other hand holds the dark gold dragon snake whip to help the master, attract the attention of the **** demon spirit, and attack it from time to time.

Sheng Lei Ba Quan

Breaking the sky

Zhao Feng casts a thunderstorm flying technique, masters the absolute speed in a limited space, and constantly attacks the blood crystal demon spirit.

The realm breaks through Xuanguang Xiaocheng, and Zhao Feng’s Xuanguang Shengli is even stronger.

Moreover, Zhao Feng's Xuanguang Shengli can be converted between the Earth Wind Ray Shengli and Yanzhifeng Lei Shengli, respectively, for control and attack.

On the other side, Nangong Sheng, who is fighting the **** demon spirit, intends to observe the battle situation of Zhao Feng.

"His strength"

The sanctuary of Nangong is slightly sunken.

Although the soul of the **** demon spirit is weak, it is restrained by Zhao Feng.

However, the strength shown by Zhao Feng at this moment is almost reaching the level of the Holy King.

"Zhao Feng, I can go advanced"

In the body of Nangong Sheng, a dazzling purple radiance emerged, which exudes the turbulent power of the ruins of the ruins, so that the vitality of the surrounding world is trembled.

"The power of God?"

Zhao Feng brows a head.

At this time, Nangong Sheng actually tried to win him, mobilized a trace of divine power that he could not control, and Nangong Sheng after the display of his power, even if he faced the mighty king alone, he was not afraid, let alone this can only play the power of the holy king. His own realm did not reach the **** demon of the Holy King.

"Thunder and blame"

Zhao Feng leftly flashed countless white crystal thunder, a soul destroys the righteousness, accompanied by strong soul fluctuations, surged.

As the captain of this squad, Zhao Feng naturally cannot be suppressed by Nangong Sheng, otherwise Nangong Sheng will only become more and more rampant.

Therefore, Zhao Feng condensed a certain number of thunderbolt branding, launched a martial arts killing trick.


I saw, a twisted thunder robbery brand, like a flame twisted and shimmered, carrying a terrible horror soul, slamming on the soul of the **** demon spirit


The soul of the **** demon spirit, originally weak, faced with the thunder of the soul level, and did not persist in its death, it was directly destroyed.

Zhao Feng put the body of the **** demon spirit into the hollow world and directly drilled into the hole of the crystal wall.

"how come?"

The Nangong Holy Look shocked, killing the **** demon in front of him and taking away his body.

But in terms of speed, Nangong Sheng is still a little slower than Zhao Feng.

On the other side, Zhao Yufei showed some **** tricks and also killed the **** demon.


The three directly rushed into the hole, Zhao Feng is the fastest, first enter it.

The space inside the cave is not large, and the surrounding walls are not completely crystallized, but a colloidal substance with slight fluctuations.

In the center of the cave, there is a small **** pool with an unusually thick **** liquid.

At this time, the **** demon spirit that was previously injured by Zhao Feng was immersed in the **** pool, as if he was recovering from healing. On the edge of the pool, there is also a **** demon, which seems to have not fully grown. .

"A horrible Taikoo **** breath"

Zhao Feng felt the breath in the pool, and his heart was shocked.

In the dream of Taikoo, Zhao Feng also took the blood of the thunder and fire, but its blood and the pressure, compared with this time, can be completely ignored.


Zhao Feng immediately approached the waterhole and transferred the liquid to the hollow world.

At the same time, the little thief cat directly into the pool, open mouth, direct use.

Although Zhao Feng first came here, but after taking a certain amount, he did not continue to extract.

"Hey, is this?"

Zhao Feng took a round **** crystal bead at the bottom of the pool and took it away.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng will look at the **** demon spirit that has not yet fully grown.

Zhao Feng will also enter the lost world of the **** demon spirit that has not yet grown up.

"How dare you steal the blood of God?"

In the water pool, another injured blood crystal demon spirit, angered and attacked Zhao Feng.

After Zhao Feng took a certain result, he immediately retreated to the rear.

Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei, at this time, took the initiative to meet, killing this injured blood crystal demon spirit.

The remaining 50% of the **** liquid in the pool was also divided equally by the two.

"This is the blood in front of the body of God."

The Nangong Shengmu is shining in the eye.

"Impossible, the blood of the real god, we can't even approach"

Zhao Feng said directly.

