King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1089: Little thief action

In the face of the retracement of the squad, the aliens squandered the law, and for a time, I don’t know how to be good.

The demon **** can defend the semi-god with the use of the artifact, and the semi-god can naturally defend his offense.


Seeing that the cracks on the red fruit are getting bigger and bigger, the gods are destroying the law, and they are extremely anxious, but there is no way.

There are only two alien kings here, and they dare not go up to help the demigods to destroy the law, because there are more human beings than the aliens.

"The demigod is not as good as the gods."

Zhao Feng has a new understanding.

Among the demigods, there is also a clear power gap, and the semi-god is withering. As the elder of the Tianyue Palace, it should be the strongest after the Emperor of the Emperor.

"If there is no accident, this red fruit should be the **** of the sky."

Zhao Feng slowly said, and then turned his eyes to other directions.

Zhao Yufei is now practicing in a corner of the wall, and in the crystal wall behind her, there is a crystal jade plate, which is divided into many rings, which slowly rotate, emitting a strange and strange atmosphere of the gods. Into the body of Zhao Yufei.

Zhao Yufei's purple crystal-like innocent body sparkles with a heart-rending faint halo. One of the world's vital forces is affected by it, and it is integrated into her body at a very fast speed.

"The breath of God?"

Not far from Zhao Yufei, a human sacred master of Xuanguang Dacheng was surprised.

He knew Zhao Yufei's identity and blood, and naturally did not bother.

"It seems that Yu Fei has also found some opportunities."

Zhao Feng smiled.

Zhao Yufei's bloodline of the Ling family has a special feeling for the energy of the heavens and the earth.

Although she could not dig out the treasures in the crystal wall, but through a layer of crystal wall, Zhao Yufei’s spiritual bloodline can absorb the energy in the crystal jade plate.

It is estimated that the jade plate on the other side has some origins with the Lingzu.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng turned his attention to the direction of the Nangong San.

What surprised Zhao Feng was that Nangong Sheng actually searched for a place to consolidate the mood and shape the body.

At this time, Nangong Sheng suddenly ended the state of cultivation.

The power of the small world projections around him dissipated, revealing a avatar that has not yet been shaped.

"The evil spirits are given to you."

Nangong Sheng can't wait to say.

Later, I saw a purple blood shadow in the Nangong Holy Body. This purple blood light and light, part of the flow into the incomplete avatar.

"Hey, let's get started."

Nangong Sheng's avatar, the twins flashed a trace of purple blood, a sinister smile.

Nan Gong Sheng's avatar is not shaped and complete, and the willpower is relatively incomplete.

But at this moment, some of the ideas of the evil spirits are poured into the avatar, combined with the willpower of the avatar, affecting the thoughts of the willpower and transmitting a powerful spiritual energy.


Later, Nangong Sheng and the incomplete avatar attacked the boulder that Nangong Sheng had just cultivated.

It can be seen that there are some cracks in the crystal wall of Nangong Sheng and the attacking body. In the crack, a black fruit is faintly visible, but this fruit is dull, unlike the fruit hanging on the vine, it shines brightly.


Nangong Sheng has the same power as the avatar, and both can use the power of God.

“After Nangong Sheng entered this place, the realm of artistic conception has improved, so the overall strength has grown very rapidly”

Zhao Feng slowly analyzed and said.

At this time, Nangong Sheng also has help from each other, and his avatar is also very extraordinary under the influence of the evil spirits.

Like Nangong Sheng, the other strong people here have also begun to look at some of the crystal blocks in the area.

Because they found that almost all of these crystal blocks are sealed with some gods or treasures, but the crystal walls separate all the breath, making it impossible to determine the quality level of the soldiers or treasures inside.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s thoughts felt a strange wave of fluctuations, and this hidden wave was only felt by Zhao Feng.

"Little Thief Cat"

Zhao Feng converted his vision to the location of the little thief cat.

At this time, the little thief cat is hidden in the void, and ordinary people cannot see it.

In front of the thief cat, there is a huge crystal stone.

Zhao Feng’s left-hander is covered with a layer of pale gold ripples.

At this point, Zhao Feng saw clearly the items in the huge stone in front of the thief cat, which had a black short blade and a cluster of amethyst blood clots.

On the short black edge of the black, Zhao Feng can only see the wave pattern on the upper part of the stream, and part of the purple blood crystal block is buried in the crystal of the ground, which seems to be connected with some of the underground forces.

"What do the little thief think?"

Zhao Feng has some doubts.

He naturally knows that the little thief cat is looking at the black short blade and the purple blood crystal block in the huge crystal stone.

However, these two items are deeply hidden in the center of the crystal stones, and there are even ten cracks in the crystal. Even if a dozen or so gods join hands, they cannot break this huge crystal stone.

Meow ~

The thief's mouth is slightly open, and only Zhao Feng can understand the meaning of the little thief.

“Only one chance?”

Zhao Feng’s mind stated this sentence and did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

Suddenly, the little thief cat hidden in the void, a hidden mysterious silver-gray dark stream emerged in the body, after the undercurrent circulated in the thief cat, Zhao Feng’s little thief under the left eye is more transparent, as if he The hidden technology has instantly improved several levels.

In Zhao Feng's view, the little thief cat is not only hidden in the space, but hidden in the deeper source rules.

