King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1078: Zhao Feng’s plot

"We joined forces and killed him."

The Vientiane Lord said to the alien saint who is next to Xuanguang Dacheng.

Another alien tribe of Xuanguang Xiaocheng, in the face of Zhao Feng’s thunder power, was at least 50% suppressed, and was directly ignored by the Vientiane Lord.

"it is good"

The alien, a huge, red-haired man, stared at Zhao Feng.

Although the human beings in front of him only have the realm of the beginning of the light, the pressure given by the other party is extremely heavy.

However, in conjunction with the Vientiane Lord, he has no fears. The Vientiane Lord has the ambiguity of Vientiane, and its true strength is probably higher than that of the general Supreme Master.

"Vientiane Fire World"

The eyes of the Lord of Vientiane are condensed, and the vitality of the heavens and the earth is immediately controlled by it, transforming into the power of the fire attribute.

The surrounding temperature suddenly rose, and a hot and hot wave surrounded the Zhaofeng.

The red-haired interracial anger screamed, and the fists were wielded, dyed with a red flame, and the power of horror and fierceness was like a behemoth of fire.

"Tian Di Yan Long"

The red-haired interracial saints around the body, surrounded by a red blood dragon, suddenly oppressed Zhao Feng.

The overwhelming redness surged around the space, but it could not cause any damage to the crystal wall of the whole body.

"I can also absorb the energy of fire properties."

Zhao Feng sneered and immediately inspired the perfect blood and blood.

Zhao Feng has a layer of blood-like glazed flames, a horrible atmosphere of burning and raging.

At the same time, the power of the surrounding fire quickly poured into Zhao Feng's body.

Sheng Lei Ba Quan

Zhao Feng melted the wind and the thunder and the sacred body, hitting a group of sputum and thunder, colliding with the red-haired alien lord.

The red-haired alien lord is only a cultivating fire attribute method, and Zhao Feng is not only a fire attribute in the "Five Elements Wind Thunder", but also has the blood of the fire attribute.

Therefore, the Vientiane Fire Lord of Vientiane has actually increased the increase of Zhao Feng.


The red-haired alien lord was directly defeated by Zhao Feng’s instantaneous force, hitting the crystal wall behind him, and the whole body was still burning with a red blood glaze flame, which continued to corrode and burn.

"How come? The power of this human kid..."

The red-haired alien lord, shocked, couldn't believe that he was simply defeated by a sacred lord.


Just as the red-haired alien lord was shot, thousands of golden lightsabers were stabbed in the fire.

"The sword of sharp gold"

In the left corner of the Vientiane Lord, the colored spiral pattern slowly stopped.

On the other side, the lord of Xuanguang Xiaocheng retired to the rear and launched a powerful long-range attack on Zhao Feng.

Meow meow

The little thief cat listened to Zhao Feng’s will, waved the dark golden dragon snake whip, and jumped to the alien lord of Xuanguang Xiaocheng.

"Vientiane Lord, also use this little trick to deal with me?"

Zhao Feng could not help but laugh.

Zhao Feng's whole body, the earth's wind and the thunder force and San Lei Li twisted together, forming a layer of quaint dark yellow wind thunder cover.

call out

The sword of the thousands of sharp gold, stabbed on the thunder of Zhao Feng's body, was blocked in half an inch.


Zhao Feng’s quaint wind and thunder cover spurred the dazzling dark gold thunder, and shattered the numerous golden swords.

At the same time, part of the earth's wind and thunder's holy power went to the Vientiane Lord.


Vientiane Lord's eyes were condensed, and a hurricane shield appeared in front of him, blocking the anti-seismic damage of Zhao Feng's bodyguard Thunder.

"Your realm has improved so rapidly, how can it still have this level of combat power?"

The Vientiane Lord stunned and stared at Zhao Feng.

When Vientiane Lord first met Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng was only the realm of the Lord. After a few years, the realm of Vientiane's Lord did not improve. Zhao Feng was leaping to Xuanguang.

In addition, the Vientiane Lord originally thought that Zhao Feng was to explore the opportunity here, forcibly elevating the realm to Xuanguang Xiaocheng, and the strength did not increase much.

At this time, the power that Zhao Feng showed, even he was somewhat afraid.

"Where is so much nonsense?"

Zhao Feng sneered, releasing the small world projection of the wind and thunder, and cooperating with the thunderous domain to oppress the Vientiane Lord.

Zhao Feng’s realm is really fast, but who knows how many precious medicinal herbs are used by Zhao Feng to improve the realm, and how many defective products are consumed.

At this time, Zhao Feng's realm is equal to the Vientiane Lord. On the material level of attack, Zhao Feng is not afraid of the Vientiane Lord. On the soul level, Zhao Feng is crushing the Vientiane Lord.

"Black poison, purple poisonous adult"

Vientiane Lord saw Zhao Feng, who is so strong, ready to ask for help from the two holy powers in the ranks.

But when his eyes looked to the side, he stopped again.

I saw that the two great sacred kings of the snakes were actually comparable to those of Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei.

On the other side, the sacred master of Xuanguang Xiaocheng was completely suppressed by the little thief, and there was no power to fight back.

"Wind and Thunder"

When Zhao Fengyi was distracted from the Vientiane Lord, he left his left and released a scorpion.


Zijin Leiguangyan, suddenly bursting in the head of the Vientiane Lord.

With the soul of Zhao Feng’s soul, and the display of a wind and thunder, it is enough for the Lord to receive.

"Fantasy Zone"

Zhao Feng once again applied the magical ban.

