King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1134: respectively

"Here is the western continent of Qinghua, and your hometown is a big country in the northern continent."

Zhao Feng said to Liu Jinyin, who was a little bit stunned.

Later, when the two spent an hour, they leapt from the western continent to the northern continent and came to the great country of the canopy.

At this time, Liu Qinyin’s clear flashes flashed, as if he had found a familiar familiarity.

"I use the power of the illusion to change your appearance. You use the identity of liuqin, live in her former hometown for a while..."

After that, Zhao Feng’s left-handedness filled with an invisible spiritual fog, shrouded in Liu Qinyin.

As a result, anyone who saw Liu Qinyin saw what it was like Liu Qinqian.

Zhao Feng is also like this. Anyone who sees him sees Zhao Feng, who used to look like that.

"Peak, I am leaving first."

After Liu Qinyin finished the sentence, he floated away.

Zhao Fengzhen was in the same place. At that moment, the person standing in front of him seemed to be Liu Qinqian.

"This may be the last time I stood in the Qinghua area."

Zhao Feng was very emotional.

After many years, he was still struggling in this land, and he was already the strongest at the top of the entire mainland.

This time, Zhao Feng returned to Qinghua mainland, nothing else, just to see where he once lived and struggled, accompanied by his parents, see a teacher. Let his heart of struggle that never stops, take a short break.

After the separation from Liu Qinyin, Zhao Feng first came to the iron and blood.

"Zhao Feng"

The Hong teacher was pleasantly surprised to see a figure in front of him.

Last time, Zhao Feng returned to the homeland and changed the fate of the entire Qinghua mainland.

The ancestral masters compiled the Red Moon Demon, established the Red Moon Temple, and became the ruling power of the Qinghua domain.

No one knows that the strongest person in the mainland of China is only a servant of Zhao Feng.

This time, the Hongzhi masters Zhao Feng, completely unable to feel the depth of Zhao Feng, it is like ordinary warriors. However, the Hongjiao masters are sure that Zhao Feng at this time may have reached a state beyond his imagination.

Later, Timo also rushed to the place, and the three people talked without a word, talking day and night.

On the second day, Zhao Feng left the Iron and Blood Society and went to Hengyun.

Along the way, Zhao Feng's spiritual knowledge is integrated into the bottom, and occasionally he can meet Zhao Feng's slightly familiar face.

After the Honghu Lake, Zhao Feng also saw Liu Yuan, Liu Tingyu, and Master Tiegan.

At this time, in the Honghu City, the city owner Liu Jiutian was full of red light and tears.

After a few decades, he finally saw his daughter. He also knew all this. It should be Zhao Feng’s credit.

In the quiet lake of Biye, the father and the daughter sit quietly in the central pavilion.

Liuqin sounds with a chuckle, with the memory of the dreams, and Liu Jiutian chat about Liu Qinqian after going to the Tianqin heritage.

At some point, Liu Qinyin looked up and glanced over the sky.

call out

Zhao Feng’s figure has disappeared.

Not long after, Zhao Feng came to Xiangyun State in the 13 countries of Hengyun.

On the top of Tianyue Mountain, Zhao Feng stood in the wind, and when he read it, he learned about the situation of Xiaoyuezong.

At the same time, a long-lost childhood memory appeared in Zhao Feng’s mind. As if the moment before, he is still struggling with Xiaoyuezong.


Zhao Feng directly descended to Xiaoxiaozong.

"Zhao Shidi"

Lin Fan, who is preparing to deal with the affairs, found Zhao Feng's figure.

"Lin Shi brother"

Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

Lin Fan, the first person in the former Xiaoyue ancestors, after entering the inner door, the two took care of each other and survived together.

"After many years, you are back."

Lin Fan reveals a color of recollection.

"You go first..."

Lin Fan sent away some disciples and elders.

Later, Lin Fan and Zhao Feng walked in the Xiaoyue Zongzhong, but when they met the former teachers and friends, Zhao Feng would take the initiative to talk about it.

Finally, Zhao Feng came to the residence of the elders.

Zhao Feng originally thought that the helper would reunite the broken arm.

But the elders refused.

"This ‘the dark light wheel is used by the teacher, and it’s quite easy.”

The elders smiled.

After bidding farewell to the elders, Zhao Feng returned to his parents.

This time, Zhao Feng lived next to his parents, accompanied them, enjoying a daily meal and enjoying a warm family.

A month later, Zhao Feng left here.

Zhao Feng’s figure flashed to a place in Tianzhu.

In front of him, there is a gold and silver intertwined monk.

Today's ancestral lord is the lord of the Red Army Hall, the first force in the mainland, annihilating the mainland hero of the Red Moon Demon, and the legendary figure of Megatron throughout Qinghua.


The priest was slightly restrained and respectful.

At this time, Zhao Feng gave him the feeling, just like ordinary people.

But the more it is, the more shocked the lord is.

With his understanding of Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng at this time, I am afraid that it has broken through the black light and reached the level of the Lord.

The sacred light of the Lord, which is placed in the entire sea, is a peerless power, the legendary figure, the power of the Samsung forces.

"You have regained your freedom, no need to call my master again"

Zhao Feng said lightly.

When he left the ancestral hall in the Qinghua area, Zhao Feng once said that he would guard the Qinghua domain and give him freedom.


