King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1083: Join hands to kill

"I thought you found a great helper. It turned out to be only three ordinary Lords."

The alien, green and transparent woman, smiled coldly.

"what is the benefit?"

Zhao Feng said to the injured Qingjia holy king again.

After all, Zhao Feng and others, if they help each other, face six aliens, including two more powerful kings.

This kind of unhelpful and dangerous thing, Zhao Feng is really unwilling to help, and Nangong Sheng on the side is even more unwilling to take care of this matter.

In addition, if this Qingjia holy king encounters other holy kings or demigods of humanity, he will certainly hand over a large amount of income and plead with the other side to help.

That is to say, Qingjia Shengwang and others, even if they encounter such a crisis, still take advantage of his identity as a royal palace, look down on Zhao Feng and others, and want to directly call Zhao Feng three people.

The injured green man, with another Lord, looked extremely embarrassed.

If it is not critical at this time, they may have directly shot Zhao Feng.

They were the top four stars of the Dagan Dynasty, the masters behind the dynasty, and Zhao Feng took the opportunity to blackmail them.

"We are the top of the Imperial Palace, the power behind the Dagan Dynasty. You are not suitable for doing this."

The young man, who insisted on the anger in his heart, said.

"Bilight Holy King, let's take out some of the resources we just got."

At this point, the High Emperor immediately persuaded.

After all, Zhao Feng and others can save their lives, and it is also necessary to come up with some income, and those aliens are not fuel-efficient lamps.

"You humans, it is interesting, and when you die, you still fight inside."

The alien woman with a green and transparent body smiled.

"Kill them all"

Another alien king holding a giant axe, shouted and shot directly.

At the same time, other aliens behind him, with a sneer, immediately followed.

"If you can help us to repel the aliens, we are willing to give you 30% of the income just obtained."

Seeing the other side of the Holy King has already started, the Biguang Holy King immediately said.

Another holy master of Xuanguang Xiaocheng nodded and said that there was no objection.

In fact, they did not think that Zhao Feng and others could help them solve this crisis.

They just want to use Zhao Feng to delay the time, because when they were chased by aliens, they had already sent for help.


Zhao Feng said directly.

"Looking for death, ignorant humanity"

The alien who held the giant axe, see Zhao Feng and others are still chatting, and the face is extremely impressive.

"Okay, it's 50%"

The King of Biguang is angry, but only swallows and promises Zhao Feng.

"Let's go together."

Zhao Feng met with the other party and said directly.

Only if Zhao Feng three people fight, even if the Biguang Holy King will hand over all the resources, this busy, Zhao Feng will not help.


The Holy Light of the Holy Light immediately shouted.

In the left hand of the King of Biguang, a platinum sword appeared, and the glory of the glory.


Six humans rushed out.


The Nangong Sheng surging the purple blood Shenghui, collided with the alien man holding the ancient axe.

At the same time, the other five people fought fiercely with other strong aliens.

"This is the blood of the spiritual family."

The alien, green and transparent woman, and Zhao Yufei immediately met Zhao Yufei’s identity.

Zhao Yufei can evoke the strength of heaven and earth and promote her recruiting power.

"Ling Yao Sheng Bang"

Zhao Yufei Yu’s hand burst into an amazing purple jade crystal mantle, and then a layer of amethyst amethyst glow was rushed to the green and transparent alien king.

On the other hand, the interracial man with the giant axe and the Nangong Holy Land are also earth-shattering and moving.

The quaint axe in the hands of the alien king, exudes a hegemonic force that suppresses everything, and suddenly smashes a huge shock wave.

Nangong Sheng does not show weakness, runs a hint of evil spirits, condenses two demons and giant claws, and resists the attack of the alien holy king.

"The power of evil spirits, Nangong Sheng?"

The interracial man with a giant axe was surprised and recognized the identity of Nangong Sheng.

And Zhao Feng is fighting with the other saints in this alien team.

This is the strategy that Zhao Feng three people have drawn up very early.

In the encounter with the Holy King squad, Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei, to contain the power of the alien king.

Nangong Sheng possesses the power of evil spirits and the secondary artifact Jinchi Shield. It is very easy to contain a holy king, and Zhao Yufei’s spiritual blood is in the corpse, and the combat power is doubled.

Zhao Feng seems to be the weakest and easy to be ignored, so he quickly defeats the other saints in the alien team and can then turn things around.

Of course, this strategic approach is only suitable for the case where the alien team has only two holy kings.

But even so, Zhao Feng and others only rely on this strategy, occupying a certain advantage, and it is still difficult to defeat the opponent, unless Zhao Feng three people, come up with some cards.

Once the number of holy kings of the alien team is met, more than three, or the overall number and strength of the team are strong.

Then Zhao Feng three people, they can only withdraw fully.

"Breaking the Sun"

Zhao Feng smashed the power of the wind and thunder and beat the minefield, hitting a thunderous red gold palm.

I saw a giant golden red thunder giant palm, flashing infinite lightning, and pushed forward.

Moreover, Zhao Feng's palm also incorporates the pressure and strength of the Lie.


