King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1110: Heavenly god

At this moment, all the strong men of the two great dynasties in the corpse could not calm down.

The mysterious strong man took out a piece of artifact in the shot and laid an enchantment around the corpse.

The enchantment formed by the secondary artifacts is even if the demigod wants to break through, it takes a lot of effort, let alone other holy kings and holy masters.

“Who is this person, why should we check our storage space?”

"He actually dared to trap us here."

In the corpse of God, many holy and holy kings, angry roar.

On one edge of the corpse of God, the black dragon of the world is as deep as dead water.

"Now, I can't go if I want to go."

The voice complained by Bai Lin sounded in the body of the black dragon.

The annihilation of the black dragon is indeed a strong collaborator, but it is too arrogant, and sometimes it is not willing to completely obey the words of Bai Lin.

"I didn't expect the true **** of the wilderness to come here. It seems that this **** is not a normal life before the birth of the gods. It must have a big secret."

The annihilation of the black dragon was amazed.

"Bai Lin, what should I do next?"

The annihilation of black dragons took the initiative to ask.

Today, he is also trapped in the enchantment released by the true God. The **** of the true God just swept once in the corpse of God. It may be because there are too many people, so he did not notice the identity of the black dragon.

If the annihilation of the black dragons rushes to the enchantment, it is undoubtedly to expose themselves to all people. At that time, the true **** may also kill him by hand.

Therefore, the death of the black dragon can only pin their hopes on Bai Lin, hope there is still a way.


Bai Lin simply said a word.

On the other hand, Zhao Feng stood in the same place, only to look at the man of the black gold dragon armor, he felt a majestic irresistible.

"If this person wants to kill me, maybe he only needs one thought, between the fingers..."

Zhao Feng was shocked.

He will never give the storage space to the strong.

In this way, Zhao Fengyu is not only a dead end?

How can there be such a terrible strongman in the mainland, and look at him like he is not afraid of the two great dynasties.

Zhao Feng did not expect that when he left the last moment of the corpse, there was such a change.

Meow meow

The little thief said something in Zhao Feng’s ear.

"You mean, staying with the half **** in the dynasty is safer?"

Zhao Feng looks slightly stunned.

He quickly understood the meaning of the little thief.

This strong man is so rampant and wants to check the storage space of all the strong people in this place, even the demigod is no exception.

Like any demigod and Zhao Feng, there must be secrets in the storage space that cannot be exposed. Therefore, the demigods in the dynasty will definitely compete with the mysterious powerhouse.

Zhao Feng is so small that he only needs to hide behind the **** of the Dagan dynasty and seek asylum.

call out!

Zhao Feng directly applied the Lei Yi Fei Yu, and went to the direction of the semi-god Dragon Emperor.

Just a half-god dragon has heard a word, so his position is exposed.

During the flight, Zhao Feng discovered that some strong people in the vicinity also gathered toward the Imperial Palace.

At this time, the power of all parts of the corpse is almost gone, and the surface of the corpse is even more riddled with holes. The power of the people is no longer suppressed, and the spiritual knowledge can easily pass through the crystal wall.

"Nan Gong Sheng?"

Zhao Feng found a familiar figure.

"Zhao Feng, go to the Taihuang Temple."

Nangong Sheng said directly.

"What is the origin of the sudden emergence of the strong?"

Zhao Feng thinks that Nangong Sheng seems to know something.

"That is a powerful force in the wild domain, opening up space barriers and opening up space channels to let this true God come to this place."

Nangong Sheng passed the news to Zhao Feng.

"The wild gods, the true God"

When Zhao Feng heard this sentence, his face suddenly disappeared and he paused for a moment in the air.

It is actually the true **** of the wild gods. It is no wonder that such a arrogance, even the Dagan dynasty half-god dragon is not in the eye.

However, after learning about this, Zhao Feng was even more worried.

On the other side, the black gold dragon armor entered the enchantment and landed at the foot of the corpse.

"Proactively put storage space."

Black gold dragon armor, look indifferent.

Some of the strong people near him, the suppressed movements are not allowed, and it is impossible to escape.

Black gold dragon men see these people have no reaction, a big hand wave, a strong rule of the righteousness as solid, forming a black-grained giant hand, grabbed the two Lords.

"let me go"

"what are you going to do?"

The two saints struggled desperately, but even a trace of the mysterious light could not work.

The black gold dragon armor's gods directly enter the storage space of the two people, in the small world.

After a thorough search, the black gold dragon armor left the two sacred lords directly.

"Ignorance, worry that I want the garbage in your storage space?"

Black gold dragon armor disdain smile.

"Adult, this is my storage space"

The rest of the strong people nearby, see the black gold dragon armor men so powerful, even more powerful than their half-god, and take the initiative to surrender the storage space.

"Who is you? We are the people of the Moon Palace, and you are doing this. Some are not right."

In the distance, a strange king of the Holy King asked directly.

Next to him, there is a holy king, three holy masters.

It is for this reason that the alien king of the Magic Heaven Palace asked for courage.

The black gold dragon armor looked up slightly and looked at the holy king.