Zhao Feng’s estimate of the strength of this corpse is constantly rising.

The blood flow in the pool is stained with more blood and blood, or a drop of blood.

Even if this blood pool contains a drop of blood of the gods, after many years, the power of it has already been differentiated, such as those **** demon, which is the product of this blood pool.

Although this is the case, the blood flow in the pool can produce a demon spirit with such a terrible power. This blood flow can be poor.

"Not good, someone is coming"

Zhao Feng’s left squat penetrates the crystal wall and captures a trace.

"The blood of the gods?"

Suddenly, five interracial figures flew quickly.

"It turned out to be human"

Immediately, a smirk sounded.

The crystallized corpse, any crystal material in the body, has the effect of hindering the spirit. Therefore, the sacred consciousness of the sacred light is blocked, and it can only rely on the line of sight, so the situation inside the hole is not known in advance.


A few horrible rules of the righteous forces, will be prepared to rush out of the hole of the three Zhao Feng, directly blocked.

"Zhao Feng"

In the interracial squad, a person like a human race, surprised and shouted.

Zhao Feng, Nan Gongsheng, and Zhao Yufei looked down and looked at the top five.

"Vientiane Lord"

Zhao Feng and others all know this like the Terran Lord.

In this alien squad, in addition to Xuanguang Xiaocheng's Vientiane Lord, there is also a mysterious person of Xuanguang Xiaocheng, a sacred master of Xuanguang Dacheng, and two of the best in the ranks, Xuanguang Shengwang

"Black poison, purple poisonous adults, these three are the Tianjiao of the Dagan dynasty, the woman is Zhao Yufei, the purple-haired man, with the power of evil spirits"

The Vientiane Lord immediately said to the two alien holy kings beside him.

About Zhao Yufei, the party of the Yueyue Dynasty, is well known. Later, Nangong Sheng was gradually known to the foreigners on the battlefield.

"All killed"

The black poisonous holy king of the snakes, the face is cold, casually said.

"Three lords, dare to form a team to enter the corpse"

The alien lord of Xuanguang Dacheng, smirked.

Moreover, in the three-person squad, Zhao Yufei and Zhao Feng are also the lords of Xuanguang Xiaocheng.

"I really don't know how to live and die. I don't have a strong leader to lead the team. I dare to come in."

The Vientiane Lord laughed, and his original hatred was finally reported today.

You must know that the squad in the corpse of God, even if there is a holy king sitting in the town, is not necessarily absolutely safe. After all, all the half gods in the two dynasties also entered the corpse.

"You two, forcing these two holy kings, the Vientiane Lord and the other two saints, give me to solve"

Just when these five aliens taunted Zhao Feng and others, Zhao Feng also discussed the countermeasures with Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei.

The strength of these two holy kings is naturally stronger than the **** demon spirit.

However, Nangong Sheng has the power of evil spirits, and it is not a problem to contain a holy king.

Zhao Yufei is pregnant with the spiritual bloodline of the 19th in the Taikoo Manchu list. It has deep roots and strong defense. In the corpse of heaven and earth, it is even more powerful, and it is not a big problem.


The foreign squad in front of him has not yet waited, and Zhao Feng took the lead.


The Vientiane Lord was just about to torture the three people in front of him, but did not expect that Zhao Feng directly shocked him.

In Zhao Feng’s holy body, a layer of dark yellow lightning pressure is poured out, covering the Vientiane Lord and the other two Lords.

After breaking through Xiaoguang Xiaocheng, the sage of ordinary Xuanguang Xiaocheng, under the suppression of Zhao Feng’s Thunder Power, is like carrying a huge mountain, everything is greatly suppressed, and another lord of the glory And the Vientiane Lord is a little better.

"How is it possible, your strength"

The main face of Vientiane is shocking and unbelievable.

A few years ago, he also played against Zhao Feng, when Zhao Feng only occupied a slight advantage.

But now, Zhao Feng faces three sacred lords at the same time, but it is so strong.

"kill him"

The Vientiane Lord said to the alien saint who is next to Xuanguang Dacheng.

After the consolidation of the strength of the Lord of Vientiane, it also possessed the power of the great master.

He believes that the two great Cheng masters will join forces and will be able to kill Zhao Feng.

Moreover, in their ranks, there are two sacred kings

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