The main hall of the temple is filled with joy.

Zhao Feng’s sentence is also equivalent to recognizing his actions in the Qinghua domain.

"Qinghua domain, still handed it to you"

Zhao Feng walked to the side of the ancestral hall and patted him on the shoulder.

Zhao Feng’s figure disappeared directly between the heavens and the earth, and the senses of the lord’s lord could not capture a trace.

"Sure enough, he is already strong enough to be beyond my imagination..."

The priest was shocked, and now he is very fortunate that he followed Zhao Feng.

“Hey? My bottleneck for many years”

The main face of the temple was shocked.

Originally, he was trapped in a virtual state for many years and could not break through.

A large part of the reason is that the natural world of Qinghua is too thin, and the other is his own root problem.

But at this time, the priest found that the crystal nucleus in his body was quietly changing, as if he wanted to break through the virtual state.

On a certain day, in the Red Moon Temple of Qinghua, there was a vain and vain power, a grand and majestic momentum, and turbulence.

Qinghua mainland, the same day.

Since then, the Red Moon Hall has entered the threshold of the two-star power.

But only the lord who is the king of the virtual **** knows that all this is because Zhao Feng is a light shot.

Honghu City.

Liu Qinyin and the city owner Liu Jiutai’s disappointment.

Looking at the back of Zhao Feng and her daughter, Liu Jiutian’s heart was filled with a smile.

"It seems that my daughter has found her true child..."

It’s a lot easier to return to the mainland.

Zhao Feng uses the spatial coordinates left by the fascinating world to transmit all the way.

On this day, Zhao Feng and Liu Qinyin came to the Tianqin domain.

"Peak, goodbye"

Liu Qinyin showed a long-lost smile on Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng looks a little dim.

On the way, Liu Qinyin said her plan, she wants to stay in the ancient hall of the Van Gogh.

Zhao Feng knows the magical mystery of the ancient hall of the Van Gogh, and Liu Qinyin seems to have some connection with the ancient hall of the Van Gogh. For Liu Qinyin, it is indeed an excellent and safe place to practice.

But in Zhao Feng’s view, this may not be goodbye in this life.

After all, Zhao Feng’s current goal is to be a heavenly god, to enter the wild realm, to see everything in the ancient myth.

In addition, Zhao Feng did not ask about Bai Lin.

Zhao Feng’s realm has reached this level, and Bai Lin’s influence on him is getting smaller and smaller.

On the other hand, Zhao Feng guessed that the Van Gogh ancient sound temple or Liu Qinyin had a place to use Bailin.

Zhao Feng’s figure gradually faded in a shadow of silver and finally disappeared.

"Peak, sorry, can't stay with you"

Liu Qinyin looked a little sad and sighed.

"However, we will meet again..."


Liu Qinyin flew directly to the forbidden place of the Tianqin Palace, and the entire Tianqin Palace was unblocked.

At the moment of entering the ancient hall of the Van Gogh, Liu Qinyin appeared directly on the forty-ninth floor.

In the middle of the center, Bai Lin was bound by a strange and irreversible force.

"what are you going to do?"

Bai Lin’s fate has completely failed, which makes her always in fear.


The entire ring-shaped circular temple suddenly runs.

The vast sky above the temple seems to have life, and countless stars, big and small, seem to have some sort of mystery, numerology, and movement.

At some point, above the vast stars, there is a strong ultimate power.

"This breath..."

Bai Lin’s body under the stars shivered and his face was unbelievable.

Gradually, the stars in the sky gathered together to form a starry picture, just like one, eyelids

One day, Zhao Feng returned to the main hall.

Before leaving here, there was no difference. After all, Zhao Feng left the lord's house and only told Bi Qingyue.

Zhao Yufei, Nangong Sheng and Kunyun are still in retreat.

"It seems that the opportunity of Yu Fei in the corpse is extraordinary."

Zhao Feng whispered softly and looked at Zhao Yufei's retreat.

I saw that the surrounding of a huge palace pavilion surrounded by layers of ice crystal purple, exuding a thrilling horror.

"Master, the medicinal herbs have been used up, and the five disciples of the Iron Family, all awakened the perfect blood and blood of the blood."

When Zhao Feng came back, Bi Qingyue sensed it and directly gave Zhao Feng a voice.

"Okay, send them back to the Iron House."

Zhao Feng directly told him.

These five iron family disciples are carefully selected by the iron family. Whether it is strength, talent, blood, or potential, they are among the many disciples of the iron family.

After nothing else, Zhao Feng entered the forbidden area.

Zhao Feng’s consciousness sinks into the space of the gods.

"Zhao Feng"

The annihilation of the black dragon in the space of the gods was completely suppressed, and nothing could be done. Even the self-healing ability of the dragons was restricted.

Zhao Feng said nothing, first come a soul attack, weaken the soul consciousness of the black dragon.

"Be my servant, you can live, and you may even return to the peak strength."

Zhao Feng persuaded the death of the black dragon.

Zhao Feng condensed a trace of the thunder and lightning, and imprinted to the soul of the black dragon.

However, the death of the black dragon does not match, his soul will be strong and strong, stick to the soul, and resist.

"I want to succumb to you, idiots say dreams"

(Tonight's guest at home, only one more, please take half a day off. In addition, the book enters the final stage, and ends in about two months)

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