King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1120: Final cycle

"How can this be?"

The reincarnation of the Holy King was shocked.

He has lived to this day and has never encountered this situation.

At this moment, there is no reincarnation, and he is protected, how could it be Zhao Feng’s opponent.

If the reincarnation of the Holy King in the heyday, there are several holy kings, great masters, countless other black light powers, and two defective artifacts, even if it is a demigod, it is impossible to kill him.

Moreover, the reincarnation of the Holy King itself has the reincarnation, and his life-saving ability is extremely strong. Otherwise, he has offended so many forces of the two great dynasties, how to live to this day.

At the moment, the reincarnation of the Holy King looks at Zhao Feng, and there is a hint of fear in his heart.

"Zhao Feng, you can't kill me, Liu Qinyin, you saved, the defective artifact is also yours, one more enemy is better than one friend."

The reincarnation of the Holy King looked at Zhao Feng and said with a bite.

Zhao Feng's look is indifferent, and the killing of the reincarnation of the Holy King has never faded.

Deceiving himself is second, and the reincarnation of the Holy King actually concealed Liu Qinyi and wanted to murder him to break through the realm.

This point, Zhao Feng is absolutely intolerable.

Liu Qinyi was not easy to reverse the fate of the gas, get a new life, but almost did not know anything, was reincarnation of the Holy King to kill.

"return starting point"

Reincarnation of the Holy See to see Zhao Feng indifferent, once again cast a reincarnation.

This time, the reincarnation of the Holy King recalled that all the other reincarnations did not die.

The next moment, the reincarnation of the left king of the Holy King, flying a black figure. These reincarnations are as many as seventy or eighty, of which there are more than twenty strong ones in Guangxuanguangjing, and the rest are all virtual gods.

Many of these reincarnations have been suppressed by the thief cat and the Vientiane Lord. They also fought against the earthquake, and scattered around the outside world to perform certain tasks for the reincarnation of the Holy King. .

Among these people, Zhao Feng saw the death emperor, the black shark Lord who assassinated the nine emperors...

"Sinful person"

Zhao Feng looks at the reincarnation of the Holy King.

It is hard to imagine how many strong people have been killed in the reincarnation of the Holy King.

But at the same time, Zhao Feng also raised vigilance.

Although Zhao Feng is not afraid of these little shackles at all, the reincarnation of the Holy King will certainly not do anything meaningless.


The reincarnation of the two kings of the resurrection, releasing a powerful reincarnation, poured into the bodies of these reincarnations.


All the reincarnations did not destroy the body, and the body shape and soul began to collapse, turning into a dark mist, surrounded by Zhao Feng.

"Abominable, these tens of thousands of years of hard work"

Reincarnation of the Holy King is very unbearable.

By showing the reincarnation, when the enemy is restrained, the souls that are imprisoned by him are completely freed.

"Shadow Instant"

Reincarnation of the Holy King to display the secret law of escape, turned into a gray light, disappeared between heaven and earth.

"This power..."

Around Zhao Feng, it was shrouded in a dim fog that was unstoppable.

This dim fog, which isolates everything, binds Zhao Feng's strength, spirit and will.

Breaking the sky

Zhao Feng hit a red light palm, but found his attack, after falling into the dark fog, it disappeared completely.

The next moment, behind Zhao Feng, issued a red palm, and bombarded Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng immediately runs his strength and resists the damage.

"The power of reincarnation does not belong to the soul level, nor to the material level. It is the same as the power of destiny. It is a peculiar power that is difficult to touch in the midst of it."

Zhao Feng looks so heavy.

"Oh, then I will break all the bonds with a strong force."

Zhao Feng will kill the reincarnation of the Holy King today. He will never allow himself to be trapped here.

Zhao Feng raised his right hand and stretched out the purple-blooded fingers. His fingers lingered in the cold.


Zhao Feng untied some of the power of the ice, and slammed a finger.


A long-lost and overbearing **** power, turned into a purple blood shadow column, like a huge incomparable finger, running through everything.

The dim fog around Zhao Feng was instantly dispelled

Zhao Feng had some heartache. Just that blow, he consumed more than 10% of the energy of the god.

"Thunder wing flash"

Zhao Feng instigated the wind and thunder force, turned into a red wind arc, disappeared between heaven and earth.

In the sky, the reincarnation of the Holy King desperately fled.

"There are so many strong people who died in the corpse of God. When I recover, it will take a long time to create more and more powerful reincarnation. At that time, everyone who will be related to Zhao Feng will be all Refining into a reincarnation, let them live forever, never give up..."

Reincarnation of the Holy King feels unprecedented grievances and shame.

As the owner of the descendants of the gods, the sacred king of the mainland, when he was so embarrassed.

In the next moment, I escaped from the reincarnation of the Holy King, which is nearly 100,000 miles away. It looks like a cold, as if it is locked by an invisible spirit.


A red gold arrow, as if from the gap between the space, directly through the reincarnation of the king's body.

"what happened?"

The reincarnation of the Holy King was amazed.


A majestic and arrogant wind and arrogance, crushed him.

"Wind and Thunder"

At the moment when Zhao Feng approached, he showed a little trick.


A group of purple gold Lei Li flames exploded in the head of the reincarnation, and the severe pain caused him to pause for a moment.

"You actually escaped."

The reincarnation of the Holy King was eclipsed.

Zhao Feng actually broke his reincarnation in such a short period of time.

"spiritual stab"

"Fantasy Shock"

Zhao Feng sees his own soul martial arts, has little effect on the reincarnation of the Holy King, directly runs the will of the force, and continuously exerts other soul martial arts.