Even Zhao Feng, if you don't use the perspective ability of Jin Yu, you can't find the existence of a small thief cat, but he can feel the position of the little thief cat according to the spiritual pet contract.


In this state of concealment, the little thief cat turns into an invisible invisible man, which is invisible to ordinary people. It is slightly swept in the void and disappears without a trace.

The next moment, Zhao Feng was surprised to find that the little thief cat actually penetrated into the huge crystal stones.

At this moment, the little thief cat is sitting on the purple blood crystal block, and the left claw is raised, and it is placed on the black short blade.

"How can this be?"

Zhao Feng’s mind was extremely shocking and almost broke away from the state of comprehension.

"what happened?"

The ghost king is slightly surprised, looking at the huge crystal that Zhao Feng stares at, but nothing can be seen.

Zhao Feng glanced at the ghost king, who actually did not destroy the crystal.

However, this is also extenuating. After all, the ghost king cannot wither the unscrupulous attack in the sky.

In order to avoid the detection of others, the ghost king of the earth is very careful to attack the crystal filament, and dare not show too much power. In addition, in fact, it has not been long since the two people cooperated.

Zhao Feng did not go to the ghost king, and once again looked at the little thief cat.

The little thief did not know what to do, and actually entered the huge crystal stone inside.

But the body of the little thief cat can not move half a point and is completely fixed in the crystal stone.

The little thief cat turned his eyes and looked at Zhao Feng.

Although it can't talk at this time, Zhao Feng can detect the meaning of the little thief cat, it is showing off to Zhao Feng.

The thief cat is deeply hidden in the crystal stone. In its body, a dark undercurrent flows again, and it is poured into the black short blade through its left claw.

The wonderful wave pattern on the black short blade suddenly flashed the brilliance of the silver.

"You are careful not to come out for a lifetime."

Zhao Feng cursed.

At this point, Zhao Feng found that he once again underestimated the little thief cat, did not expect it to hide such a mysterious and powerful means.

However, this awful spiritual pet does not seek benefits for the master, but only for his own sake.

The black short blade that was looked at by the little thief cat must not be anything. You must know that the thief cat itself has powerful soldiers such as the Shadow Killer Blade and the Dark Golden Dragon Snake Whip.

The little thief cat looked over Zhao Feng and conveyed a message. Zhao Feng’s face was slightly relieved. Then he nodded and agreed to the plan of the little thief.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng’s eyes looked at the entrance to the distance.

I saw, seven figures, directly in.

These seven people were the ones who chased Zhao Feng’s three priests, the sacred king of Xihai, and the squad of the sacred king.

"Zhao Feng"

The King of Biguang immediately discovered the existence of Zhao Feng.

After all, Zhao Feng’s position is very conspicuous, and it also exudes an unusually powerful mental energy fluctuation, stirring the artistic power of one side of the world.

"We are late, and the treasures that are easy to dig here have already been obtained by others. It is better to kill him now."

Yuling Sheng Wang observed the situation around him and said immediately.


The king of Xihai looked around and agreed with the view of Yuling.

The rest of the Lords, although they have some treasures and artistic powers here, want to hunt for treasure or practice, they do not dare to disobey the meaning of the three holy kings.


Seven people rushed directly to Zhao Feng.

"The ghost king, the people of the Taihuang Temple, killed me, you must stop and join them with me."

Zhao Feng directly followed the ghost of the Holy King.

"What? Your kid, even those who even the Imperial Palace have offended."

The ghost king who is cutting the crystal filaments is a bit sullen.

However, Zhao Feng said that it is extremely reasonable. At this time, these people must be led away, otherwise the red fruits that the two men sought will be completely exposed.

"Zhao Feng, today you have nowhere to escape, you will die."

The sacred king of Yuling, who was flying fast, showed a sullen smile.


Zhao Feng immediately ended his retreat and fled to the distance.

The seven high-ranking emperors of the Imperial Palace immediately chased them away, and a pair of people who wanted to kill Zhao Feng were in a position to gain.

After Zhao Feng took the seven people away, he hid behind the ghost king of the land and suddenly chased it out.

"I don't know why Yu Ling brother, Xi Hai brother want to chase Zhao Feng brother?"

The ghost king called suddenly.

Everyone in the Taihuang Temple suddenly turned around and looked at the ghost king, and was surprised.

They all know that the demon teaching and the master temple should have certain contradictions, and at this time the ghost king will stand up and speak for Zhao Feng.

"This is the case. When I came here, my team and the Zhao Feng team temporarily joined forces to seek the benefits here..."

The ghost king of the earth had to be forced to explain.

He and Zhao Feng are indeed conspiring interests, but the interests are only the same, that is the yellow fruit.

The ghost king of the earth is a demon to teach the elders, and the demon religion is one of the best of the Dagan dynasty, and it is an alliance with the Jiugui Palace.

Although the three great kings are the high-rises of the Taihuang Temple, they do not mean the meaning of the Taishen Temple. For the ghost kings, they do not show how tough and overbearing.

"The ghost king, Zhao Feng, this kid, blackmailing the resources of everyone in the palace, or the murderer of the 13th emperor..."

At this time, Yuling Sheng Wang slowly said Zhao Feng’s crime.

He believes that as long as the people in the Taihuang Temple express their desire to kill Zhao Feng, the devil teaches the elders to retreat.

But at this time, Zhao Feng did not care about the Taihuang Temple and the ghost king, but spoke a part of the idea and observed the situation of the little thief.

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