King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1097: solution

A vast crystal space, a cave on the right side of the cliff.

The king of Yuling, the king of Biguang, and the king of Xihai suddenly had a shock, and they looked incredibly at the mouth of the huge passage.

"Zhao Feng"

"There are also Nangong Sheng, Zhao Yufei and Kun Yun"

The King of Biguang was shocked.

"How could they come here?"

The king of Yuling stayed in the same place, and his mind was booming.

Zhao Feng, a few people, is clearly being chased by the alien gods, how could it be or appear here.

"what happened?"

At this time, there was an old voice in the depths of the cave.

"The elders of Taiji, the younger generation found that Zhao Feng and others were chased by the aliens and half-god. Now they see Zhao Feng coming, so they are a little surprised."

Yuling Sheng Wang immediately replied.

The demigod taiji has some origins with the ancestors of Yuling's sacred king. If it is not the semi-god Taiji who promoted the sacred king of Yuling many times, he will not grow to this place, and he will be mixed into the present position.

However, regarding the contradiction between himself and Zhao Feng, Yu Ling Sheng Wang did not dare to mention, those things in the eyes of the demigod, even the trivial things are not counted.

However, after the Buddha King said this, all the personnel of the Taihuang Temple in the entire crystal wall cave were shocked, and then the spirit swept out.

"That is the sacred king and Kunyun"

The sound of a king of the royal palace sounded.

The rest of the Taihuang Temple also suddenly understood that Zhao Feng and others were able to escape the demigod of the demigod, and it must be the team of the Sha Tau Kok and Kun Yun.

At this time, the atmosphere of Kunyun and the sacred king of the sacred curtain has been enhanced and the strength is extraordinary. Therefore, members of the Taihuang Temple firmly believe that this is the reason.

In a wide channel.

Zhao Feng naturally discovered the location of the Taihuang Temple.

"The Imperial Palace should not be shot to me."

Zhao Feng noticed a trace of difference.

Zhao Feng’s actions did not affect the demigods of the Taihuang Temple, so Zhao Feng dared to do those things.

On the side of the Dagan dynasty, the Taihuang Temple was the supreme ruler of the Dagan dynasty. Their every move attracted all the nearby human forces and squads.

In the cave near the cliff, in the ruins of the ruins on the ground, a glimpse of the spirit sweeps out.

Of course, most people's consciousness is mainly concentrated on the members of the Shady Corner and Kun Yun.

The black curtain corner belongs to the neutral force. In the Dagan Dynasty, many forces and squads wanted to win.

Kunyun is a semi-god rebirth. This matter has already spread in the two great dynasties. Kunyun is naturally the object that many forces want to draw.

In one of the ruins of the ground, the nine secluded palaces are half-sacred, and the sacred lord of the demon, staring at Zhao Feng.

"How can it be"

In the demon teaching team together with the Nine Palace, the ghost king was surprised.

The demigod of the gods is slightly flashing and just ready to speak.


Inside the wide crystal channel, it radiates a powerful force of fear and deterrence.

The squads of the two nearby dynasties stood in the same place, unable to move half a step, and looked at the godlike figure floating in the air with fear.

"Half god?"

Zhao Feng’s mouth smeared a smile.

"Old is not dead, you are still behind us."

Kunyun laughed haha.

The sacred king shook his head, and with the members of the black corner, immediately entered the vast wall space in front.

"Give me to die"

The semi-god is extremely fierce and angry, and the long hair is floating in the void, turning into a fierce yellow light of extreme power, and it is shocked toward Zhao Feng and others in front.

Zhao Feng, Nan Gong Sheng and others immediately entered the front wall space and then flew to the right.

The semi-god slammed into the wall space and immediately came to Zhao Feng and others to prepare for the shot.


In the cave where the Taihuang Temple was stationed, there was a loud anger.

The whole space suddenly calmed down, and the invisible suppression of the atmosphere made the ordinary Lord's heart tense and did not dare to vent.

At the same time, that voice turned into a heavy and incomparable artistic force, which hit the body of the gods.


That screams, deep into the soul of the gods, and also directly defeats his willpower.

At the same time, the right side of the crystal wall space, a strong breath, looming.

The demigod of the gods was shocked, and eventually the power of the operation was fully recovered.

"come back"

In the left area, in a cave above the crystal cliff, a chilling sound is heard.

The semi-god slammed immediately to the left, where was the site of the glory.

Zhao Feng and others were safe and sound, smiled and went on.

A few of them, since they dare to be so relaxed and casual, naturally they are convinced that it is impossible for the gods to kill them here.

In this huge crystal wall space, the forces of the two great dynasties each occupy one side.

If the semi-god rushed into the site of the Dagan dynasty, Zhao Feng and others were killed, and the emperor’s face was preserved, how to unify the dynasty.

But at this moment, the team of Zhao Feng and the sacred king was immediately noticed by all the forces of the two dynasties.

"What happened between them and the half-god? It’s so hateful to the interracial gods."

Among the human side, a strong Samsung elder is amazed.

Zhao Feng and others randomly found a corner and stopped. The team of the sacred king was away from the Zhao Feng team and walked inside.

On the way to the head of the corpse of the gods, the two sides discussed it. Zhao Feng said that he would not join forces with other forces. Therefore, the cooperative relationship between the sacred king and Zhao Feng has long ended.

Zhao Feng and Kun Yun, gathered together, and then laid a layer of enchantment around.

The people had not spoken yet, and outside the enchantment, they came to an uninvited guest.

