King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1084: Tightly bite

"I didn't expect this child to be so abominable. He just took the opportunity to blackmail the precious resources I got in the corpse. I went to catch this with the Yuling brother.

Biguang Shengwang’s face was shocked, and he was even more happy than Yuling’s King.

"Yu Ling predecessors, how could Zhao Feng be the murderer of the thirteen emperors?"

Gao Huang Shengzhu was surprised.

When the Lanzhou War Hall and the royal family came to the base of the Nine Emperors, it was determined that Zhao Feng could not murder the thirteen princes. But at this time, Yu Ling Sheng Wang said that Zhao Feng was the murderer of the assassination of the thirteen princes. He can't understand.

In addition, the action of the Holy Light at this time also made him very disgusted.

Zhao Feng and others clearly helped them. The Biguang Shengwang also handed over resources, but at this time he planned to go back.

However, these two are the sacred kings of the sacred light. In the middle of the Taihuang Temple, they are highly weighted. Naturally, the Lord of the High Emperor can be offended.

"Hey, you question my findings?"

Yu Ling Sheng brows a wrinkle, staring at the high emperor.

Suddenly, the invisible heaven and earth around the world, the high emperor and the Lord are tightly locked, the blood and the Holy Power of the High Emperor's Lord are suppressed to the limit, as if they were turned into a slaughtered lamb.

This is the difference between Xuanguang Xiaocheng and the Holy King. The high emperor is insignificant in front of Yuling.

Moreover, Yuling Holy King is an extremely powerful and ancient existence among many powerful saints.

"I am with three seniors"

Another small sanctuary in the team of the Holy Light, said immediately.

In his view, Zhao Feng is unable to escape the chasing of the three saints, and he also wants to continue to explore the corpse, and it is safer to follow the three saints.

"Yu Ling brother, let's go, they just went here."

Biguang Sheng Wang took some healing herbs, and immediately said.


Subsequently, the squad of Yuling Shengwang and the two people of the Biguang Shengwang squad were united, and seven strong black-lighters chased in the direction of Zhao Feng’s departure.

"Hey, Zhao Feng, I can't do anything about it."

The high emperor sighed.

He is now out of the ranks, alone, and naturally does not dare to stay in the body of God.

Moreover, the harvest of his trip was also very rich, so the High Emperor decided to leave.

call out

Gao Huang Shengzhu returned with his memory.

Another place in the corpse.

Zhao Feng and others walk in complex crystal wall channels.

"We should have come to the center of the corpse"

Zhao Feng said slowly.

Along the way, more and more precious herbs are found everywhere, and the crystal walls are brighter and brighter.

"Feng brother, behind..."

Zhao Yufei seems to be aware of what.

Zhao Feng heard that a layer of pale gold ripples appeared immediately on the left, and then swept back.

"Not good, go fast"

Zhao Feng immediately said.

"what's the situation?"

Nangong Sheng looked confused.

"The King of Biguang and the other two kings of the Taihuang Temple chased it."

Zhao Feng said simply.

He can be sure that the seven strong blacks behind him are coming to deal with themselves, because there are Yuling Holy King.

If you face Yuling Shengwang alone, Zhao Feng is naturally not afraid.

But at this time, there are a total of seven people in the chasing team behind them, including three holy kings.

With the strength of Zhao Yufei and Nangong Sheng, each of them is restrained by a holy king, which is the limit. The other party has many people, and Zhao Feng can only run directly.

Nangong Shengyi heard that the situation was wrong. In addition, he also believed in Zhao Feng’s judgment.


The three immediately applied the escaping secrets and quickly walked through the walls of the crystal wall. Some of the small opportunities encountered on the way were not managed.

Not far behind.

"Feeling their holy forces fluctuating, here"

A blue-haired king of the Greek Sea, his eyes flashed slightly and rushed out immediately.

The three holy kings inspired the willpower to wrap the entire team, making the speed of all personnel consistent and reaching an astonishing degree.

"Feng brother, they are getting closer"

Zhao Yufei looked anxious, and with the surge of the heavens and the earth, he noticed the movement behind.

In the Zhao Feng squad, Zhao Feng is the fastest. If the thunder is flashed, he can even surpass the ordinary holy king, followed by Nangong Sheng, and finally Zhao Yufei.

However, Zhao Feng alone is useless, he can not leave Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei.

In addition, Zhao Feng can also enter the fascinating world with Minnan Gongsheng and Zhao Yufei, and escape by himself. Hope is still bigger.

However, in the world of fascination, there are many secrets of Zhao Feng, so that Nangong Sheng enters it. Zhao Feng is very uneasy. After all, Nangong San, the mind and reason are greatly distorted.

"Feng Ge, do you want to leave with the lost world?"

Zhao Yufei said a little embarrassed.


Zhao Feng directly denied.

Zhao Feng only left the space coordinates in the place where he came.

If everyone uses the lost world to send away, then they will return to the original point, but the three spent a lot of time before they came to the center of the corpse.

"Where are you going to escape?"

At this time, the voice of the King of Yuling came from behind.

A powerful Wei Li oppression, like a tsunami, swept away to Zhao Feng and others.

Zhao Feng three people have a tacit understanding, directly released a small world projection.

The power of the three powerful and powerful world projections appeared behind Zhao Feng and others, and the willpower of the three holy kings was resisted.

"This kid, actually there is a small world?"

Biguang Shengwang was shocked and looked at the power of the small world projection of the wind and thunder released by Zhao Feng.

He remembers that in the previous battle, Zhao Feng used another projection of the Xiaodao small world.

