King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1093: God corpse skull

The aliens and gods are fierce, holding a huge axe and crushing the joint attacks of everyone.

His giant axe was originally an artifact, but it was somewhat damaged, so the power was reduced. Even so, the power of the dark red axe is far superior to that of the ordinary top-level soldiers.

"The sky is eighteen palms"

Taking this opportunity, Kun Yun once again applied the 18th palm of the day.


His whole body shines, inspiring the powerful semi-god will in the body, with a wonderful mood, slaps 18 golden palms, twisting and hitting around the gods.

Although Kun Yun's mastery can not threaten the semi-god, it can form various restrictions and restrictions on him.


Subsequently, Zhao Feng and Kun Yun, took the opportunity to escape a distance.

In order to speed up, Zhao Feng called the Vientiane Lord.

"Vientiane wind and mine"

The Vientiane Lord and the Lord both condensed, and suddenly changed the world and the world, and gave Zhao Feng a steady stream of pure wind and thunder.


Zhao Feng's Chi Lei Shengguang wing, the flashing more dazzling light, the speed doubled. Zhao Feng took Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei to fly away.

And Kunyun's artistic conception is high, and the speed is not lower than Zhao Feng.

"It turns out that you actually controlled the Vientiane Lord."

Kunyun saw at a glance that Zhao Feng used the meditation to control the Vientiane Lord. After all, he was controlled by Zhao Feng because of this.

With the blood and genius of the Vientiane Lord, like the Terran must be very valued, so the semi-god slammed Zhao Feng, in order to save the Vientiane Lord.

"How dare you use Vientiane?"

The semi-god suddenly saw this situation, and with a sigh of indignation, the invisible power made the surrounding crystal walls faint.

"God of Light"

The half-god and fierce hands waved, and a trace of power surrounded him.

call out

The half-god, wrapped in light, ignores all resistance, like a flash of aurora, moving at high speed in the wall channel.

"The sky is eighteen palms"

Kunyun once again hit a translucent golden palm.

But this time, Kun Yun’s power to seal the palm of the hand hit the whole body of the gods, but it did not cause much effect.

"Death, Kunyun"

The semi-god violently raised the huge axe in his hand and poured into the huge Xuanguang Shengli and divine power, and smashed a dark red light wave.


The crystal wall at the top broke open a hole, and the crystal wall around it was shocked. The dark red light wave instantly passed to everyone.

"It’s not good, the gods are so powerful."

The semi-god attack has not yet come, Zhao Feng, who runs the holy body, feels a terrorist force that is enough to destroy the earth, and his body surface has an invisible sting.

The semi-god violently hit, mixed with a lot of divine power, and the handle of the dark red axe in his hand is also very extraordinary.

"You are not dead, there will always be one day, I will return to the realm of demigod..."

Kun Yun also felt a fatal crisis.

A golden glory in Kunyun’s body, poured into the ancient gray wristband on his left arm.

"mixed sky body"

Kunyun immediately stood up, and the left-handed arm of the left arm was gray and shining.


A rotating platinum mask slowly appeared around Kunyun's body, and there were countless wonderful runes flashing on it, shifting away all the power.


The semi-god's fierce attack, on the white gold hood around Kunyun, made a dull bang.


The white gold rune hood around Kunyun, through the high-speed rotation, slowly removes the huge power of the semi-god attack.

However, the semi-god attack of He Qiwei was fierce, and the running speed of the white gold rune mask around Kunyun gradually slowed down and it was about to stop rotating.

"Second artifact"

The semi-god stared at the wristband on Kunyun's arm and flashed a trace of greed.

Although it is an artifact, only the power of God can exert the power of the artifact.

Kunyun is now the realm of the Holy King, and the power of his power is limited, so he will not easily use divine power until the critical moment.


The semi-god giant slammed a huge dark red wave blade again, and he couldn't wait to get the secondary artifact in Kunyun's hands.

At this time, behind Kunyun, there was a bronze animal shield in the hands of Nangong.

Nangong Sheng runs a force of evil spirits and fills the Jinchi shield in his hand.

At the time of the encounter, the original barbaric snarls and roars came from the bronze ancient shield, and only a huge animal head fainted out, enveloped in the Kunming white gold rune hood.


The semi-god attack was severely weakened by the Nangong Holy Defence artifact, and then fell on the secondary artifact protection of the demigod Kunyun, completely resisted.

"There are still artifacts"

The demigod was so shocked that it was deeply hit.

He is a decent god, and he only has a broken artifact. In front of him, this great king of the Holy King has a defensive artifact.

Two defensive artifacts, blocking his attack, are taken for granted.

"Even if you have an artifact, you can't escape today."

The semi-god is so crazy that as long as you kill these people, he can get two artifacts.

The sub-artifact only has the power to exert its power, and the power of Kunyun and Nangong Sheng can be limited, and the force of the secondary artifact cannot be used endlessly.

Therefore, even if these human beings have secondary artifacts, they are only struggling for a while.

But it is at this time.