In front of Zhao Feng, a sacred light Dacheng and a sacred light Xiaocheng's lord, can not withstand the peerless power of Zhao Feng, was directly bombarded on the crystal wall at the back.

The alien lord of Xuanguang Xiaocheng was almost directly shot dead by Zhao Feng.

"Predecessors, we are not his opponents"

Another great sanctuary, suffering a certain injury, was afraid of Zhao Feng.

"How is it possible, even the strength of that kid is so good?"

The alien woman with green and transparent body looks horrified.

The strength of these three Xuanguang saints is far beyond their expectations.

"Good strength"

The Bilight King was suddenly shocked.

He did not expect that Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei had grown to such a level, and they were able to contain the power of the Holy King.

The strength of Zhao Feng is not to be underestimated.

In this way, they are united, and it is really smooth enough to repel the aliens.


Gao Huang Shengzhu was unusually surprised.

Even he did not think that the strength of the three people of Zhao Feng has been upgraded to such a level.

I thought that when they first met, Zhao Feng’s strength was only comparable to that of the Vientiane Lord. Nangong Sheng can only fight against the Heavenly Lord.


The two holy kings of the aliens directly released the avatar to assist the great lord and deal with Zhao Feng.

The avatars of the two saints, who possessed the sacred power of the sacred king, were very good. They joined forces with the alien sage of the sacred light, and even suppressed Zhao Feng.

"Bilight Holy King, your avatar?"

Gao Huang Shengzhu hurriedly asked.

"My avatar was just hit hard and can't fight."

Biguang Shengwang refused to support Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng saw the situation is wrong, immediately released the fantasy city small world projection, in order to weaken the strength of the three interracial strong.

Two of them are separated, and their consciousness is weak. They are greatly weakened in Zhao Feng’s small world of fantasy city.

Moreover, in the projection of the fantasy world, Zhao Feng’s illusion is more powerful.

"Purple Star Puzzle"

"Soul of the soul"

Zhao Feng runs left and squats, and he is free to use some of the simple illusions he learned at Jijia.

Zhao Feng’s talent in the illusion is actually much higher than the aggressive martial arts, but he has not studied it.

"No, that kid is also very tricky."

The alien king who holds the giant axe feels that the situation is wrong.

Under the support of their two avatars, Zhao Feng is still fighting with ease and gradually gains an advantage.

And on the human side, the strength of the other three high-level emperors can not be ignored.

Although the Biguang Holy King was seriously injured, he also possessed the power of Xuanguang Dacheng.


The green and transparent interracial woman of the whole body immediately gave a voice to everyone.

Obviously unfavorable, there is no need to fight.


At the same time, all the aliens fled.

On the other hand, the human side did not go after it.

“Thank you Zhao Feng’s little brother”

Gao Huang Shengzhu immediately thanked.

Zhao Feng smiled at the Lord of the High Emperor and immediately looked at the Holy Light.

"Please ask this predecessor to honor the original promise."

Zhao Feng’s voice is light.

The battle just now, if the two high-level emperors are high-level, they will end their shots faster.

But the eyes of the King of Biguang looked at the opposite two kings of the Holy Family to move out of the avatar, but did not help.

"This point, my Biguang Holy King will honor it."

The Bilight King reluctantly handed over a storage ring.

Biguang Shengwang is also a holy king. The Tailor’s temple is a high-powered person. Naturally, he will not speak.

Zhao Feng took over the storage ring and first inspected it, revealing a hint of surprise.

"Forty-three precious spiritual materials, sixteen defective products, and three true crystals"

Zhao Feng believes that the Biguang Shengwang certainly did not give enough weight, but these resources exceeded Zhao Feng's expectations, and he would not care about the Bilight Holy King.

"Everyone, I will meet again."

After the transaction was completed, Zhao Feng immediately bid farewell to the Holy Light.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng and Nan Gongsheng and Zhao Yufei quickly left.

Zhao Feng three people just left, behind the Biguang Holy King, there are several strong atmosphere.

"Bilight Holy King, what happened? Are you injured?"

The coming is the king of Yuling.

He was also in the vicinity just now. After receiving the message of help from the Holy Light, he immediately rushed.

"I met a different ethnic group. Not enough. We just met the team of Zhao Feng. We joined forces and repelled the aliens."

The Holy Light of the Holy Light sighed.

If the King of Yuling came early, he would not be blackmailed by several juniors.

"What? Zhao Feng?"

The spirit of the king of Yuling was shocked and the color of surprise was revealed.

The King of the Sea, next to him, his eyes flashed a little.

"Biguang brother, where is Zhao Feng? Tell me soon"

Yu Ling Sheng Wang looks excited.

"Yu Ling brother, you look for Zhao Feng, what's the matter?"

Biguang Shengwang was so surprised to see Yuling King.

"Biguang brother, you don't know, Zhao Feng is the beast to kill the thirteen emperors of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he once shot the top of the Taihuang Temple..."

Yuling Sheng Wang said directly.

Of course, he was directly ignored by Zhao Feng’s serious injury.

"This junior is so abominable. He just took the opportunity to blackmail the precious resources I got in the corpse of God. I went to catch this with my brother."

Biguang Shengwang’s face was shocked, and he was even more happy than Yuling’s King.

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