King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1133: Return to Qinghua Domain

Above the void, Mi Tianjin suddenly flashed countless white crystals of lightning, exuding a strong devastating thunder.

"Thunder and blame"

Zhao Feng released all the power of the thunder.


A twisted thunder was bombarded on the soul level of the dead black dragon, and it was devastated.


The eternal black dragon feels the soul level, as if it came to the thunder and lightning world, suffering from the Thunder.


After performing a devastating scorpion attack, the sky in the sky disappeared, and Zhao Feng’s eyes returned to normal.

"Not dead yet"

Zhao Feng’s heart was so fierce.

The vitality of the black dragon was destroyed and Zhao Feng was shocked.

Today, Zhao Feng finally understands that the ancient **** of evil spirits, why is the seal of the death of the black dragon, because he can not kill this black dragon.

After all, this dragon has a thin bloodline of the dragons.

Although Black Dragon is now in a big downturn, Zhao Feng still wants to kill him, but it is still very difficult.

call out

Zhao Feng is close to the distance of the black dragon.

"Fantasy Zone"

Zhao Feng’s left-handed singer exudes an amazing willpower and evolves into an endless world of purple gold maze, exuding a deadly attraction.

The eternal black dragon has just woke up from the pain of the thunderbolt, and his spiritual consciousness was attracted by Zhao Feng’s left-handedness and fell into another fantasy world.

However, after a while, the black dragons of the world will show a bit of struggle.

Moreover, the scars on the body of the black dragon have been completely restored.

Even the almost ruined source of destruction in his body was repaired by himself.

“It’s not a smashing dragon”

Zhao Feng could not help but marvel.

The physique of the dying black dragon is several times stronger than the sacred body of Zhao Feng.

"Zhao Feng..."

At this time, the extinction of the black dragon is difficult.

"Your power will and the power of thunderbolt are running out, you can't kill me."

The annihilation of the black scorpion dragon noticed the change of Zhao Feng’s will, and he was proud of it.

Zhao Feng looked dull and did not speak.

However, the death of the black dragon is indeed true.

Today, Zhao Feng’s thunderbolt power is exhausted, and there is little left in the will.

The use of the celestial scorpion is very expensive for the will of the Philip, and Zhao Feng has also performed two sacred sacred sacs. In the state of the heavens, he exerts a variety of attacking techniques, and even launches the gaze for a long time.

In addition, Shen Li Zhao Feng is also exhausted.

Although the extinction of the black dragon at this time has been very weak, but Zhao Feng wants to kill him, it is still very difficult.

"Can't kill you, but you can't escape."

Zhao Feng looks cold.

The death of the black dragon and the dragon suddenly sink.

He used too much power to destroy the source, coupled with the fragmentation of the source space, lost many of the power to destroy the source. Nowadays, the black dragons of the world are used, and at most they use this power to stabilize their strength in the king's standard.

Once you stop using the power to destroy the source, the realm of the black dragon will drop directly.


Behind Zhao Feng, there is a mist of purple gold phantom, which is integrated into the whole world.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng and the extinction black dragon are in the center of a purple gold maze.

"In your current state, it is impossible to escape."

Zhao Feng said lightly.

The soul of the eternal black dragon has suffered many times from Zhao Feng, and it is very weak at this time. Only Zhao Feng’s willpower has been exhausted, and he can only rely on the projection power of the small world.

"Go together"

Zhao Feng shouted.

Suddenly, the little thief cat and Zhao Wan came.

"Jin Rui's Sword"

"The Blade of Swiftness"

Zhao Wan urged the shackles of Vientiane and constantly destroyed the body of the black dragon.

At the same time, the little thief cat also uses the artifact in this hand to cut the body of the black dragon.

Although it does not ignite the artifact, the inherent sharpness of the artifact can still cause great damage.


Under the power of the projection of the small world of the fantasy city, the spiritual consciousness of the annihilation of the black dragon was greatly blinded, and only the part of the passive beating.

"Breaking the Sun"

Zhao Feng melted the power of the wind and the thunder and thunder, hitting a huge Jin Lei red palm.


The body of the dying black dragon is broken again in the crowds of the people.

The attack of the Holy Lord, through the material soul, still has some damage to the soul of the black dragon.

"Damn, I..."

Desperate black dragons want to cry without tears.

He now wants to blew himself up, but now, the Van Gogh ancient temple and Bai Lin are separated from his source space. Zhao Feng can also quickly escape his range of self-explosion.

In other words, if he blew himself up now, it would be suicide, and it would not have any impact.

Just at the moment.

Around the void, a layer of colored light curtains appeared in the crowd.

"This is, Vientiane space?"

The demise of the black dragon was amazed.

A force that cannot be violated is pervasive.

In an instant, in the entire space, there is an endless stream of earthy meanings, and the annihilation of the black dragon is completely suppressed.

The essence of this land is deep into every minute, so that the black dragon can not move.

However, Zhao Feng and others, in this space, are freedom of movement.


Zhao Feng runs the earth's wind and thunder force, releasing a force and gravity field, and cooperating with the surrounding earth's meaning, forming a stronger gravity suppression on the extinction black dragon.

Meow ~

A small golden dragon snake whip appears in the hand of the little thief cat, and the black dragon is entangled.

