King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1119: Reincarnation starting point

"Zhao Feng, since Liu Qinyin was saved by you, then you will die."

Reincarnation of the Holy King looks pale.

Although he could not kill Liu Qinyin, the reincarnation of the Holy King was enough to kill Zhao Feng. Then slowly look for Liu Qinyin, the result is still the same.

"Second artifact?"

Zhao Feng looks slightly condensed.

"Hua Shen" is not yet introductory. Zhao Feng is still unable to use the artifact ‘ ancient **** seal, the power, the secondary artifact, Zhao Feng is also only the auxiliary class of the open world.

Therefore, in the face of two powerful kings with attacking artifacts, Zhao Feng is still very taboo.

The platinum beads in the hands of a saint, suddenly a platinum belt, exudes a faint scent of God, rushing to Zhao Feng.

Another holy king immediately waved his blue jade ruler.


There are countless blue and blue whirlpools between the heavens and the earth, as if for a moment, the entire space has become a forbidden land.

In this ocean world of blue whirlpools, Zhao Feng himself was greatly suppressed and his mobility was reduced to the limit.

Originally, Zhao Feng was pregnant with blood and blood, perhaps not to be as embossed by this water.

But Zhao Feng's ice water and ice guns are used to freeze the blood of the gods.


At the crucial moment, Zhao Feng directly released the projection of the small world of wind and thunder, and opposed the surrounding world of the sea.

"Breaking the Sun"

Zhao Feng melted through the wind and Lei Li and Xuan Guang Sheng, hit a huge red gold Leiguang palm.

The thunderous palms bombarded the sea world around them, and suddenly the thunder and light shone, destroying the mystery of the surrounding water.

Subsequently, the wind and thunder world took the opportunity to force, Zhao Feng broke free.

But at the same time, that platinum belt, blasted to Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng fully urged the Shenglei body, cooperated with the small world of wind and thunder, and directly resisted the attack of this artifact.


The platinum band penetrates the protection of the small world of wind and thunder, but the remaining power falls on Zhao Feng, but it is not enough to cause much damage.

"Fortunately, these two saints have no power."

Zhao Feng was lucky in his heart.

Without the power of the gods, the full power of the secondary artifact can not be exerted, so Zhao Feng, who is good at defense, can resist the resistance.

"Continue to attack"

The reincarnation of the Holy King was a little angry and angered.

The two reigns of the Holy King's reincarnation again operated the artifact and attacked Zhao Feng.

But at this time, next to the two holy kings, flashed a ray of light.

"court death"

The two holy kings perceive this strange.

One of the holy kings directly sacrificed the artifacts, preparing to kill the secret thief.


The little thief flies a black awning wave blade and collides with the platinum brilliance.


On the surface of the platinum bead, there was a crack and many small cracks spread.

" is it possible? My secondary artifact"

The holy king looked at the secondary artifact in his hand and suddenly began to scream.

"This is never possible"

In the distance, reincarnation of the great shock of the Holy King, watching this scene incredulously.

How can the legendary artifact artifact be easily destroyed?

Later, the reincarnation of the Holy King looked at the battlefield of the little thief cat and the Vientiane Lord.

Those reincarnations of the mysterious light are not destroyed, but they are all cut into countless small pieces, and the healing is extremely slow.

"Is it... an artifact?"

The reincarnation of the Holy King stared at the black short blade in the hands of the little thief.

At the beginning, the reason why Tianqi Zhenshen can compete with all the strongmen of the two dynasties depends largely on two artifacts, which shows the power and value of the artifact.

"Good, little thief cat"

Zhao Feng cried in surprise.

After such a long period of recovery, the little thief cat finally has the ability to use the artifact in his hand.

However, the thief's cat is not in a realm. When he is close to the Holy King, he is perceived by the other party. Otherwise, it may not be indestructible to the reincarnation, causing fatal wounds or completely destroying the artifact.

Meow meow

The little thief cat scored Zhao Feng, indicating that the power of its recovery has been exhausted, and the artifact can no longer be urging in the near future.

"Okay, go together"

Zhao Feng is full of war, and the thief's full blow has broken Zhao Feng's rigidity.

In addition, even if the little thief does not spur the artifact, the original attribute and sharpness of the artifact are not weaker than the general celestial elite.

"Resolve you first"

Zhao Feng stared at the holy king who was damaged by the defective artifact.

"Saint Ray's Boxing"

Zhao Feng runs the power and hits countless red gold Leiguang holy fists to seal the retreat of this holy king.

At the same time, the little thief cat secretly used the artifact to destroy it.


With one person and one cat, the moment caused a huge blow to this holy king.

Even if he is a reincarnation, the damage caused by the power of thunder and the artifacts is extremely slow.

"The blue waves"

Another holy king immediately mobilized the secondary artifact and attacked Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng runs the earth wind and thunder force, and once again released a powerful lightning gravity field.

This field is combined with the power of the small world projection of the wind and thunder, and it collides with numerous ocean vortices around it.


Zhao Feng waved a sacred palm and easily smashed the shackles of the sacred king.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng cast a record of thunder and fire, with the little thief cat, the famous sacred king was completely killed.

"Hey, you can't die."

In the distance, the reincarnation of the Holy King runs left, releasing a powerful reincarnation.

