King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1109: True god

The head of the corpse of God, in a platinum palace, has no trace of consciousness.

"After all, it’s coming."

Xin has no trace of helplessness, lamented.


In this magnificent and large platinum palace, there are many tiny platinum rays that circulate to all parts of the skull.

The next moment, the strong ones who are looking for opportunities in some buildings, or who are still insisting on the light path, are all transmitted directly to the area outside the skull of the corpse by a tough force.

"what happened?"

Reincarnation of the Holy King reveals doubts.

He also felt the artistic power in a landscape painting in the study room. He left it the next moment.

"How come I got out?"

An alien holy king yelled.

He just entered a silver hall and was ready to take a treasure, but it was suddenly sent out.

"It's too unfair, I just passed that light path."

A human being is a great lord, unwilling to say.

In the ruins of the crystal.

There are many human and alien saints around, coming to Zhao Feng, wanting to **** that drop of blood.


Zhao Feng snorted, but these enemies, he released the silkworm butterfly, Vientiane Lord can still resist.

Some of the sacred masters of Xuanguang Xiaocheng, Zhao Feng, a range of soul illusions, can be directly resolved.

"Well? There seems to be a lot of strong people nearby."

Zhao Feng looks awkward.

His god's eyes suddenly observed not far from the vicinity, and there were many figures. There were three strong men, and one of them was an acquaintance.

"The situation is not good"

Zhao Feng has a slight face.

Those strong, almost at the same time, were transferred to this neighborhood.

Zhao Feng finally realized that a major crisis seems to be coming.

"Let's open, little thief cat"

Zhao Feng directly shouted.

At this point, the small hole in the crystal, the drop of blood from the bottom, is almost separated by a film.

Zhao Feng put his right index finger into the crystal cave, and used his power to directly extract the blood.

At the same time, Zhao Feng runs the ice water and the ice gun, and gathers on the right hand.


So close to each other, Zhao Feng took the most effort to extract the blood of the gods.


A few purple bloodstains poured into Zhao Feng's index finger.

Zhao Feng feels that his index finger is about to burst, and that powerful energy begins to spread to his palms and arms.

"Ice Seal"

Zhao Feng runs the ice water and blood, and urges the ice emperor to seal the meridians and flesh in his index finger to complete ice.

In the index finger, the force of the violent blood was slightly eased.

But Zhao Feng immediately began to extract the power of the blood of God.

Every time he takes 10% of the blood power, Zhao Feng will spur the blood of the ice and the ice gun, and further freeze the seal.

Zhao Feng’s plan is to extract all the blood of the gods and freeze it in this finger.

"Get on"

"Zhao Feng is drawing the power of the gods"

Nearly ten saints came to Zhao Feng.

Meow ~

The little thief cat held the black dagger and turned it into a dark gray silver awn, and broke into the void.

The next moment, the rushing Lord of the crowd.


A dark silver dotted line, accompanied by a chilly dark edge, flashed away in the void.


A small sacred Lord, the divine power of the body is directly split into two halves, and their souls are also fatally stabbed.


As a saint suddenly fell to the ground, the rest of the Lord suddenly woke up.

But it was too late, and it was a dark silver edge, crossed in the crowd, and a Holy Lord fell silently.

Meow meow

The little thief cat returned to Zhao Feng and looked at the other saints with a smug look.

"Zhao Feng, see you have a share"

"I don't want to swallow the blood"

At this time, two nearby human holy kings came, one of whom was the Holy Light.

The two of them, just looking for opportunities in the head of the corpse of God, were sent out without reason, and their hearts were extremely angry.

But when they came here, they found a drop of blood of the gods, how can they let go of such an opportunity.

But this time, Zhao Feng has stood up.

His right index finger, completely smashed into the color of purple gold, flooded with an amazing blood.

In addition, Zhao Feng's finger surface is covered with a layer of faint ice film, and the surface of the ice film continues to crack, but healed immediately.

"Go, little thief cat"

Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

With a wave of left hand, Zhao Feng and the little thief cat disappeared in a layer of empty silver shadow.

"Oh, the blood of God was taken away by him."

The King of Biguang is extremely angry and shouts.

He is too far away from Zhao Feng, and it is too late to stop Zhao Feng from using the lost world.

At the edge of the corpse, the figure of Zhao Feng and the little thief cat slowly emerged in a layer of empty silver shadow.


Zhao Feng screamed and immediately ran the blood of the ice, constantly pouring into the index finger, sealing the blood of the blood.

"For the time being,"

After a long time, Zhao Feng breathed a sigh of relief, revealing a hint of surprise.

The blood of the gods was completely captured by Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng can only freeze the remaining power of this blood, and when he needs it, he can directly extract it.

It would be better if there were other ways to separate this blood.

But Zhao Feng does not have time to consider this now.

"Leave the corpse first."

Zhao Feng has a plan in mind.

Among the gods, Zhao Feng has obtained enough treasures. The most important thing is that Zhao Feng has a very uneasy feeling. It seems that something big is going to happen. In addition, the little thief cat also divinates bad things.

At this time, there was an unexpected situation in the open world.

Zhao Feng’s thoughts instantly entered the world of fascination.