"You also have to talk to me?"

The black gold dragon arm brows.


An invisible spiritual energy stirs the energy of the heavens and earth and rushes directly into the body of the Holy King.


The alien king had not had time to react, and the soul died completely, and the body fell to the ground.

"Nine Devils"

Next to it, another alien king, the whole body trembled, and shivered.

Such an understatement, a thought kills a holy king, who is this person?

The rest of the Lord is even scared and afraid to come out. Their souls and bodies seem to be solidified and cannot move.

call out

The alien king, immediately retreated.

"It’s a meeting with the elders of the elders."

This holy king can only put hope on the elders of the elders, as well as other demigods of the Yuyue Dynasty.

"Go fast"

The Holy Lord, who has a certain distance from the black gold dragon armor, also fled directly to the rear.

"Oh, stupid, no one can run."

The black gold dragon armor sneered.

He ignored the escaping saints and holy kings and checked the storage space of others around him without hesitation.

The corpse of the gods.

The demigod is extremely embarrassing.

"This is how you killed a holy king in the Magic Heaven Palace. Some are not very good."

The demigod forced the anger in his heart and asked coldly.

"Oh? What is it?"

Black gold dragon armor, a little bit of a blind eye.

"I will die if I violate my will."

Immediately, the black gold dragon armor's face was cold, and the whole body unleashed an endless stream of unparalleled power. The rules of the heavens and the earth shook and the void was distorted.


"Adults are forgiving"

Near the black gold dragon armor, many holy masters, the body and soul are suppressed by death, as if to break open, kneeling on the ground for mercy.

The words of the black gold dragon man are introduced into the soul level of everyone in the corpse.

The two great dynasties, all the strong people's heart and fierce shock, even the half-god dragon, half-god dragon, look is ugly.

"Hello, is this challenging the moon dynasty?"

The half-god dragon looks cold and cold.

The semi-divine dragon knows that he is not the opponent of this man, but can the mysterious man be able to counter all the gods of a dynasty?

The demigod dragon and the dragon looked at the black gold dragon man and saw that the other party did not respond, as if he did not hear it.

"Calling all the strongmen of the Dagan Dynasty"

"Calling all the holy kings and demigods of the Yuyue Dynasty"

The strongest of the two great dynasties, directly issued orders.

Suddenly, all the strong parts of the corpse were responded and gathered in the chest of the gods.

"Nan Gong Sheng, he has a way to counter so many deities?"

Zhao Feng was shocked.

"how could I know"

Nangong Sheng screamed.

Neither of them has ever seen the true true God. It is reasonable to say that even if this person is the true God of the wilderness, it is impossible to be the opponent of so many demigods.


At this time, Zhao Yufei came here.

"Yu Fei"

Zhao Feng has a large number of Zhao Yufei, and his look is slight.

At this time, Zhao Yufei changed a lot. Her whole body was amethyst, and it was like an ice jade fairy. She exuded the noble blood of the ancient times. Every move touched the vitality of the world. It seems that she was in the head of the corpse. Opportunity.

The arrival of Zhao Yufei attracted other strong men around the Dagan dynasty, but at this time, everyone is undoubtedly more concerned about the black gold dragon armor.

"Consolidate the realm first"

Zhao Feng has just broken through Xuanguang Dacheng, and his realm may be unstable and he is not familiar with his power.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng found a corner and began to retreat.

Although he is facing a huge crisis, his strength is too weak and does not play any role at all.

It is better to take advantage of this opportunity to consolidate and enhance its strength so as to ensure that it can survive in the next crisis.

Zhao Feng’s consciousness came to the world of the emptiness.

"The house of the half **** is not bad."

Zhao Feng began to clean up the resources he got from the semi-god huge storage space.

Although most of the time, the semi-god giants are chasing Zhao Feng and others, but when he first arrived in the corpse, there must have been great opportunities, and then there was a dispute with Kunyun.

In addition, the original savings of the semi-god giants are also very amazing. The sub-Shenzhen crystal has more than one hundred pieces. What makes Zhao Feng happy is that he has also discovered two Shenjing, although the power of the gods is consumed.

""God of God"

Zhao Feng found a secret method in a wooden box.

Immediately, Zhao Feng began to flip through the contents.

"It is actually the secret method that can melt the external power into its own strength."

Zhao Feng was very surprised.

Today, he has an artifact, but there is no power to drive the artifact, and this "Hua Shen" is just the solution to Zhao Feng's distress.

However, "God of God" also has a lot of drawbacks.

Although "Hua Shen" can let Zhao Feng have the power in advance, but when Zhao Feng breaks through the position of God, it takes a lot of time to exclude this power or to melt into its new power.

It was at this time, among the gods.

The black gold dragon man felt that the strongmen of the two great dynasties seemed to gather together and wanted to unite against him.

"How stupid behavior, actually dare to rebel against the will of the ancient soul temple"

The black gold dragon man felt this situation and suddenly smiled coldly.

"Then don't blame me, "God is really god, you are welcome."

Tianqi really looked at the stupid behavior of the two dynasties and dismissed it.

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