"Ah... Zhao Feng, you have to spare people and spare people."

The reincarnation of the Holy King was tortured by Zhao Feng’s soul and it was impossible to escape.

However, it is difficult for Zhao Feng’s soul to smother him. With the reincarnation of the reincarnation, as the reincarnation of the reincarnation, the resilience and resilience of the reincarnation of the soul of the Holy King are beyond the scope of the Holy King.

"It's really hard to kill"

Although the reincarnation of the Holy Spirit's soul is not as good as Zhao Feng, who has a spiritual eye, his soul's ability to recover is powerful.

Zhao Feng integrated all the power of the thunderbolt into the left.

"Thunder and blame"

In Zhao Yu’s left-handedness, there is a group of thunder and robbery. Each of the thunderbolt marks is filled with a soulful flame, which eventually forms a cluster of crystal purple thundering soul flames.


A twisted thunder robbery brand, like a flame twisted and burned, carrying a terrible soul, bombarded in the head of the reincarnation of the Holy King.


The reincarnation of the Holy King sent out a scream of pain.

He lost the secret of the soul defense, and suffered the bombing of all the forces of Zhao Feng. Even if he regains the resilience of the invincible body, he can't compete with it.

Completely withstand the ‘thunder robbery, the latter reincarnation of the holy king, the body is broken, the extreme of weakness.

"Zhao Feng, let me go, I am willing to give you the method of combining the power of the gods."

The reincarnation of the Holy King believes that Zhao Feng will not refuse this request.

Today, Zhao Feng has the Vientiane Lord and the shackles of death. As long as he gets the blood of a descendant of the gods, he can use that secret technique.

The terrorist forces that destroy the earth and the earth, no strong people in the mainland can refuse.

Zhao Feng, who has a murderous heart for the reincarnation of the Holy King, is also slightly moving.

"Hey, give me to die"

Zhao Feng looks cold.

Although he really wants to get the secret of the reincarnation of the Holy King.

But he is a principled person, and the person who wants to kill will kill it.


Zhao Feng continuously exerts his soul and martyrdom, and tortures the soul of the reincarnation of the Holy King.

If it is an ordinary person, at this time, Zhao Feng can directly display the gaze of his gods and **** his soul away.

But the opponent is the reincarnation of the Holy King. With the reincarnation, the soul will be strong. If the reincarnation of the Holy Spirit is sucked, the other party directly blew himself up. Even such a distance, even Zhao Feng may fall.

"Ah... let's die."

The face of the reincarnation of the Holy King was distorted, and his reincarnation of the whole body, the soul and the Holy Power, all poured into the reincarnation.


The reincarnation of the Holy King directly detonates the force of compression, in conjunction with the reincarnation.

Between heaven and earth, the horrible righteous energy swept through, the world was shaken, and the mountains and rivers burst.

call out

Zhao Feng had precautions, and he used the thunderstorm to escape the explosion.

"Hey, where do you want to escape?"

Zhao Feng’s **** eye, locked in an object, went straight.

Zhao Feng had already noticed that the reincarnation of the Holy King only detonated one of the eyelids.

The cycle of reincarnation is divided into the cycle of birth and the cycle of death, and the detonation is the eye of the cycle of death. However, the eyes of the reincarnation of life are at the crucial moment, carrying the part of the soul of the reincarnation of the Holy Spirit, and fleeing out.

Zhao Feng took out the lock bow and continually dialed several arrows.


Between the red gold and the wind, there is a force of soul running through the dark soul.

"Zhao Feng, I admit that you are strong, but you can't kill me."

Reincarnation of the Holy King saw Zhao Feng has caught up, suddenly said madly.

"Wheel reincarnation"

The reincarnation of the Holy Spirit's soul will flow into the eyes of the reincarnation of life.

Reincarnation of the Holy King hates and regrets, he hates Zhao Feng to force him to such a ruin, and regrets that he should not provoke Zhao Feng.

Now, he is the last secret of the revival of his life, he will lose everything, come back again, and reincarnate.

"You sinner, you still want to be born again."

Zhao Feng is approaching directly, running the willpower.

"God gaze"

In the left corner of Zhao Feng, a purple vortex with a bottomless bottom is extended, and a purple mist surrounds the endless magical maze.

At this time, the reincarnation of the Holy King, only the weak and broken soul will, even if he blew himself, can not produce much power, so Zhao Feng directly cast the gods gaze.

In addition, Zhao Feng’s gaze at this time is combined with the illusion of the illusion of the illusion, and the ability to confuse and control is stronger.

"Do not"

The reincarnation of the Holy Spirit’s soul will just enter the cycle of life and lose its resistance.

The ring of life returned to the eye, and Zhao Feng inhaled the left space.

And the reincarnation of the Holy King's broken and weak soul will, in the critical moment of rebirth, lost contact with the reincarnation of life, and ultimately lost again, was destroyed by a natural reincarnation rule.

"so close"

Zhao Feng is somewhat fortunate.

If he had a slower point, or the power of the god's gaze was weak, the reincarnation of the Holy King might be reincarnation.

Fortunately, the reincarnation of the Holy King was completely eliminated, and the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the students was obtained.

But at this moment, Zhao Feng’s thoughts were fretting, he noticed what he was looking at and looked at the far rear.

I saw that the far side of the sky stood a beautiful woman, such as a lotus-like woman in a landscape painting.

"You killed my master"

Liu Qinyin’s face was sluggish, and the mist was flowing in the clear water, with a trace of sadness and helplessness.

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