King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1098: Reincarnation

"The younger generation does have some special methods. If the predecessors don't mind, they can send a few disciples to the main hall. The younger generation will try their best to help them, awakening the true perfect blood magic, and the final result will not be fully guaranteed."

Zhao Feng said the way he thought about it a long time ago.

"Special method?"

Inside the cave, many members of the Iron House screamed.

The perfect blood magic Yang in Zhao Feng has already surpassed the perfect blood magic sun that appeared on the Iron House on the same day. Therefore, the iron family executives have always speculated that Zhao Feng may have any way to continuously promote the blood.

Now Zhao Feng personally said that they are more convinced of the previous guess.

At the same time, some iron parents have become greedy. If they can get this method, Tiejia is not able to cultivate a perfect blood and blood.

Between the high-level members of the iron family, they exchanged sounds.

Among them, Zhao Feng’s plan has roughly two attitudes.

First, I promised Zhao Feng, but I can still make a good relationship with the master.

In the recent development of the main hall, all the forces of the Dagan dynasty are obvious. It will not take long for the lord to become one of the most powerful forces in the dynasty.

Second, kill Zhao Feng and get the special method Zhao Feng said.

As long as the iron family is half-hearted and bloody, killing Zhao Feng should be effortless.

Once the iron family can look at the perfect blood magic yang, it will not take long for the iron family to become the strongest Samsung force in the mainland and even win four stars.

But at this time, the holy king of Chiyang spoke up.

"If this is the case, then there will be Lao Zhao Xiaoyou."

The holy king of Chiyang smiled slightly.

At first, he only intended to let Zhao Feng and Tiejia women combine to give birth to several children, so there is a great possibility that there is a perfect blood and blood.

But now, Zhao Feng admits that he has a special way, willing to help the iron family disciples awaken the perfect blood magic Yang.

Compared with the previous Tiejia high-level approach, Zhao Feng’s plan at this time will undoubtedly make the Iron House’s gain even greater.

However, this interest can be expanded, that is, the special method is obtained from Zhao Feng.

But in the end, the Red King of Sanyang still dispelled this idea.

First: He does not believe that there is any way to awaken such a powerful blood without limit.

Second: Zhao Feng’s growth really shocked him. When the two met, Zhao Feng was still the realm of the Great, but now he is the Lord. With Zhao Feng’s talent potential, even if it is a breakthrough in the gods, it is impossible.

Third: Zhao Feng dares to say that he has a special method, which makes the Chiyang Holy King somewhat surprised. Zhao Feng’s grasp of the truth is that the Iron House will not shoot him.

Fourth: This is also the idea of ​​half-death red blood.

After the words of the Red King of the Red Sun, the other strongmen of the Iron House only had the idea of ​​killing Zhao Feng.

Because this decision made by the Red King of Sanyang must have been discussed with the iron family's elders and half-deity.

"But this thing still has to wait for the younger generation to return to the main hall to complete."

Zhao Feng showed a sly smile.

The meaning of Zhao Feng’s sentence is very obvious. It is to let the iron family protect itself unconditionally. Once he has an accident, the plan just mentioned can't be implemented.

"This is nature"

The holy king of Chiyang understands the meaning of Zhao Feng.

With the protection of the iron family, the nine secluded palace will not dare to understand how to Zhao Feng.

Moreover, Zhao Feng and Kun Yun are together, and they also have the secondary artifacts of the fascinating world. As long as they do not intentionally commit crimes, they should not have any problems.

"The younger generation will leave."

Zhao Feng slightly worshipped and left the cave.

At this time, the voice of the half-hearted red blood sounded slightly.

"After the end of the corpse, the old man will try to break through the position of God. It may succeed or fail. Therefore, during this time, the iron family should not succumb to other forces...

Iron and steel executives, a moment of silence.

If you hit the heavens and the gods, you will return to the ancient gods and enter the wilderness domain. If you fail, you may be ruined and annihilated.

That is to say, by the time the Iron House has no semi-god strong people to sit in the town, and the main hall is a great potential, the Iron House should try to make good interests with it, and don't offend it.

In the wide crystal wall space, Zhao Feng left safely from the iron home station.

In a corner below, Zhao Yufei looks happy.

"Feng brother, Iron House is not against you?"

Zhao Yufei asked with concern.

"They won't do it for me."

Zhao Feng said confidently.

Today, Zhao Feng has the protection of the iron family, at least not too worried about the demigod of the nine secluded palace, then the last sacred arrow can stay and deal with other crises.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng's gaze looked directly at the front of this vast wall space.

At the end, it is a huge platinum no-light curtain. This light curtain is composed of pure and high-spirited power. Its horrible divine power makes it impossible for anyone in the two dynasties to rely too close.

In addition, even if it is the **** of the demigod, it is impossible to penetrate the platinum-free light curtain.

However, from here to now, Zhao Feng found that the power in the light curtain is gradually weakening.

I believe that the people of the two dynasties have discovered this point and are stationed here.

As long as the power of the platinum-free light curtain disappears completely, everyone can enter it.

