King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1080: succeed

"Intruders will die here"

Inside the cave, another giant crystal giant wakes up.

The team of Zhao Feng and the Vientiane Lord began to feel heavy pressure.

"Feng brother, this is going on, the situation is not good"

Zhao Yufei Yu face a condensation.

She was lingering in a layer of amethyst light and shadow, lifting her hand and throwing a glimpse of amethyst, bombarding the crystal giant.

The power of Nangongsheng and Zhao Yufei reached the level of the holy king, and even the black king, purple poison and other alien holy kings could be restrained.

But at that time, both of them had done their best, and Nangong Sheng used the power of evil spirits. Zhao Yufei also spurred the blood of the spiritual family.

Even so, they did not have two more hands in the hands of the Holy King. They took advantage of it. Instead, Zhao Feng defeated the other saints and reversed the situation to some extent.

At this time, everyone wants to kill the crystal giant who has the power of the Holy King, and the difficulty is undoubtedly greater.

Coupled with other crystal giants, even Zhao Feng felt a crisis.

In contrast, Nangong Sheng, the more fierce the Vietnam War, but only Zhao Feng and Zhao Yufei knew that Nangong Sheng used too many evil spirits, and his heart was severely distorted and was blinded by greed. In fact, Nangong Sheng was exhausted.

"I use the soul sorcerer to contain, both of you attack their heart."

Zhao Feng immediately said.

Zhao Feng's material level is not as good as Nan Gongsheng and Zhao Yufei. It is better to give them the position of the main attack.

Zhao Feng, on the one hand, uses the soul of the scorpion to disturb the crystal giant, on the other hand, it runs a variety of means to block the attack of the other two crystal giants.

It is also an arduous task for Zhao Feng to weaken and resist the attack of the Holy King.

"Fantasy Zone"

In the soul of the thunder, the power of infinite souls poured into the left.

Zhao Feng's left-handedness evolved into an endless purple-matrix maze world, exuding a deadly attraction that disturbed the soul consciousness of the crystal giant.

"Aura of Light"

Zhao Yufei's body amethyst shines, condensing a huge Xuanguang Shengli, directly bombarded in the chest of a crystal giant.

"Evil day broken claws"

Nangong Shengshuang twinkling purple blood red light, a horrible evil purple blood holy force, condensed a very solid troll's claws, dragging a group of silver-violet ghosts, tearing directly at the speed of lightning On the chest of the crystal giant.

This crystal giant was attacked fiercely, his consciousness suddenly recovered, and he screamed and waved his huge arms, ready to attack.

"Soul of the soul"

Zhao Feng left another condensate, releasing a phantom spiritual energy, lingering around the crystal giant's soul consciousness, causing some disturbance to it.

At the same time, the attack of the crystal giant on the other side suddenly came.

Zhao Feng smashed the thunder and the small world of wind and thunder, weakening and blocking it.

Nangong Sheng also sacrificed Jinchi Shield to take another horrific attack.

"Continue to attack"

Zhao Feng said quickly.

In this way, the three closely cooperated, the division of labor was clear, attacking the weakness of the crystal giant, and the crystal giant was hit hard.

And whenever the crystal giant is ready to launch an attack, Zhao Feng will use the soul martial arts to disturb it.

"It's dying"

Nangong Sheng drank aloud, inspiring a bit of divine power and launching a fierce attack.

On the other side, the team of the black poisonous king, facing the three crystal giants at the same time, is also a pressure mountain.

The Vientiane Lord is hiding behind the two holy kings, using the shackles of Vientiane, constantly obstructing the crystal giants, and giving the two holy kings some support.

The Vientiane 眸 is good at any natural esoteric, and the arrogant power that is condensed is single and pure, and can be directly supplied to the two holy kings.

"The strength and defense of these crystal giants is too strong."

Purple poison king feels a little tricky.

But at this moment, he hasn't reached the critical moment, and his cards can't be used easily.

On the other hand, you must also guard against Zhao Feng and others.

"Their squad, there are strong players who are good at soul martial arts, it is easier than us."

The black poisonous king looked gloomy and stared at Zhao Feng.

These crystal giants, the general will of the soul is weak, and the strength of defense is strong.

"Wind and Thunder"

Zhao Feng's left-handed flashing amethyst flame seedlings, accompanied by a horrible volatility.


The next moment, the crystal giant who had been seriously injured and ready to escape, the head burst directly, and a group of purple gold thunder fires on it, raging and spreading.

Subsequently, this crystal giant ushered in a battle of Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei.


Nangong Sheng grabbed the heart of the crystal giant and took out the defective products.

"Second only"

Zhao Feng is slightly tired.

Fighting until now, Zhao Feng's consumption is enormous, whether it is the Holy Power or the willpower.

The situation of Nangong Sheng at this time is not much different from that of Zhao Feng. Although he broke through to Xuanguang Dacheng, his realm is not stable and his attacking mood is insufficient. Otherwise, his strength is not limited to this.

On the contrary, Zhao Yufei, although only Xuanguang Xiaocheng, the breath is very stable, the attack is endless, maintaining a certain rhythm.

"The time is running out, solve these crystal giants quickly"

Nangong Sheng’s face was bloodthirsty and shouted loudly.

"Human, this is not the case, everyone has come up with some cards and hurry to solve these problems."

On the other hand, the black poisonous king suddenly said.

The two teams have their own defenses, which greatly reduces the efficiency of the battle.

The six people in the room are hugely consumed and have certain injuries, and if they drag on, they will attract other teams.