"What's wrong? Ancient God Seal"

Zhao Feng was shocked.

At this time, ‘the ancient **** seal, floating in the hollow world in the air, violently shaking, the cyan fine lines on it, sparkling and shining.


A horrible divine power spread out from it and ruined the nearby space.

"Unable to communicate, this way, the ancient gods may ruin the world of the lost"

Zhao Feng is a little annoyed, how can his artifacts show such a change.

Zhao Feng runs left and locks the ancient **** seal.

next moment

In the whole body of the ancient gods, there was a space of water ripples.

call out

The ancient **** seal was inhaled into the left space.

After entering the left-handed space, the ancient **** seal was completely suppressed, and finally stopped shaking, and the light on it gradually dimmed.

"what happened?"

At this point, Zhao Feng found that something was wrong.

As the master of this artifact, Zhao Feng feels that the ancient **** seal is because of certain things, this will happen.

At this moment, a powerful spiritual spirit was swept from the top.

When Zhao Feng felt that this spirit had swept his body, some secrets of Zhao Feng’s whole body were exposed in an instant.


Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked.

After dealing with the demigod, Zhao Feng was able to detect it.

However, the feeling of this **** to Zhao Feng is higher, revealing a noble atmosphere that cannot be rebellious.

At the same time, Zhao Feng still feels that this **** has made a mark on himself.

At the same time, almost all the strong people in the corpse space were aware of this powerful god.

Some of the more powerful souls of the Holy King also noticed that their souls were marked by this god.

Somewhere in the gods.

The demigod of the gods and the demigods of the demigods are together, and both have some minor injuries.

"This is? Youlong, more powerful than your gods."

The **** of the semi-god dragon is suddenly sinking.

"How is it possible? How can the mainland hide such a horrible strongman?"

The demigod of the half **** is shocked.

The semi-divine dragon is good at the soul system, but his gods are far less than the gods.


The soil layer above the corpse of God, violently shaking up, a world of horror and divine power, came.

The hard soil layer is automatically squeezed to the sides to open a wide road.

"Oh, I am late, no trace of adults have begun to receive strength."

The black gold dragon armor lamented.

"However, does the traceless adult actually hand over such things to other people?"

The black gold dragon armor was a little surprised.

In his hand, there was a broken black iron block with some fine blue lines on it.

Black gold dragon armor, put the black iron block away.

"This is also good, I am responsible for taking away such things, and the adults will be handed over to other adults."

Black gold dragon armor, smiled.

Soon, a man wearing a black gold dragon armor came over the corpse of God.

"Everyone is not allowed to leave"

The black gold dragon armor suddenly drank.

A huge spiritual energy suddenly spread to the lower body.

In the corpse of God, all the strong men of the two great dynasties, the spirit level sounded this majestic voice.

"Where is the strong?"

The semi-god has a dull look.

That mysterious strong man, with such strength, will pass this discourse to the soul level of someone at the place.

"It’s useless to go, it has already been marked by him."

Tian Suogong’s semi-deity is directly said.

The owner of this corpse is definitely stronger than the demigod, and he does not want to offend such a person.

At this moment, all the strong men in the corpse stand in the same place, looking up at the flashing figure above.

"what happened?"

The Nangong Sacred Heart is shocking.

"Be careful, Nangong Sheng, that is the true God."

In the Nangong Holy Body, the voice of the evil spirits sounded.

"True God"

Nangong Sheng was shocked and stared at the top.

With the spatial structure of the mainland, it is not enough to carry the power of the true God. Therefore, after the sign of the gods, the true God will leave here.

Therefore, the four-star sects in the mainland are not real four-stars. They are only pseudo-four-star sects. The true four-star forces must have true gods.

However, the true gods who come from the wilderness of the gods are different. Their true strength cannot be estimated. There must be an unusually powerful force behind them. They have certain special means to allow the heavenly powers to suppress certain strengths and adapt to other low spaces. And come.

The **** of evil spirits, telling Nangong Sheng about some of the things he knows.

"So, don't offend this true God."

The evil spirits are awe-inspiring and emphasize again to Nangong Sheng.

"The old man's palace is too elder, who is your lord?"

The body of the corpse of the gods, the half-god dragon Huang said.

The strong strength of the other side shocked the semi-god dragon, and as the strongest of the Dagan dynasty, he did not dare to support the big.

"Everyone, take your storage space and let the seat check it out."

The black gold dragon armor disregarded the words of the semi-god dragon emperor, and said indifferently, it is as usual.

All the strong in the corpse of God, the body and mind suddenly shocked.

Originally, they maintained a sense of awe in the sudden rise of the strong.

But the strong man, who wants to check their storage space, makes everyone in the corpse a hostile hostility.

The black gold dragon armor waved with a big hand, four purple transparent flags, and flew directly.


Four flags, flew around the corpse, inserted into the ground, forming a purple swaying enchantment, trapping everyone in the corpse.

"Second artifact"

The demigod of the gods is a glimpse.

The opponent is free to shoot, is a time artifact, which is the sacred?

Moreover, the other party’s words and behaviors are even more arrogant. Is he going to fight against the two dynasties with one person?

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