King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1081: Blood **** crystal

The top of the crystal wall cave is directly cracked.


A heavy, huge figure came to the crowd, and in the center of the figure, a group of white crystals and a godless light shone, exuding a heart-wrenching horror.

The dust dissipated, and a huge crystal monster appeared in front of the two gods, black poison and purple poison.

This crystal monster, with five distinct features, crystallized inside the body, flowing with countless tiny white crystal lines, as if it is the meridian of his body.

And the center of these lines is exactly the golden light of the gods.

"You broke into the owner's body and wanted to steal the power of the master?"

The crystal giants with the divine light group look at the several aristocrats in front of them, and the words are cold, like a crowning king, and they are proud of the world.

Faced with the power of the horror of the crystal giant, the black poison, the purple poisonous holy king, and the other saints in the demolition of the gods, the whole body shuddered, cold sweat.

The power of the instinct suppresses, so that they can not afford to resist.

"The power of the gods is turned into a demon spirit, and this crystal demon spirit does not have the power of the true God."

The black poisonous king, with a look of horror.

At first, they and Zhao Feng and others wanted to steal this divine power group.

Unexpectedly, this divine power group still gave birth to the ingenuity and turned into a demon spirit.

"Oh, your master, already dead, what he left, who gets who it is"

The gods are shattered, the eyes are slightly stunned, and the giant crystal of the gods in front of them is looked at.

The source of energy for this crystal giant is the white crystal **** power group, but this does not mean that the crystal giant can directly exert its power.

If he can use that power, it proves that his realm reaches the heavenly throne. When it shows this power, it will be rejected by the world, and will be summoned by the wild gods. Enter the wild gods.

Therefore, the demigod is convinced that the demon spirit in front of us does not have the horror of imagination.

The black poisonous king looked at the half **** and shattered his heart.

The Magic Heaven Palace was originally a Samsung ordinary sect. It was just because the sacred king touched the level of the demigod, which made the Magic Heaven Palace become the grand peak of the Samsung dynasty.

Although the demigration has just broken through to the half god, but he has the ruin of the shackles, which makes the secluded dynasty some emi-God who lived for tens of thousands of years, is not his opponent.

Therefore, the demigration of the gods is likely to lead the Magic Heaven Palace to become another four-star sect of the You Yue Dynasty.

"On your own, you want to get the power of your master."

The **** of crystal power, can not help but laugh.

The divine power of the heart of the giant crystal of the gods, a slight flash, a horrible smell of the gods, spread out from his body, the white crystal veins in the body of the **** of crystal power, suddenly shimmering and faint.

"If you stay here, you will be able to take a share."

The demigod is like a sun shining like a pair of eyes, filled with the destruction of the world.

It is impossible for the demigod to stay with the other saints next to him, but if they have their help, they will undoubtedly give him a lot of pressure. Therefore, it is said that the devil is shattered.

"Breaking the predecessors, we help you"

Black poison, purple poison two holy kings, choose to stay.

And the two small sacred Lords in the squad squad left and left.

To reach the battle of the **** level, the lord of Xuanguang Xiaocheng, dare to participate.

"Giant God"

The Shenli crystal giant stepped out, waved his fist, condensed a golden seal, carried the power of suppressing nine days, and oppressed the people who were destroyed by the demigod.

"Broken Light"

The half-god shattered and the double scorpion suddenly changed, and the glittering bright golden enamel glowed out to stun the bright golden light of the world.

On the edge of the gods, the figure of Zhao Feng and others appeared slowly in a layer of empty silver shadow.

This is exactly where Zhao Feng and others entered the entrance to the corpse.

At the beginning of the operation, Zhao Feng used to leave a space mark here.

"Good insurance, it is actually a broken part of the aliens."

Nangong Sheng said that he is a bite.

"Even if the demigod does not come, we still have to leave, and the divine power group has already given birth to the wisdom."

Zhao Feng said calmly.

"What? Was the birth of wisdom?"

Nangong is half-baked.

"First here, restore and consolidate your strength."

Zhao Feng offered to take the initiative.

In the previous battle, everyone consumed a lot of money and had different degrees of injury.

In addition, Zhao Feng, Nan Gongsheng, and Zhao Yufei are all eager to explore here, so they will be forced to cultivate a realm. The foundation of all people is very unstable. The foundation of Nangong Sheng is the weakest.


Zhao Yufei smiled and said.

This corpse is undoubtedly the perfect place for her spiritual blood.


In the hands of Zhao Yufei, there is a defective product, which is the second product that has been killed by the crystal giant, and the quality is extremely high.

"Zhao Feng, why do you want to catch the Vientiane Lord?"

At this time, Nangong Sheng asked.

In the cave of Jingjing, everyone faced two crises at the same time. In that case, Zhao Feng took the Vientiane Lord and saw Zhao Feng’s obsession with the Vientiane Lord.

"A little interest in Vientiane"

Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

Just a battle in the cave of the crystal wall, Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei only got a few defective crystals, relatively small gains.

Zhao Feng, who took the Vientiane Lord, can be said to be the most rewarded person.

After that, go straight to the world of the void.

"Zhao Feng, what do you want?"

The confusing voice of Vientiane's Lord is constantly coming out.

At this time, the Vientiane Lord was **** in a small group by the little thief.

