King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1112: Reincarnation of the Holy King

At this time, Tianru is in the hands of a real artifact, the artifact that is completely controlled by God.

The God of Heaven and God will bring the power of itself and the artifact to the maximum limit that this space can bear.

He can break the space with a single blow, and the power of the space cracks that are also invisible.

The attack of the people will not reach that standard and will be completely destroyed by it.


After smashing the attacks of the people, Tianqi Zhenshen condensed a black-skinned hand of the righteousness at the speed of Thunder, and took a strange king.

Heavenly God's soul consciousness, instantly enters the body of this holy king, and gains insight into all the secrets of him.


After a while, Tianqi Zhenshen threw the holy king aside.

All the half gods of the two dynasties, squatting in the same place, were shocked.

They never thought that this life would encounter such a terrible opponent.

With one person's power, block dozens of half-god attacks, while picking up a holy king.

At the rear, the Holy King and the Lord of the two great dynasties were disappointed and pale and colorless.

This battle in front of them completely exceeded their imagination.

“It’s so powerful”

Zhao Feng is shocked.

He did not expect that the two sides would play under the same circumstances.

"Everyone, it’s time to take all the strength."

The sound of the semi-god dragon emperor sounded.

Although the two great dynasties are temporarily united, there are still precautions between them. The first round of offensives is also a tentative attack.


All the half gods of the two dynasties changed in color.

In an instant, there are several pieces of artifacts that are flashing between the heavens and the earth.


The half-god of the Dagan dynasty and the secluded dynasty, respectively, floated on both sides of the real **** of the sky, forming a double-team.

"Useless work"

In the face of all the gods of the whole continent, Tianqi really smiles.

The strong men of the two great dynasties, when they heard this sentence, felt that their body and mind were greatly insulted.

"St. Dragon Strike"

The demon **** dragon waved the hand faucet gold rod.

The invisible power of the dragons around them floated into the void and poured into the secondary artifacts in the hands of the Emperor.

The leading golden rod suddenly shines, and a lifelike golden dragon emerges from it.

"The mark of the sky"

The sky is suspended, and the right hand throws a crystal hurricane.

"Ice Soul Dragon"

In the hands of the demigod of the gods, there is a dark purple seal, which evokes a soul dragon with ice and cold attributes.

"The world is infinite"

"Soul sword"

"Broken Light"

This time, the half gods of the two dynasties almost took out all the fighting power and exerted various powerful combat techniques.

There is a bang between the heavens and the earth, and the endless destruction of energy, crushing away to the **** of heaven.

"Hey, it seems to give you some color."

Tianqi Zhenshen faced all the demigods' attacks and snorted.


Tianqi Zhenshen displayed a wonderful pace and instantly rushed to the half-god team of the Dagan Dynasty.

"What? He actually took the initiative to meet our attack?"

One of the half gods of the Taihuang Temple, looked shocked and could not believe.


Heavenly God, rushed to the half-god of the Dagan dynasty, and actively hit the attack of everyone.

The black gold dragon-shaped armor on the **** of the gods, suddenly flashing the light, a black gold water rushing out, forming a deep and sea-like heavy force around the heavenly god.

The attacks of many demigods fell on the armor of the gods of the gods, and they were swallowed up without causing much influence.

"With your attack, you can't break the defensive of the Seven Seas Dragons."

Tianqi really sneered and waved a black pistol in his hand.

"Back, combined resistance"

The **** of the semi-god dragon suddenly drank.

He didn't think of it, and Tianqi really took the initiative to hit everyone's full attack, and it was still intact.

An attacking artifact, a defensive artifact, and a real god, there is no weakness, and it is invincible.

"Stop attacking him and doing it."

In the rear, the semi-god secluded dragon orders.

If the combat power of the Dagan dynasty is seriously damaged, the remaining secluded dynasty is less likely to be the opponent of the **** of heaven.

At this time, the fate of the two great dynasties was tied to a ship.

"Ghosts of the Dead"

"Breaking the impact"

Not far from the battle zone, the Lord and the Holy King of the two great dynasties stayed staring at everything.


The half-god of the two great dynasties is hard to damage the **** of the sky, and almost even his defense can not be broken.

In the face of the attack of the **** of the gods, the strongmen of the two great dynasties were only dodging, and even a few demigods suffered certain trauma.

"The power of the Holy King, participating in the war"

The half gods of the two great dynasties, at the same time issued orders.

Suddenly, the Holy King began to act.

Although their fighting power is insignificant in the face of the **** of the gods, the gathering of all the holy kings of the two great dynasties is also a terrorist force that cannot be ignored.

Moreover, all the strong players on the scene hope that they can do their part for this thrilling battle.

Kunyun, the sacred king, the bilight of the king, the king of the feathers, the reincarnation of the holy king, etc., all rushed out.

The holy kings of the two great dynasties, hiding behind the demigods, carried out a violent attack.


"Shadow thorn"

"Bitian strikes"

"Black dragon, still hiding in the dark?"

The half-god dragon suddenly sighed.

The semi-divine dragon has long discovered that the black dragon that was hidden in the side, but the situation is severe, so there is no management.

