King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1090: Vine change

At this point, the shape of the little thief cat was fixed in the huge crystal stone, and could not move.

However, in the body of the little thief, a silver-gray stream is constantly flowing, and it is poured into the black short blade through its claws.


The wonderful wave pattern on the black short blade is radiant and brighter.

At some point, the black short blade was slightly trembled in the huge crystals.

Zhao Feng looked shocked, the little thief cat did not know what way to enter the inside of the crystal stone, but the little thief cat is also not moving at this time, and the black short blade, actually in the crystal stone, gently twitched.

But what surprised Zhao Feng was that the crystal in the range of the black short-blade vibration was so smashed by the black short-cut.

You must know that the crystals in this corpse contain the physical strength and divine power of the corpse, even if it is a combination of many gods in the mainland, it is difficult to destroy.

But at this time, the black short blade in the ten crystals was slightly moved, and the surrounding crystals were cut and shred.

Because some of the surrounding crystals were shattered, the claws of the little thief cat were able to hold the black short blade.

What happened later made Zhao Feng even more shocked.

The little thief cat holds a black short blade, fills in a hidden undercurrent, and easily cuts the crystal in front of it, and in the huge crystal stone, a small hole is made.

Meow meow

The little thief cat moved his hands and feet in the small cave, and his face was proud. Then he licked the black short blade in his hand and showed a glimpse of love.

"The thief who got the thief cat seems to be able to cut the crystal wall here at random. So, is it possible to directly dig any treasure buried here?

Zhao Feng’s heart is shaking and it’s incredible.

There are many crazy treasures in the corpse of God, but these items are sealed in the crystal wall, even the gods can do nothing.

At this time, the little thief cat used the black short blade in his hand, thus hollowing out a crystal stone.

But all this is hard to detect, unless it is a **** of the gods, able to penetrate the crystal wall.

But there are two demigods here. They are fighting in the sky at this time. It is impossible to find a small thief in a certain crystal stone in a large space.

The little thief cat after getting the black short blade, although tired in the eyes, is still ecstatic.

Subsequently, the thief cat will target the purple blood crystal block under its feet.


The little thief's cat's claws spurt a trace of silver and gray, using the black short blade in the hand, easily crushing some crystals, and slowly revealing the strange purple blood crystal block.

Zhao Feng guessed that this purple blood crystal block is what, but what is valued by the little thief cat, how can it be bad.


Part of the purple blood crystal block, buried deep underground, the little thief cat continued to dig down.

At this time, the voice of the ghost king of the earth came.

"Zhao Feng, is the real king of Yuling said?"

The ghost king of the earth shouted.

In fact, he was very helpless in his heart, and he did not dare to confront the holy king of the Taihuang Temple.

But at this time, he had to help Zhao Feng. Once Zhao Feng was chased by Yu Ling Sheng Wang and others, Zhao Feng must tell the secret of the fruit before he died.

However, after the Taiwang Dian and his party described Zhao Feng’s mischief, the ghost king also felt that this was not a big deal. What is crucial is that the ghost king of the earth has heard his determination to kill Zhao Feng from the words of the king of Yuling.

"Zhao Feng, hurry to apologize to them and come up with some compensation..."

The ghost king of the earth secretly gave Zhao Feng a voice.

The royal king of the Taihuang Temple is just a face of love. As long as Zhao Feng sincerely apologizes for the ceremony, plus the persuasion of the ghost king, the imperial palace and his party may have let Zhao Feng go.

"Yu Ling Sheng Wang, you are so shameless."

Zhao Feng looked at the face and said directly.


The ghost king of the earth almost fell.

He did not expect that Zhao Feng not only did not apologize according to his statement, but uttered rants.

At the same time, the ghost king also realized that something was wrong.

It stands to reason that people who have rid themselves of the Taihang Temple are the most important thing to pick up the fruit, but Zhao Feng does not seem to want to solve the grievances between himself and the staff of the Taihuang Temple.

"The ghost king, this is not because we don't give you face, this shameless thief, I will kill it."

Yu Ling Sheng Wang was gloomy, including several holy kings behind him, and the Lord also felt a shame.

"I see how you escape this time."

Yu Ling Sheng Wang Yin smiled.

The other two holy kings also immediately stood up, and the three holy kings released the power of a small world projection, stirring a side of the void, so that Zhao Feng would use the lost world to escape.

Zhao Feng floated in the air, his face was a little anxious, but part of his thoughts were still observing the situation of the little thief.

At this point, the purple blood crystal block has been completely excavated by the little thief cat, and the purple blood crystal block seems to be connected with some crystal red veins.

The little thief does not say anything, use the black short blade in his hand to cut it off.

Subsequently, the little thief cat picked up the huge purple blood crystal block and swallowed it directly.


At this time, the whole space was shaking.

In the space, the huge vines suddenly shaken, and a terrifying artistic power was released with the tremor of huge vines.