A while of numbness attacked the black dragon, and he also felt his power and was captured a little.

"Zhao Feng, what are you going to do..."

The dying black dragon has a bad feeling.

He can see that all of this is Zhao Feng’s premeditated plan.


The little thief has a mouth, and the silkworm fairy butterfly also appears in this space.

The silkworm sinensis hurriedly released the silkworm silkworm and the colorful dream pollen, and once again formed a suppression and imprisonment for the annihilation of the black dragon.


The extinction of the black dragon is full of soft and weak, true blood, faintly out of control.

"Destroy the black dragon, I just missed a flying mount"

Zhao Feng said with a smile.

The annihilating black dragon listened to Zhao Feng’s words, and he wanted to spurt blood. But at this time, even the thought of a rebellious struggle is difficult to operate.


The silkworm silk butterfly falls on the top of the dead black dragon, and it constantly releases the colorful dream pollen.

"Well, now is the time when the power of the black dragon is the weakest and the resistance is the lowest."

Zhao Feng’s face was shocked and he suddenly swayed his left.


A space of water and water, floating around the body of the black dragon.

In the next moment, the black dragon was destroyed by Zhao Feng.

"Since it is impossible to kill the black dragon, it is better to squeeze the value of him."

Zhao Feng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this time, Zhao Feng is very expensive, and his willpower is weak. He has no ability to do anything about the annihilation of the black dragon in the space of the gods. He can only temporarily put him on.


All the visions of the heavens and the earth are slowly disappearing and returning to normal.

At this time, Zhao Feng’s gaze gaze above the ancient hall of the Van Gogh.

"Qin, sorry, I am late."

Zhao Feng apologized to Liu Qinyin.

After all, Black Dragon came to Liu Qinyin, also because of Zhao Feng's sake.

call out

Subsequently, Zhao Feng took the Van Gogh Ancient Sound Hall and rushed to the Tianqin domain.

The arrival of Zhao Feng caused another shock in the Tianqin domain.

The strongest of the entire Tianqin domain, all of them trembled in the trenches, fearing that the strong man would be displeased.

"The Lord of the Tianqin Palace, I am here to return to the ancient hall of the Van Gogh."

Zhao Feng descended directly to the Tianqin Holy Palace.

"Thank you for your predecessors, who took back the inheritance of the palace from the hands of the aliens. Such kindness, the Tianqin Holy Palace has no report..."

The main hall of the Tianqin Palace was shocked.

She could not imagine how the man recaptured the Van Gogh ancient temple from the huge black dragon.

However, she is more curious, why Zhao Feng wants to help the Tianqin Holy Palace to recapture this thing.

"Dare to ask the predecessors, is it the name of the left-handed Tianjun who was shocked by the sea?"

At this moment, Li Xueyi was so heartbroken and gave a small vibrato.

Although the appearance of this man is different from that of Zhao Feng, she feels that the dress and temperament of this person is very similar to that of Zhao Feng.


The entire Tianqin Holy Palace was suddenly terrible.

The main face of the Tianqin Palace is abrupt, ready to explain.

"it's me"

Zhao Feng directly replied.

Hearing Zhao Feng’s answer, the master of the Tianqin Palace and Li Xueyi, a shocked mind, still can’t believe it.

They can't imagine that Zhao Feng, who was only the king's realm, has grown to the point where even the Xuanguang Lord is his servant, and the horrible black dragon is still in his hands.


Zhao Feng put the ancient hall of the Van Gogh back to its original place.

Later, Zhao Feng took out some treasures of the treasures that made the Xuanguang Lord mad, and gave them to the Tianqin Palace.

After all, Zhao Feng met Liu Qinyu with the help of the Tianqin Palace. The death emperor was also brought here by Zhao Feng, which brought a devastating disaster to the entire Tianqin Holy Palace and also killed the monarch of the palace.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng said goodbye to the Tianqin Holy Palace and was ready to leave.

"Since I have already arrived here, I will go back to Qinghua Domain."

Zhao Feng’s gaze looks far away, and there is a trace of nostalgia in the middle.

At this moment, the entrance of the Paladin's ancient temple was slowly opened, and a beautiful woman was like a fairy in white.

"I will go back with you"

Liu Qinyin said faintly.

"Go, go."

Zhao Feng looked a little stunned and immediately showed a smile.

Liu Qinyin returned to the Van Gogh Ancient Sound Hall, and she must have experienced something. At this time, she was free to enter and exit the Van Gogh Ancient Sound Hall, perhaps the Van Gogh Ancient Sound Hall, which recognized the existence of Liu Qinyin.

For the Van Gogh ancient sound hall, Zhao Feng had some contacts, but even at this time, he could not see through this ancient temple.

A month later, Zhao Feng and Liu Qinyin came to the ancient Qinghai Islands.


The two ignored all resistance and went directly to the Qinghua area.

At this time, the mainland of Qinghua, a ruthless red black ancient temple.

In a ghostly surrounding secret hall, there is a gloomy skeleton, and the dark and gold-studded skeletons exude an amazing ghostly atmosphere.

At some point, in his eyelids, he suddenly jumped into two groups of radiant flames.

"He is back"

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