For a moment, the eyes of the Vientiane Lord were attracted by Zhao Feng’s left-hander and fell into the endless fantasy maze.

"The Vientiane, I want it"

Zhao Feng took a hint of joy.

At this time, Zhao Feng can completely crush the Vientiane Lord with an overwhelming advantage, and cooperate with the soul to attack and kill him.

But in that case, the soul of the Vientiane Lord will be destroyed, and the saga of Vientiane will disappear completely.

Since the completion of the second layer of "Division of the Soul", Zhao Feng has had an idea, giving him the second avatar, melting the inheritance of a pair of eight great gods.

Because, the general lord's avatar, after being manufactured, directly has the body to become a force, and Zhao Feng's soul is separated, but it takes time to grow.

However, if Zhao Feng's inheritance of the Eight Great Gods is melted into the avatar, it will undoubtedly contribute to the growth of the strength of the avatar.

Zhao Feng estimated that if Zhao died without death, his cultivation speed should be reduced by at least 60%.

Therefore, Zhao Feng intends to make plans for his second avatar, for which he has acquired a heritage of eight great gods to enhance the growth rate of his avatar.

On the other hand, the practice and experience of avatars will also be transferred to Zhao Feng’s consciousness.

If Zhao Feng’s second avatar has the ambiguity of Vientiane, then Zhao Feng does not have to worry about the feelings of the Five Elements, which is of great help to the cultivation of Zhao Feng’s “Five Winds and Thunder”.

But at this time, the red-haired alien lord killed Zhao Feng.

"The Thunder of the Dragon"

The red-haired interracial saints screamed at the shining redness of the sacred light, forming an invisible flame light dragon, oppressing Zhao Feng.

The flame light dragon, spewing the horror of the Holy Flame, the redness of the surrounding crystal walls, radiating hot and hot.

"A strong fire attribute power"

Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked. Sure enough, no one of the lords of Xuanguang Dacheng could be underestimated.

"Breaking the Sun"

Zhao Feng's face sinks, runs the mysterious light, and directly shoots a giant red gold glare.

This alien saint, at this critical moment, bothered Zhao Feng, and he would be merciful.


The power of the two horrible fires was violently bombarded together.


Zhao Feng’s red-gold Leiguang’s palms suddenly burst into a dazzling red gold lightning, shattering the flame light dragon.

After destroying the flame light dragon, the rest of the power of the sacred sacred palm, crushed away to the alien lord.


The alien lord was photographed by Zhao Feng on the rear of the crystal wall. Above the sacred body, there were numerous cracks, and a burning red **** yang was burning in the wound.

After the settlement of the Lord, Zhao Feng once again looked at the Vientiane Lord.

at this time

In the vicissitudes of Vientiane, the Vientiane Lord, flashed a trace of color.

Soon, the Vientiane Lord was freed from Zhao Feng’s illusion, and he was cold and sweaty. He looked at Zhao Feng with his face.

The Vientiane Lord stepped on a wind and thunder and quickly retreated.

He naturally knows that he was trapped by Zhao Feng’s illusion, and if he did not have the ambiguity of Vientiane, the resistance of the soul was slightly stronger, and he was afraid that he would never wake up.

He did not expect that Zhao Feng was not only so fast in the realm of the realm, but also did not fall in the soul.

The Vientiane Lord also suddenly thought that with Zhao Feng’s powerful soul will, he would not have to spend such a great deal of effort to deal with him.

I am afraid that Zhao Feng is plotting something on him.

"Black poison, purple poisonous adult, retreat"

The Vientiane Lord immediately voiced the two holy kings.

The Vientiane Lord knows that he is not an opponent of Zhao Feng.

"What? Three of you"

The black poisonous king looks gloomy.

He originally thought that Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei were the strongest of the three. The Vientiane Lord and the other two saints should be able to solve Zhao Feng very easily.

In less than a moment, the lord of Xuanguang Xiaocheng was defeated by a kitten, and another alien lord of Xuanguang Dacheng was also seriously injured by Zhao Feng.

"Go, purple poison"

The black poisonous king, his eyes turned and gave a voice to the purple poison king.

Judging from the situation at this time, Zhao Feng’s strength is not weaker than Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei.

Once the Vientiane Lord is defeated, they will face the siege of Zhao Feng.

"Damn, these three humans"

The purple poisonous king looks like a poisonous color.

The victory that was thought to come to the hand has turned into such a difficult battle. Finally, they have to retreat.


The two holy kings of the Snake Terran immediately applied their martyrdom and fled with the Vientiane Lord.


Zhao Feng directly shouted.

Just a little bit just now, the sight of Vientiane will come.

I lost this opportunity and I don’t know if I can meet the Vientiane Lord.


Zhao Feng, Nan Gongsheng and Zhao Yufei immediately pursued.

The dark golden dragon snake whip in the hands of the little thief cat turned into a dark gold rope, and the two holy masters were firmly tied and dragged into the world of the emptiness.

"Oh, no one can catch up with me."

The Vientiane Lord showed a smile.

The escape of a single person, the Vientiane Lord did not have much confidence to get rid of Zhao Feng, but with the two holy kings to retreat, it is different.

The eyes of the Lord of Vientiane are condensed, and the colorful Vientiane Saints suddenly appears behind them.

In the space, there was an extreme ice storm out of thin air.

"Ice Emperor Gun"

A layer of ice-blue liquid appears in the surrounding space, twisted into a layer of blue ice curtain, and Nangong Sheng Zhao Yufei is also covered in it.


Zhao Feng and others, unimpeded shuttle in the extreme ice storm.

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