Moreover, at this time, Zhao Feng showed the power of the small world of wind and thunder, which is also extraordinary.

"Hey, what is the use of the small world itself, its own artistic concept is not enough, it is difficult to play the power of the small world"

Yuling Holy King satirized a smile.

Suddenly, the three great kings of the kings did not agree, but also released the power of the small world projection.

The three holy kings are extraordinary in their means, and instantly let their small world project their strengths and fit together to form a more solid, compact space force that will strike forward.


The invisible collision of the small world makes the space of heaven and earth twist and scream.

The small world of Zhao Feng is strong, but it is also true that as the King of Yuling said, the artistic realm of the three people is somewhat inadequate, and naturally it is not comparable to the use of the power of the small world by the three holy kings.

However, Zhao Feng three people, by this force of collision, the speed suddenly increased.

At the same time, in the hands of Zhao Feng, there is a bright spot of emerald green, which is the silkworm fairy butterfly.

The silkworm silkworm butterfly is brewing a powerful force fluctuation.


Cloud silkworm butterfly, while releasing the dream dream pollen and cloud silkworm silk.

On the road behind Zhao Feng, it was suddenly filled with colored light and pollen.

After doing this, Zhao Feng took back the silkworm butterfly and let the Vientiane Lord who was hiding in the open world come out.

"Vientiane wind and mine"

The eyes of the Lord of Vientiane condense, changing the nature of nature, the attributes of heaven and earth and the righteousness.

Suddenly, the endless winds and sorrows are full of enthusiasm, and the property of this wind and thunder is pure and extremely easy to be controlled.

Zhao Feng controls the projection of the small world of wind and thunder, and integrates the huge and unpredictable wind and the righteousness into itself.

The red light of the red light behind Zhao Feng, suddenly flashing its glory, the endless wind and the righteousness, like the light, surrounded by Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng's power to operate the wind and thunder, rolled up Zhao Yufei, Nangong Sheng and Vientiane Lord, and quickly disappeared into the crystal wall passage.

“It’s a great assistant”

Zhao Feng couldn't help but praise.

The ambiguity of Vientiane is really practical.

At this point, Zhao Feng's entire team, fled at the speed of Zhao Feng.

However, if Zhao Feng does not display the thunder and flash, the speed is still impossible to pass the holy king.

However, Zhao Feng's Lei Yi flash is a single hollow secret, it seems that you can not take other people, use the lightning wing flash.

In addition, the terrain here is intricate, and there is also the disturbance of the breath of the gods. The linear space of the thunderwing flash is not only restricted, but even impossible to use.


The squad of the three sacred kings broke through the obstruction of the silkworm silkworm and the colorful dream pollen.

"That is the Lord of Vientiane"

In the ranks, a holy king exclaimed.

"Zhao Feng, you actually collude with the aliens"

Yu Ling Sheng Wang yelled.

The Vientiane Lord came out to help Zhao Feng, and everyone in the Taihuang Temple saw it.


The face of the Holy Light is somewhat embarrassing.

If this is the case, Zhao Feng gave it to him, and what are the faces of the three great kings?

Moreover, even if there is a Vientiane to help Zhao Feng and others, they can not escape.

call out

The three great kings run Wei Li, scrolling the entire team and chasing them away.


Zhao Feng said to the Vientiane Lord.

"Yes, master"

The colored spirals in the eyes of the Vientiane Lord's eyes suddenly spun up.

Suddenly, behind Zhao Feng and others, the force of the wind and thunder suddenly became a force to suppress the heavy soil properties.


The speed of the three great kings squads slowed down one point.

Among the three great saints, there are those who are good at the wind, and those who are good at water, that is, they are not good at the earth.

However, the realm of the Vientiane Lord is too low, and the three great kings burn a ray of light, and they can directly ignore the resistance.

"Master, my realm is too low to stop them."

The Vientiane Lord said to Zhao Feng.

"These guys, why are you chasing us?"

Nangong's face is low, and his face is bloodthirsty. He wants to rush out and kill them all.

But he understands that he is not the opponent of those behind him.

Zhao Feng coughed, Yuling Shengwang and another blue-haired holy king, the goal of chasing, seems to be only Zhao Feng, in this case, Zhao Feng was tired of Zhao Yufei and Nangong Sheng.

"Yu Ling Sheng Wang, are you sure you have to chase it down?"

Zhao Feng asked loudly.

In the corpse of God, wasting time chasing each other is undoubtedly a stupid choice.

"Hey, assassinate the royal prince, insult the seat, you have no way to escape"

Yuling Shengyu hesitated for a moment and immediately said.

Their three holy kings have been chasing them for so long, and if they give up, it is not a joke.

"Then don't blame me."

Zhao Feng's tone is cold, and a killing effect permeates.

Zhao Feng's hands directly appeared a silver arched ancient bow, a dark gold arrow.

Zhao Feng directly placed the defective arrow on the lock of the sky bow and dialed the bowstring.

A horrible dark gold power of the gods emerged from it, and a shadow of the gods and arrows that grew up to a hundred feet gradually spread out.

A penetrating power against the soul suddenly hits the back of the seven strong blacks.

"Hey God Arrow?"

When Yu Ying Sheng Wang saw the arrow that Zhao Feng took out, he was scared.

The three holy kings suddenly stopped and burst into tears.

The rest of the Lord, the resistance is weaker, and the feeling of the soul seems to be penetrated instantly, and the feeling of tingling is constantly coming.

And when they heard the sacred arrow of the sacred king, the two legs were directly soft and pale, filled with the color of fear.

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