Some of the strong men who are using the power of the artistic conception are suddenly shocked by this horrible artistic power, and their heads are dizzy and their consciousness sinks.

The power of the will released by the King of Yuling and others was also instantly smashed.

"what happened?"

The two gods in the sky were surprised.

The fruit they are vying for is the product of this vine, and nowadays, this huge vine actually vibrates.

"The situation is a little bad"

The half **** is calm and calm.


The demigod burns the light of the mysterious light, blends with a fascinating power, and attacks the crystal wall of the broken surface of the red fruit.


The crystal wall on the surface of the red fruit was broken directly under the attack of the gods.

The red fruit suddenly released a sea of ​​heavenly power, even the souls of the two gods, they felt a burning pain.

“How is it possible? It’s so broken easily...”

The demigod is somewhat unbelievable.

The crystal wall that he had just spent so much energy and couldn't break open, is now so easily broken.

But at this time, he couldn't help him think more, and the gods took the red fruit directly.


When the red fruit was taken off, the huge vines in the space trembled more intensely.

On the other side, Nangong Sheng, who is attacking the crystal stones, suddenly feels that the crystal stones in front are as fragile.

Soon, Nangong Sheng excavated the black fruit in the crystal stones.

At the same time, in this space, the strong ones who were digging some kind of treasures easily destroyed the crystal stones and got the treasures inside.

Even the Yuling King and others who had just prepared to shoot Zhao Feng were hesitant.

Because, at this time, the crystal wall here does not seem to be as hard as it was at the time, the treasures sealed in the crystal wall or the crystal stone are slightly easier to obtain.

"Fast, the power of these crystal walls suddenly weakens and attacks the fruit on the vines."

"What the **** is going on? I feel that the hidden power of God in these crystal walls seems to be gradually losing."

In the space, there is chaos, and many powerful people are shocked and confused.

The two gods in the sky, with a complex look, each shot against a fruit in front of them, attacking the crystal wall on the surface of the fruit.


Soon, the demigod regained a fruit again.

“Hey? The artistic power of this fruit seems to be much weaker?”

The half **** is a little bit puzzled.

On the other hand, the demigods finally got a fruit, but he also felt that the fruit in his hand was not as good as the red fruit that the half **** had withered.

“Is the energy in these fruits also passing away?”

The gods are withered, and they say thoughtfully.

The many saints and saints below, as well as the two gods, attacked the fruit on the vines.

But at this time, the crystal wall of the huge crystal red vine surface was completely broken.


The whole space suddenly trembled, and the endless power of artistic conception, like the wild and beasts, struck from the huge vines, and even the space in the world was distorted.

Many strong people who are trying to **** the fruit, the soul consciousness is shattered by the sudden explosion of artistic conception.

Even the two gods above the sky immediately retire and dare not approach this huge vine.


"This vine is resurrected"

Some of the saints who were seriously injured or weakened were directly fleeing and fleeing.


The huge vines squirmed in the air, exuding the ancient and powerful atmosphere of the wild, numerous vines on the huge vines, raging and swaying, sweeping the entire space.


A lord of the fascinating Xiaoguang who was running away was swept by the vines of the vines, and his body was broken.


The crystal stones at the top of the space suddenly burst and fell. The interior of the crystal stone seems to be collapsing.

"Come on, this vine is too horrible."


In the space, all the strong, rushed to retreat.

After Nangong Sheng got the black fruit, he decided to leave.

Zhao Yufei also woke up from the state of retreat and quickly left.

Zhao Feng turned into a red wind arc and flew to the exit.

"Leave here first"

Yuling Holy King is gloomy.

Several of them have just arrived here, and have not had time to explore the treasures. It is going to be a restricted area.

"Don't let the kid escape."

The light of the Holy King is toxic.

"My fruit"

The ghost king is tangled, but only left.

At this time, even the half **** had to evacuate. He was a holy king in his district, how dare he still go deep inside.

On the other hand, the little thief in the crystal stone, using the black short blade in the hand, easily breaks the crystal stones that are no longer hard.

call out

The little thief cat turned into a dark gray silver awn, flashing the void.

The next moment, next to the red fruit that the ghost king had just attacked, a black mans appeared and cut the filament.

Then the red fruit disappeared.


Except for the huge crystals, all the strong people escaped, but no one left.

The gods of the two major gods go deep into the huge crystals and observe some situations.

No one found that a part of the side of the crystal wall, a silver gray awn, penetrated the crystal wall and escaped.

Zhao Feng’s left-hander was covered with a layer of pale gold ripples to see through the situation.

I saw that the huge red vines and the countless colors of the fruit were constantly distorted, slowly transparent and gradually disappearing.

The atmosphere of the gods in the surrounding crystal walls is also disappearing, including the gods and treasures in the crystal stones. The energy in them is also continually passing, and the quality level is rapidly decreasing.

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