King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1108: The coming strong

"No, now I can't kill Zhao Feng, get out of here..."

Bai Lin’s panicked voice came.

"Hey, you just let me give up that inheritance opportunity, and now stop me from killing Zhao Feng?"

The black-breasted dragon brows are slightly wrinkled, and a flash of light flashes through the eyes.

There are still many opportunities in that place of inheritance. When the black dragons are not explored, they leave in a hurry.

As a result, Zhao Feng was found now, and a drop of blood was found. Bai Lin advised him to leave.

"Reassured, it is easy to kill him."

The black scorpion dragon was excited and his eyes flashed with greed.

Semi-sacred blood, the ninth god

Looking at the two treasures that are close at hand, you can get rid of the two treasures.


The annihilation of the black dragon is turned into a black flame, and it is swept away to Zhao Feng.

In the ruins of the crystal, Zhao Feng is putting his right index finger into the crystal cave to fully extract the power of the god.

"The body has been unable to absorb the power of this blood."

Zhao Feng felt very headache.

So far, Zhao Feng has absorbed more than 20% of the blood power, but his body has reached saturation.

The main reason for being able to absorb so much blood power is that Zhao Feng used the power of the **** blood to break through the great light, and at the same time greatly enhanced the level of life and condensed the holy body.

Breaking through the mysterious Dacheng, the Shenglei body reached the peak of Dacheng, even if the face of Yuling Shengwang did not use the thunderbolt, Zhao Feng also had a great chance of winning.

Although, Zhao Feng can also integrate this power into the left.

But now his situation is not very good, once the power of the blood enters the left shackle, causing a certain mutation in the left squat, it is not good.

After all, after the use of the 戮神箭, the gods eye became the biggest reliance of Zhao Feng. Now, at this critical moment, how can Zhao Feng take the power of the gods to absorb the power of the blood?


Zhao Feng, who was thinking, suddenly noticed the same.


A blurry flame that could not be seen clearly came to Zhao Feng.

"Hurry and kill the world"

Zhao Feng looked shocked.

The annihilation of the black dragon is still staring at him, and at this time the dying black dragon is much stronger than the original.

Dacheng Shengzhu, it is estimated that even he can't take a single move, and the ordinary holy king is not his opponent at all.

"That's too late"

Zhao Feng looks anxious.

The thunderbolt brand in the Thunder body is only restored a small amount, and it can not cause damage to the dead black dragon.


Zhao Feng promoted the holy body of the sacred body to the greatest extent, and at the same time exerted the defensive secret law in the ninth layer of the earth.

Zhao Feng’s body is filled with a dark yellow wind and thunder force, which instantly forms a crystal armor surrounded by wind and thunder. The armor is surrounded by an invisible gravity.

"Hey, a trick will abolish you."

The sinister black scorpion dragon evil laughed, and the greedy eyes stared at Zhao Feng.


The black dragon that stretched out the black dragon stretched out the black claws surrounded by black dragon inflammation, a banned dragon's taboo, and came to Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng looked shocked.

In the face of such a powerful blow to the black dragon, the earthy thunder can't resist it.

At the same time, he saw from the eyes of the dying black dragon that the black blood dragon has discovered the blood of God.

"Saint Ray Shield"

Zhao Feng suddenly extended his right hand and held a huge wind and thunder force, forming a thick dark yellow Shield in front of him.

The claws surrounding the dark dragon of the black dragon are colliding with Zhao Feng’s right hand.


Zhao Feng's right hand condensed the Holy Ray Shield suddenly broke.

At the same time, Zhao Feng’s body sacred sacred sacred scorpion suffered an invisible impact.

But in the next moment, Zhao Feng’s right index finger released a powerful and powerful blood force, and with Zhao Sheng’s holy force, he rushed forward.


I thought that this blow would break the annihilation of the black dragon of Zhao Feng's defense, and was attacked by the power of this sudden blood.

"what happened?"

The annihilation of the black dragon was hit by dozens of feet, the body suffered a certain injury, and looked at Zhao Feng with a look of horror.

"My finger..."

Zhao Feng is also incredibly looking at his index finger.

Zhao Feng is surrounded by a dark yellow wind and thunder, but his right index finger shows a hint of purple blood.

In the index finger, a trace of purple blood, connected to the palm of Zhao Feng, leading to the whole body.

"My index finger has gathered too much blood power."

Zhao Feng immediately understood the cause and effect.

From the beginning to the end, Zhao Feng has always used the index finger to slowly extract the blood power of the red crystal wall.

Nowadays, Zhao Feng's body can't absorb the excess blood power, so this power is almost in the index finger.

In the confrontation with the dead black dragon, Zhao Feng invisibly released the blood power of the index finger.

"This kid is so wasteful"

The demise of the black dragon looked at Zhao Feng, and he understood the reason and could not help but roar.

That is the blood of this god, even if it is a true benefit to the true God, and Zhao Feng actually released this blood power for battle.

Far from the ruins, some human and alien saints were attracted by the horror energy fluctuations of Zhao Feng.

"That is, destroying the black dragon"

An alien singer screamed and his body was chilly.

