King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1092: Semi-god chasing

"You are Zhao Feng."

The half-god giant looked at Zhao Feng and looked at it.

But he did not act rashly at this time, because there are still many human powerhouses in the area, and several of them are known to the Holy King of the Taihuang Temple. If these human powers join forces, the semi-god giants will take Kunyun and Zhao Feng, and they can only leave.

After all, the demigod is still in the category of the holy king, but it is only to touch the power of the gods or the level of the artistic conception to reach the true level of God.

"Zhao Feng, have you had a festival with a half god?"

Kun Yun slightly glimpsed and looked at Zhao Feng.

"Kunyun, this time you don't want to pay"

Zhao Feng said coldly.

Kun Yun was a little helpless, and he didn't know about it.

In addition, although Kunyun in the corpse of God has also gained a lot of opportunities, but these opportunities can not solve his problem of breaking through the throne, so Kunyun still needs the unique resources of Zhao Feng.

The human saints who looked around were feeling bad and immediately began to gather.

In the presence, only the king-level powerhouse can compete with this alien semi-god. Fortunately, there are many human holy kings here, including three in the royal palace.

Therefore, the human sages here are basically relying on the team of the Taihuang Temple to seek refuge.

In front of Zhao Feng, the three royal kings of the Taihuang Temple and the ghost king of the earth were caught in contemplation. They naturally saw that the semi-god giant seemed to have enmity with Zhao Feng.

The same as the human camp, it is reasonable to say that several of them should unite with all the human powerhouses here to resist the horror of the gods.

However, this way, they will not become the solution to help Zhao Feng solve the crisis. The key is to help Zhao Feng solve the crisis of the semi-god, and the three of them are still afraid to start Zhao Feng.


Yuling Sheng Wang directly led the team and retreated to the rear, opening a certain distance with Zhao Feng.

"The Taihuang Temple and Zhao Feng have enmity, this is the intention to abandon them."

"Take him, as long as we can survive, this is a heterosexual, we must rely on the power of the Imperial Palace."

Around the human sacred team, they naturally understand the idea of ​​the Holy King of the Emperor, although they feel that at this time, human beings should unite and resist the aliens, but they dare not preach to the strongest.

"Oh, the Imperial Palace is really a matter of fact"

The half-god giant slammed a smile.

When he came here, he certainly saw that Zhao Feng and the Emperor of the Great Emperor seemed to have a lot of contradictions.

However, depending on the situation, this contradiction is not generally large. At the crucial moment, the Taihuang Temple actually abandoned Zhao Feng and others.

"Death, you two"

The semi-god giant stunned and took a step.


The heavens and the earth are faint for a while, and the infinite power of the righteousness is working. The sacred power of the Holy Power can be mixed with a trace of divine power and burst open in the void.

And the semi-god giant fierce also followed this step, and instantly came to Kunyun and Zhao Feng, an irresistible terrorist pressure, suddenly falling on the body of Zhao Feng and Kun Yun


Kunyun’s body suddenly flashed golden light, and the mysterious golden runes floated around, emitting horrible power.

Zhao Yufei and Nangong Sheng are not the targets of the semi-god giants. The will and the atmosphere are slightly weaker, but they also feel that the whole body is stuck in a mud, and the body is pressed against a giant mountain. It is very difficult to breathe.

"This is the half-god strong"

Zhao Feng activated the blood magic yang, and fully operated the holy body, and it was difficult to make a sound.

Although in the huge crystals, the three of them have made progress, especially in the artistic conception.

But at this time, the three faced the will of the demigod, but still felt as small as an ant.

"Go fast"

Zhao Feng immediately said.


Behind Zhao Feng, immediately launched two huge capabilities, a dark and violent, a deep purple.

Zhao Feng launched the projection power of two small worlds to offset the pressure of this semi-god.

Zhao Yufei naturally knows that the semi-god is only aimed at Zhao Feng and Kun Yun, but she will not leave Zhao Feng.


Zhao Yufei's body, burning up like a huge burning purple flame meteor, inciting the strength of one side of the world.


Nangong Shenglu feels helpless.

Although the semi-god is only aimed at Zhao Feng and Kun Yun, he can't separate from Zhao Feng, otherwise he will face the strong imperial powerhouse here.


In the Nangong Holy Body, there is also a fascinating purple blood **** glow.

The four small world projection forces released by the three people are so shocking that they can make the ancient saints strong and retreat.


The will of the semi-god is fierce, and it is shaken by the four powerful world powers.

Kunyun, who resisted the half-god in front, suddenly felt a lot easier.


Kun Yun surging the body and sacred, slowly launching dozens of palms.


Dozens of golden palms, twisted and plunged into the heavens and the earth, seem to have disappeared.

But in fact, these artistic conceptions have been bombarded in the invisible will of the semi-god, and they have sealed the power of some will, and at the same time cut off the connection between these willpowers and the semi-god.


Taking this gap, Kun Yun immediately fled with Zhao Feng and others.

"Oh, this time, no one of you wants to escape."

The semi-god giant was a little surprised, and the four joined forces, which actually broke his powerful willpower.

But at the moment, he was still a little happy. He did not expect that there were other human beings in the Imperial Palace. At this time, he did not help Kun Yun and Zhao Feng.