In front of him, the cycle that was completely killed by Zhao Feng was inexhaustible and slowly gathered.

Reincarnation can recover on its own if it is not completely killed, but once it is completely killed, it needs to reincarnate the Holy King to use a powerful reincarnation to resurrect it.

"I am waiting for you to resurrect him."

Zhao Feng runs the red light of the Holy Light and flies directly to the reincarnation of the Holy King.

The reincarnation of the Holy King has always kept a certain distance from Zhao Feng, and Zhao Feng is still facing the entanglement of the two holy kings, and it is impossible to approach the reincarnation of the Holy King. If it is to be washed away like that, it must be Zhao Feng.

But at this time, Zhao Feng cooperated with the little thief to completely eliminate a reincarnation, and the remaining one is also difficult to pose a threat to Zhao Feng. The reincarnation of the Holy King is showing his martial arts, resurrecting the dead King, and reducing Zhao Feng's defense.

Therefore, Zhao Feng, at an extremely fast speed, got rid of the entanglement of another holy king and forced him to go back to the holy king.

"No, it's in the middle."

The reincarnation of the Holy King was shocked and immediately stopped the resurrection of the Holy King. He turned and fled.

His own fighting power is not strong, and Zhao Feng's soul will be as great as the holy king, and the soul martial arts threaten him greatly.

call out

Zhao Feng catches up and there is a strong soul and thunder in the left.

"Thunder and blame"

In Zhao Yu’s left-handedness, there is a group of thunder and robbery. Each of the thunderbolt marks is filled with a soulful flame, which eventually forms a cluster of crystal purple thundering soul flames.


A twisted thunder robbery brand, like a flame twisted and burned, carrying a terrible soul, bombarded in the head of the reincarnation of the Holy King.


The reincarnation of the Holy King suddenly screamed, feeling the soul is not wanting to live, as if to tear.


The black gold necklace of the reincarnation of the neck of the king, suddenly flashing the quiet light of the sea, quickly helped the reincarnation of the king to withstand the power of this soul.

The next moment, the powerful force of thunderbolt, transferred to the necklace.


Reincarnation of the black gold necklace on the neck of the king, directly bursting open.

"My soul defense secret treasure"

The heart of the reincarnation of the Holy King suddenly jumped.

Even the soul defense secrets of the best of the heavens are directly destroyed. It can be seen that Zhao Feng’s trick of this soul is terrible.

"return starting point"

When the reincarnation of the Holy King escaped, he rushed to launch another reincarnation.

I saw that the rear of the sacred king who was chasing Zhao Feng in the rear did not disappear, and the figure slowly disappeared.

The next moment, in the retreat of the king's left, there was a black figure, and the holy king appeared directly in front of Zhao Feng.

"The reincarnation"

Zhao Feng is speechless.

The ability of this reincarnation is too annoying, not only can control the inexhaustible embarrassment, but these embarrassing still have an immortal body.

Nowadays, the reincarnation shows his other ability to directly recall the embarrassing shackles back into the reincarnation and release them again. This is equivalent to the reincarnation of the reincarnation.

Once Zhao Feng was blocked by the holy king with the second artifact, the reincarnation of the holy king escaped far away.

But at this time, the reincarnation of the Holy King is not the heyday, it is the perfect time for Zhao Feng to kill him. Once he misses this opportunity, even if the reincarnation creates more sacred princes, it is even more difficult for Zhao Feng to kill the reincarnation.

"Never let you escape"

Zhao Feng’s left-handedness suddenly stunned the violent volatility, forming a bottomless purple vortex, reaching a misty, infinitely extending purple abyss.

At the time of the shackles, a taboo force that was imprisoned and withdrawn from the soul was shrouded in the name of the Holy King.

"what is this?"

This holy king feels his own soul, and he seems to be separated from the uncontrollable. His eyes are terrified.

He struggled hard, but he still couldn't get rid of the fate of his soul.

When the rear reincarnation of the Holy King, when he touched Zhao Feng’s left-hander, he felt that his heart was frozen and his soul wanted to drift away.

"Can't hold on"

I saw that this sacred king, a deep blue humanoid soul, slowly separated.

At this time, the thief's cat turned into a silver-gray dotted line, rushing to the holy king, depriving the artifact of his hand.

"Good at all"

Zhao Feng praised a sentence.


The dark blue humanoid soul was pulled out by Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng’s gods’ eyes have undergone a transformation, and their abilities have been enhanced in all aspects. The soul of this holy king is almost the same as Zhao Feng’s, and naturally can’t resist the gaze of Zhao Feng’s god.

Zhao Feng inhaled the soul of this holy king into the left-handed space.

"Oh, it’s stupid."

The reincarnation of the Holy King laughed.

Zhao Feng just saw that he directly recalled the reincarnation. Now he is still wasting his will and extracting the soul of the reincarnation.

"return starting point"

The reincarnation of the Holy King once again performed this technique, and was ready to recall the soul and body of the Holy King.

But the next moment, the reincarnation of the Holy King was stunned.

He found that his own recalled, only the body has no soul.

"Reincarnation of the Holy King, now you are poor."

Zhao Feng could not help but sneer.

He is still very confident about his own space.

Sure enough, the soul that was inhaled into the space of the gods could not be forcibly removed even if it was a reincarnation.

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