A golden sharpness of the soul, which penetrated the soul of the gods, penetrated the body of the gods and made his soul shock.


The half-god giants are slightly stunned and look at Zhao Feng at the back of Nangong and Kunyun.


I saw a huge dark gold arrow shadow, running through everything, dragging the dark gold energy storm of terror, flying toward him.

Kunyun and Nangong Sheng, under the reminder of Zhao Feng, avoided the attack range of the defective products in advance.


The inferior and unmistakable attack of the sacred arrow is on the body of a half-god, and a horrible soul, Jin Rui storm, accompanied by the scent of destroying the thunder, fluctuating


Zhao Feng sighed softly, and he did not expect the defective products to cause much damage to the semi-god.

"Zhao Feng, I didn't expect you to have such a card"

Kun Yun smiled.

You must know that Zhao Feng is just Xuanguang Xiaocheng. The power of that arrow is enough to kill all the sacred light and to create the sacred light. Therefore, this card is extremely scary for the ordinary sage of the sacred light. Kill the trick.

Zhao Feng did not speak, and displayed the Lei Yi Fei Yu, and rolled up Nangong Sheng Zhao Yufei to flee.

In fact, if you want to get rid of the savage and savage, Zhao Feng can use the sacred arrows or the fascinating world.

However, as the most powerful card of Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng is not at the last moment, and naturally will not be easy to use. The use of the fascinating world will deviate from Zhao Feng’s goal at this time.

"We are now going directly to the head of the corpse, where there should be a large number of humans and aliens. When the time is too big, we dare not do anything to us."

Zhao Feng said his plan.

Kun Yun also noticed that the energy in certain areas of the corpse is slowly escaping, and the direction of the flow is the direction of the head of the corpse.

But from here to the position of the demigod's head, there is still a long distance.

"In the middle, if you encounter a powerful human god, you can also ask them for help."

Zhao Feng said again.

Although he has nothing to do with the demigods of the Dagan dynasty, but they are human beings, they naturally will not watch Zhao Feng and others being chased by aliens.

Zhao Feng’s left eye is covered with a layer of pale gold ripples that sweep across the crystal walls.

Nowadays, the energy in these crystal walls is gradually weakened, and Zhao Feng can see more crystal walls.

Even so, Zhao Feng has not found a powerful human demigod until now. The average human squad has found several, but these human squads have the guts to help Zhao Feng resist the aliens and gods.

On the other hand, the route chosen by Zhao Feng is also trying to avoid the strong aliens.

At this time, the rear came again like Tianwei-like oppression, and quickly approached Zhao Feng and others.

At the same time, the corpse is somewhere.

A gray-haired old man, on a dimly-colored pair of scorpions, emerged with a black coil, which was filled with amazing fluctuations.

Beside him, there are dozens of black robes. These black robes are all powerful, all of them are strong blacks, and two of them reach the realm of the Holy King.

In front of dozens of black robes, there is a huge **** demon spirit, the body is covered with bloodshot, and the whole body is flooded with red gold.

In the hands of the **** demon spirit, there is a white gold light bead that shines with brilliance, and the golden runes of the mysterious and mysterious wandering inside the light beads.

"I just want you to get this artifact again?"

The white gold beads in the hands of the **** demon spirit suddenly burst into a platinum band and swept away to the group of black robes in front.

For a moment, all the black robes were crushed by this radiant white light.

But in the next moment, in the void, those robes of black robes slowly condensed.

Suddenly, the gray-haired old man’s left-handed beating suddenly seemed to be inductive.

"Zhao Feng? Don't die too early."

The gray-clothed old man smiled lightly and immediately looked at the huge **** demon spirit in front of him.

In the corpse of God.

There is a crystal red lake in a crystal cave outside the skull of the corpse.

In the lake, there is a monster fish composed of a whole body of crystal red water.

"Dead, demon fish"

Around the crystal red and transparent monster fish, there are five people with a cold face and a cold and horrible figure.


Five magical strongmen, around the demon fish, constantly launching the power of the horror of the magical attack.

The crystal red and transparent demon fish screamed with sorrow and anger, and a heart-wrenching soul artistic power immediately fluctuated, causing the magical powers around and the soul to tremble.

"Step aside"

At this time, behind the five people, a vulgar figure, the old man who enveloped the magic of the sky, cold voice.

"Taiwanese elders"

"The Elder of the Sea"

The five Magic Road strongmen immediately retreated.

"Nine Secrets of Light"

The half-sacred sea chills and screams, inspiring a dark and powerful power, and the palms are shot out of thin air.

I saw a huge darkness like ink, carrying the horrible magical tyrants, penetrating the void, ignoring everything, and directly descending in front of the demon fish, and then through it.

The five magical strongmen were physically and mentally cold, watching the **** crystal demon fish, so they sank into the bottom of the lake, and then looked at the half-divine sea with awe.

"The next step is to rush to the head of the corpse"

The half-god secluded sea is shining with gloom.

"It’s a pity that I didn’t meet Zhao Feng. I hope he can live to the head of the corpse.”

A half-sacred sea reveals a cold smile.

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