"This should be the most crucial place. I don't know what is behind the platinum curtain. What is there?"

Zhao Feng can't calm down.

The opportunity in this corpse is unquestionable. It is definitely the biggest secret that has appeared in the entire mainland.

Otherwise, the little thief will not get a real artifact.

However, the vast majority of people in the mainland dynasty do not have the thief's ability to do so. This corpse is so precious that it is enough to smash the treasures of the gods, but it is impossible to dig out.

Even Zhao Feng got the three vine fruits with the help of the little thief.

Zhao Feng involuntarily operated the power of Zuo Yu, above the golden plaque, suddenly filled with a layer of pale gold mysterious ripples.

"Try it out"

Zhao Feng's vision, the difficult to penetrate the layer of divine power of the platinum light, at the same time, Zhao Feng's willpower, fast consumption.


Zhao Feng’s vision suddenly became dark, as if suddenly coming to the night from the daytime, the powerful difference made Zhao Feng’s heart jump.

"This is the scene behind the light curtain?"

Zhao Feng is nervous.

The world is dark.

But this dark space is very incomparable, and there is something that is extremely conspicuous, which instantly attracts Zhao Feng’s attention.

It is a white gold light road that is tiled in the dark world, extending to a far-reaching place, and finally leads to a huge ball of light, the light ball slowly rotates, bursting into a gorgeous glow that can not be removed.

"The real opportunity should be in the ball of light, but the road seems to have only one."

Zhao Feng frowned.

That platinum road is very narrow, almost only allows four people to pass at the same time.

But here are all the people of the two dynasties, the peak of the strong, a road that only allows four people to pass at the same time, how is enough.

In this way, it is not forcing the two dynasties to directly shoot. If that is the case, the nature that suffers is the weakest Holy Lord, and may not be able to approach the light ball at all.

However, all this is only Zhao Feng’s speculation. No one will know what will happen in the end.

"From the last secret, open, there is still a period of time, try to improve the strength."

Zhao Feng said to Nan Gongsheng and Zhao Yufei.

However, if it is as time as Zhao Feng guessed, the two dynasties will compete for a road, and Zhao Feng will leave directly to find opportunities in other places in the corpse.

At this time, Zhao Feng noticed that in the two great dynasties, the spiritual knowledge of many forces swept out, complex, surprised or jealous.

"Reincarnation of the Holy King"

"It is actually the reincarnation of the eight great gods."

Zhao Feng could not help but look at the passage.

"The inheritance of the reincarnation"

Zhao Feng was surprised.

I didn't expect the owner of the reincarnation to come here, but Zhao Feng didn't find the figure of Liu Qinyin. I wanted to come, too. With the realm of Liu Qinyin, even the protection of her master is extremely dangerous.

Reincarnation of the Holy King, alone, standing in the channel, but the squad that came and went, showed the color of jealousy, no one dared to doubt his true strength.

At the same time, Zhao Feng also felt many unspeakable voices and angry atmosphere from the two great dynasties.

But think about Zhao Feng.

The reincarnation controls the dead, let them fall into the cycle of death, and never live forever.

The reincarnation of the Holy King is not a general generation. It is certainly the top power of the two great dynasties. Therefore, the reincarnation of the Holy King has offended many forces.

However, the ability to reincarnate the reincarnation of the Holy King has also helped many superpowers and powers.

Coupled with his own low-key, unpredictable combat power, even if the reincarnation of the Holy King offended so many forces, he survived in the mainland.

Reincarnation of the Holy King alone, slowly into this vast crystal space.

"Zhao Feng little brother, we met again"

Reincarnation of the Holy King slowly moved to the position where Zhao Feng was.

In the two great dynasties, many forces and powerful people vibrated again.

"Who is this kid, how is it related to him?"

"I didn't expect Zhao Feng to know the reincarnation of the Holy King. It seems that I still underestimated him."

The Red King of the Red Sun is deep in color, reincarnation in the hands of the Holy King, and also the soul of the Iron House.

"This kid is really not normal."

The nine secluded palaces are half-god and the sea is dark.

"Oh, anything, in front of me, only the end of destruction"

The aliens and gods are shattered, and the golden eyes flashed, and a hint of war emerged.

Next to Zhao Feng, Zhao Yufei and Nangong Sheng are all slightly surprised. The plain gray-haired old man makes them feel a strong and irresistible, and the illusion that they are not willing to contact.

In the eyes of Kunyun, there is also a rare taboo.

"Yeah, I didn't expect the seniors to come to such a lively place."

Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

Zhao Feng immediately removed the enchantment and let the reincarnation of the Holy King come in.

"I don't like the excitement, but I like the place with more power."

Reincarnation of the Holy King with a good face, the doubles swept around in a circle.

Within the two great dynasties, many of the Lord and the Holy King changed their faces and could not help but be cautious.

"Zhao Feng's little brother is really making rapid progress. If he hasn't seen it for a few years, there is such a big improvement."

After the reincarnation, I sat down and seemed to be ready to stay here.

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