When Zhao Feng is thinking.

Outside the crystal wall, there was a breath of breath.

"Other teams are coming"

The Nangong Sacred Heart is tight.

“Is it a humanoid or a human?”

The black poisonous king is shocked.

Only six people, the final harvest, at most, the two teams are equally divided.

But at this moment, there are other teams close to each other, so the black poisonous holy king has only hope, and the close is the humanoid team.

"is an alien"

Zhao Feng’s left-hander, through several crystal walls, saw the aliens who were flying fast.

And if he is not mistaken, one of them is the elders of the Alien Magic Temple, the gods are shattered.

Inheritance descendants of the eight great gods

Zhao Feng’s squatting and shrinking felt a deadly crisis.

The others here are still ignorant, waiting for the arrival of that team.

Zhao Fenggang is ready to tell this information to Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei.

Weng Hong

At this time, the imaginary group above the cave, there was a strong volatility of consciousness, a horrible atmosphere that suppressed the universe, and fluctuated.

All the crystal giants in the entire cave immediately trembled and stopped attacking.

"what happened?"

The black poisonous king was shocked and looked at the gods.

"How is it possible? Is it..."

Zhao Feng was shocked and looked at the group of white crystals without light. Then he took a breath.

"This imaginary group is actually conscious. Is it like the crystal giants that become the demon spirit?"

Zhao Feng’s heart was shocking, and his left eye saw something that other people could not see.

If it is only a divine power, everyone has a way to collect it.

But this power, the birth of consciousness, that is the demon spirit.

How horrible can you use this demon spirit?

"The half **** is shattered, the power of the demon spirit"

At this moment, only Zhao Feng perceives these two fatal crises, but on the surface, he still has a normal state.

"Little Thief Cat"

Zhao Feng runs his mind and communicates with the little thief who has been hiding in the dark.

the other side.

The interracial team, the black poison, the purple poisonous holy king, and the Vientiane Lord, are attracted by the strange fluctuations of the power of the group above the cave.

After all, the people temporarily united and attacked here, that is, for that divine power.


Behind the main body of Vientiane, a silvery mansion flashed.

Meow meow

The little thief cat held an ordinary shovel in both hands and slammed directly on the head of the Vientiane Lord.

The thief cat uses a shovel to transmit the stun effect of its claws to the shovel, combined with some of the shovel's ability, and the control effect is stronger.

Suddenly, the Vientiane Lord’s deity trembled.


The little thief took off the necklace on his neck and turned it into a dark golden dragon shadow, winding the Vientiane Lord.

The dark golden dragon snake whip that wraps around the Vientiane Lord has the effect of paralysis and the absorption of the light of the sacred light, so that the Vientiane Lord who is trying to resist will feel powerless.

Meow meow

After completing this, the little thief opened his mouth and a small green spot of green jade appeared in this space.

The green light spot is the silkworm butterfly

The silkworm butterfly immediately flapped its wings, a translucent colored pollen, forming a beautiful whirlwind, which was instantly swept out, filled with the Vientiane Lord, and spread out.

The thief cat is agile and completes these moves, but in an instant.

The black poisonous and purple poisonous holy king attracted by the fascinating movement at the top of the cave, reacted at this time, changed his face and prepared to shoot.


At this time, the silkworm sinensis opened its mouth and spit out colorful sacred silk, which is dense and numerous, and penetrates into a void.

The silkworm silk silk and the colorful dream pollen match, which makes the two holy kings greatly disturbed.

call out

In the next moment, the little thief cat dragged the Vientiane Lord, who had no resistance, and turned into a dark silver awn, disappearing.

"Human, what are you doing?"

The black poisonous king looked shocked.

From the action of the little thief cat, he knew that this was Zhao Feng’s plan.

The timing of the small thief's shot is just right.

There were other teams coming before, and there was a sudden change in the light of the group. These factors caused their attention to distract and relax their vigilance.

"Zhao Feng, are you this?"

A look at the holy sight of Nangong.

Obviously, Zhao Feng’s action just did not tell them.

"The comers are aliens and gods are shattered, let's go straight"

Zhao Feng directly voiced the two people, told them carefully, and then waved his left hand and waved the world of fans.


Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei changed face, and they did not question Zhao Feng’s sentence.

If the squad that came in is really a half-god, then they may have to die.


At this time, the crystal wall fractured into the mouth of several aliens.

The leader, the black scales of the whole body, and the spiral of the head, are the half-god.

"Human, stay."

The gaze of the demigod, looking at Zhao Feng and others, shot a bright golden light.

But it was too late, the figure of Zhao Feng and others disappeared in a shadow of silver.

The destructive attack fell through and hit the crystal giant in the rear.

"Breaking the predecessors"

The black poison and the purple poisonous holy king are respectful.

The team that came here was an alien, which made him a little happy, but he did not expect that there was a half **** in this alien team.

In addition, Zhao Feng and others suddenly shot, and after the Vientiane Lord took it, he immediately left.

It’s as if they had expected the squad that was coming in, it’s a squad.

But how is this possible? The spiritual knowledge of the Lord cannot pass through these crystal walls, unless it touches the level of the gods, similar to the demigod, his gods have a weak role here, so the demigod will detect Zhao Feng beforehand. Immediately launched an attack on Zhao Feng.

The black poison and purple poison king are just preparing to explain other situations.


Suddenly, the top of the cave collapsed directly, and a heavy, huge figure came to the crowd.

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