In this way, he can kill Kunyun and Zhao Feng, and save the Vientiane Lord.

After Kunyun, Zhao Feng and the half gods left, the other saints here are still in the same place.

"I can actually compete with the demigod"

One person said in amazement.

Yes, Kun Yun and the other three saints have just joined hands and escaped from the hands of the demigod.

"This is not because there is Kunyun, you have to know that Kunyun is a half-god rebirth."

Another lord of Xiaoguang Xiaocheng did not agree.

Zhao Feng and Kun Yun can escape smoothly. Kun Yun played a decisive role. Kun Yun’s artistic conception is very powerful, but it is still a little bit counterbalanced with the demigod.

Although the strength of Zhao Feng’s three people is small, it can make Kun Yunsong breathe a sigh of relief and display a powerful combat technique, “Chang Tianzhang”.

"Hey, chased by the gods, I don't believe they can survive."

Yuling Sheng Wang roared.

He just was not reconciled, Zhao Feng should be killed by him personally.

"I will leave first."

The ghost king is slightly uneasy and bids farewell to the Holy King.

Originally, he thought that he and the Taihuang Hall would join forces and would surely kill Zhao Feng. As a result, there was such a change.

Although he also believes that in the face of the demigod of the demigod, Zhao Feng will die, but the ghost king does not personally determine the death of Zhao Feng, and there is always some anxiety in his heart.

Inside the crystal wall channel

Zhao Feng and Kun Yun, quickly shuttled inside.

"Kun Yun, you are behind the scenes"

Zhao Feng said directly.

Kun Yun wants to yell at Zhao Feng, but he can only do it.

At this time, the only one of the four who can withstand the rear half-god attack is Kunyun.

Moreover, Kun Yun discovered that the strength of Zhao Feng’s three people has grown very rapidly. If the four men join hands, they will not be able to withstand the savage. But once the three of Zhao Feng are degraded, the situation is not good.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, Kunyun must be padded.

"Scorpio shock"

The semi-god giants rushed through the powerful Xuanguang Shengli, and mixed with a hint of divine power.

His whole body suddenly appeared in the shadow of a dark brown mammoth giant elephant. The giant elephant slammed into a horrible shock wave, which penetrated the spiritual material level and slammed it into the crowd.


The horrible shock wave left a series of cracks on the narrow entrance wall.

"The sky is eighteen palms"

Kunyun shouted, blood and soul, fully excited.


His whole body shines brightly, and the demigod will and the soul do not separate from each other. With some wonderful artistic conception, he shoots 18 golden palms and twists into the shock wave that destroys everything.

"Damn, this Kunyun"

The semi-god suddenly felt the attack that he released, and the power suddenly dropped, and he could not help but swear.

Every time Kunyun uses this mysterious method to weaken his attack power, and then with his strong body and mood, plus the defensive secret, to resist his attack, Kunyun has long lost his life.


After the weakened attack on the palm of the hand was weakened by the power of Zhao Feng’s four small worlds, the semi-god Kunyun cast a defensive secret, directly resisting the blow of the lower half of the gods.

"Little Thief Cat"

At this time, Zhao Feng communicated with the little thief who sneaked into the open world.

Zhao Feng has seen the black thief's black short blade, and even the crystal wall that the **** can't destroy can be easily cut. The black short blade must have the power to kill the god.

The little thief immediately waved his claws and shook his head.

The meaning of the little thief cat is that it consumes too much and can no longer use the power of the black short blade. At the same time, the little thief also refuses to hand over the black short blade.

Zhao Feng feels helpless. According to his observation, the little thief at this time is indeed a little weak, not like lie to him.

Weng Hong

The outside world, the semi-god attack, although the four people joined forces to resist.

But the speed of the half **** is faster than the four people, and soon catch up.

"Attack together and knock him back"

Zhao Feng said directly.

Attack half god

Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei’s heart were slightly shocked and slightly excited.


Kun Yun smiled and provoked the blood of the body, suffocating the strength of the infinite force, condensing on the double fist, violently hitting out.

I saw that the light punches of a group of Jin Mang Shi Shi, exuding the artistic power of the turbulent world, flew to the semi-god.

"Freak chaos"

"Ling Yao Ziguang"

Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei also showed the most powerful attack stunts.

A group of horrible purple blood shadows, twisted and swallowed forward.

"Breaking the Sun"

Zhao Feng combines the power of the small world of wind and thunder with the power of the minefield, and integrates into the palm of his hand, hitting a sacred palm of the red gold.

Zhao Feng compressed this holy thunder palm to a small size so as not to collide with the crystal walls on both sides, offsetting its attack power.

"Don't dare to fight back"

The half-god is huge.

In the hands of the semi-god, there was a dark red axe, and the axe was incomplete, but it was full of horror.


The half-god is fierce and angry. It directly waves the soldiers in the hands, and cuts out a huge red mang of a mountain, crushing the attacks of the people.

Originally, he thought that Xuanguang Xiaocheng of Zhaofeng District could kill him, and Zhao Feng had two companions.

And the strength of Zhao Feng's three people, unexpectedly strong, coupled with Kun Yun, the four people joined hands, it is indeed somewhat capable.

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