King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1094: Joint counter

Somewhere in the corpse, Zhao Feng, Kun Yun and others, quickly flew in the wall channel.

Since then, the horrific pressure from the semi-god has been crushed a little.

"Zhao Feng, he caught up."

Kun Yun said with a tone of inquiry.

Even if Kunyun and Nangong Sheng have artifacts, they can withstand the attack of the semi-god, but the power of the two can be used, so it is not a long-term solution.

Moreover, blind defense does not have any use, as long as the semi-god is so tight that it can slowly kill everyone.

Zhao Feng's face is slightly dark. If he continues this way, he will have to use the arrow of the gods in the end, but even if he uses the arrow of the gods, he will at most be a big god.

"Hey, that human squad"

Zhao Feng’s gaze penetrated dozens of crystal walls and found a small team in front of the right.

It stands to reason that Zhao Feng has nothing to do with the Holy King in the Dagan dynasty, and the ordinary Saint squad does not dare to help Zhao Feng resist the alien gods.

But the captain of the squad is the shady prince of the elders in the dark corner.

Zhao Feng thinks that the sacred king is likely to help himself, and the sacred king in the realm of the sacred king, like the sacred king of Yuling, is the more powerful existence of the sacred king.


Zhao Feng led Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei, slightly changing the direction of flight.

"Before the elders, the corpse of the gods gathered the superpowers of the two dynasties, and we are afraid that it is difficult to share a piece of it."

In the black corner team, an old man said.

"Anything is not absolute."

Among the five-person team, the head of the sacred sacred king looked firm.

The energy in some parts of the corpse of God is gathered from the head of the corpse of God. There must be some secrets. If the black corner misses the opportunity there, it is the sin of the sacred king.

Moreover, the corner of the black screen is neutral and does not offend any sects and forces. It is easy to join forces with other powerful forces.

At this time, the sacred king suddenly noticed something and suddenly turned.

"Zhao Feng?"

The spiritual knowledge of the sacred king, through several crystal walls, saw Zhao Feng's figure.

"Zhao Xiaoyou is also going to go to the skull area of ​​God?"

The curtain of the holy king asked for a playful look.

Zhao Feng was very surprised when he entered the corpse and could live to the present.

At this time, Zhao Feng actually wants to explore the opportunity of the corpse of the corpse, but some do not know how to live and die.


The sacred king of the sacred face looks awkward and looks at the golden figure behind Zhao Feng.

The black curtain corner mainly deals with assassination and intelligence, and it is natural to know the origin and details of Kunyun.

Moreover, in the intelligence of the black screen corner, Zhao Feng and Kun Yun have a great relationship. I did not expect that Zhao Feng and Kun Yun were united in the corpse.

"The curtain predecessor, help me a favor"

Zhao Feng said loudly before he arrived.

"If you can do what you can, the old man will naturally not quit."

The sacred king of the curtain smashed the beard.

In any case, Zhao Feng also gave him a very precious net blood of the Holy Spirit, and at this time, Zhao Feng’s team also had a strong person in the team, so that the overall strength of the Zhao Feng team was different from his team. There are few, between the two parties, it is impossible to cooperate.

After the curtain of the sacred king just finished this sentence, the squad of the sacred king of the sacred, he felt the horrific pressure of destroying the earth and the land, slowly coming.

"The curtain of the predecessors, help us deal with the aliens and gods"

At this time, Zhao Feng came to the side of the sacred king and said the words.

Then, a loud bang came, and the half-god violently appeared in front of everyone. The mountain-like atmosphere was so powerful that all the strong people in the room had difficulty breathing, and the weaker lord of the sacred sacred team even stood. Can't do it.

"Interracial and half-god giant"

A saint in the black corner team was stunned and soft.

Even the sacred king of the sacred princes stayed there, and there was a shock in his heart.

The natural shock of him is that Zhao Feng and others were chased by the demigods, and they can still survive here. Even if there is Kunyun in the team of Zhao Feng, it is impossible to stop the legendary demigod.

"Hey, I thought you found a great helper, but a bunch of ants."

The half-god giant slammed the black corner and everyone looked at it with disdain.

The Holy Lord in the squad in front of him could not resist even the mighty power of the semi-god, and only the sacred king could enter his eyes.

The sacred king listened to this, his face was stiff, and his eyes said deeply: "What do you do?"

Zhao Feng and others were chased by the demigod and could escape all the way. This proves that Zhao Feng and others have some methods to resist this alien god.

Moreover, there are Kunyun in the team of Zhao Feng. Kunyun is a semi-god rebirth. Now he has recovered to the realm of the Holy King, but his true strength is bound to be extremely powerful.

In addition, the heart of the sacred king is also eager for a confrontation with the demigod.

"The way is natural"

Zhao Feng smiled slightly and took out the black flag.

"The death of the nine secluded palaces"

The sacred king of the sacred curtain saw a lot of knowledge and recognized the origin of Zhao Feng’s flag.


Zhao Feng threw three black flags and handed them to the sacred king, Nan Gongsheng and Zhao Yufei.

This dead 煞 灵 阵 正是 正是 正是 正是 正是 正是 正是 正是 正是 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九In the hands of Zhao Feng.