"Scorpio, the black dragon has come here."

"Look, there is something in the crystal wall next to Zhao Feng?"

A sacred lord of the eye, noticed the blood of the gods next to Zhao Feng.

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes were attracted by the huge horrible blood of Zhao Feng.

However, the extinction of the black dragon is there, Zhao Feng is not good, even if they find heavy treasure, they are not afraid to approach.

The center of the crystal ruins.

"Oh, the blood of God has been exposed, Zhao Feng, you still give it to me."

The sinister black dragon reveals a sinister smile.

Even if Zhao Feng’s index finger contains some power of blood, Zhao Feng can’t control and use this power after all, just release it.

As long as you are careful, it is still a breeze to kill Zhao Feng.

But at this time, Bai Lin’s anxious voice came again in the body of the black dragon.

"Come on, you are a fool, do you want to die here?"

Bai Lin is in the original source space of the black dragon, and can't do anything. He can only continually shout.

"The breath of the descendants of the gods?"

Zhao Feng looked a little stunned and noticed a familiar atmosphere.

How can there be a sigh of sorrow?

The extinction of the black dragon is frowning, and he does not understand what is the crisis here.

But Bai Lin is so nervous and fearful, maybe there are any variables that are about to happen.

The extinction of the black dragon is somewhat entangled. It is really the attraction of the ninth **** and the blood of the gods.

Suddenly, the black dragon seems to feel what it is, and the whole body trembles.

"How can it be"

The dying black dragon suddenly showed a terrifying look.

The annihilating black dragon looked at Zhao Feng and the blood of the gods. He closed his eyes and fled directly.

"what happened?"

Zhao Feng looks slightly stunned.

As long as you go all out, it is very possible to kill yourself.

But at this critical moment, the death of the black dragon did not give up the treasure, and chose to leave, which made Zhao Feng very shocked.

Zhao Feng seems to be aware of a bad feeling.

Meow meow

At this moment, the little thief cat was drilled from the hollow world, and the two claws hurriedly made a plan.

"You have just been divined, is it dangerous to approach?"

Zhao Feng looks a little tight.

The divination of the little thief cat will not be wrong, and the little thief cat deliberately ran out to remind himself that the crisis is not small.

Is there a different half-god is coming?

However, let Zhao Feng give up this drop of blood, he is very reluctant.

"Little thief cat, help me"

Zhao Feng directly shouted.

The little thief cat understands the meaning of Zhao Feng, takes out the black dagger, and cut a few times into the tiny crystal hole.

At this moment, the power of the blood and the crystal wall is weaker than it was at the beginning, so Zhao Feng wants to try it and take the blood away.

In addition, Zhao Feng also observed the situation around, once there is a close relationship between the aliens and the gods, Zhao Feng can only give up the blood of the gods and use the lost world to escape.

"Death the black dragon is gone"

"Zhao Feng has treasures there, it should be a drop of blood."

Suddenly, the Holy Lord, who was originally stunned by Zhao Feng, immediately came in, and even the Lord of the Devils could not resist the attraction of the blood.

Just at this time

Over the battlefields of the two states, the sky and the sky were suddenly distorted, and a horrible and powerful space fluctuations spread directly.


Suddenly, the void was directly torn apart, forming a hollow black hole with no bottom.


A horrific space energy storm blew out from the gaps in the space next to the black hole.


All the materials that were blown up by this space of divine power were destroyed.

The void around the black hole shook violently.

Weng Hong

The sand and gravel flew away, the heavens and the earth were dim, and a heart-warming taboo of divine power, suddenly descended, and proud of the heavens and the earth.

"what is that?"

"A black hole appeared in the sky, what happened?"

On the ground, there are many powerful powers of the two dynasties. They are all waiting for the return of the mysterious light in the corpse, but unexpectedly, this change has suddenly occurred in the sky.


In the black hole, suddenly a man with a shimmering light was coming out.

The man looks cold and wears a black gold dragon armor, a horrible atmosphere that deterizes the world, like the supreme god, suddenly descending between heaven and earth.

The black gold dragon armor is in a certain area, and the void is distorted, showing an unstable trend.


Above the battlefields of the two states, tens of thousands of powerful forces, whether they are the Lord, the King, the Emperor, the Quasi-Lord, or a small number of Lords, all spurt a blood, and their legs are soft and squatting. Like worshipping the supreme god.


The black holes in the sky gradually shrink and eventually dissipate.

"I have to suppress some power again."

The black gold dragon armor whispered.

Immediately, the vigor of the heavens and the earth was slightly weaker, and the surrounding space gradually recovered.

But above the earth, all the strong men of the two great dynasties, the whole body blood, the real yuan, the soul, were all suppressed by death, and they were all shaking, and they could not lift their heads.

The black gold dragon arm slowly fell down, his eyes flashing a golden light, looking down.

"Without the big man, you actually died in this dusty place."

The man wearing a black gold dragon armor laughed.

The head of the corpse of God, in a platinum palace, has no trace of consciousness.

"After all, it’s coming."

Xin has no trace of helplessness, lamented.

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