On the top of the Vientiane Lord, the silkworm fairy butterfly floats in the air, emitting strong blood pressure, from time to time flapping its wings, sprinkling a layer of colorful dream pollen, so that the Vientiane Lord is constantly in a state of force.

On the other hand, the little thief cat waves the shovel from time to time and slaps the head of the Vientiane Lord.

"God gaze"

Zhao Feng’s left-hander has an amazing power.

In an instant.

The purple vortex in the left shackles forms a bottomless bottom, like a misty, infinitely extending purple illusion.

A taboo force against the soul is shrouded in the body of the Vientiane Lord.

"This is another trick..."

The chill of the soul of the Vientiane Lord is so cold that it is not controlled by the outside.

Zhao Feng's soul will, up to Xuanguang Dacheng, at this time Zhao Feng gaze at the Vientiane Lord, the soul of the other, was imprisoned.

In addition, the Vientiane Lord itself is infiltrated by a large number of colorful dreams, and the soul is very weak. It can be said that there is no resistance.

The soul of the Vientiane Lord was inhaled by Zhao Feng.

"First enslaved, left the corpse, and then seized the shackles of Vientiane"

Zhao Feng thought for a moment, whispered.

At this point, Zhao Feng is impossible to divide the soul, otherwise the soul will fall, then you can not continue to explore here.

Moreover, after the enslavement, the Vientiane Lord can also become the helper of Zhao Feng. The power of Vientiane is very strong. Zhao Feng is very clear.

With the decision, Zhao Feng entered the left-handed space and slowly imprinted it in the soul of the Vientiane Lord.

Zhao Feng put the soul of the Vientiane Lord back into his body.

"Master, what are you telling?"

The Vientiane Lord was half-shouldered and respectfully said.

"You first recover the injury, the key moment, help me."

After the treatment of the Vientiane Lord, Zhao Feng began to retreat and consolidate.

"Try the effect of the crystal giant's inferior product."

In the hands of Zhao Feng, there is a shining pearl that shines in platinum.

Running "Five Winds Thunder", Zhao Feng began to absorb the energy in this defective crystal.

At the same time, a blood-red crystal bead appeared in the hands of Zhao Feng. Zhao Feng used it with all his heart and looked at the crystal beads that radiated the horror of blood.

This blood-colored crystal beads was obtained by Zhao Feng at the bottom of the water pool. At that time, Zhao Feng had not had time to observe it carefully.

"It seems to be Shenjing"

After Zhao Feng observed for a long time, he came to the conclusion that after all, Zhao Feng had seen evil spirits, and his own fantasy city was also inlaid with a crystal.

But this one crystal, slightly different, in addition to a trace of divine power and the crystal of the heaven and earth, there is a huge blood element.

"Blood crystal?"

Zhao Feng was shocked. This is a crystal of the blood of the gods.

According to the strong speculators of the mainland, this **** corpse is probably the fifteenth giant family in the Taikoo Manchu list.

Giant Protoss, ranking more horrible than the Ling Dynasty

At this time, the blood **** in the hands of Zhao Feng may contain a trace of the blood of the giant gods.

After Zhao Fengping regained his mood, he collected the blood god.

The value of this blood **** crystal is beyond doubt, and may still be above the evil spirits of Nangong.

However, if Zhao Feng uses this blood crystal, it is a waste of its value.

First of all, Zhao Feng's body contains the perfect blood and blood of the blood, and the blood of the giant gods, have nothing in common, rushed to use, still do not know what will happen.

Secondly, Zhao Feng's perfect blood magic Yang quality is also very high, the quality of this silk giant blood group may be better than Zhao Feng's perfect blood magic Yang.

Meow meow

The little thief cat walked with a sly ghost.

Zhao Feng took out some of the **** liquid in the pool, applied it to the surface of the body, and then operated the holy body.

"It is able to strengthen the blood and increase the level of life, and it also contains a hint of earth."

Zhao Feng looks happy.

The role of this **** liquid is better than the **** effect of the thunderstorm. The key point is that it also contains a hint of earthy meaning, which is conducive to the practice of Zhao Fengtu's wind and thunder force.

One day later.

The body scent of Zhao Feng is getting stronger and stronger, and the sixth layer of Shenglei body has been refined, completely consolidating in the realm of Xiaocheng, and the earthy thunder of the ninth floor of "Five Elements Wind Thunder" is also more stable.

Consuming a large amount of blood-colored liquid and some defective products, Zhao Feng almost solved the problem of the root cause instability caused by forcibly breaking through the realm.

Zhao Feng left the world of fans.

One day, Nangong Sheng also used the resources he gained to consolidate his realm and control the powerful forces.

However, due to the lack of artistic conception, it is still difficult to fully control this power, but the state at this time is slightly better than the original.

On the other hand, Zhao Yufei is also making rapid progress, and Xuanguang's holy force is more condensed, almost comparable to the holy light of the Holy King.

However, Zhao Yufei and Nangong Sheng are too low in terms of artistic conception.

Otherwise, the strength of the two will be even higher.

"Let's go, there should be a resource for condensing the soul and increasing the sentiment of the mood."

Zhao Feng said simply.

Zhao Feng is also in short supply in this area.

Then, the three men set off again. One day ago, the area they had explored in the corpse was estimated to be less than one ten thousandth of the entire corpse, and it was also the outer area of ​​the corpse.

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