"You are back"

The sacred king immediately said to the other members of the black corner.

The ordinary Lord is useless in the presence of the demigod.


After listening to the elders of the elders, the other members of the black corner immediately retreated several times.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng four people directly surging Xuanguang Shengli, urging the flag.


The black flags on all sides, standing in the void, each burning black power of the ghost road, the ghostly crying and screaming of the world, it is creepy.

In an instant, the four flags, black light, all the way skyrocketing, hit the top of the crystal wall, like four giant pillars.

In the square, it was penetrated by a black blood, and the whole body of Zhao Feng, the sacred king and others condensed a mask of black flaming fire.

"Kun Yun, you are holding down the gods, we help you."

Zhao Feng immediately said.

The only one in the team that can compete with the semi-god is the Kunyun and the sacred king. In contrast, Kunyun is stronger.

"it is good"

Kun Yun directly agreed.

He did not expect Zhao Feng to have such a high-level array. The power of the big array can bring together the power of Zhao Feng’s four people. It is easy to kill the ordinary king. This horrible array, plus Kunyun, has not tasted. Can not face the semi-god giant.

"The sorcerer's predecessor, you will have your main battle when you die."

Later, Zhao Feng said to the sacred king.

The dead 煞 煞 阵 乃 乃 乃 乃 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、

"Promoting attacks and killing"

Zhao Feng said directly.

As long as consciousness is integrated into the flag, it is natural to know the law of the urging.

The four men ran a special method, and one palm slammed on the flag of the black flame burning.


In the dark space of hell, there are countless haunted ghosts, face-faced, and stick out white and gloomy claws.

These haze and ghosts slowly merged together to form a huge huge scorpion, covering the entire array.

"Truthful arrays, want to stop me?"

The semi-god giant fierce face with disdain, the amount of momentum, and a huge dark red wave blade.


Kun Yun immediately shot, weakening the attack of the semi-god.

Subsequently, the four people ran wildly under the sacred light of the sacred light, and the whole screaming ghosts, the huge scorpion creatures stretched out the gloomy two claws, resisting the impact of the dark red wave blade.

The entire squad swayed and all the power in the big squad poured into the sky.

In the end, the four still resisted the attack of the gods.

Although the last time, Zhao Feng and Kun Yun joined forces to resist the attack of the semi-god, but that time was the power of the artifact.

"Death 煞 灵 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The curtain of the holy king of the nine secluded palaces has long heard of this.

"Hey, if there is one person, this method will have no effect."

The semi-god suddenly saw his own attack being resisted, and his face was angry.


This time, the semi-god did not attack the entire big battle, but attacked someone who had a flag.

"Yu Fei"

Before the semi-god shot, Zhao Feng guessed the target of his attack.

Weng Hong

A huge dark red wave blade, with the arrogant atmosphere of smashing everything, smashed to Zhao Yufei.

Even if Zhao Yufei is pregnant with the blood of the spirit, the defense is amazing, but the semi-god attack contains divine power, even if it is the spiritual body, it may be completely destroyed.

"Nan Gong Sheng, Jin Chidun lends me a hand"

Zhao Feng said directly.

Nangong St. hesitated for a moment, or handed Jinchi Shield to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng's left arm waved, Vientiane Lord appeared in Zhao Feng's position, presided over the big array, and Zhao Feng took over Jinchi Shield, pushed the wings behind to the limit, rushed to Zhao Yufei next to, urging Jinchi Shield.


In the sky, there is a huge beast head. At the same time, the scorpion ghosts condensed by the shackles of the dead cockroaches stick out their claws, and cooperate with the power of the artifacts of Zhao Feng to resist the attack of the gods.


At this time, Kun Yunzheng stimulated the blood of the body and mobilized a trace of divine power to smash it through the double fists and blast it out.

I saw that the light punches of a group of Jin Mang Xia Shi, exuding the artistic power of the turbulent world, rushed to the semi-god.


Zhao Feng, who used the secondary artifact, cooperated with the power of the dead scorpion to resist the attack of the lower half of the gods.


Zhao Feng spurted a blood, and the whole body suffered from severe pain. Zhao Feng, who had no magic power, could hardly play the real power of the secondary artifact.

On the other hand, the semi-god was violently hit by Kunyun's attack, and was repelled dozens of steps and fell into the rear crystal wall.

Although Kunyun is only a holy king, but his artistic conception is deep, and with the power of God, he can still hurt the half-god.


Zhao Yufei's eyes are foggy and sobbing.


Zhao Feng immediately operated the water thunder and the wooden wind thunder in the body to heal.

"Well, it hurts that old man."

Kunyun was proud of it.

From being hunted by the demigod, his attack made the semi-god violently wounded for the first time.

On the other hand, the sacred king of the sacred face with a smile, contend with the demigod, and hurt the demigod, this can be regarded as his best record so far.

Hiding in the rear of the black corner of the other saints, wide eyes, sucking air.

In their hearts, the demigods have always been legends in the mainland, invincible existence.

At this moment, their Taishang elders, the sacred king and Zhao Feng and others joined forces, but they can resist the alien and half-god, and also hurt the half-god, this is incredible.

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