But at this time, it is necessary to pull down the black dragons into the water, on the one hand, it can increase its own combat power, on the other hand, it can also weaken the strength of the black dragon.

Many of the two great dynasties, the look was a little shocked.

However, it is completely negligible than the **** of the sky.

At the corner of the edge of the corpse, the body of the black dragon was destroyed.

"Okay, this time I am fighting with you."

The dying black dragon directly rushed out.

His identity has been exposed, and it is meaningless to hide and hide. Compared with the two great dynasties, he does not want to be chased by this true God.

"I didn't expect that there are descendants of the blood of the dragons in the world."

Tianqi Zhenshen looked at the black dragon with a little interest.

"Oh? Looks like there are still guys in the body."

The **** of the gods is shrinking and smiling slightly.

Bai Lin looked a little deep and her eyes were dim. The true God saw her existence at a glance, showing its strength.

For this true God, Bai Lin is unable to make any predictions.

However, the fate of the trajectory tells her that there is still a glimmer of life on the human side, but this is not alive, and she can't speculate.

With the participation of all the holy kings of the two dynasties, the battle was slightly stabilized.

After all, among the great powers of the Holy King, there are also some top-notch forces that are close to the demigods, such as Kunyun, Black Dragon, and Reincarnation.

Moreover, the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the Holy King is inexhaustible, with a large number of people, not afraid of life and death.

"In this way, constantly restraining his actions and making losses."

The Emperor of the Half God gave a cry.

Many demigods have tried their best, although they can't break the defense of the God of Heaven, the Seven Seas Dragon, but under the long-term attack, they will certainly wear the performance of this artifact.

The destruction of the half **** and the destruction of the black dragon have a very obvious effect.

"Hey, play with you, do you really think you are amazing?"

The **** of the sky is not disdainful, and his body suddenly bursts into a heart-rending power of the ancient times.

Tianqi really God's body color suddenly dimmed, as dark as the night, with floating purple stripes.

"The 82-year-old black demon bloodline of the Taikoo Wanzui list"

The **** of the half **** is amazed.

"The blood of a good horror"

"This is the ancient blood of the wild gods?"

The **** of the semi-god dragon is sinking and feels a strong pressure.

Tianqi Zhenshen is the blood of the Black Demon of the 82nd in the Taikoo Manchu list, but its blood concentration is far beyond the perception of everyone in the mainland.

At this time, all the strengths of the two dynasties were shocked by the strong blood of the gods, and even the half-god dragon with the first blood of the Emperor’s list could not face the real **** at this time. .

"Come on? Haha"

The sky is really dark, wearing a seven-sea dragon dragon, like a ghost of the ghost, shuttle in the battlefield.

It is like killing God, it is unstoppable to inspire the gods of the powerful ancient blood.


The strong of the two great dynasties, under their strong blood suppression and artifact attack, retreat.

"Oh, too strong."

The body of the demigod Tai Chi fell a few times and crashed into the crystal wall.


"Quickly let the Holy Lord fight to fight"

The half-god strong of the two great dynasties was shocked.

At the rear, the great masters of the two great dynasties were desperate.

In the face of such a powerful opponent, what can these saints do?

"The strong blood concentration is similar to the blood concentration of the dreams of the ancient heavens and the thunder."

Zhao Feng looked shocked.

You must know that the Thunderfire is the original race of the blood, and the **** of the sky is only the descendants of the blood of the Black Demon.

"What kind of world is it?"

Zhao Feng suddenly had a strong desire for it.

But at this time, it is still the most important thing in the battle. All the strong men of the two dynasties joined forces, and they could not stop the pace of the gods.

Even, there is a half-god strong, caught by the **** of heaven, directly killing


All the soldiers of the two dynasties, the mind suddenly sinks.

"You are half-god, the old man has a way, maybe it can come in handy."

At this time, the reincarnation of the holy king hidden behind, suddenly sounded.

The reincarnation of the Holy King has the reincarnation, and his own fighting power is extremely strong. Even if he is an ordinary demigod, he does not dare to ignore his existence.

The reincarnation of the Holy King is one of the oldest holy kings who have the longest life.

"It’s all time, let’s just say it."

The demigod dragon is dignified. Obviously, he did not pin his hopes on the way of reincarnation.

"This method requires the help of the power of all the eight great gods in the two great dynasties."

Reincarnation of the Holy King, voiced to some of the top two dynasties.

"God of the gods?"

The peaks of the two great dynasties, the look is slight.

The eight great gods, at least able to rank into the top 20 of the Taikoo people, and even the top ten special blood, their blood descendants will naturally not go anywhere.

However, there are all kinds of ridiculous legends about the Eight Great Gods, which makes it impossible to estimate the true blood power of the Eight Great Gods.

"What do you need me to do?"

On the part of the aliens, the half-death burst reveals a trace of doubt.

"The old man has a secret method. Once he is successful, he can gather the power of the descendants of the gods and produce the power to destroy the earth. It may threaten the true God. Of course, this secret princess has never tried it, so he cannot guarantee..."

Reincarnation of the Holy King slowly said.

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