King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1113: The power of the descendants of the gods

"The old man has a secret method. Once he is successful, he can gather the power of the descendants of the gods and produce the power to destroy the earth. It may threaten the true God. Of course, this secret princess has never tried it, so he cannot guarantee..."

Reincarnation of the Holy King slowly said.

Many powerful dynasties, the look is slight

Even the half-god dragon, which was originally not very interesting, has a great interest.

There has been such a legend that the eight great gods gathered together to summon ‘the highest ancestor, and can change the land and rebuild the universe.

Of course, this is just a legend. It is impossible to have eight great gods in the mainland. The authenticity cannot be proved.

But at this moment, the way the reincarnation of the Holy King said seems to be similar to this legend.

However, the way to reincarnate the Holy King is to gather the power of the descendants of the gods, and the number of descendants of the gods is not limited.

"Reincarnation of the Holy King, is this really true?"

The semi-god was shocked, and he was the first to hear about this secret law.

"The old man has not tried it, and he is not sure if he can succeed."

The reincarnation of the Holy King is heavy.

"Try it now."

The semi-divine dragon directly said.

Although the reincarnation of the Holy King does not dare to guarantee the success rate, once it succeeds, it may indeed be able to possess the power to destroy the land, which will be the only way for them to deal with the true God. Otherwise, the two dynasties will only go to ruin.

The demigod dragon also nodded.

Many of the two great dynasties, a little more expectation.

Of course, the exchanges of the people are only in a few semi-gods in a small scope. The rest of the two dynasties and the gods of the Tianhua do not know the way to reincarnate the Holy King.

"Please show all the descendants of the two dynasties."

Reincarnation of the Holy King.

"Hey? Like the Vientiane Lord of the Terran?"

The **** of the semi-divine dragons swept away and found that the Vientiane Lord was not in the body of God.

"Oh, half-God, the Vientiane Lord was left by Zhao Feng?"

Like the Terran Lord, immediately said

"Zhao Feng, surrender the Vientiane Lord"

The devil is shouting and drinking.


While practicing while observing the Zhao Feng of the battle, I look at it.

How suddenly, the half-god of the glory of the dynasty dying, asking yourself for the Vientiane Lord?

"Zhao Feng's little brother, temporarily release the Vientiane Lord. In doing so, it is also to deal with the **** of heaven..."

Reincarnation of the Holy King and Zhao Feng, telling the source of the matter.

"Is there such a secret, the power of the descendants of the Eight Great Gods?"

Zhao Feng is also extremely interested in the secret law of the reincarnation of the Holy King.

"Vientiane Lord, controlled by me"

Zhao Feng said coldly.

How could it be possible for him to surrender the Vientiane Lord?

It is because of the Vientiane Lord, Zhao Feng was so miserable that he was chased by the semi-god of the Terran, and now he will hand it over easily.

Zhao Feng’s attitude made the two dynasty’s half-god high-levels slightly unhappy, but at this time they were not convenient to say anything, otherwise it would be uncomfortable to let Tianqi really feel what God is.

Zhao Feng released the Vientiane Lord and operated most of his ideas into the minds of the Vientiane Lord.

"The whole body's manipulation of the Vientiane Lord is equivalent to my participation in this action as the Lord of the Vientiane..."

Zhao Feng has a hint of excitement.

In the left squat of the reincarnation, the black coil of the round suddenly spun up.

Then, a black robe appeared, and his face was pale, and God did not keep his house and dressed up in one eye.

"Zhao Feng"

The death emperor immediately shouted.

But everything he has is bound by the reincarnation, unable to act, and unable to run any power.

In the body of the dying black dragon, the breath of a descendant of the gods suddenly emerged.

Many of the two great dynasties perceive this breath, and the look of the micro-shock, why is there a breath of the descendants of the gods in the black dragon?

"Black dragon, let the fate come out"

Reincarnation of the Holy King said directly.

The dying black dragon does not know what is going on.

But Bai Lin in his body, based on various signs, speculated about things that others did not know.

A plain white woman appeared in the original source space of the black dragon.


Bai Lin called directly.

"Bai Lin"

The death emperor had a slightly mad look, and there was a trace of sadness.

"All this is a choice for the teacher."

The death emperor said something remorse.

Bai Lin, who showed the true purpose, looked at Zhao Feng with a cold face, and the straightforward killing was revealed.

"The Destiny of Destiny"

The two great dynasties, many powerful, look shocked.

The fate of the eight great gods has the lowest combat power, but the most mysterious and unpredictable god.

So far, many of the strong people who have been there have never heard of the descendants of the destiny, but the descendants of the destiny are on their side.

Many powerful people have finally figured out why the smashing black dragon can shun the wind in the corpse and avoid all crises.

Zhao Feng looked condensed, and when he and the annihilating black dragons played against each other, he discovered the existence of the fate.

For Bai Lin, Zhao Feng also has a heart to kill, but at this time there is no way to kill.

The death emperor, Zhao Feng does not matter, the other party has been unable to pose any threat to himself, and the death emperor is now very pitiful.