"Zhao Feng, the nine elders of the palace, please go to the past"

The Lord of the Magic is complex and looks to Zhao Feng.

The Lord of the Magic, who once attacked the main hall, thought that when he was cured, he would be rewarded with the next time he met Zhao Feng.

But Zhao Feng at the moment made him somewhat afraid.

"Nine Palace"

Zhao Feng’s heart suddenly sinks.

He did not expect that the nine princes were so direct to the elders that they were ready to start.

As long as I entered the site of the Jiugui Palace, Jiugui Palace half-sacred sea killed Zhao Feng, just find a reason to perfuse the past.

Alien and half gods here, it is almost impossible to kill a human being, and the human god, the half god, wants to kill a human saint here is very simple.

When Zhao Feng thought about the solution, there was an old and loud voice in a cave in the cliff.

"Iron family is too elder, want to meet with Zhao Feng's little friend"

Inside the cave, an old man with a white robe and an old red hair showed a smile.

"Iron family"

Zhao Feng looked at the source of the sound.

The last time I contacted the iron family, the Tiejia sent a red iron, and wanted to match the two, but Zhao Feng was cold and iron, and then left alone.

Originally, Zhao Feng thought that the Iron House would be angry because of this, at least not showing a good attitude.

But at this time, the iron family lend a helping hand at this critical moment, but it surprised Zhao Feng.

The person who said this sentence is still the grandfather of Iron Hongling, and the iron family is the elder of Chiyang.

The nine secluded palaces are stationed in the ground, and the half-god is fascinating.

"come back"

The semi-divine secluded sea gives the voice of the Lord of the Devil.

Since the iron family has already spoken, then even if he invites Zhao Feng to come over, he can't rival Zhao Feng.

Although the nine secluded palaces and the iron family are the top forces of the Samsung, the relationship between the iron family and the Taihuang Temple is undoubtedly better.

"That Zhao Xiaoyou, go to the Iron House first."

The magical lord smiled and made the surface work.

After saying this, the Lord of the Devils will leave directly.

Zhao Feng is here again, but it has been noticed by many forces and powerful people of the two dynasties.

An ordinary lord first caused the killing of the aliens and half gods, and then attracted the invisible competition of the two peaks of the Dagan dynasty. Where is this person sacred?

Of course, the Dagan dynasty party almost knows Zhao Feng, and also understands the relationship between Zhao Feng and Jiugui Palace and Tiejia.

Zhao Feng immediately left the enchantment and flew to the place where the Iron House was located.

Although Zhao Feng has some resistance to the iron family, but the iron family half **** is definitely here, and this time the iron family helped Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng naturally can not help but give iron face.

At the enchantment of the Tiejiashan cave, there was a hole, and then Zhao Feng entered it.

Inside the cave, the Iron House has many saints and holy kings, and his eyes are burning and looking at Zhao Feng.

"Thank you for the release of Chiyang's predecessors"

Zhao Feng first held a fist and thanked him.

"Zhao Feng little brother, don't see it, come inside."

Iron Red Ling’s grandfather, the Red King, took the initiative to invite Zhao Feng into the inside.

In the middle of the cave, an old man with a flash of nothingness and red light was on his knees, and he became a restricted area in his body.

"Tiejia half **** red blood"

Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked.

But at this time, the Iron Man’s demigod was closed and completely ignored the outside world.

"Zhao Feng little brother, I didn't expect you to have a new person."

The holy king of Chiyang laughed haha.

Zhao Feng is slightly embarrassed. He naturally knows that the person who is said by the Red King of Sanyang is Zhao Yufei.

"At the beginning, the old man wanted to match the little girl and Zhao Xiaoyou. It seems that the little girl’s blessing is not enough."

The holy king of Chiyang continued.

Compared with Zhao Yufei, the first woman of the Iron House, Iron Red, is indeed inferior.

"Where, the red diamond girl is excellent..."

Zhao Feng also set a few words with the Red King.

The holy king of Chiyang gave Zhao Feng an excellent impression. As a holy king, he did not have any arrogance, and his face was kind and easy to contact.

Subsequently, the Red King of Sanyang finally said the topic.

"Can Zhao Xiaoyou not become a full-fledged iron, let the perfect blood magic Yang return to the iron family?"

The holy king of Chiyang lamented.

Zhao Feng looks a little deep, this question, he also thought about it many times, once he joined the iron family, he will be sheltered by the iron family, and Jiuyi Palace will never find him trouble.

But in the end, Zhao Feng still refused to join the Iron House, Jiugui Palace did not find Zhao Feng's trouble, Zhao Feng would like to find the trouble of Jiugui Palace.

Thinking about such a problem, Zhao Feng thought of a solution, but there are also many uncontrollable factors.

"The younger generation is naturally willing to fulfill the predecessor of Chiyang."

Zhao Feng said lightly.


Throughout the cave, all the mighty faces were shocked, and an invisible hot air filled the entire cave.

In the inner center of the cave, the half-hearted red blood sitting cross-legged, the brow moved slightly.

"Zhao Xiaoyou is willing to join..."

The holy king of Chiyang is a little excited.

He did not expect Zhao Feng to promise so decisive, but Zhao Feng is not like a joke.

"The younger generation does have some special methods. If the predecessors don't mind, they can send a few disciples to the main hall. The younger generation will try their best to help them, awakening the true perfect blood magic, and the final result will not be fully guaranteed."

Zhao Feng interrupted the words of the holy king of Chiyang and said a solution he had thought of long ago.

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