"The shackles of annihilation, the shackles of Vientiane, the shackles of death, the shackles of destiny, the reincarnation of the reincarnation, the descendants of the five great gods gather together"

All the strong men of the two great dynasties saw this picture and they were very embarrassed.

What happens to the power of the descendants of the gods?

"The descendants of the five great gods?"

Tianru really feels a little bad.

Some of the things about the Eight Great Gods, as a wilderness god, he knows more about this.

And the eight great gods are in the wilderness, and they are more inviolable masters.

"What can you do after the descendants of the gods?"

Tianhua really shouted.

The shape of the **** of the gods was passed away, and they immediately came to the camp of the two great dynasties.

"Block him"

The semi-god dragon emperor said directly.

The half gods of the two great dynasties immediately set off.

Never let Tianqi really hurt the descendants of the gods.

"I will pass the Fa to you."

The reincarnation of the Holy King secretly conveyed to other descendants of the gods.


The people who received the law immediately followed the requirements of the inside and cooperated with the reincarnation of the Holy King.

“The power to motivate the source space?”

Zhao Feng controls the soul of the Lord of Vientiane and enters the space of Vientiane.

"The power of the source"

The power of the origin of Vientiane is the power of Vientiane, the incarnation of all natural things in heaven and earth.

A color power that ignores the material of the soul and the rules of space is drawn by Zhao Feng.

At the same time, other descendants of the gods also draw different sources of power.

At the same time as the release of this source of power, the eyes of everyone are dim at the same time. Obviously, the power of consuming the source has a great impact on the eyelids.

"What power is that?"

Tianhua really feels the amazing power in front of him, and his heart has no end for a while.

Although those forces are still very weak, each force is the ultimate ambiguity of the world that is difficult for ordinary people to control.

When these mysterious forces are mixed together, what will happen, the **** of the sky does not know, but he has a bad feeling.

"It’s not enough to kill."

The **** of the sky is cold and cold.


"Block him"

The half gods of the two great dynasties immediately applied various means.

They saw that Tianzhu really cares so much about the strength of the five great gods and descendants, and everyone is more expecting.


The descendants of the five great gods, while running complex handprints.


The reincarnation of the Holy King shouted and opened the reincarnation.

On top of his head, the power of the five sources is dominated by his reincarnation, twisted together, and a strange power that is unpredictable but scared, comes to the world.

Suddenly, this distorted force seems to have some sort of sublimation.


The ultimate power of terror suddenly emerged between heaven and earth.

This power is illusory, as if it does not exist, but it affects everything in the heavens and the earth, as the world dominates.

"The breath of the gods"

Many descendants of the gods, at this moment, feel the special breath in this power.

"go with"

Reincarnation of the Holy King lightly spit.


At this time, the half-god team of the two great dynasties was shaken by the **** of heaven.

Many semi-god-strongers have been hit hard by a powerful blood force.

"What power?"

The sky is really gazing.

When he faced that power, his body, blood, and soul seemed to give up resistance and be willing to surrender under this force.

"What kind of power is this?"


The half-god strong of the two great dynasties, like the **** of the gods, are awe-inspiring, as if they would surrender to this power.

"Yunyun flash"

For the first time, Tianqi Zhenshen felt a sense of crisis and immediately applied the god-level footwork.


Tianqi Zhenshen dragged a string of shadows in the void, and instantly moved a long distance.

But when his figure stopped, in front of him, the power of nothingness, the dominance of everything, came to light.

"How can it be?"

The sky is really a shock.

This power is simply destroying time and space, ignoring everything and coming directly to him.


The center of the explosion formed a dominant force that controlled the world, and the horrible energy storm spread.


The explosion center forms a space black hole, which captures all the material and soul energy near the sky and the sky.

"The power of good horror"

"Did you die?"

Many half-god strong, shaking hands, staring at the center of the black hole storm.

At this time, the descendants of the five great gods are all in the same place.

At that moment, they all seem to realize the mysterious power that others can't detect. What is it, and whoever says it, they can only perceive one of them.

However, Zhao Feng was strikingly discovering that at that moment, the mysterious golden ball in his **** space violently trembled, and there seemed to be something in it.


Reincarnation of the Holy King’s double surprise

This mystery wants to perform, it must take the power of three descendants of the gods, so he is also the first to display

Originally, he did not want to publish this secret, but the two dynasties were not the opponents of the gods. If they lost, the life and death of all the strong men here would be controlled by Tianzhen.

Therefore, the reincarnation of the Holy King is also very helpless.

"This power, if it is controlled by me..."

The reincarnation of the Holy King was excited and excited.


Suddenly, the center of the black hole explosion that gradually calmed down, and there was a deafening loud noise.

"You, this is looking for death"

The ravages of the wrath of the gods of the gods are passed down.

The body of the **** of the sky is shining directly.

There was a huge hollow in his whole body, and even the defensive artifacts of the Seven Seas Dragons were broken and dull.


The **** of the sky spurted a black blood.


The broken part of the **** of the gods, slowly creeping, and difficult healing.

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